import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import 1.0 import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents MobileComponents.Page { id: diveDetailsWindow width: parent.width objectName: "DiveDetails" property string location property string gps property string depth property string dive_id property string diveNumber property string duration property string airtemp property string watertemp property string suit property int rating property string buddy property string divemaster; property string notes; property string date property string number property string weight state: "view" states: [ State { name: "view" PropertyChanges { target: detailsView; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: detailsEdit; opacity: 0 } }, State { name: "edit" PropertyChanges { target: detailsView; opacity: 0 } PropertyChanges { target: detailsEdit; opacity: 1 } } ] property list<Action> viewActions: [ Action { id: editSelector text: "Edit" iconName: "document-edit" onTriggered: { diveDetailsWindow.state = "edit" contextDrawer.close() } } ] property list<Action> editActions: [ Action { id: cancelSelector text: "Cancel" iconName: "dialog-cancel" onTriggered: { // reset the fields in the edit screen detailsEdit.dateText = date detailsEdit.locationText = location detailsEdit.durationText = duration detailsEdit.depthText = depth detailsEdit.airtempText = airtemp detailsEdit.watertempText = watertemp detailsEdit.suitText = suit detailsEdit.buddyText = buddy detailsEdit.divemasterText = divemaster detailsEdit.notesText = notes // back to view state and close the drawer diveDetailsWindow.state = "view" contextDrawer.close() } }, Action { id: saveSelector text: "Save" iconName: "document-save" onTriggered: { // apply the changes to the dive_table manager.commitChanges(dive_id, detailsEdit.dateText, detailsEdit.locationText, detailsEdit.gpsText, detailsEdit.durationText, detailsEdit.depthText, detailsEdit.airtempText, detailsEdit.watertempText, detailsEdit.suitText, detailsEdit.buddyText, detailsEdit.divemasterText, detailsEdit.notesText) // apply the changes to the dive detail view date = detailsEdit.dateText location = detailsEdit.locationText duration = detailsEdit.durationText depth = detailsEdit.depthText airtemp = detailsEdit.airtempText watertemp = detailsEdit.watertempText suit = detailsEdit.suitText buddy = detailsEdit.buddyText divemaster = detailsEdit.divemasterText notes = detailsEdit.notesText // back to view state and close the drawer diveDetailsWindow.state = "view" contextDrawer.close() } } ] contextualActions: diveDetailsWindow.state === "view" ? viewActions : editActions ScrollView { anchors.fill: parent Flickable { id: flick anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: content.height interactive: contentHeight > height clip: true Item { id: content width: flick.width height: childrenRect.height + MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing * 2 DiveDetailsEdit { id: detailsEdit anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: margins: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2 } visible: opacity > 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: MobileComponents.Units.shortDuration } } } DiveDetailsView { id: detailsView anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: margins: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2 } visible: opacity > 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: MobileComponents.Units.shortDuration } } } } } } }