// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "mobilelistmodel.h" #include "core/divefilter.h" // for shown_dives MobileListModelBase::MobileListModelBase(DiveTripModelBase *sourceIn) : source(sourceIn) { } QHash<int, QByteArray> MobileListModelBase::roleNames() const { QHash<int, QByteArray> roles; roles[DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE] = "isTrip"; roles[DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE] = "current"; roles[IsTopLevelRole] = "isTopLevel"; roles[DiveDateRole] = "date"; roles[TripIdRole] = "tripId"; roles[TripNrDivesRole] = "tripNrDives"; roles[TripShortDateRole] = "tripShortDate"; roles[TripTitleRole] = "tripTitle"; roles[DateTimeRole] = "dateTime"; roles[IdRole] = "id"; roles[NumberRole] = "number"; roles[LocationRole] = "location"; roles[DepthRole] = "depth"; roles[DurationRole] = "duration"; roles[DepthDurationRole] = "depthDuration"; roles[RatingRole] = "rating"; roles[VizRole] = "viz"; roles[SuitRole] = "suit"; roles[AirTempRole] = "airTemp"; roles[WaterTempRole] = "waterTemp"; roles[SacRole] = "sac"; roles[SumWeightRole] = "sumWeight"; roles[DiveMasterRole] = "diveMaster"; roles[BuddyRole] = "buddy"; roles[TagsRole] = "tags"; roles[NotesRole]= "notes"; roles[GpsRole] = "gps"; roles[GpsDecimalRole] = "gpsDecimal"; roles[NoDiveRole] = "noDive"; roles[DiveSiteRole] = "diveSite"; roles[CylinderRole] = "cylinder"; roles[GetCylinderRole] = "getCylinder"; roles[CylinderListRole] = "cylinderList"; roles[SingleWeightRole] = "singleWeight"; roles[StartPressureRole] = "startPressure"; roles[EndPressureRole] = "endPressure"; roles[FirstGasRole] = "firstGas"; roles[SelectedRole] = "selected"; roles[DiveInTripRole] = "diveInTrip"; roles[TripAbove] = "tripAbove"; roles[TripBelow] = "tripBelow"; roles[TripLocationRole] = "tripLocation"; roles[TripNotesRole] = "tripNotes"; roles[IsInvalidRole] = "isInvalid"; return roles; } int MobileListModel::shown() const { return DiveFilter::instance()->shownDives(); } int MobileListModelBase::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return source->columnCount(parent); } QModelIndex MobileListModelBase::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent)) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex(row, column); } QModelIndex MobileListModelBase::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { // These are flat models - there is no parent return QModelIndex(); } MobileListModel::MobileListModel(DiveTripModelBase *source) : MobileListModelBase(source), expandedRow(-1) { connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelAboutToBeReset, this, &MobileListModel::beginResetModel); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelReset, this, &MobileListModel::endResetModel); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &MobileListModel::prepareRemove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsRemoved, this, &MobileListModel::doneRemove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeInserted, this, &MobileListModel::prepareInsert); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsInserted, this, &MobileListModel::doneInsert); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeMoved, this, &MobileListModel::prepareMove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsMoved, this, &MobileListModel::doneMove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::dataChanged, this, &MobileListModel::changed); connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::numShownChanged, this, &MobileListModel::shownChanged); } // We want to show the newest dives first. Therefore, we have to invert // the indices with respect to the source model. To avoid mental gymnastics // in the rest of the code, we do this right before sending to the // source model and just after recieving from the source model, respectively. QModelIndex MobileListModel::sourceIndex(int row, int col, int parentRow) const { if (row < 0 || col < 0) return QModelIndex(); QModelIndex parent; if (parentRow >= 0) { int numTop = source->rowCount(QModelIndex()); parent = source->index(numTop - 1 - parentRow, 0); } int numItems = source->rowCount(parent); return source->index(numItems - 1 - row, col, parent); } int MobileListModel::numSubItems() const { if (expandedRow < 0) return 0; return source->rowCount(sourceIndex(expandedRow, 0)); } int MobileListModel::invertRow(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const { int numItems = source->rowCount(parent); return numItems - 1 - row; } int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(int row) const { // This is a top-level item. If it is after the expanded row, // we have to add the items of the expanded row. row = invertRow(QModelIndex(), row); return expandedRow >= 0 && row > expandedRow ? row + numSubItems() : row; } int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTopLevelForInsert(int row) const { // This is a top-level item. If it is after the expanded row, // we have to add the items of the expanded row. row = invertRow(QModelIndex(), row) + 1; return expandedRow >= 0 && row > expandedRow ? row + numSubItems() : row; } // The parentRow parameter is the row of the expanded trip converted into // local "coordinates" as a premature optimization. int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTrip(const QModelIndex &parent, int parentRow, int row) const { row = invertRow(parent, row); if (parentRow != expandedRow) { qWarning("MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTrip() called on non-extended row"); return -1; } return expandedRow + 1 + row; // expandedRow + 1 is the row of the first subitem } int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const { if (row < 0) return -1; if (!parent.isValid()) { return mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(row); } else { int parentRow = invertRow(QModelIndex(), parent.row()); return mapRowFromSourceTrip(parent, parentRow, row); } } MobileListModel::IndexRange MobileListModel::mapRangeFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) const { int num = last - first; // Actually, that is num - 1 owing to Qt's bizarre range semantics! // Since we invert the direction, the last will be the first. if (!parent.isValid()) { first = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(last); // If this includes the extended row, we have to add the subitems if (first <= expandedRow && first + num >= expandedRow) num += numSubItems(); return { true, first, first + num }; } else { int parentRow = invertRow(QModelIndex(), parent.row()); if (parentRow == expandedRow) { first = mapRowFromSourceTrip(parent, parentRow, last); return { true, first, first + num }; } else { return { false, -1, -1 }; } } } // This is fun: when inserting, we point to the item *before* which we // want to insert. But by inverting the direction we turn that into the item // *after* which we want to insert. Thus, we have to add one to the range. // Moreover, here we have to use the first item. TODO: We can remove this // function once the core-model is sorted appropriately. MobileListModel::IndexRange MobileListModel::mapRangeFromSourceForInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) const { int num = last - first; if (!parent.isValid()) { first = mapRowFromSourceTopLevelForInsert(first); return { true, first, first + num }; } else { int parentRow = invertRow(QModelIndex(), parent.row()); if (parentRow == expandedRow) { first = mapRowFromSourceTrip(parent, parentRow, first); return { true, first + 1, first + 1 + num }; } else { return { false, -1, -1 }; } } } QModelIndex MobileListModel::mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &idx) const { return createIndex(mapRowFromSource(idx.parent(), idx.row()), idx.column()); } QModelIndex MobileListModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return idx; int row = idx.row(); int col = idx.column(); if (expandedRow < 0 || row <= expandedRow) return sourceIndex(row, col); int numSub = numSubItems(); if (row > expandedRow + numSub) return sourceIndex(row - numSub, col); return sourceIndex(row - expandedRow - 1, col, expandedRow); } int MobileListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return 0; // There is no parent return source->rowCount() + numSubItems(); } QVariant MobileListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (role == IsTopLevelRole) return index.row() <= expandedRow || index.row() > expandedRow + numSubItems(); return source->data(mapToSource(index), role); } // Trivial helper to return and erase the last element of a stack template<typename T> static T pop(std::vector<T> &v) { T res = v.back(); v.pop_back(); return res; } void MobileListModel::prepareRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last); // Check whether we remove a dive from an expanded trip if (range.visible && parent.isValid()) { for (int i = first; i <= last; ++i) { QModelIndex index = source->index(i, 0, parent); if (source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) { // Hack alert: we remove the currently selected dive from a visible trip. // Therefore, simply collapse the expanded trip. This is done in prepareRemove(), // i.e. before the base model has actually done any removal and thus things should // be consistent. Then, we can simply pretend that the range was invisible all along, // i.e. the removal is a no-op. unexpand(); range.visible = false; break; } } } rangeStack.push_back(range); if (range.visible) beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last); } void MobileListModel::updateRowAfterRemove(const IndexRange &range, int &row) { if (row < 0) return; else if (range.first <= row && range.last >= row) row = -1; else if (range.first <= row) row -= range.last - range.first + 1; } void MobileListModel::doneRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack); if (range.visible) { // Check if we have to move or remove the expanded or current item updateRowAfterRemove(range, expandedRow); endRemoveRows(); } } void MobileListModel::prepareInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSourceForInsert(parent, first, last); rangeStack.push_back(range); if (range.visible) beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last); } void MobileListModel::doneInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack); if (range.visible) { // Check if we have to move the expanded item if (!parent.isValid() && expandedRow >= 0 && range.first <= expandedRow) expandedRow += last - first + 1; endInsertRows(); } else { // The range was not visible, thus we inserted into a non-expanded trip. // However, we might have inserted the current item. This means that we // have to expand that trip. // If we inserted a dive that is the current item QModelIndex index = source->index(parent.row(), 0, QModelIndex()); if (source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::TRIP_HAS_CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) { int row = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(parent.row()); expand(row); } } if (!parent.isValid()) { // If we inserted a trip that contains the current item, expand that trip for (int i = first; i <= last; ++i) { // Accessing data via the model/view API is annoying. // Perhaps we should simply add a tripHasCurrent(int row) function? QModelIndex index = source->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()); if (source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::TRIP_HAS_CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) { int row = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(i); expand(row); break; } } } } // Moving rows is annoying, as there are numerous cases to be considered. // Some of them degrade to removing or inserting rows. void MobileListModel::prepareMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow) { IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last); IndexRange rangeDest = mapRangeFromSourceForInsert(dest, destRow, destRow); rangeStack.push_back(range); rangeStack.push_back(rangeDest); if (!range.visible && !rangeDest.visible) return; if (range.visible && !rangeDest.visible) return prepareRemove(parent, first, last); if (!range.visible && rangeDest.visible) return prepareInsert(parent, first, last); beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last, QModelIndex(), rangeDest.first); } void MobileListModel::updateRowAfterMove(const IndexRange &range, const IndexRange &rangeDest, int &row) { if (row >= 0 && (rangeDest.first < range.first || rangeDest.first > range.last + 1)) { if (range.first <= row && range.last >= row) { // Case 1: the expanded row is in the moved range if (rangeDest.first <= range.first) row -= range.first - rangeDest.first; else if (rangeDest.first > range.last + 1) row += rangeDest.first - (range.last + 1); } else if (range.first > row && rangeDest.first <= row) { // Case 2: moving things from behind to before the expanded row row += range.last - range.first + 1; } else if (range.first < row && rangeDest.first > row) { // Case 3: moving things from before to behind the expanded row row -= range.last - range.first + 1; } } } void MobileListModel::doneMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow) { IndexRange rangeDest = pop(rangeStack); IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack); if (!range.visible && !rangeDest.visible) return; if (range.visible && !rangeDest.visible) return doneRemove(parent, first, last); if (!range.visible && rangeDest.visible) return doneInsert(parent, first, last); if (expandedRow >= 0 && (rangeDest.first < range.first || rangeDest.first > range.last + 1)) { if (!parent.isValid() && range.first <= expandedRow && range.last >= expandedRow) { // Case 1: the expanded row is in the moved range // Since we don't support sub-trips, this means that we can't move into another trip if (dest.isValid()) qWarning("MobileListModel::doneMove(): moving trips into a subtrip"); else if (rangeDest.first <= range.first) expandedRow -= range.first - rangeDest.first; else if (rangeDest.first > range.last + 1) expandedRow += rangeDest.first - (range.last + 1); } else if (range.first > expandedRow && rangeDest.first <= expandedRow) { // Case 2: moving things from behind to before the expanded row expandedRow += range.last - range.first + 1; } else if (range.first < expandedRow && rangeDest.first > expandedRow) { // Case 3: moving things from before to behind the expanded row expandedRow -= range.last - range.first + 1; } } updateRowAfterMove(range, rangeDest, expandedRow); endMoveRows(); } void MobileListModel::expand(int row) { // First, let us treat the trivial cases: expand an invalid row // or the row is already expanded. if (row < 0) { unexpand(); return; } if (row == expandedRow) return; // Collapse the old expanded row, if any. if (expandedRow >= 0) { int numSub = numSubItems(); if (row > expandedRow) { if (row <= expandedRow + numSub) { qWarning("MobileListModel::expand(): trying to expand row in trip"); return; } row -= numSub; } unexpand(); } int first = row + 1; QModelIndex tripIdx = sourceIndex(row, 0); int numRow = source->rowCount(tripIdx); int last = first + numRow - 1; if (last < first) { // Amazingly, Qt's model API doesn't properly handle empty ranges! expandedRow = row; return; } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), first, last); expandedRow = row; endInsertRows(); } void MobileListModel::changed(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles) { // We don't support changes beyond levels, sorry. if (topLeft.parent().isValid() != bottomRight.parent().isValid()) { qWarning("MobileListModel::changed(): changes across different levels. Ignoring."); return; } // Special case CURRENT_ROLE: if a dive in a collapsed trip becomes current, expand that trip // and if a dive outside of a trip becomes current, collapse any expanded trip. // Note: changes to current must not be combined with other changes, therefore we can // assume that roles.size() == 1. if (roles.size() == 1 && roles[0] == DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE && source->data(topLeft, DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) { if (topLeft.parent().isValid()) { int parentRow = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(topLeft.parent().row()); if (parentRow != expandedRow) { expand(parentRow); return; } } else { unexpand(); } } if (topLeft.parent().isValid()) { // This is a range in a trip. First do a sanity check. if (topLeft.parent().row() != bottomRight.parent().row()) { qWarning("MobileListModel::changed(): changes inside different trips. Ignoring."); return; } // Now check whether this is expanded IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(topLeft.parent(), topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row()); if (!range.visible) return; dataChanged(createIndex(range.first, topLeft.column()), createIndex(range.last, bottomRight.column()), roles); } else { // This is a top-level range. IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(topLeft.parent(), topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row()); // If the expanded row is outside the region to be updated // or the last entry in the region to be updated, we can simply // forward the signal. if (expandedRow < 0 || expandedRow < range.first || expandedRow >= range.last) { dataChanged(createIndex(range.first, topLeft.column()), createIndex(range.last, bottomRight.column()), roles); return; } // We have to split this in two parts: before and including the expanded row // and everything after the expanded row. int numSub = numSubItems(); dataChanged(createIndex(range.first, topLeft.column()), createIndex(expandedRow, bottomRight.column()), roles); dataChanged(createIndex(expandedRow + 1 + numSub, topLeft.column()), createIndex(range.last, bottomRight.column()), roles); } } void MobileListModel::invalidate() { // Qt's model/view API can't handle empty ranges and we have to subtract one from the last item, // because ranges are given as [first,last] (i.e. last inclusive). int rows = rowCount(QModelIndex()); if (rows <= 0) return; QModelIndex fromIdx = createIndex(0, 0); QModelIndex toIdx = createIndex(rows - 1, 0); dataChanged(fromIdx, toIdx); } void MobileListModel::unexpand() { if (expandedRow < 0) return; int first = expandedRow + 1; int numRows = numSubItems(); int last = first + numRows - 1; if (last < first) { // Amazingly, Qt's model API doesn't properly handle empty ranges! expandedRow = -1; return; } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), first, last); expandedRow = -1; endRemoveRows(); } void MobileListModel::toggle(int row) { if (row < 0) return; else if (row == expandedRow) unexpand(); else expand(row); } MobileSwipeModel::MobileSwipeModel(DiveTripModelBase *source) : MobileListModelBase(source) { connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelAboutToBeReset, this, &MobileSwipeModel::beginResetModel); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelReset, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneReset); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::prepareRemove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsRemoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneRemove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeInserted, this, &MobileSwipeModel::prepareInsert); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsInserted, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneInsert); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeMoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::prepareMove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsMoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneMove); connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::dataChanged, this, &MobileSwipeModel::changed); initData(); } // Return the size of a top level item in the source model. Whereby size // is the number of items it represents in the swipe model: // A dive has size one, a trip has the size of the number of its items. // Attention: the given row is expressed in source-coordinates! int MobileSwipeModel::topLevelRowCountInSource(int sourceRow) const { QModelIndex index = source->index(sourceRow, 0, QModelIndex()); return source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE).value<bool>() ? source->rowCount(index) : 1; } void MobileSwipeModel::initData() { rows = 0; int act = 0; int topLevelRows = source->rowCount(); firstElement.resize(topLevelRows); for (int i = 0; i < topLevelRows; ++i) { firstElement[i] = act; // Note: we populate the model in reverse order, because we show the newest dives first. act += topLevelRowCountInSource(topLevelRows - i - 1); } rows = act; invalidateSourceRowCache(); } void MobileSwipeModel::doneReset() { initData(); endResetModel(); } void MobileSwipeModel::invalidateSourceRowCache() const { cachedRow = -1; cacheSourceParent = QModelIndex(); cacheSourceRow = -1; } void MobileSwipeModel::updateSourceRowCache(int localRow) const { if (firstElement.empty()) return invalidateSourceRowCache(); cachedRow = localRow; // Do a binary search for the first top-level item that starts after the given row auto idx = std::upper_bound(firstElement.begin(), firstElement.end(), localRow); if (idx == firstElement.begin()) return invalidateSourceRowCache(); // Huh? localRow was negative? Then index->isValid() should have returned true. --idx; int topLevelRow = idx - firstElement.begin(); int topLevelRowSource = firstElement.end() - idx - 1; // Reverse direction. int indexInRow = localRow - *idx; if (indexInRow == 0) { // This might be a top-level dive or a one-dive trip. Perhaps we should save which one it is. if (!source->data(source->index(topLevelRowSource, 0), DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE).value<bool>()) { cacheSourceParent = QModelIndex(); cacheSourceRow = topLevelRowSource; return; } } cacheSourceParent = source->index(topLevelRowSource, 0); int numElements = elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelRow); cacheSourceRow = numElements - indexInRow - 1; } QModelIndex MobileSwipeModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); if (index.row() != cachedRow) updateSourceRowCache(index.row()); return cacheSourceRow >= 0 ? source->index(cacheSourceRow, index.column(), cacheSourceParent) : QModelIndex(); } int MobileSwipeModel::mapTopLevelFromSource(int row) const { return firstElement.size() - row - 1; } int MobileSwipeModel::mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(int row) const { return firstElement.size() - row; } int MobileSwipeModel::elementCountInTopLevel(int row) const { if (row < 0 || row >= (int)firstElement.size()) return 0; if (row + 1 < (int)firstElement.size()) return firstElement[row + 1] - firstElement[row]; else return rows - firstElement[row]; } int MobileSwipeModel::mapRowFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const { if (parent.isValid()) { int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()); int count = elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelRow); return firstElement[topLevelRow] + count - row - 1; // Note: we invert the direction! } else { int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(row); return firstElement[topLevelRow]; } } int MobileSwipeModel::mapRowFromSource(const QModelIndex &idx) const { return mapRowFromSource(idx.parent(), idx.row()); } int MobileSwipeModel::mapRowFromSourceForInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const { if (parent.isValid()) { int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()); int count = elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelRow); return firstElement[topLevelRow] + count - row; // Note: we invert the direction! } else { if (row == 0) return rows; // Insert at the end int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(row - 1); return firstElement[topLevelRow]; // Note: we invert the direction! } } MobileSwipeModel::IndexRange MobileSwipeModel::mapRangeFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) const { // Since we invert the direction, the last will be the first. if (!parent.isValid()) { int localFirst = mapRowFromSource(QModelIndex(), last); // Point to the *last* item in the topLevelRange. Yay for Qt's bizzare [first,last] range-semantics. int localLast = mapRowFromSource(QModelIndex(), first); int topLevelLast = mapTopLevelFromSource(first); localLast += elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelLast) - 1; return { localFirst, localLast }; } else { // For items inside trips we can simply translate them, as they cannot contain subitems. // Remember to reverse the direction, though. return { mapRowFromSource(parent, last), mapRowFromSource(parent, first) }; } } // Remove top-level items. Parameters with standard range semantics (pointer to first and past last element). int MobileSwipeModel::removeTopLevel(int begin, int end) { auto it1 = firstElement.begin() + begin; auto it2 = firstElement.begin() + end; int count = 0; // Number of items we have to subtract from rest for (int row = begin; row < end; ++row) count += elementCountInTopLevel(row); firstElement.erase(it1, it2); // Remove items for (auto act = firstElement.begin() + begin; act != firstElement.end(); ++act) *act -= count; // Subtract removed items rows -= count; return count; } // Add or remove subitems from top-level items void MobileSwipeModel::updateTopLevel(int row, int delta) { for (int i = row + 1; i < (int)firstElement.size(); ++i) firstElement[i] += delta; rows += delta; } // Add items at top-level. The number of subelements of each items is given in the second parameter. void MobileSwipeModel::addTopLevel(int row, std::vector<int> items) { // We get an array with the number of items per inserted row. // Transform that to the first element in each row. int nextEl = row < (int)firstElement.size() ? firstElement[row] : rows; int count = 0; for (int &item: items) { int num = item; item = nextEl; nextEl += num; count += num; } // Now, increase the first element of the items after the inserted range // by the number of inserted items. auto it = firstElement.begin() + row; for (auto act = it; act != firstElement.end(); ++act) *act += count; rows += count; // Insert the range firstElement.insert(it, items.begin(), items.end()); } void MobileSwipeModel::prepareRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last); rangeStack.push_back(range); if (range.last >= range.first) beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last); } void MobileSwipeModel::doneRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack); if (range.last < range.first) return; if (!parent.isValid()) { // This is a top-level range. This means that we have to remove top-level items. // Remember to invert the direction. removeTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(last), mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1); } else { // This is part of a trip. Only the number of items has to be changed. updateTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()), -(last - first + 1)); } invalidateSourceRowCache(); endRemoveRows(); } void MobileSwipeModel::prepareInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { // We can not call beginInsertRows here, because before the source model // has inserted its rows we don't know how many subitems there are! } void MobileSwipeModel::doneInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { if (!parent.isValid()) { // This is a top-level range. This means that we have to add top-level items. // Create vector of new top-level items std::vector<int> items; items.reserve(last - first + 1); int count = 0; for (int row = last; row >= first; --row) { items.push_back(topLevelRowCountInSource(row)); count += items.back(); } int firstLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(first); if (firstLocal >= 0) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstLocal, firstLocal + count - 1); addTopLevel(firstLocal, std::move(items)); endInsertRows(); } else { qWarning("MobileSwipeModel::doneInsert(): invalid source index!\n"); } } else { // This is part of a trip. Only the number of items has to be changed. int row = mapRowFromSourceForInsert(parent, first); int count = last - first + 1; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1); updateTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()), count); endInsertRows(); } invalidateSourceRowCache(); } void MobileSwipeModel::prepareMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow) { IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last); rangeStack.push_back(range); if (range.last >= range.first) beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last, QModelIndex(), mapRowFromSourceForInsert(dest, destRow)); } void MobileSwipeModel::doneMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow) { IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack); if (range.last < range.first) return; // Moving is annoying. There are four cases to consider, depending whether // we move in / out of a top-level item! if (!parent.isValid() && !dest.isValid()) { // From top-level to top-level if (destRow < first || destRow > last + 1) { int beginLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(last); int endLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1; int destLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(destRow); int count = endLocal - beginLocal; std::vector<int> items; items.reserve(count); for (int row = beginLocal; row < endLocal; ++row) { items.push_back(row < (int)firstElement.size() - 1 ? firstElement[row + 1] - firstElement[row] : rows - firstElement[row]); } removeTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(last), mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1); if (destLocal >= beginLocal) destLocal -= count; addTopLevel(destLocal, std::move(items)); } } else if (!parent.isValid() && dest.isValid()) { // From top-level to trip int beginLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(last); int endLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1; int destLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(dest.row()); int count = endLocal - beginLocal; int numMoved = removeTopLevel(beginLocal, endLocal); if (destLocal >= beginLocal) destLocal -= count; updateTopLevel(destLocal, numMoved); } else if (parent.isValid() && !dest.isValid()) { // From trip to top-level int fromLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()); int toLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(dest.row()); int numMoved = last - first + 1; std::vector<int> items(numMoved, 1); // This can only be dives -> item count is 1 updateTopLevel(fromLocal, -numMoved); addTopLevel(toLocal, std::move(items)); } else { // From trip to other trip int fromLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()); int toLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(dest.row()); int numMoved = last - first + 1; if (fromLocal != toLocal) { updateTopLevel(fromLocal, -numMoved); updateTopLevel(toLocal, numMoved); } } invalidateSourceRowCache(); endMoveRows(); } void MobileSwipeModel::changed(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles) { if (!topLeft.isValid() || !bottomRight.isValid()) return; // We don't display trips in the swipe model. If we get changed signals for that - ignore it. // Subtle: we only check that for single-row changes, because the source model sends changes // to trips one-by-one. The way we query the source model is ... not nice to read. if (topLeft.row() == bottomRight.row() && source->data(topLeft, DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE).value<bool>()) return; int fromSource = mapRowFromSource(bottomRight); int toSource = mapRowFromSource(topLeft); QModelIndex fromIdx = createIndex(fromSource, topLeft.column()); QModelIndex toIdx = createIndex(toSource, bottomRight.column()); dataChanged(fromIdx, toIdx, roles); // Special case CURRENT_ROLE: if a dive becomes current, we send a signal so that the // dive-details page can update the current dive. It would be nicer if the frontend could // hook into the changed-signal, but currently I don't know how this works in QML. // Note: changes to current must not be combined with other changes, therefore we can // assume that roles.size() == 1. if (roles.size() == 1 && roles[0] == DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE && source->data(topLeft, DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) emit currentDiveChanged(fromIdx); } void MobileSwipeModel::invalidate() { // Qt's model/view API can't handle empty ranges and we have to subtract one from the last item, // because ranges are given as [first,last] (i.e. last inclusive). int rows = rowCount(QModelIndex()); if (rows <= 0) return; QModelIndex fromIdx = createIndex(0, 0); QModelIndex toIdx = createIndex(rows - 1, 0); dataChanged(fromIdx, toIdx); } QVariant MobileSwipeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { return source->data(mapToSource(index), role); } int MobileSwipeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return 0; // There is no parent return rows; } MobileModels *MobileModels::instance() { static MobileModels self; return &self; } MobileModels::MobileModels() : lm(&source), sm(&source) { } MobileListModel *MobileModels::listModel() { return &lm; } MobileSwipeModel *MobileModels::swipeModel() { return &sm; } // This is called when the settings changed. Instead of rebuilding the model, send a changed signal on all entries. void MobileModels::invalidate() { sm.invalidate(); sm.invalidate(); }