#include "ruleritem.h" #include "divetextitem.h" #include <QFont> #include <QFontMetrics> #include <QPainter> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsView> #include <QDebug> #include <stdint.h> #include "profile.h" #include "display.h" RulerNodeItem2::RulerNodeItem2(struct plot_info& info) : pInfo(info), entry(NULL) , ruler(NULL) { setRect(QRect(QPoint(-8,8),QPoint(8,-8))); setBrush(QColor(0xff, 0, 0, 127)); setPen(QColor("#FF0000")); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); setFlag(ItemSendsGeometryChanges); setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); } void RulerNodeItem2::setRuler(RulerItem2 *r) { ruler = r; } void RulerNodeItem2::recalculate() { struct plot_data *data = pInfo.entry+(pInfo.nr-1); uint16_t count = 0; if (x() < 0) { setPos(0, y()); } else if (x() > timeAxis->posAtValue(data->sec)) { setPos(timeAxis->posAtValue(data->sec), y()); } else { data = pInfo.entry; count=0; while (timeAxis->posAtValue(data->sec) < x() && count < pInfo.nr) { data = pInfo.entry+count; count++; } setPos(timeAxis->posAtValue(data->sec), depthAxis->posAtValue(data->depth)); entry=data; } } QVariant RulerNodeItem2::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if (change == ItemPositionHasChanged) { recalculate(); if (ruler != NULL) ruler->recalculate(); if (scene()) { scene()->update(); } } return QGraphicsEllipseItem::itemChange(change, value); } RulerItem2::RulerItem2(): timeAxis(NULL), depthAxis(NULL), source(new RulerNodeItem2(pInfo)), dest(new RulerNodeItem2(pInfo)), textItem(new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(this)) { memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo)); source->setRuler(this); dest->setRuler(this); textItem->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); } void RulerItem2::recalculate() { char buffer[500]; QPointF tmp; QFont font; QFontMetrics fm(font); if (timeAxis == NULL || depthAxis == NULL || pInfo.nr == 0) return; prepareGeometryChange(); startPoint = mapFromItem(source, 0, 0); endPoint = mapFromItem(dest, 0, 0); if (startPoint.x() > endPoint.x()) { tmp = endPoint; endPoint = startPoint; startPoint = tmp; } QLineF line(startPoint, endPoint); compare_samples(source->entry, dest->entry, buffer, 500, 1); text = QString(buffer); //Draw Text // This text item ignores transformations, so we cant use // the line.angle(), we need to calculate the angle based // on the view. QGraphicsView *view = scene()->views().first(); QPoint begin = view->mapFromScene(mapToScene(startPoint)); QPoint end = view->mapFromScene(mapToScene(endPoint)); QLineF globalLine(begin, end); textItem->setText(text); textItem->resetMatrix(); textItem->resetTransform(); textItem->setPos(startPoint); textItem->rotate(globalLine.angle() * -1); } RulerNodeItem2 *RulerItem2::sourceNode() const { return source; } RulerNodeItem2 *RulerItem2::destNode() const { return dest; } void RulerItem2::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); QLineF line(startPoint, endPoint); painter->setPen(QColor(Qt::black)); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->drawLine(line); } QRectF RulerItem2::boundingRect() const { return shape().controlPointRect(); } QPainterPath RulerItem2::shape() const { QPainterPath path; QLineF line(startPoint, endPoint); QLineF line_n = line.normalVector(); line_n.setLength(height); if (paint_direction == 1) line_n.setAngle(line_n.angle()+180); path.moveTo(startPoint); path.lineTo(line_n.p2()); path.lineTo(line_n.p2() + QPointF(line.dx(), line.dy())); path.lineTo(endPoint); path.lineTo(startPoint); return path; } void RulerItem2::setPlotInfo(plot_info info) { pInfo = info; recalculate(); dest->recalculate(); source->recalculate(); } void RulerItem2::setAxis(DiveCartesianAxis* time, DiveCartesianAxis* depth) { timeAxis = time; depthAxis = depth; dest->depthAxis = depth; dest->timeAxis = time; source->depthAxis = depth; source->timeAxis = time; recalculate(); }