ConfigureDiveComputerDialog 0 0 842 614 Configure dive computer Device or mount point device true ... Retrieve available details Save changes to device Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Backup Restore backup Update firmware Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Cancel 0 2 Qt::Horizontal 200 16777215 12 64 64 OSTC 3 :/icons/ostc3.png:/icons/ostc3.png 0 Basic settings Serial No. serialNoLineEdit true Firmware version firmwareVersionLineEdit true Custom text customTextLlineEdit 1 0 Language languageComboBox English German French Italian Dive mode diveModeComboBox OC CC Gauge Apnea Date format dateFormatComboBox MMDDYY DDMMYY YYMMDD Saturation saturationSpinBox % Desaturation desaturationSpinBox % Last deco lastDecoSpinBox m Brightness brightnessComboBox Eco Medium High Sampling rate samplingRateComboBox 2s 10s Units unitsComboBox m/°C ft/°F Dive mode color diveModeColour Standard Red Green Blue Salinity (0-5%) salinitySpinBox % 5 Sync dive computer time with PC Compass gain compassGainComboBox 1 0 230LSB/Gauss 330LSB/Gauss 390LSB/Gauss 440LSB/Gauss 660LSB/Gauss 820LSB/Gauss 1090LSB/Gauss 1370LSB/Gauss Qt::Vertical 20 177 Gas settings 0 0 %O2 %He Type Change depth Gas 1 Gas 2 Gas 3 Gas 4 Gas 5 0 0 %He %O2 Type Change depth Dil 1 Dil 2 Dil 3 Dil 4 Dil 5 0 0 Set point [cbar] Change depth [m] SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP 4 SP 5 color: rgb(242, 19, 25); device search retrieveDetails saveSettingsPushButton backupButton restoreBackupButton cancel DiveComputerList currentRowChanged(int) dcStackedWidget setCurrentIndex(int) 258 130 292 118