#include "diveplanner.h" #include "graphicsview-common.h" #include "../dive.h" #include <cmath> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QDebug> #include <QGraphicsWidget> #include <QGraphicsProxyWidget> #include <QPushButton> #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent> #include <QMessageBox> #include "ui_diveplanner.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #define TIME_INITIAL_MAX 30 #define MAX_DEEPNESS 150 #define MIN_DEEPNESS 40 bool handlerLessThenMinutes(DiveHandler *d1, DiveHandler *d2){ return d1->sec < d2->sec; } DivePlannerGraphics::DivePlannerGraphics(QWidget* parent): QGraphicsView(parent), activeDraggedHandler(0) { fill_profile_color(); setBackgroundBrush(profile_color[BACKGROUND].at(0)); setMouseTracking(true); setScene(new QGraphicsScene()); scene()->setSceneRect(0,0,1920,1080); verticalLine = new QGraphicsLineItem( fromPercent(0, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(0, Qt::Vertical), fromPercent(0, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(100, Qt::Vertical) ); verticalLine->setPen(QPen(Qt::DotLine)); scene()->addItem(verticalLine); horizontalLine = new QGraphicsLineItem( fromPercent(0, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(0, Qt::Vertical), fromPercent(100, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(0, Qt::Vertical) ); horizontalLine->setPen(QPen(Qt::DotLine)); scene()->addItem(horizontalLine); timeLine = new Ruler(); timeLine->setMinimum(0); timeLine->setMaximum(TIME_INITIAL_MAX); timeLine->setTickInterval(10); timeLine->setLine( fromPercent(10, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(90, Qt::Vertical), fromPercent(90, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(90, Qt::Vertical) ); timeLine->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); timeLine->setTickSize(fromPercent(1, Qt::Vertical)); timeLine->setColor(profile_color[TIME_GRID].at(0)); timeLine->updateTicks(); scene()->addItem(timeLine); depthLine = new Ruler(); depthLine->setMinimum(0); depthLine->setMaximum(40); depthLine->setTickInterval(10); depthLine->setLine( fromPercent(10, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(10, Qt::Vertical), fromPercent(10, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(90, Qt::Vertical) ); depthLine->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); depthLine->setTickSize(fromPercent(1, Qt::Horizontal)); depthLine->setColor(profile_color[DEPTH_GRID].at(0)); depthLine->updateTicks(); scene()->addItem(depthLine); timeString = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(); timeString->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); timeString->setBrush(profile_color[TIME_TEXT].at(0)); scene()->addItem(timeString); depthString = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(); depthString->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); depthString->setBrush(profile_color[SAMPLE_DEEP].at(0)); scene()->addItem(depthString); diveBg = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(); diveBg->setPen(QPen(QBrush(),0)); scene()->addItem(diveBg); plusDepth = new Button(); plusDepth->setPixmap(QPixmap(":plus")); plusDepth->setPos(fromPercent(5, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(5, Qt::Vertical)); plusDepth->setToolTip("Increase maximum depth by 10m"); scene()->addItem(plusDepth); connect(plusDepth, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(increaseDepth())); plusTime = new Button(); plusTime->setPixmap(QPixmap(":plus")); plusTime->setPos(fromPercent(95, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(95, Qt::Vertical)); plusTime->setToolTip("Increase minimum dive time by 10m"); scene()->addItem(plusTime); connect(plusTime, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(increaseTime())); okBtn = new Button(); okBtn->setText(tr("Ok")); okBtn->setPos(fromPercent(1, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(95, Qt::Vertical)); scene()->addItem(okBtn); connect(okBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(okClicked())); cancelBtn = new Button(); cancelBtn->setText(tr("Cancel")); cancelBtn->setPos(okBtn->pos().x() + okBtn->boundingRect().width() + fromPercent(2, Qt::Horizontal), fromPercent(95, Qt::Vertical)); scene()->addItem(cancelBtn); connect(cancelBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancelClicked())); minMinutes = TIME_INITIAL_MAX; QAction *action = NULL; #define ADD_ACTION( SHORTCUT, Slot ) \ action = new QAction(this); \ action->setShortcut( SHORTCUT ); \ action->setShortcutContext(Qt::WindowShortcut); \ addAction(action); \ connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( Slot )) ADD_ACTION(Qt::Key_Escape, keyEscAction()); ADD_ACTION(Qt::Key_Delete, keyDeleteAction()); ADD_ACTION(Qt::Key_Up, keyUpAction()); ADD_ACTION(Qt::Key_Down, keyDownAction()); ADD_ACTION(Qt::Key_Left, keyLeftAction()); ADD_ACTION(Qt::Key_Right, keyRightAction()); #undef ADD_ACTION setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); } void DivePlannerGraphics::keyDownAction() { if(scene()->selectedItems().count()){ Q_FOREACH(QGraphicsItem *i, scene()->selectedItems()){ if (DiveHandler *handler = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiveHandler*>(i)){ if (handler->mm / 1000 >= depthLine->maximum()) continue; handler->mm += 1000; double ypos = depthLine->posAtValue(handler->mm / 1000); handler->setPos(handler->pos().x(), ypos); } } createDecoStops(); } } void DivePlannerGraphics::keyUpAction() { Q_FOREACH(QGraphicsItem *i, scene()->selectedItems()){ if (DiveHandler *handler = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiveHandler*>(i)){ if (handler->mm / 1000 <= 0) continue; handler->mm -= 1000; double ypos = depthLine->posAtValue(handler->mm / 1000); handler->setPos(handler->pos().x(), ypos); } } createDecoStops(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::keyLeftAction() { Q_FOREACH(QGraphicsItem *i, scene()->selectedItems()){ if (DiveHandler *handler = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiveHandler*>(i)){ if (handler->sec / 60 <= 0) continue; // don't overlap positions. // maybe this is a good place for a 'goto'? double xpos = timeLine->posAtValue((handler->sec - 60) / 60); bool nextStep = false; Q_FOREACH(DiveHandler *h, handles){ if (h->pos().x() == xpos){ nextStep = true; break; } } if(nextStep) continue; handler->sec -= 60; handler->setPos(xpos, handler->pos().y()); } } createDecoStops(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::keyRightAction() { Q_FOREACH(QGraphicsItem *i, scene()->selectedItems()){ if (DiveHandler *handler = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiveHandler*>(i)){ if (handler->sec / 60 >= timeLine->maximum()) continue; // don't overlap positions. // maybe this is a good place for a 'goto'? double xpos = timeLine->posAtValue((handler->sec + 60) / 60); bool nextStep = false; Q_FOREACH(DiveHandler *h, handles){ if (h->pos().x() == xpos){ nextStep = true; break; } } if(nextStep) continue; handler->sec += 60; handler->setPos(xpos, handler->pos().y()); } } createDecoStops(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::keyDeleteAction() { if(scene()->selectedItems().count()){ Q_FOREACH(QGraphicsItem *i, scene()->selectedItems()){ if (DiveHandler *handler = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiveHandler*>(i)){ handles.removeAll(handler); scene()->removeItem(handler); delete i; } } createDecoStops(); } } void DivePlannerGraphics::keyEscAction() { if (scene()->selectedItems().count()){ scene()->clearSelection(); return; } cancelClicked(); } qreal DivePlannerGraphics::fromPercent(qreal percent, Qt::Orientation orientation) { qreal total = orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? sceneRect().width() : sceneRect().height(); qreal result = (total * percent) / 100; return result; } void DivePlannerGraphics::cancelClicked() { if (handles.size()){ if (QMessageBox::warning(mainWindow(), tr("Save the Plan?"), tr("You have a working plan, \n are you sure that you wanna cancel it?"), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) != QMessageBox::Ok){ return; } } mainWindow()->showProfile(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::okClicked() { // todo. } void DivePlannerGraphics::increaseDepth() { if (depthLine->maximum() + 10 > MAX_DEEPNESS) return; depthLine->setMaximum( depthLine->maximum() + 10); depthLine->updateTicks(); createDecoStops(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::increaseTime() { minMinutes += 10; timeLine->setMaximum( minMinutes ); timeLine->updateTicks(); createDecoStops(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { QPointF mappedPos = mapToScene(event->pos()); if (isPointOutOfBoundaries(mappedPos)) return; int minutes = rint(timeLine->valueAt(mappedPos)); int meters = rint(depthLine->valueAt(mappedPos)); double xpos = timeLine->posAtValue(minutes); double ypos = depthLine->posAtValue(meters); Q_FOREACH(DiveHandler* handler, handles){ if (xpos == handler->pos().x()){ qDebug() << "There's already an point at that place."; //TODO: Move this later to a KMessageWidget. return; } } DiveHandler *item = new DiveHandler (); item->sec = minutes * 60; item->mm = meters * 1000; item->setPos(QPointF(xpos, ypos)); scene()->addItem(item); handles << item; createDecoStops(); } void DivePlannerGraphics::createDecoStops() { qDeleteAll(lines); lines.clear(); qSort(handles.begin(), handles.end(), handlerLessThenMinutes); // This needs to be done in the following steps: // Get the user-input and calculate the dive info // Not sure if this is the place to create the diveplan... // We just start with a surface node at time = 0 struct diveplan diveplan; struct divedatapoint *dp = create_dp(0, 0, 209, 0, 0); dp->entered = TRUE; diveplan.dp = dp; diveplan.gflow = 30; diveplan.gfhigh = 70; diveplan.surface_pressure = 1013; DiveHandler *lastH = NULL; Q_FOREACH(DiveHandler *h, handles) { // these values need to come from the planner UI, eventually int o2 = 209; int he = 0; int po2 = 0; int deltaT = lastH ? h->sec - lastH->sec : h->sec; lastH = h; dp = plan_add_segment(&diveplan, deltaT, h->mm, o2, he, po2); dp->entered = TRUE; qDebug("time %d, depth %d", h->sec, h->mm); } #if DEBUG_PLAN dump_plan(&diveplan); #endif char *cache = NULL; struct dive *dive = NULL; char *errorString = NULL; plan(&diveplan, &cache, &dive, &errorString); #if DEBUG_PLAN dump_plan(&diveplan); #endif while(dp->next) dp = dp->next; if (timeLine->maximum() < dp->time / 60.0 + 5 || dp->time / 60.0 + 15 < timeLine->maximum()) { double newMax = fmax(dp->time / 60.0 + 5, minMinutes); timeLine->setMaximum(newMax); timeLine->updateTicks(); } // Re-position the user generated dive handlers Q_FOREACH(DiveHandler *h, handles){ h->setPos(timeLine->posAtValue(h->sec / 60), depthLine->posAtValue(h->mm / 1000)); } // (re-) create the profile with different colors for segments that were // entered vs. segments that were calculated double lastx = timeLine->posAtValue(0); double lasty = depthLine->posAtValue(0); QPolygonF poly; poly.append(QPointF(lastx, lasty)); for (dp = diveplan.dp; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) { double xpos = timeLine->posAtValue(dp->time / 60.0); double ypos = depthLine->posAtValue(dp->depth / 1000.0); if(!dp->entered){ QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(lastx, lasty, xpos, ypos); item->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::red),0)); scene()->addItem(item); lines << item; } lastx = xpos; lasty = ypos; poly.append(QPointF(lastx, lasty)); } diveBg->setPolygon(poly); QRectF b = poly.boundingRect(); QLinearGradient pat( b.x(), b.y(), b.x(), b.height() + b.y() ); pat.setColorAt(1, profile_color[DEPTH_BOTTOM].first()); pat.setColorAt(0, profile_color[DEPTH_TOP].first()); diveBg->setBrush(pat); deleteTemporaryDivePlan(diveplan.dp); } void DivePlannerGraphics::deleteTemporaryDivePlan(divedatapoint* dp) { if (!dp) return; deleteTemporaryDivePlan(dp->next); free(dp); } void DivePlannerGraphics::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QGraphicsView::resizeEvent(event); fitInView(sceneRect(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio); } void DivePlannerGraphics::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { QGraphicsView::showEvent(event); fitInView(sceneRect(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio); } void DivePlannerGraphics::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { QPointF mappedPos = mapToScene(event->pos()); if (isPointOutOfBoundaries(mappedPos)) return; verticalLine->setPos(mappedPos.x(), fromPercent(0, Qt::Vertical)); horizontalLine->setPos(fromPercent(0, Qt::Horizontal), mappedPos.y()); depthString->setText(QString::number(rint(depthLine->valueAt(mappedPos))) + "m" ); depthString->setPos(fromPercent(5, Qt::Horizontal), mappedPos.y()); timeString->setText(QString::number(rint(timeLine->valueAt(mappedPos))) + "min"); timeString->setPos(mappedPos.x()+1, fromPercent(95, Qt::Vertical)); // calculate the correct color for the depthString. // QGradient doesn't returns it's interpolation, meh. double percent = depthLine->percentAt(mappedPos); QColor& startColor = profile_color[SAMPLE_SHALLOW].first(); QColor& endColor = profile_color[SAMPLE_DEEP].first(); short redDelta = (endColor.red() - startColor.red()) * percent + startColor.red(); short greenDelta = (endColor.green() - startColor.green()) * percent + startColor.green(); short blueDelta = (endColor.blue() - startColor.blue()) * percent + startColor.blue(); depthString->setBrush( QColor(redDelta, greenDelta, blueDelta)); if (activeDraggedHandler) moveActiveHandler(mappedPos); if (!handles.count()) return; if (handles.last()->x() > mappedPos.x()) { verticalLine->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 0, Qt::SolidLine)); horizontalLine->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 0, Qt::SolidLine)); } else { verticalLine->setPen(QPen(Qt::DotLine)); horizontalLine->setPen(QPen(Qt::DotLine)); } } void DivePlannerGraphics::moveActiveHandler(const QPointF& pos) { double xpos = timeLine->posAtValue(rint(timeLine->valueAt(pos))); double ypos = depthLine->posAtValue(rint(depthLine->valueAt(pos))); activeDraggedHandler->setPos(QPointF(xpos, ypos)); qDeleteAll(lines); lines.clear(); } bool DivePlannerGraphics::isPointOutOfBoundaries(const QPointF& point) { double xpos = timeLine->valueAt(point); double ypos = depthLine->valueAt(point); if (xpos > timeLine->maximum() || xpos < timeLine->minimum() || ypos > depthLine->maximum() || ypos < depthLine->minimum()) { return true; } return false; } void DivePlannerGraphics::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->modifiers()){ QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(event); return; } QPointF mappedPos = mapToScene(event->pos()); Q_FOREACH(QGraphicsItem *item, scene()->items(mappedPos, Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect, Qt::AscendingOrder, transform())){ if (DiveHandler *h = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiveHandler*>(item)) { activeDraggedHandler = h; activeDraggedHandler->setBrush(Qt::red); originalHandlerPos = activeDraggedHandler->pos(); } } QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(event); } void DivePlannerGraphics::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (activeDraggedHandler) { QPointF mappedPos = mapToScene(event->pos()); int minutes = rint(timeLine->valueAt(mappedPos)); int meters = rint(depthLine->valueAt(mappedPos)); double xpos = timeLine->posAtValue(minutes); double ypos = depthLine->posAtValue(meters); Q_FOREACH(DiveHandler* handler, handles){ if (xpos == handler->pos().x() && handler != activeDraggedHandler){ qDebug() << "There's already an point at that place."; //TODO: Move this later to a KMessageWidget. activeDraggedHandler->setPos(originalHandlerPos); activeDraggedHandler = NULL; return; } } activeDraggedHandler->sec = rint(timeLine->valueAt(mappedPos)) * 60; activeDraggedHandler->mm = rint(depthLine->valueAt(mappedPos)) * 1000; activeDraggedHandler->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); activeDraggedHandler->setPos(QPointF(xpos, ypos)); createDecoStops(); activeDraggedHandler = 0; } } DiveHandler::DiveHandler(): QGraphicsEllipseItem(), from(0), to(0) { setRect(-5,-5,10,10); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable); setBrush(Qt::white); setZValue(2); } void DiveHandler::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)){ setSelected(true); } // mousePressEvent 'grabs' the mouse and keyboard, annoying. ungrabMouse(); ungrabKeyboard(); } void Ruler::setMaximum(double maximum) { max = maximum; } void Ruler::setMinimum(double minimum) { min = minimum; } Ruler::Ruler() : orientation(Qt::Horizontal) { } void Ruler::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation o) { orientation = o; } void Ruler::updateTicks() { qDeleteAll(ticks); ticks.clear(); QLineF m = line(); QGraphicsLineItem *item = NULL; if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { double steps = (max - min) / interval; double stepSize = (m.x2() - m.x1()) / steps; qreal pos; for (pos = m.x1(); pos < m.x2(); pos += stepSize) { item = new QGraphicsLineItem(pos, m.y1(), pos, m.y1() + tickSize, this); item->setPen(pen()); ticks.push_back(item); } item = new QGraphicsLineItem(pos, m.y1(), pos, m.y1() + tickSize, this); item->setPen(pen()); ticks.push_back(item); } else { double steps = (max - min) / interval; double stepSize = (m.y2() - m.y1()) / steps; qreal pos; for (pos = m.y1(); pos < m.y2(); pos += stepSize) { item = new QGraphicsLineItem(m.x1(), pos, m.x1() - tickSize, pos, this); item->setPen(pen()); ticks.push_back(item); } item = new QGraphicsLineItem(m.x1(), pos, m.x1() - tickSize, pos, this); item->setPen(pen()); ticks.push_back(item); } } void Ruler::setTickSize(qreal size) { tickSize = size; } void Ruler::setTickInterval(double i) { interval = i; } qreal Ruler::valueAt(const QPointF& p) { QLineF m = line(); double retValue = orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? max * (p.x() - m.x1()) / (m.x2() - m.x1()) : max * (p.y() - m.y1()) / (m.y2() - m.y1()); return retValue; } qreal Ruler::posAtValue(qreal value) { QLineF m = line(); double size = max - min; double percent = value / size; double realSize = orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? m.x2() - m.x1() : m.y2() - m.y1(); double retValue = realSize * percent; retValue = (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) ? retValue + m.x1() : retValue + m.y1(); return retValue; } qreal Ruler::percentAt(const QPointF& p) { qreal value = valueAt(p); double size = max - min; double percent = value / size; return percent; } double Ruler::maximum() const { return max; } double Ruler::minimum() const { return min; } void Ruler::setColor(const QColor& color) { setPen(QPen(color)); } Button::Button(QObject* parent): QObject(parent), QGraphicsRectItem() { icon = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(this); text = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(this); icon->setPos(0,0); text->setPos(0,0); setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); setPen(QPen(QBrush(), 0)); } void Button::setPixmap(const QPixmap& pixmap) { icon->setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(20,20, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); if(pixmap.isNull()){ icon->hide(); }else{ icon->show(); } setRect(childrenBoundingRect()); } void Button::setText(const QString& t) { text->setText(t); if(icon->pixmap().isNull()){ icon->hide(); text->setPos(0,0); }else{ icon->show(); text->setPos(22,0); } setRect(childrenBoundingRect()); } void Button::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { event->ignore(); emit clicked(); }