/* * divelistview.h * * header file for the dive list of Subsurface * */ #ifndef DIVELISTVIEW_H #define DIVELISTVIEW_H /*! A view subclass for use with dives Note: calling this a list view might be misleading? */ #include <QTreeView> #include "models.h" class DiveListView : public QTreeView { Q_OBJECT public: DiveListView(QWidget *parent = 0); void selectionChanged(const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected); void currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous); void reload(DiveTripModel::Layout layout = DiveTripModel::TREE, bool forceSort = true); bool eventFilter(QObject* , QEvent* ); void unselectDives(); void selectDive(struct dive *, bool scrollto = false); public slots: void toggleColumnVisibilityByIndex(); void reloadHeaderActions(); void headerClicked(int); void showSearchEdit(); Q_SIGNALS: void currentDiveChanged(int divenr); private: bool mouseClickSelection; int currentHeaderClicked; DiveTripModel::Layout currentLayout; QLineEdit *searchBox; }; #endif // DIVELISTVIEW_H