/* * maintab.h * * header file for the main tab of Subsurface * */ #ifndef MAINTAB_H #define MAINTAB_H #include <QTabWidget> #include <QDialog> #include "models.h" namespace Ui { class MainTab; } struct NotesBackup{ QString location; QString notes; QString buddy; QString suit; int rating; int visibility; QString divemaster; }; class MainTab : public QTabWidget { Q_OBJECT public: MainTab(QWidget *parent); void clearStats(); void clearInfo(); void clearEquipment(); void reload(); bool eventFilter(QObject* , QEvent*); virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*); virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent*); public Q_SLOTS: void addCylinder_clicked(); void addWeight_clicked(); void updateDiveInfo(int dive); void on_editAccept_clicked(bool edit); void on_editReset_clicked(); void on_location_textChanged(const QString& text); void on_divemaster_textChanged(const QString& text); void on_buddy_textChanged(const QString& text); void on_suit_textChanged(const QString& text); void on_notes_textChanged(); void on_rating_valueChanged(int value); void on_visibility_valueChanged(int value); private: Ui::MainTab *ui; WeightModel *weightModel; CylindersModel *cylindersModel; NotesBackup notesBackup; struct dive* currentDive; QPushButton *addCylinder; QPushButton *addWeight; }; #endif