#include "diveplanner.h" #include #include DivePlanner* DivePlanner::instance() { static DivePlanner *self = new DivePlanner(); return self; } DivePlanner::DivePlanner(QWidget* parent): QGraphicsView(parent) { setScene( new QGraphicsScene()); scene()->setSceneRect(0,0,100,100); } void DivePlanner::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { QGraphicsEllipseItem *item = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-10,-10,20,20); QPointF mappedPos = mapToScene(event->pos()); item->setPos( mappedPos ); scene()->addItem(item); handles << item; if (lines.empty()){ QGraphicsLineItem *first = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,0, mappedPos.x(), mappedPos.y()); lines << first; create_deco_stop(); scene()->addItem(first); }else{ clear_generated_deco(); create_deco_stop(); } } void DivePlanner::clear_generated_deco() { for(int i = handles.count(); i < lines.count(); i++){ scene()->removeItem(lines.last()); delete lines.last(); lines.removeLast(); } } void DivePlanner::create_deco_stop() { // this needs to create everything // for the calculated deco. QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(handles.last()->x(), handles.last()->y(), 100, 0); scene()->addItem(item); lines << item; }