/* * divelistview.cpp * * classes for the divelist of Subsurface * */ #include "divelistview.h" #include "models.h" #include "modeldelegates.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "../display.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QHeaderView> #include <QDebug> #include <QSettings> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QSortFilterProxyModel> #include <QAction> #include <QLineEdit> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QMenu> DiveListView::DiveListView(QWidget *parent) : QTreeView(parent), mouseClickSelection(false), currentHeaderClicked(-1), searchBox(new QLineEdit(this)) { setUniformRowHeights(true); setItemDelegateForColumn(DiveTripModel::RATING, new StarWidgetsDelegate()); QSortFilterProxyModel *model = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); model->setSortRole(DiveTripModel::SORT_ROLE); model->setFilterKeyColumn(-1); // filter all columns setModel(model); connect(model, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(fixMessyQtModelBehaviour())); setSortingEnabled(false); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::DefaultContextMenu); header()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); const QFontMetrics metrics(defaultModelFont()); header()->setMinimumHeight(metrics.height() + 10); QAction *showSearchBox = new QAction(tr("Show Search Box"), this); showSearchBox->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F); showSearchBox->setShortcutContext(Qt::ApplicationShortcut); addAction(showSearchBox); searchBox->installEventFilter(this); searchBox->hide(); connect(showSearchBox, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showSearchEdit())); connect(searchBox, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), model, SLOT(setFilterFixedString(QString))); selectedTrips.clear(); } void DiveListView::fixMessyQtModelBehaviour() { QAbstractItemModel *m = model(); for(int i = 0; i < model()->rowCount(); i++){ if (m->rowCount( m->index(i, 0) ) != 0) setFirstColumnSpanned(i, QModelIndex(), true); } } void DiveListView::unselectDives() { selectionModel()->clearSelection(); } void DiveListView::selectDive(struct dive *dive, bool scrollto, bool toggle) { QSortFilterProxyModel *m = qobject_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel*>(model()); QModelIndexList match = m->match(m->index(0,0), DiveTripModel::NR, dive->number, 1, Qt::MatchRecursive); QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags; QModelIndex idx = match.first(); QModelIndex parent = idx.parent(); if (parent.isValid()) expand(parent); flags = toggle ? QItemSelectionModel::Toggle : QItemSelectionModel::Select; flags |= QItemSelectionModel::Rows; selectionModel()->select(idx, flags); if (scrollto) scrollTo(idx, PositionAtCenter); } void DiveListView::showSearchEdit() { searchBox->show(); searchBox->setFocus(); } bool DiveListView::eventFilter(QObject* , QEvent* event) { if(event->type() != QEvent::KeyPress) return false; QKeyEvent *keyEv = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event); if (keyEv->key() != Qt::Key_Escape) return false; searchBox->clear(); searchBox->hide(); QSortFilterProxyModel *m = qobject_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel*>(model()); m->setFilterFixedString(QString()); return true; } // NOTE! This loses trip selection, because while we remember the // dives, we don't remember the trips (see the "currentSelectedDives" // list). I haven't figured out how to look up the trip from the // index. TRIP_ROLE vs DIVE_ROLE? void DiveListView::headerClicked(int i) { QItemSelection oldSelection = selectionModel()->selection(); QList<struct dive*> currentSelectedDives; DiveTripModel::Layout newLayout; bool first = true; newLayout = i == (int) DiveTripModel::NR ? DiveTripModel::TREE : DiveTripModel::LIST; Q_FOREACH(const QModelIndex& index , oldSelection.indexes()) { if (index.column() != 0) // We only care about the dives, so, let's stick to rows and discard columns. continue; struct dive *d = (struct dive *) index.data(DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (d) currentSelectedDives.push_back(d); } unselectDives(); /* No layout change? Just re-sort, and scroll to first selection, making sure all selections are expanded */ if (currentLayout == newLayout) { sortByColumn(i); } else { // clear the model, repopulate with new indexes. reload(newLayout, false); sortByColumn(i, Qt::DescendingOrder); } // repopulate the selections. Q_FOREACH(struct dive *d, currentSelectedDives) { selectDive(d, first); first = false; } } void DiveListView::reload(DiveTripModel::Layout layout, bool forceSort) { if (layout == DiveTripModel::CURRENT) layout = currentLayout; else currentLayout = layout; header()->setClickable(true); connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionPressed(int)), this, SLOT(headerClicked(int)), Qt::UniqueConnection); QSortFilterProxyModel *m = qobject_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel*>(model()); QAbstractItemModel *oldModel = m->sourceModel(); if (oldModel) oldModel->deleteLater(); DiveTripModel *tripModel = new DiveTripModel(this); tripModel->setLayout(layout); m->setSourceModel(tripModel); if(!forceSort) return; sortByColumn(0, Qt::DescendingOrder); if (amount_selected && selected_dive >= 0) { selectDive(current_dive, true); } else { QModelIndex firstDiveOrTrip = m->index(0,0); if (firstDiveOrTrip.isValid()) { if (m->index(0,0, firstDiveOrTrip).isValid()) setCurrentIndex(m->index(0,0, firstDiveOrTrip)); else setCurrentIndex(firstDiveOrTrip); } } } void DiveListView::reloadHeaderActions() { // Populate the context menu of the headers that will show // the menu to show / hide columns. if (!header()->actions().size()) { QAction *visibleAction = new QAction("Visible:", header()); header()->addAction(visibleAction); QSettings s; s.beginGroup("DiveListColumnState"); for(int i = 0; i < model()->columnCount(); i++) { QString title = QString("%1").arg(model()->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal).toString()); QString settingName = QString("showColumn%1").arg(i); QAction *a = new QAction(title, header()); bool showHeaderFirstRun = !( i == DiveTripModel::MAXCNS || i == DiveTripModel::NITROX || i == DiveTripModel::OTU || i == DiveTripModel::TEMPERATURE || i == DiveTripModel::TOTALWEIGHT || i == DiveTripModel::SUIT || i == DiveTripModel::CYLINDER || i == DiveTripModel::SAC ); bool shown = s.value(settingName, showHeaderFirstRun).toBool(); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked(shown); a->setProperty("index", i); a->setProperty("settingName", settingName); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleColumnVisibilityByIndex())); header()->addAction(a); setColumnHidden(i, !shown); } s.endGroup(); } else { // Skip first QAction item ( static text Visible ) for(int i = 0; i < model()->columnCount(); i++) { QString title = QString("%1").arg(model()->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal).toString()); header()->actions()[i+1]->setText( title ); } } } void DiveListView::toggleColumnVisibilityByIndex() { QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender()); if (!action) return; QSettings s; s.beginGroup("DiveListColumnState"); s.setValue(action->property("settingName").toString(), action->isChecked()); s.endGroup(); s.sync(); setColumnHidden(action->property("index").toInt(), !action->isChecked()); } void DiveListView::currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous) { if (!current.isValid()) return; scrollTo(current); } void DiveListView::selectionChanged(const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected) { QItemSelection newSelected = selected.size() ? selected : selectionModel()->selection(); QItemSelection newDeselected = deselected; disconnect(selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection))); disconnect(selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); Q_FOREACH(const QModelIndex& index, newDeselected.indexes()) { if (index.column() != 0) continue; const QAbstractItemModel *model = index.model(); struct dive *dive = (struct dive*) model->data(index, DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (!dive) { // it's a trip! if (model->rowCount(index)) { struct dive *child = (struct dive*) model->data(index.child(0,0), DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (child && child->divetrip) selectedTrips.remove(child->divetrip); while (child) { deselect_dive(get_index_for_dive(child)); child = child->next; } } } else { deselect_dive(get_index_for_dive(dive)); } } Q_FOREACH(const QModelIndex& index, newSelected.indexes()) { if (index.column() != 0) continue; const QAbstractItemModel *model = index.model(); struct dive *dive = (struct dive*) model->data(index, DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (!dive) { // it's a trip! if (model->rowCount(index)) { QItemSelection selection; struct dive *child = (struct dive*) model->data(index.child(0,0), DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (child && child->divetrip) selectedTrips.insert(child->divetrip); while (child) { select_dive(get_index_for_dive(child)); child = child->next; } selection.select(index.child(0,0), index.child(model->rowCount(index) -1 , 0)); selectionModel()->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate); if (!isExpanded(index)) expand(index); } } else { select_dive(get_index_for_dive(dive)); } } QTreeView::selectionChanged(selectionModel()->selection(), newDeselected); connect(selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection))); connect(selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); // now that everything is up to date, update the widgets Q_EMIT currentDiveChanged(selected_dive); } void DiveListView::mergeDives() { int i; struct dive *dive, *maindive = NULL; for_each_dive(i, dive) { if (dive->selected) { if (!maindive) maindive = dive; else maindive = merge_two_dives(maindive, dive); } } mainWindow()->refreshDisplay(); } void DiveListView::merge_trip(const QModelIndex &a, int offset) { int i = a.row() + offset; QModelIndex b = a.sibling(i,0); dive_trip_t *trip_a = (dive_trip_t *) a.data(DiveTripModel::TRIP_ROLE).value<void*>(); dive_trip_t *trip_b = (dive_trip_t *) b.data(DiveTripModel::TRIP_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (trip_a == trip_b || !trip_a || !trip_b) return; if (!trip_a->location) trip_a->location = strdup(trip_b->location); if (!trip_a->notes) trip_a->notes = strdup(trip_b->notes); while (trip_b->dives) add_dive_to_trip(trip_b->dives, trip_a); reload(currentLayout, false); } void DiveListView::mergeTripAbove() { merge_trip(contextMenuIndex, -1); } void DiveListView::mergeTripBelow() { merge_trip(contextMenuIndex, +1); } void DiveListView::removeFromTrip() { struct dive *d = (struct dive *) contextMenuIndex.data(DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (!d) // shouldn't happen as we only are setting up this action if this is a dive return; remove_dive_from_trip(d); reload(currentLayout, false); } void DiveListView::deleteDive() { int nr; struct dive *d = (struct dive *) contextMenuIndex.data(DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (d) { nr = get_divenr(d); delete_single_dive(get_index_for_dive(d)); if (amount_selected == 0) { if (nr > 0) select_dive(nr - 1); else mainWindow()->cleanUpEmpty(); } } mainWindow()->refreshDisplay(); reload(currentLayout, false); } void DiveListView::testSlot() { struct dive *d = (struct dive *) contextMenuIndex.data(DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (d) { qDebug("testSlot called on dive #%d", d->number); } else { QModelIndex child = contextMenuIndex.child(0, 0); d = (struct dive *) child.data(DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); if (d) qDebug("testSlot called on trip including dive #%d", d->number); else qDebug("testSlot called on trip with no dive"); } } void DiveListView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { QAction *collapseAction = NULL; // let's remember where we are contextMenuIndex = indexAt(event->pos()); struct dive *d = (struct dive *) contextMenuIndex.data(DiveTripModel::DIVE_ROLE).value<void*>(); dive_trip_t *trip = (dive_trip_t *) contextMenuIndex.data(DiveTripModel::TRIP_ROLE).value<void*>(); QMenu popup(this); if (currentLayout == DiveTripModel::TREE) { popup.addAction(tr("expand all"), this, SLOT(expandAll())); popup.addAction(tr("collapse all"), this, SLOT(collapseAll())); collapseAction = popup.addAction(tr("collapse"), this, SLOT(collapseAll())); if (d) { popup.addAction(tr("remove dive from trip"), this, SLOT(removeFromTrip())); } if (trip) { popup.addAction(tr("Merge trip with trip above"), this, SLOT(mergeTripAbove())); popup.addAction(tr("Merge trip with trip below"), this, SLOT(mergeTripBelow())); } } if (d) popup.addAction(tr("delete dive"), this, SLOT(deleteDive())); if (amount_selected > 1 && consecutive_selected()) popup.addAction(tr("merge selected dives"), this, SLOT(mergeDives())); // "collapse all" really closes all trips, // "collapse" keeps the trip with the selected dive open QAction * actionTaken = popup.exec(event->globalPos()); if (actionTaken == collapseAction && collapseAction) { this->setAnimated(false); selectDive(current_dive, true); this->setAnimated(true); } event->accept(); }