// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "qt-models/weightmodel.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include "core/gettextfromc.h" #include "core/metrics.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/subsurface-qt/DiveListNotifier.h" #include "qt-models/weightsysteminfomodel.h" WeightModel::WeightModel(QObject *parent) : CleanerTableModel(parent), changed(false), rows(0) { //enum Column {REMOVE, TYPE, WEIGHT}; setHeaderDataStrings(QStringList() << tr("") << tr("Type") << tr("Weight")); connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::weightsystemsReset, this, &WeightModel::weightsystemsReset); } weightsystem_t *WeightModel::weightSystemAt(const QModelIndex &index) { return &displayed_dive.weightsystems.weightsystems[index.row()]; } void WeightModel::remove(const QModelIndex &index) { if (index.column() != REMOVE) return; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index.row(), index.row()); rows--; remove_weightsystem(&displayed_dive, index.row()); changed = true; endRemoveRows(); } void WeightModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); rows = 0; endResetModel(); } QVariant WeightModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= displayed_dive.weightsystems.nr) return QVariant(); const weightsystem_t *ws = &displayed_dive.weightsystems.weightsystems[index.row()]; switch (role) { case Qt::FontRole: return defaultModelFont(); case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: return Qt::AlignCenter; case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: switch (index.column()) { case TYPE: return gettextFromC::tr(ws->description); case WEIGHT: return get_weight_string(ws->weight, true); } break; case Qt::DecorationRole: if (index.column() == REMOVE) return trashIcon(); case Qt::SizeHintRole: if (index.column() == REMOVE) return trashIcon().size(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (index.column() == REMOVE) return tr("Clicking here will remove this weight system."); } return QVariant(); } // this is our magic 'pass data in' function that allows the delegate to get // the data here without silly unit conversions; // so we only implement the two columns we care about void WeightModel::passInData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value) { weightsystem_t *ws = &displayed_dive.weightsystems.weightsystems[index.row()]; if (index.column() == WEIGHT) { if (ws->weight.grams != value.toInt()) { ws->weight.grams = value.toInt(); dataChanged(index, index); } } } bool WeightModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { QString vString = value.toString(); weightsystem_t *ws = &displayed_dive.weightsystems.weightsystems[index.row()]; switch (index.column()) { case TYPE: if (!value.isNull()) { //TODO: C-function weight_system_set_description ? if (!ws->description || gettextFromC::tr(ws->description) != vString) { // loop over translations to see if one matches int i = -1; while (ws_info[++i].name && i < MAX_WS_INFO) { if (gettextFromC::tr(ws_info[i].name) == vString) { ws->description = copy_string(ws_info[i].name); break; } } if (ws_info[i].name == NULL) // didn't find a match ws->description = copy_qstring(vString); changed = true; } } break; case WEIGHT: if (CHANGED()) { ws->weight = string_to_weight(qPrintable(vString)); // now update the ws_info changed = true; WSInfoModel *wsim = WSInfoModel::instance(); QModelIndexList matches = wsim->match(wsim->index(0, 0), Qt::DisplayRole, gettextFromC::tr(ws->description)); if (!matches.isEmpty()) wsim->setData(wsim->index(matches.first().row(), WSInfoModel::GR), ws->weight.grams); } break; } dataChanged(index, index); return true; } Qt::ItemFlags WeightModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.column() == REMOVE) return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } int WeightModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return rows; } void WeightModel::add() { int row = rows; weightsystem_t ws { {0}, "" }; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); add_cloned_weightsystem(&displayed_dive.weightsystems, ws); rows++; changed = true; endInsertRows(); } void WeightModel::updateDive() { beginResetModel(); rows = displayed_dive.weightsystems.nr; endResetModel(); } void WeightModel::weightsystemsReset(const QVector<dive *> &dives) { // This model only concerns the currently displayed dive. If this is not among the // dives that had their cylinders reset, exit. if (!current_dive || std::find(dives.begin(), dives.end(), current_dive) == dives.end()) return; // Copy the weights from the current dive to the displayed dive. copy_weights(¤t_dive->weightsystems, &displayed_dive.weightsystems); // And update the model.. updateDive(); }