DiveLogImportDialog 0 0 522 436 Import dive log file :/subsurface-icon 0 CSV options Units Metric Imperial Field separator Qt::Vertical 20 40 Field configuration false 1 1 1 2 false 1 Depth false 1 1 Stopdepth false 1 1 Pressure pO₂ Time Temp 1 1 false 1 1 NDL false 1 1 TTS false 1 1 Cns CSVpressure pressureCheckBox ndlCheckBox CSVndl ttsCheckBox CSVtts label label_2 CSVTime CSVDepth temperatureCheckBox CSVTemperature po2CheckBox CSVpo2 cnsCheckBox CSVcns stopdepthCheckBox CSVstopdepth Pre-configured imports -1 Manual dives 0 0 Field separator Choose day, month and year order for date format. The field separator can be any of the characters .-/. Date format 20 40 131 27 dd.mm.yyyy mm/dd/yyyy yyyy-mm-dd Field configuration Dive # false 1 Max depth false 1 Date in dd.mm.yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd or mm/dd/yyyy format Date false Date in dd.mm.yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd or mm/dd/yyyy format 1 Mean depth false 1 Time false 1 Buddy false 1 Dive duration in seconds or in min:sec format Duration false Dive duration in seconds or in min:sec format 1 Notes false 1 Location false 1 Weight false 1 GPS false 1 Tags false 1 Cyl size false 1 Air temp false 1 Start Pressure false 1 Water temp false 1 End Press false 1 O₂ false 1 He false 1 0 0 Units Metric Imperial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok tabWidget CSVTime CSVDepth temperatureCheckBox CSVTemperature po2CheckBox CSVpo2 cnsCheckBox CSVcns stopdepthCheckBox CSVstopdepth CSVSeparator knownImports buttonBox buttonBox accepted() DiveLogImportDialog accept() 334 467 215 164 buttonBox rejected() DiveLogImportDialog reject() 334 467 215 164 temperatureCheckBox clicked(bool) CSVTemperature setEnabled(bool) 108 169 238 171 po2CheckBox clicked(bool) CSVpo2 setEnabled(bool) 108 201 238 203 cnsCheckBox clicked(bool) CSVcns setEnabled(bool) 108 233 238 235 stopdepthCheckBox clicked(bool) CSVstopdepth setEnabled(bool) 108 265 238 267 DiveNumberCheck clicked(bool) DiveNumber setEnabled(bool) 96 103 176 105 DateCheck clicked(bool) Date setEnabled(bool) 96 135 176 137 TimeCheck clicked(bool) Time setEnabled(bool) 96 167 176 169 LocationCheck clicked(bool) Location setEnabled(bool) 96 231 176 233 GpsCheck clicked(bool) Gps setEnabled(bool) 96 263 176 265 MaxDepthCheck clicked(bool) MaxDepth setEnabled(bool) 185 103 296 105 MeanDepthCheck clicked(bool) MeanDepth setEnabled(bool) 185 135 296 137 BuddyCheck clicked(bool) Buddy setEnabled(bool) 185 167 296 169 NotesCheck clicked(bool) Notes setEnabled(bool) 185 199 296 201 TagsCheck clicked(bool) Tags setEnabled(bool) 185 263 296 265 WeightCheck clicked(bool) Weight setEnabled(bool) 185 231 296 233 DurationCheck clicked(bool) Duration setEnabled(bool) 96 199 176 201 CylinderSizeCheck clicked(bool) CylinderSize setEnabled(bool) StartPressureCheck clicked(bool) StartPressure setEnabled(bool) EndPressureCheck clicked(bool) EndPressure setEnabled(bool) O2Check clicked(bool) O2 setEnabled(bool) HeCheck clicked(bool) He setEnabled(bool) AirTempCheck clicked(bool) AirTemp setEnabled(bool) WaterTempCheck clicked(bool) WaterTemp setEnabled(bool)