#include "divetooltipitem.h" #include "divecartesianaxis.h" #include "profilewidget2.h" #include "dive.h" #include "profile.h" #include "membuffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PORT_IN_PROGRESS 1 #ifdef PORT_IN_PROGRESS #include "display.h" #endif ToolTipItem::IconMetrics ToolTipItem::iconMetrics = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; void ToolTipItem::addToolTip(const QString &toolTip, const QIcon &icon, const QPixmap *pixmap) { QGraphicsPixmapItem *iconItem = 0, *pixmapItem = 0; double yValue = title->boundingRect().height() + iconMetrics.spacing; Q_FOREACH (ToolTip t, toolTips) { yValue += t.second->boundingRect().height(); } if (!icon.isNull()) { iconItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(icon.pixmap(iconMetrics.small, iconMetrics.small), this); iconItem->setPos(iconMetrics.spacing, yValue); } else { if (pixmap && !pixmap->isNull()) { pixmapItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(*pixmap, this); pixmapItem->setPos(iconMetrics.spacing, yValue); } } QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(toolTip, this); textItem->setPos(iconMetrics.spacing + iconMetrics.small + iconMetrics.spacing, yValue); textItem->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); textItem->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); toolTips.push_back(qMakePair(iconItem, textItem)); expand(); } void ToolTipItem::clear() { Q_FOREACH (ToolTip t, toolTips) { delete t.first; delete t.second; } toolTips.clear(); } void ToolTipItem::setRect(const QRectF &r) { // qDeleteAll(childItems()); delete background; rectangle = r; setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0.5)); // Creates a 2pixels border QPainterPath border; border.addRoundedRect(-4, -4, rectangle.width() + 8, rectangle.height() + 10, 3, 3); border.addRoundedRect(-1, -1, rectangle.width() + 3, rectangle.height() + 4, 3, 3); setPath(border); QPainterPath bg; bg.addRoundedRect(-1, -1, rectangle.width() + 3, rectangle.height() + 4, 3, 3); QColor c = QColor(Qt::black); c.setAlpha(155); QGraphicsPathItem *b = new QGraphicsPathItem(bg, this); b->setFlag(ItemStacksBehindParent); b->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); b->setBrush(c); b->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::transparent), 0)); b->setZValue(-10); background = b; updateTitlePosition(); } void ToolTipItem::collapse() { QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect"); animation->setDuration(100); animation->setStartValue(nextRectangle); animation->setEndValue(QRect(0, 0, iconMetrics.small, iconMetrics.small)); animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); clear(); status = COLLAPSED; } void ToolTipItem::expand() { if (!title) return; double width = 0, height = title->boundingRect().height() + iconMetrics.spacing; Q_FOREACH (ToolTip t, toolTips) { if (t.second->boundingRect().width() > width) width = t.second->boundingRect().width(); height += t.second->boundingRect().height(); } /* Left padding, Icon Size, space, right padding */ width += iconMetrics.spacing + iconMetrics.small + iconMetrics.spacing + iconMetrics.spacing; if (width < title->boundingRect().width() + iconMetrics.spacing * 2) width = title->boundingRect().width() + iconMetrics.spacing * 2; if (height < iconMetrics.small) height = iconMetrics.small; nextRectangle.setWidth(width); nextRectangle.setHeight(height); QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect"); animation->setDuration(100); animation->setStartValue(rectangle); animation->setEndValue(nextRectangle); animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); status = EXPANDED; } ToolTipItem::ToolTipItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsPathItem(parent), background(0), separator(new QGraphicsLineItem(this)), title(new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(tr("Information"), this)), status(COLLAPSED), timeAxis(0), lastTime(-1) { // compute icon size, by rounding the font height to the nearest multiple of // 16 (small), and setting medium, big and spacing proportionally if (iconMetrics.small == -1) { int height = QFontMetrics(title->font()).height(); iconMetrics.small = (height + 8)/16; iconMetrics.small *= 16; // enforce a minimum small if (iconMetrics.small < 16) iconMetrics.small = 16; iconMetrics.medium = iconMetrics.small + iconMetrics.small/2; iconMetrics.big = iconMetrics.small*2; iconMetrics.spacing = iconMetrics.small/4; } memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo)); setFlags(ItemIgnoresTransformations | ItemIsMovable | ItemClipsChildrenToShape); updateTitlePosition(); setZValue(99); } ToolTipItem::~ToolTipItem() { clear(); } void ToolTipItem::updateTitlePosition() { if (rectangle.width() < title->boundingRect().width() + iconMetrics.spacing * 4) { QRectF newRect = rectangle; newRect.setWidth(title->boundingRect().width() + iconMetrics.spacing * 4); newRect.setHeight((newRect.height() && isExpanded()) ? newRect.height() : iconMetrics.small); setRect(newRect); } title->setPos(boundingRect().width() / 2 - title->boundingRect().width() / 2 - 1, 0); title->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); title->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); title->setBrush(Qt::white); if (toolTips.size() > 0) { double x1 = 3; double y1 = title->pos().y() + iconMetrics.spacing / 2 + title->boundingRect().height(); double x2 = boundingRect().width() - 10; double y2 = y1; separator->setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); separator->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); separator->setPen(QPen(Qt::white)); separator->show(); } else { separator->hide(); } } bool ToolTipItem::isExpanded() const { return status == EXPANDED; } void ToolTipItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { persistPos(); QGraphicsPathItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); Q_FOREACH (QGraphicsItem *item, oldSelection) { item->setSelected(true); } } void ToolTipItem::persistPos() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup("ProfileMap"); s.setValue("tooltip_position", pos()); s.endGroup(); } void ToolTipItem::readPos() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup("ProfileMap"); QPointF value = s.value("tooltip_position").toPoint(); if (!scene()->sceneRect().contains(value)) { value = QPointF(0, 0); } setPos(value); } void ToolTipItem::setPlotInfo(const plot_info &plot) { pInfo = plot; } void ToolTipItem::setTimeAxis(DiveCartesianAxis *axis) { timeAxis = axis; } void ToolTipItem::refresh(const QPointF &pos) { int i; struct plot_data *entry; static QPixmap *tissues = new QPixmap(16,60); static QPainter *painter = new QPainter(tissues); int time = timeAxis->valueAt(pos); if (time == lastTime) return; lastTime = time; clear(); struct membuffer mb = { 0 }; entry = get_plot_details_new(&pInfo, time, &mb); if (entry) { tissues->fill(); painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); painter->setBrush(QColor(LIMENADE1)); painter->drawRect(0, 10 + (100 - AMB_PERCENTAGE) / 2, 16, AMB_PERCENTAGE / 2); painter->setBrush(QColor(SPRINGWOOD1)); painter->drawRect(0, 10, 16, (100 - AMB_PERCENTAGE) / 2); painter->setBrush(QColor("Red")); painter->drawRect(0,0,16,10); painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); painter->drawLine(0, 60 - entry->gfline / 2, 16, 60 - entry->gfline / 2); painter->drawLine(0, 60 - AMB_PERCENTAGE * (entry->pressures.n2 + entry->pressures.he) / entry->ambpressure / 2, 16, 60 - AMB_PERCENTAGE * (entry->pressures.n2 + entry->pressures.he) / entry->ambpressure /2); painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 127)); for (i=0; i<16; i++) { painter->drawLine(i, 60, i, 60 - entry->percentages[i] / 2); } addToolTip(QString::fromUtf8(mb.buffer, mb.len),QIcon(), tissues); } free_buffer(&mb); Q_FOREACH (QGraphicsItem *item, scene()->items(pos, Qt::IntersectsItemShape ,Qt::DescendingOrder, scene()->views().first()->transform())) { if (!item->toolTip().isEmpty()) addToolTip(item->toolTip()); } } void ToolTipItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { oldSelection = scene()->selectedItems(); scene()->clearSelection(); QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event); }