import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents import 1.0 MobileComponents.Page { GridLayout { columns: 2 width: parent.width - MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit anchors { fill: parent margins: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2 } MobileComponents.Heading { text: "About" Layout.bottomMargin: MobileComponents.Units.largeSpacing / 2 Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft } Image { source:"qrc:/qml/subsurface-mobile-icon.png" } MobileComponents.Heading { text: "A mobile version of Subsurface divelog software.\nView your dive logs while on the go." level: 3 Layout.topMargin: MobileComponents.Units.largeSpacing Layout.bottomMargin: MobileComponents.Units.largeSpacing / 2 Layout.columnSpan: 2 } MobileComponents.Label { text: "Version: " + manager.getVersion() } MobileComponents.Heading { text: "\n\n© Subsurface developer team, 2016" level: 3 Layout.topMargin: MobileComponents.Units.largeSpacing Layout.bottomMargin: MobileComponents.Units.largeSpacing / 2 Layout.columnSpan: 2 } Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } } }