import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import 1.0 import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents MobileComponents.ApplicationWindow { id: rootItem title: qsTr("Subsurface mobile") property bool fullscreen: true FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics } visible: true globalDrawer: MobileComponents.GlobalDrawer{ title: "Subsurface" titleIcon: "qrc:/qml/subsurface-mobile-icon.png" bannerImageSource: "dive.jpg" actions: [ Action { text: "Preferences" onTriggered: { stackView.push(prefsWindow) } }, Action { text: "Cloud login credentials" onTriggered: { stackView.push(cloudCredWindow) } }, Action { text: "Load dives from cloud" onTriggered: { manager.loadDives(); } }, Action { text: "Download dives from dive computer" onTriggered: { stackView.push(downloadDivesWindow) } }, Action { text: "Add dive" onTriggered: { manager.addDive(); stackView.push(detailsWindow) } }, Action { text: "Save changes" onTriggered: { manager.saveChanges(); } }, MobileComponents.ActionGroup { text: "GPS" Action { text: "Apply GPS data to dives" onTriggered: { manager.applyGpsData(); } } Action { text: "Send GPS data to server" onTriggered: { manager.sendGpsData(); } } Action { text: "Clear stored GPS data" onTriggered: { manager.clearGpsData(); } } }, Action { text: "View log" onTriggered: { stackView.push(logWindow) } }, Action { text: "Theme information" onTriggered: { stackView.push(themetest) } } ] MouseArea { height: childrenRect.height width: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit * 10 CheckBox { //text: "Run location service" id: locationCheckbox anchors { left: parent.left top: } checked: manager.locationServiceEnabled onCheckedChanged: { manager.locationServiceEnabled = checked; } } MobileComponents.Label { x: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit * 1.5 anchors { left: locationCheckbox.right //leftMargin: units.smallSpacing verticalCenter: locationCheckbox.verticalCenter } text: "Run location service" } onClicked: { print("Click.") locationCheckbox.checked = !locationCheckbox.checked } } } QtObject { id: subsurfaceTheme property int titlePointSize: Math.round(fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 1.5) property int smallPointSize: Math.round(fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 0.8) property color accentColor: "#2d5b9a" property color accentTextColor: "#ececec" } toolBar: TopBar { width: parent.width height: Layout.minimumHeight } property Item stackView: pageStack initialPage: DiveList { anchors.fill: detailsPage id: diveDetails } QMLManager { id: manager } Preferences { id: prefsWindow visible: false } CloudCredentials { id: cloudCredWindow visible: false } DiveDetails { id: detailsWindow visible: false } DownloadFromDiveComputer { id: downloadDivesWindow visible: false } Log { id: logWindow visible: false } ThemeTest { id: themetest visible: false } Component.onCompleted: { print("MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit is: " + MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit); manager.finishSetup(); } }