#include "downloadfromdivecomputer.h" #include "../libdivecomputer.h" #include "../helpers.h" #include "../display.h" #include "../divelist.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <QThread> #include <QDebug> #include <QStringListModel> #include <QTimer> #include <QMessageBox> struct product { const char *product; dc_descriptor_t *descriptor; struct product *next; }; struct vendor { const char *vendor; struct product *productlist; struct vendor *next; }; struct mydescriptor { const char *vendor; const char *product; dc_family_t type; unsigned int model; }; namespace DownloadFromDcGlobal{ const char *err_string; }; DownloadFromDCWidget *DownloadFromDCWidget::instance() { static DownloadFromDCWidget *dialog = new DownloadFromDCWidget(mainWindow()); dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose, false); return dialog; } DownloadFromDCWidget::DownloadFromDCWidget(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(parent, f), thread(0), timer(new QTimer(this)), currentState(INITIAL) { ui.setupUi(this); ui.progressBar->hide(); ui.progressBar->setMinimum(0); ui.progressBar->setMaximum(100); fill_device_list(); fill_computer_list(); vendorModel = new QStringListModel(vendorList); ui.vendor->setModel(vendorModel); if (default_dive_computer_vendor) { ui.vendor->setCurrentIndex(ui.vendor->findText(default_dive_computer_vendor)); productModel = new QStringListModel(productList[default_dive_computer_vendor]); ui.product->setModel(productModel); if (default_dive_computer_product) ui.product->setCurrentIndex(ui.product->findText(default_dive_computer_product)); } if (default_dive_computer_device) ui.device->setEditText(default_dive_computer_device); timer->setInterval(200); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateProgressBar())); updateState(INITIAL); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::runDialog() { updateState(INITIAL); exec(); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::updateProgressBar() { ui.progressBar->setValue(progress_bar_fraction *100); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::updateState(states state) { if (state == currentState) return; if (state == INITIAL) { fill_device_list(); ui.progressBar->hide(); markChildrenAsEnabled(); timer->stop(); } // tries to cancel an on going download else if (currentState == DOWNLOADING && state == CANCELLING) { import_thread_cancelled = true; ui.cancel->setEnabled(false); } // user pressed cancel but the application isn't doing anything. // means close the window else if ((currentState == INITIAL || currentState == CANCELLED || currentState == DONE || currentState == ERROR) && state == CANCELLING) { timer->stop(); reject(); ui.ok->setText(tr("OK")); } // the cancelation process is finished else if (currentState == CANCELLING && (state == DONE || state == CANCELLED)) { timer->stop(); state = CANCELLED; ui.progressBar->setValue(0); ui.progressBar->hide(); markChildrenAsEnabled(); } // DOWNLOAD is finally done, close the dialog and go back to the main window else if (currentState == DOWNLOADING && state == DONE) { timer->stop(); ui.progressBar->setValue(100); markChildrenAsEnabled(); ui.ok->setText(tr("OK")); accept(); } // DOWNLOAD is started. else if (state == DOWNLOADING) { timer->start(); ui.progressBar->setValue(0); ui.progressBar->show(); markChildrenAsDisabled(); } // got an error else if (state == ERROR) { QMessageBox::critical(this, TITLE_OR_TEXT(tr("Error"), this->thread->error), QMessageBox::Ok); markChildrenAsEnabled(); ui.progressBar->hide(); ui.ok->setText(tr("Retry")); } // properly updating the widget state currentState = state; } void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_vendor_currentIndexChanged(const QString& vendor) { QAbstractItemModel *currentModel = ui.product->model(); if (!currentModel) return; productModel = new QStringListModel(productList[vendor]); ui.product->setModel(productModel); // Memleak - but deleting gives me a crash. //currentModel->deleteLater(); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::fill_computer_list() { dc_iterator_t *iterator = NULL; dc_descriptor_t *descriptor = NULL; struct mydescriptor *mydescriptor; QStringList computer; dc_descriptor_iterator(&iterator); while (dc_iterator_next (iterator, &descriptor) == DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { const char *vendor = dc_descriptor_get_vendor(descriptor); const char *product = dc_descriptor_get_product(descriptor); if (!vendorList.contains(vendor)) vendorList.append(vendor); if (!productList[vendor].contains(product)) productList[vendor].push_back(product); descriptorLookup[QString(vendor) + QString(product)] = descriptor; } dc_iterator_free(iterator); /* and add the Uemis Zurich which we are handling internally THIS IS A HACK as we magically have a data structure here that happens to match a data structure that is internal to libdivecomputer; this WILL BREAK if libdivecomputer changes the dc_descriptor struct... eventually the UEMIS code needs to move into libdivecomputer, I guess */ mydescriptor = (struct mydescriptor*) malloc(sizeof(struct mydescriptor)); mydescriptor->vendor = "Uemis"; mydescriptor->product = "Zurich"; mydescriptor->type = DC_FAMILY_NULL; mydescriptor->model = 0; if (!vendorList.contains("Uemis")) vendorList.append("Uemis"); if (!productList["Uemis"].contains("Zurich")) productList["Uemis"].push_back("Zurich"); descriptorLookup[QString("UemisZurich")] = (dc_descriptor_t *)mydescriptor; } void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_cancel_clicked() { updateState(CANCELLING); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_ok_clicked() { updateState(DOWNLOADING); // I don't really think that create/destroy the thread // is really necessary. if (thread) { thread->deleteLater(); } data.devname = strdup(ui.device->currentText().toUtf8().data()); data.vendor = strdup(ui.vendor->currentText().toUtf8().data()); data.product = strdup(ui.product->currentText().toUtf8().data()); data.descriptor = descriptorLookup[ui.vendor->currentText() + ui.product->currentText()]; data.force_download = ui.forceDownload->isChecked(); data.deviceid = data.diveid = 0; set_default_dive_computer(data.vendor, data.product); set_default_dive_computer_device(data.devname); thread = new DownloadThread(this, &data); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onDownloadThreadFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection); MainWindow *w = mainWindow(); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), w, SLOT(refreshDisplay())); // before we start, remember where the dive_table ended previousLast = dive_table.nr; thread->start(); } bool DownloadFromDCWidget::preferDownloaded() { return ui.preferDownloaded->isChecked(); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::reject() { // we don't want the download window being able to close // while we're still downloading. if (currentState != DOWNLOADING && currentState != CANCELLING) QDialog::reject(); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::onDownloadThreadFinished() { if (currentState == DOWNLOADING) { if (thread->error.isEmpty()) updateState(DONE); else updateState(ERROR); // I'm not sure if we should really call process_dives even // if there's an error if (import_thread_cancelled) { // walk backwards so we don't keep moving the dives // down in the dive_table for (int i = dive_table.nr - 1; i >= previousLast; i--) delete_single_dive(i); } else { process_dives(TRUE, preferDownloaded()); } } else { updateState(CANCELLED); } } void DownloadFromDCWidget::markChildrenAsDisabled() { ui.device->setDisabled(true); ui.vendor->setDisabled(true); ui.product->setDisabled(true); ui.forceDownload->setDisabled(true); ui.preferDownloaded->setDisabled(true); ui.ok->setDisabled(true); ui.search->setDisabled(true); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::markChildrenAsEnabled() { ui.device->setDisabled(false); ui.vendor->setDisabled(false); ui.product->setDisabled(false); ui.forceDownload->setDisabled(false); ui.preferDownloaded->setDisabled(false); ui.ok->setDisabled(false); ui.cancel->setDisabled(false); ui.search->setDisabled(false); } static void fillDeviceList(const char *name, void *data) { QComboBox *comboBox = (QComboBox *)data; comboBox->addItem(name); } void DownloadFromDCWidget::fill_device_list() { int deviceIndex; ui.device->clear(); deviceIndex = enumerate_devices(fillDeviceList, ui.device); if (deviceIndex >= 0) ui.device->setCurrentIndex(deviceIndex); } DownloadThread::DownloadThread(QObject* parent, device_data_t* data): QThread(parent), data(data) { } static QString str_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); const QString str = QString().vsprintf( fmt, args ); va_end(args); return str; } void DownloadThread::run() { const char *error; if (!strcmp(data->vendor, "Uemis")) error = do_uemis_import(data->devname, data->force_download); else error = do_libdivecomputer_import(data); if (error) this->error = str_error(error, data->devname, data->vendor, data->product); }