plannerSettingsWidget 0 0 963 324 Form 20 20 872 203 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Last Stop at 6m/20ft plan backgas breaks Qt::Horizontal QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised bottom pO₂ deco pO₂ 16777215 20 16777215 20 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised verbatim diveplan In dive plan, show runtime (absolute time) of stops display runtime true true In dive plan, show duration (relative time) of stops display segment duration false In diveplan, list transitions or treat them as implicit display transitions in deco QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised below 75% avg. depth 16777215 20 75%-50% avg. depth 50% avg. depth - 6m/20ft 6m/20ft to surface 16777215 20 16777215 20 16777215 20 Ascent rates verbatim_plan display_runtime display_duration display_transitions ascRate75 ascRate50 ascRateStops ascRateLast6m lastStop backgasBreaks ascRate75_2 ascRate75_3