import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import 1.0 import "qrc:/qml/theme" as Theme ApplicationWindow { title: qsTr("Subsurface mobile") property bool fullscreen: true property alias messageText: message.text visible: true Theme.Units { id: units property int titlePointSize: Math.round(fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 1.5) property int smallPointSize: Math.round(fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 0.7) } Theme.Theme { id: theme /* Added for subsurface */ property color accentColor: "#2d5b9a" property color accentTextColor: "#ececec" } Menu { id: prefsMenu title: "Menu" MenuItem { text: "Preferences" onTriggered: { stackView.push(prefsWindow) } } MenuItem { text: "Load Dives" onTriggered: { manager.loadDives(); } } MenuItem { text: "Download Dives" onTriggered: { stackView.push(downloadDivesWindow) } } MenuItem { text: "Add Dive" onTriggered: { manager.addDive(); stackView.push(detailsWindow) } } MenuItem { text: "Save Changes" onTriggered: { manager.saveChanges(); } } MenuItem { text: "Run location service" checkable: true checked: manager.locationServiceEnabled onToggled: { manager.locationServiceEnabled = checked; } } MenuItem { text: "Apply GPS data to dives" onTriggered: { manager.applyGpsData(); } } MenuItem { text: "Send GPS data to server" onTriggered: { manager.sendGpsData(); } } MenuItem { text: "Clear stored GPS data" onTriggered: { manager.clearGpsData(); } } MenuItem { text: "View Log" onTriggered: { stackView.push(logWindow) } } MenuItem { text: "Theme Information" onTriggered: { stackView.push(themetest) } } } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent TopBar { } StackView { id: stackView Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width Layout.fillHeight: true focus: true Keys.onReleased: if (event.key == Qt.Key_Back && stackView.depth > 1) { stackView.pop() event.accepted = true; } initialItem: Item { width: parent.width height: parent.height ColumnLayout { id: awLayout anchors.fill: parent spacing: units.gridUnit / 2 Rectangle { id: detailsPage Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true DiveList { anchors.fill: detailsPage id: diveDetails color: theme.backgroundColor } } Rectangle { id: messageArea height: childrenRect.height Layout.fillWidth: true color: theme.backgroundColor Text { id: message color: theme.textColor wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere styleColor: theme.textColor font.pointSize: units.smallPointSize } } } } } } QMLManager { id: manager } Preferences { id: prefsWindow visible: false } DiveDetails { id: detailsWindow visible: false } DownloadFromDiveComputer { id: downloadDivesWindow visible: false } Log { id: logWindow visible: false } ThemeTest { id: themetest visible: false } Component.onCompleted: { print("units.gridUnit is: " + units.gridUnit); } }