#include "qmlmanager.h" #include <QUrl> #include <QSettings> #include <QDebug> #include <QNetworkAccessManager> #include <QAuthenticator> #include <QDesktopServices> #include <QTextDocument> #include "qt-models/divelistmodel.h" #include <gpslistmodel.h> #include "divelist.h" #include "device.h" #include "pref.h" #include "qthelper.h" #include "qt-gui.h" #include "git-access.h" #include "subsurface-core/cloudstorage.h" QMLManager *QMLManager::m_instance = NULL; static void appendTextToLogStandalone(const char *text) { QMLManager *self = QMLManager::instance(); if (self) self->appendTextToLog(QString(text)); } extern "C" int gitProgressCB(int percent) { static int lastPercent = -10; if (percent - lastPercent >= 10) { lastPercent += 10; QMLManager *self = QMLManager::instance(); if (self) self->loadDiveProgress(percent); } // return 0 so that we don't end the download return 0; } QMLManager::QMLManager() : m_locationServiceEnabled(false), m_verboseEnabled(false), m_loadFromCloud(false), reply(0) { m_instance = this; appendTextToLog(getUserAgent()); appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("build with Qt Version %1, runtime from Qt Version %2").arg(QT_VERSION_STR).arg(qVersion())); qDebug() << "Starting" << getUserAgent(); qDebug() << QStringLiteral("build with Qt Version %1, runtime from Qt Version %2").arg(QT_VERSION_STR).arg(qVersion()); m_startPageText = tr("Searching for dive data"); // create location manager service locationProvider = new GpsLocation(&appendTextToLogStandalone, this); set_git_update_cb(&gitProgressCB); QSettings s; if (s.contains("setLoadFromCloud") && s.value("setLoadFromCloud").toInt() == 1) setLoadFromCloud(true); } void QMLManager::finishSetup() { // Initialize cloud credentials. setCloudUserName(prefs.cloud_storage_email); setCloudPassword(prefs.cloud_storage_password); setSaveCloudPassword(prefs.save_password_local); // if the cloud credentials are valid, we should get the GPS Webservice ID as well QString url; if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, "") && !same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, "") && getCloudURL(url) == 0) { clear_dive_file_data(); QByteArray fileNamePrt = QFile::encodeName(url); prefs.git_local_only = true; int error = parse_file(fileNamePrt.data()); prefs.git_local_only = false; if (error) { appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("loading dives from cache failed %1").arg(error)); } else { prefs.unit_system = informational_prefs.unit_system; if (informational_prefs.unit_system == IMPERIAL) informational_prefs.units = IMPERIAL_units; prefs.units = informational_prefs.units; int i; struct dive *d; process_dives(false, false); DiveListModel::instance()->clear(); for_each_dive (i, d) { DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(d); } appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("%1 dives loaded from cache").arg(i)); } appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("have cloud credentials, trying to connect")); tryRetrieveDataFromBackend(); } else { appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("no cloud credentials, tell user no dives found")); setStartPageText(tr("No recorded dives found. You can download your dives to this device from the Subsurface cloud storage service, from your dive computer, or add them manually.")); } setDistanceThreshold(prefs.distance_threshold); setTimeThreshold(prefs.time_threshold / 60); } QMLManager::~QMLManager() { m_instance = NULL; } QMLManager *QMLManager::instance() { return m_instance; } void QMLManager::savePreferences() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup("LocationService"); s.setValue("time_threshold", timeThreshold() * 60); prefs.time_threshold = timeThreshold() * 60; s.setValue("distance_threshold", distanceThreshold()); prefs.distance_threshold = distanceThreshold(); s.sync(); } #define CLOUDURL QString(prefs.cloud_base_url) #define CLOUDREDIRECTURL CLOUDURL + "/cgi-bin/redirect.pl" void QMLManager::saveCloudCredentials() { QSettings s; bool cloudCredentialsChanged = false; s.beginGroup("CloudStorage"); s.setValue("email", cloudUserName()); s.setValue("save_password_local", saveCloudPassword()); if (saveCloudPassword()) s.setValue("password", cloudPassword()); s.sync(); if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, qPrintable(cloudUserName()))) { free(prefs.cloud_storage_email); prefs.cloud_storage_email = strdup(qPrintable(cloudUserName())); cloudCredentialsChanged = true; } if (saveCloudPassword() != prefs.save_password_local) prefs.save_password_local = saveCloudPassword(); cloudCredentialsChanged |= !same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, qPrintable(cloudPassword())); if (saveCloudPassword()) { if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, qPrintable(cloudPassword()))) { free(prefs.cloud_storage_password); prefs.cloud_storage_password = strdup(qPrintable(cloudPassword())); } } if (cloudCredentialsChanged) { free(prefs.userid); prefs.userid = NULL; tryRetrieveDataFromBackend(); } } void QMLManager::checkCredentialsAndExecute(execute_function_type execute) { // if the cloud credentials are present, we should try to get the GPS Webservice ID // and (if we haven't done so) load the dive list if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, "") && !same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, "")) { setStartPageText(tr("Testing cloud credentials")); appendTextToLog("Have credentials, let's see if they are valid"); connect(manager(), &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired, this, &QMLManager::provideAuth, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(manager(), &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, execute, Qt::UniqueConnection); QUrl url(CLOUDREDIRECTURL); request = QNetworkRequest(url); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8()); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/html"); reply = manager()->get(request); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &QMLManager::handleSslErrors); } } void QMLManager::tryRetrieveDataFromBackend() { checkCredentialsAndExecute(&QMLManager::retrieveUserid); } void QMLManager::loadDives() { checkCredentialsAndExecute(&QMLManager::loadDivesWithValidCredentials); } void QMLManager::provideAuth(QNetworkReply *reply, QAuthenticator *auth) { if (auth->user() == QString(prefs.cloud_storage_email) && auth->password() == QString(prefs.cloud_storage_password)) { // OK, credentials have been tried and didn't work, so they are invalid appendTextToLog("Cloud credentials are invalid"); setStartPageText(tr("Cloud credentials are invalid")); reply->disconnect(); reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); return; } auth->setUser(prefs.cloud_storage_email); auth->setPassword(prefs.cloud_storage_password); } void QMLManager::handleSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors) { setStartPageText(tr("Cannot open cloud storage: Error creating https connection")); Q_FOREACH (QSslError e, errors) { qDebug() << e.errorString(); } reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); } void QMLManager::handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError nError) { QString errorString = reply->errorString(); qDebug() << "handleError" << nError << errorString; setStartPageText(tr("Cannot open cloud storage: %1").arg(errorString)); reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); } void QMLManager::retrieveUserid() { if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 302) { appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("Cloud storage connection not working correctly: ") + reply->readAll()); return; } QString userid(prefs.userid); if (userid.isEmpty()) { if (same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, "") || same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, "")) { appendTextToLog("cloud user name or password are empty, can't retrieve web user id"); return; } appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("calling getUserid with user %1").arg(prefs.cloud_storage_email)); userid = locationProvider->getUserid(prefs.cloud_storage_email, prefs.cloud_storage_password); } if (!userid.isEmpty()) { // overwrite the existing userid free(prefs.userid); prefs.userid = strdup(qPrintable(userid)); QSettings s; s.setValue("subsurface_webservice_uid", prefs.userid); s.sync(); } if (!loadFromCloud()) loadDivesWithValidCredentials(); } void QMLManager::loadDiveProgress(int percent) { QString text(tr("Loading dive list from cloud storage.")); while (percent > 0) { text.append("."); percent -= 10; } setStartPageText(text); } void QMLManager::loadDivesWithValidCredentials() { if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 302) { appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("Cloud storage connection not working correctly: ") + reply->readAll()); setStartPageText(tr("Cannot connect to cloud storage")); return; } appendTextToLog("Cloud credentials valid, loading dives..."); loadDiveProgress(0); QString url; if (getCloudURL(url)) { QString errorString(get_error_string()); appendTextToLog(errorString); setStartPageText(tr("Cloud storage error: %1").arg(errorString)); return; } QByteArray fileNamePrt = QFile::encodeName(url); if (check_git_sha(fileNamePrt.data()) == 0) { qDebug() << "local cache was current, no need to modify dive list"; appendTextToLog("Cloud sync shows local cache was current"); setLoadFromCloud(true); return; } clear_dive_file_data(); DiveListModel::instance()->clear(); int error = parse_file(fileNamePrt.data()); if (!error) { report_error("filename is now %s", fileNamePrt.data()); const char *error_string = get_error_string(); appendTextToLog(error_string); set_filename(fileNamePrt.data(), true); } else { report_error("failed to open file %s", fileNamePrt.data()); QString errorString(get_error_string()); appendTextToLog(errorString); setStartPageText(tr("Cloud storage error: %1").arg(errorString)); return; } prefs.unit_system = informational_prefs.unit_system; if (informational_prefs.unit_system == IMPERIAL) informational_prefs.units = IMPERIAL_units; prefs.units = informational_prefs.units; process_dives(false, false); int i; struct dive *d; for_each_dive (i, d) { DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(d); } appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("%1 dives loaded").arg(i)); if (dive_table.nr == 0) setStartPageText(tr("Cloud storage open successfully. No dives in dive list.")); setLoadFromCloud(true); } void QMLManager::refreshDiveList() { int i; struct dive *d; DiveListModel::instance()->clear(); for_each_dive (i, d) { DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(d); } } // update the dive and return the notes field, stripped of the HTML junk QString QMLManager::commitChanges(QString diveId, QString date, QString location, QString gps, QString duration, QString depth, QString airtemp, QString watertemp, QString suit, QString buddy, QString diveMaster, QString weight, QString notes) { #define DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(_s) if ((_s) == QLatin1Literal("--")) (_s).clear() DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(location); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(duration); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(depth); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(airtemp); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(watertemp); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(suit); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(buddy); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(diveMaster); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(weight); DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(notes); #undef DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId.toInt()); // notes comes back as rich text - let's convert this into plain text QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(notes); notes = doc.toPlainText(); if (!d) { qDebug() << "don't touch this... no dive"; return notes; } bool diveChanged = false; bool needResort = false; if (date != get_dive_date_string(d->when)) { diveChanged = needResort = true; QDateTime newDate; // what a pain - Qt will not parse dates if the day of the week is incorrect // so if the user changed the date but didn't update the day of the week (most likely behavior, actually), // we need to make sure we don't try to parse that QString format(QString(prefs.date_format) + QChar(' ') + prefs.time_format); if (format.contains(QLatin1String("ddd")) || format.contains(QLatin1String("dddd"))) { QString dateFormatToDrop = format.contains(QLatin1String("ddd")) ? QStringLiteral("ddd") : QStringLiteral("dddd"); QDateTime ts; QLocale loc = getLocale(); ts.setMSecsSinceEpoch(d->when * 1000L); QString drop = loc.toString(ts.toUTC(), dateFormatToDrop); format.replace(dateFormatToDrop, ""); date.replace(drop, ""); } newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, format); if (newDate.isValid()) { // stupid Qt... two digit years are always 19xx - WTF??? // so if adding a hundred years gets you into something before a year from now... // add a hundred years. if (newDate.addYears(100) < QDateTime::currentDateTime().addYears(1)) newDate = newDate.addYears(100); d->dc.when = d->when = newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 + gettimezoneoffset(newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000); } } struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(d->dive_site_uuid); char *locationtext = NULL; if (ds) locationtext = ds->name; if (!same_string(locationtext, qPrintable(location))) { diveChanged = true; // this is not ideal - and it's missing the gps information // but for now let's just create a new dive site ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(create_dive_site(qPrintable(location), d->when)); d->dive_site_uuid = ds->uuid; } if (!gps.isEmpty()) { QString gpsString = getCurrentPosition(); if (gpsString != QString("waiting for the next gps location")) { qDebug() << "from commitChanges call to getCurrentPosition returns" << gpsString; double lat, lon; if (parseGpsText(qPrintable(gpsString), &lat, &lon)) { struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(d->dive_site_uuid); if (ds) { ds->latitude.udeg = lat * 1000000; ds->longitude.udeg = lon * 1000000; } else { degrees_t latData, lonData; latData.udeg = lat; lonData.udeg = lon; d->dive_site_uuid = create_dive_site_with_gps("new site", latData, lonData, d->when); } qDebug() << "set up dive site with new GPS data"; } } else { qDebug() << "still don't have a position - will need to implement some sort of callback"; } } if (get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, tr("h:"), tr("min")) != duration) { diveChanged = true; int h = 0, m = 0, s = 0; QRegExp r1(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)%1[\\s,:]*(\\d*)%2[\\s,:]*(\\d*)%3").arg(tr("h")).arg(tr("min")).arg(tr("sec")), Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp r2(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)%1[\\s,:]*(\\d*)%2").arg(tr("h")).arg(tr("min")), Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp r3(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)%1").arg(tr("min")), Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp r4(QStringLiteral("(\\d*):(\\d*):(\\d*)")); QRegExp r5(QStringLiteral("(\\d*):(\\d*)")); if (r1.indexIn(duration) >= 0) { h = r1.cap(1).toInt(); m = r1.cap(2).toInt(); s = r1.cap(3).toInt(); } else if (r2.indexIn(duration) >= 0) { h = r2.cap(1).toInt(); m = r2.cap(2).toInt(); } else if (r3.indexIn(duration) >= 0) { m = r3.cap(1).toInt(); } else if (r4.indexIn(duration) >= 0) { h = r4.cap(1).toInt(); m = r4.cap(2).toInt(); s = r4.cap(3).toInt(); } else if (r5.indexIn(duration) >= 0) { h = r5.cap(1).toInt(); m = r5.cap(2).toInt(); } d->dc.duration.seconds = d->duration.seconds = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s; } if (get_depth_string(d->maxdepth.mm, true, true) != depth) { diveChanged = true; if (depth.contains(tr("ft"))) prefs.units.length = units::FEET; else if (depth.contains(tr("m"))) prefs.units.length = units::METERS; d->maxdepth.mm = parseLengthToMm(depth); if (same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive")) d->dc.maxdepth.mm = d->maxdepth.mm; } if (get_temperature_string(d->airtemp, true) != airtemp) { diveChanged = true; if (airtemp.contains(tr("C"))) prefs.units.temperature = units::CELSIUS; else if (airtemp.contains(tr("F"))) prefs.units.temperature = units::FAHRENHEIT; d->airtemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(airtemp); } if (get_temperature_string(d->watertemp, true) != watertemp) { diveChanged = true; if (watertemp.contains(tr("C"))) prefs.units.temperature = units::CELSIUS; else if (watertemp.contains(tr("F"))) prefs.units.temperature = units::FAHRENHEIT; d->watertemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(watertemp); } // not sure what we'd do if there was more than one weight system // defined - for now just ignore that case if (weightsystem_none((void *)&d->weightsystem[1])) { if (get_weight_string(d->weightsystem[0].weight, true) != weight) { diveChanged = true; if (weight.contains(tr("kg"))) prefs.units.weight = units::KG; else if (weight.contains(tr("lbs"))) prefs.units.weight = units::LBS; d->weightsystem[0].weight.grams = parseWeightToGrams(weight); } } if (!same_string(d->suit, qPrintable(suit))) { diveChanged = true; free(d->suit); d->suit = strdup(qPrintable(suit)); } if (!same_string(d->buddy, qPrintable(buddy))) { diveChanged = true; free(d->buddy); d->buddy = strdup(qPrintable(buddy)); } if (!same_string(d->divemaster, qPrintable(diveMaster))) { diveChanged = true; free(d->divemaster); d->divemaster = strdup(qPrintable(diveMaster)); } if (!same_string(d->notes, qPrintable(notes))) { diveChanged = true; free(d->notes); d->notes = strdup(qPrintable(notes)); } int oldIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id); if (needResort) { // we know that the only thing that might happen in a resort is that // this one dive moves to a different spot in the dive list sort_table(&dive_table); int newIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id); if (newIdx != oldIdx) { DiveObjectHelper *newDive = new DiveObjectHelper(d); DiveListModel::instance()->removeDive(oldIdx); DiveListModel::instance()->insertDive(newIdx, newDive); diveChanged = false; // because we already modified things } } if (d->maxdepth.mm == d->dc.maxdepth.mm && d->maxdepth.mm > 0 && same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive") && d->dc.samples == 0) { // so we have depth > 0, a manually added dive and no samples // let's create an actual profile so the desktop version can work it d->dc = *fake_dc(&d->dc); } if (diveChanged) DiveListModel::instance()->updateDive(oldIdx, d); if (diveChanged || needResort) { mark_divelist_changed(true); // this is called "commit" for a reason - when the user saves an // edit they have a reasonable expectation that their data is actually // stored - so we need to store this to the local cache qDebug() << "save dives to local cache"; prefs.cloud_background_sync = false; saveChanges(); prefs.cloud_background_sync = true; } return notes; } void QMLManager::saveChanges() { if (!loadFromCloud()) { appendTextToLog("Don't save dives without loading from the cloud, first."); return; } appendTextToLog("Saving dives."); QString fileName; if (getCloudURL(fileName)) { appendTextToLog(get_error_string()); return; } if (save_dives(fileName.toUtf8().data())) { appendTextToLog(get_error_string()); return; } appendTextToLog("Dive saved."); set_filename(fileName.toUtf8().data(), true); mark_divelist_changed(false); } QString QMLManager::addDive() { appendTextToLog("Adding new dive."); return DiveListModel::instance()->startAddDive(); } void QMLManager::addDiveAborted(int id) { DiveListModel::instance()->removeDiveById(id); } QString QMLManager::getCurrentPosition() { return locationProvider->currentPosition(); } void QMLManager::applyGpsData() { if (locationProvider->applyLocations()) refreshDiveList(); } void QMLManager::sendGpsData() { locationProvider->uploadToServer(); } void QMLManager::downloadGpsData() { locationProvider->downloadFromServer(); populateGpsData(); } void QMLManager::populateGpsData() { if (GpsListModel::instance()) GpsListModel::instance()->update(); } void QMLManager::clearGpsData() { locationProvider->clearGpsData(); populateGpsData(); } void QMLManager::deleteGpsFix(quint64 when) { locationProvider->deleteGpsFix(when); populateGpsData(); } QString QMLManager::logText() const { QString logText = m_logText + QString("\nNumer of GPS fixes: %1").arg(locationProvider->getGpsNum()); return logText; } void QMLManager::setLogText(const QString &logText) { m_logText = logText; emit logTextChanged(); } void QMLManager::appendTextToLog(const QString &newText) { m_logText += "\n" + newText; emit logTextChanged(); } bool QMLManager::saveCloudPassword() const { return m_saveCloudPassword; } void QMLManager::setSaveCloudPassword(bool saveCloudPassword) { m_saveCloudPassword = saveCloudPassword; } bool QMLManager::locationServiceEnabled() const { return m_locationServiceEnabled; } void QMLManager::setLocationServiceEnabled(bool locationServiceEnabled) { m_locationServiceEnabled = locationServiceEnabled; locationProvider->serviceEnable(m_locationServiceEnabled); } bool QMLManager::verboseEnabled() const { return m_verboseEnabled; } void QMLManager::setVerboseEnabled(bool verboseMode) { m_verboseEnabled = verboseMode; verbose = verboseMode; qDebug() << "verbose is" << verbose; emit verboseEnabledChanged(); } QString QMLManager::cloudPassword() const { return m_cloudPassword; } void QMLManager::setCloudPassword(const QString &cloudPassword) { m_cloudPassword = cloudPassword; emit cloudPasswordChanged(); } QString QMLManager::cloudUserName() const { return m_cloudUserName; } void QMLManager::setCloudUserName(const QString &cloudUserName) { m_cloudUserName = cloudUserName; emit cloudUserNameChanged(); } int QMLManager::distanceThreshold() const { return m_distanceThreshold; } void QMLManager::setDistanceThreshold(int distance) { m_distanceThreshold = distance; emit distanceThresholdChanged(); } int QMLManager::timeThreshold() const { return m_timeThreshold; } void QMLManager::setTimeThreshold(int time) { m_timeThreshold = time; emit timeThresholdChanged(); } bool QMLManager::loadFromCloud() const { return m_loadFromCloud; } void QMLManager::setLoadFromCloud(bool done) { QSettings s; s.setValue("loadFromCloud", 1); m_loadFromCloud = done; emit loadFromCloudChanged(); } QString QMLManager::startPageText() const { return m_startPageText; } void QMLManager::setStartPageText(const QString& text) { m_startPageText = text; emit startPageTextChanged(); } void QMLManager::showMap(const QString& location) { if (!location.isEmpty()) { QString link = QString("https://www.google.com/maps/place/%1/@%2,5000m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0") .arg(location) .arg(location); QDesktopServices::openUrl(link); } } QString QMLManager::getNumber(const QString& diveId) { int dive_id = diveId.toInt(); struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(dive_id); QString number; if (d) number = QString::number(d->number); return number; } QString QMLManager::getDate(const QString& diveId) { int dive_id = diveId.toInt(); struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(dive_id); QString datestring; if (d) datestring = get_dive_date_string(d->when); return datestring; }