#ifndef GRAPHICSVIEW_COMMON_H #define GRAPHICSVIEW_COMMON_H #include "../color.h" #include <QMap> #include <QVector> #include <QColor> #define SAC_COLORS_START_IDX SAC_1 #define SAC_COLORS 9 #define VELOCITY_COLORS_START_IDX VELO_STABLE #define VELOCITY_COLORS 5 typedef enum { /* SAC colors. Order is important, the SAC_COLORS_START_IDX define above. */ SAC_1, SAC_2, SAC_3, SAC_4, SAC_5, SAC_6, SAC_7, SAC_8, SAC_9, /* Velocity colors. Order is still important, ref VELOCITY_COLORS_START_IDX. */ VELO_STABLE, VELO_SLOW, VELO_MODERATE, VELO_FAST, VELO_CRAZY, /* gas colors */ PO2, PO2_ALERT, PN2, PN2_ALERT, PHE, PHE_ALERT, PP_LINES, /* Other colors */ TEXT_BACKGROUND, ALERT_BG, ALERT_FG, EVENTS, SAMPLE_DEEP, SAMPLE_SHALLOW, SMOOTHED, MINUTE, TIME_GRID, TIME_TEXT, DEPTH_GRID, MEAN_DEPTH, HR_TEXT, HR_PLOT, DEPTH_TOP, DEPTH_BOTTOM, TEMP_TEXT, TEMP_PLOT, SAC_DEFAULT, BOUNDING_BOX, PRESSURE_TEXT, BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND_TRANS, CEILING_SHALLOW, CEILING_DEEP, CALC_CEILING_SHALLOW, CALC_CEILING_DEEP } color_indice_t; /* profile_color[color indice] = COLOR(screen color, b/w printer color, color printer}} printer & screen colours could be different */ extern QMap<color_indice_t, QVector<QColor> > profile_color; void fill_profile_color(); QColor getColor(const color_indice_t i, bool isGrayscale = false); QColor getSacColor(int sac, int diveSac); struct text_render_options { double size; color_indice_t color; double hpos, vpos; }; typedef text_render_options text_render_options_t; #endif // GRAPHICSVIEW_COMMON_H