#include "tankitem.h" #include "diveplotdatamodel.h" #include "divetextitem.h" #include "profile.h" #include <QGradient> #include <QDebug> #include <QPen> TankItem::TankItem(QObject *parent) : QGraphicsRectItem(), dataModel(0), dive(0), pInfo(0) { height = 3; QColor red(PERSIANRED1); QColor blue(AIR_BLUE); QColor yellow(NITROX_YELLOW); QColor green(NITROX_GREEN); QLinearGradient nitroxGradient(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, height)); nitroxGradient.setColorAt(0.0, green); nitroxGradient.setColorAt(0.49, green); nitroxGradient.setColorAt(0.5, yellow); nitroxGradient.setColorAt(1.0, yellow); nitrox = nitroxGradient; QLinearGradient trimixGradient(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, height)); trimixGradient.setColorAt(0.0, green); trimixGradient.setColorAt(0.49, green); trimixGradient.setColorAt(0.5, red); trimixGradient.setColorAt(1.0, red); trimix = trimixGradient; air = blue; } void TankItem::setData(DivePlotDataModel *model, struct plot_info *plotInfo, struct dive *d) { pInfo = plotInfo; dive = d; dataModel = model; connect(dataModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(modelDataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex))); modelDataChanged(); } void TankItem::createBar(qreal x, qreal w, struct gasmix *gas) { // pick the right gradient, size, position and text QGraphicsRectItem *rect = new QGraphicsRectItem(x, 0, w, height, this); if (gasmix_is_air(gas)) rect->setBrush(air); else if (gas->he.permille) rect->setBrush(trimix); else rect->setBrush(nitrox); rect->setPen(QPen(QBrush(), 0.0)); // get rid of the thick line around the rectangle rects.push_back(rect); DiveTextItem *label = new DiveTextItem(rect); label->setText(gasname(gas)); label->setBrush(Qt::black); label->setPos(x + 1, 0); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight); label->setZValue(101); } void TankItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight) { // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit. if (!dive || !dataModel || !pInfo || !pInfo->nr) return; // remove the old rectangles foreach (QGraphicsRectItem *r, rects) { delete(r); } rects.clear(); // walk the list and figure out which tanks go where struct plot_data *entry = pInfo->entry; int cylIdx = entry->cylinderindex; int i = -1; int startTime = 0; struct gasmix *gas = &dive->cylinder[cylIdx].gasmix; qreal width, left; while (++i < pInfo->nr) { entry = &pInfo->entry[i]; if (entry->cylinderindex == cylIdx) continue; width = hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec) - hAxis->posAtValue(startTime); left = hAxis->posAtValue(startTime); createBar(left, width, gas); cylIdx = entry->cylinderindex; gas = &dive->cylinder[cylIdx].gasmix; startTime = entry->sec; } width = hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec) - hAxis->posAtValue(startTime); left = hAxis->posAtValue(startTime); createBar(left, width, gas); } void TankItem::setHorizontalAxis(DiveCartesianAxis *horizontal) { hAxis = horizontal; connect(hAxis, SIGNAL(sizeChanged()), this, SLOT(modelDataChanged())); modelDataChanged(); }