#include "profilegraphics.h" #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QResizeEvent> #include <QGraphicsLineItem> #include <QPen> #include <QBrush> #include <QDebug> #include <QLineF> #include <QSettings> #include <QIcon> #include <QPropertyAnimation> #include <QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent> #include "../color.h" #include "../display.h" #include "../dive.h" #include "../profile.h" #include <libdivecomputer/parser.h> #include <libdivecomputer/version.h> #define SAC_COLORS_START_IDX SAC_1 #define SAC_COLORS 9 #define VELOCITY_COLORS_START_IDX VELO_STABLE #define VELOCITY_COLORS 5 /* Scale to 0,0 -> maxx,maxy */ #define SCALEX(gc,x) (((x)-gc->leftx)/(gc->rightx-gc->leftx)*gc->maxx) #define SCALEY(gc,y) (((y)-gc->topy)/(gc->bottomy-gc->topy)*gc->maxy) #define SCALE(gc,x,y) SCALEX(gc,x),SCALEY(gc,y) static struct graphics_context last_gc; static double plot_scale = SCALE_SCREEN; typedef enum { /* SAC colors. Order is important, the SAC_COLORS_START_IDX define above. */ SAC_1, SAC_2, SAC_3, SAC_4, SAC_5, SAC_6, SAC_7, SAC_8, SAC_9, /* Velocity colors. Order is still important, ref VELOCITY_COLORS_START_IDX. */ VELO_STABLE, VELO_SLOW, VELO_MODERATE, VELO_FAST, VELO_CRAZY, /* gas colors */ PO2, PO2_ALERT, PN2, PN2_ALERT, PHE, PHE_ALERT, PP_LINES, /* Other colors */ TEXT_BACKGROUND, ALERT_BG, ALERT_FG, EVENTS, SAMPLE_DEEP, SAMPLE_SHALLOW, SMOOTHED, MINUTE, TIME_GRID, TIME_TEXT, DEPTH_GRID, MEAN_DEPTH, DEPTH_TOP, DEPTH_BOTTOM, TEMP_TEXT, TEMP_PLOT, SAC_DEFAULT, BOUNDING_BOX, PRESSURE_TEXT, BACKGROUND, CEILING_SHALLOW, CEILING_DEEP, CALC_CEILING_SHALLOW, CALC_CEILING_DEEP } color_indice_t; #define COLOR(x, y, z) QVector<QColor>() << x << y << z; /* profile_color[color indice] = COLOR(screen color, b/w printer color, color printer}} printer & screen colours could be different */ QMap<color_indice_t, QVector<QColor> > profile_color; void fill_profile_color() { profile_color[SAC_1] = COLOR(FUNGREEN1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, FUNGREEN1); profile_color[SAC_2] = COLOR(APPLE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, APPLE1); profile_color[SAC_3] = COLOR(ATLANTIS1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, ATLANTIS1); profile_color[SAC_4] = COLOR(ATLANTIS2, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, ATLANTIS2); profile_color[SAC_5] = COLOR(EARLSGREEN1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, EARLSGREEN1); profile_color[SAC_6] = COLOR(HOKEYPOKEY1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, HOKEYPOKEY1); profile_color[SAC_7] = COLOR(TUSCANY1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, TUSCANY1); profile_color[SAC_8] = COLOR(CINNABAR1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, CINNABAR1); profile_color[SAC_9] = COLOR(REDORANGE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, REDORANGE1); profile_color[VELO_STABLE] = COLOR(CAMARONE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, CAMARONE1); profile_color[VELO_SLOW] = COLOR(LIMENADE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, LIMENADE1); profile_color[VELO_MODERATE] = COLOR(RIOGRANDE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, RIOGRANDE1); profile_color[VELO_FAST] = COLOR(PIRATEGOLD1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, PIRATEGOLD1); profile_color[VELO_CRAZY] = COLOR(RED1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, RED1); profile_color[PO2] = COLOR(APPLE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, APPLE1); profile_color[PO2_ALERT] = COLOR(RED1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, RED1); profile_color[PN2] = COLOR(BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS); profile_color[PN2_ALERT] = COLOR(RED1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, RED1); profile_color[PHE] = COLOR(PEANUT, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, PEANUT); profile_color[PHE_ALERT] = COLOR(RED1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, RED1); profile_color[PP_LINES] = COLOR(BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS); profile_color[TEXT_BACKGROUND] = COLOR(CONCRETE1_LOWER_TRANS, WHITE1, CONCRETE1_LOWER_TRANS); profile_color[ALERT_BG] = COLOR(BROOM1_LOWER_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, BROOM1_LOWER_TRANS); profile_color[ALERT_FG] = COLOR(BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS); profile_color[EVENTS] = COLOR(REDORANGE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, REDORANGE1); profile_color[SAMPLE_DEEP] = COLOR(PERSIANRED1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, PERSIANRED1); profile_color[SAMPLE_SHALLOW] = COLOR(PERSIANRED1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, PERSIANRED1); profile_color[SMOOTHED] = COLOR(REDORANGE1_HIGH_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, REDORANGE1_HIGH_TRANS); profile_color[MINUTE] = COLOR(MEDIUMREDVIOLET1_HIGHER_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, MEDIUMREDVIOLET1_HIGHER_TRANS); profile_color[TIME_GRID] = COLOR(WHITE1, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, TUNDORA1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[TIME_TEXT] = COLOR(FORESTGREEN1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, FORESTGREEN1); profile_color[DEPTH_GRID] = COLOR(WHITE1, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, TUNDORA1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[MEAN_DEPTH] = COLOR(REDORANGE1_MED_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, REDORANGE1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[DEPTH_BOTTOM] = COLOR(GOVERNORBAY1_MED_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, GOVERNORBAY1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[DEPTH_TOP] = COLOR(MERCURY1_MED_TRANS, WHITE1_MED_TRANS, MERCURY1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[TEMP_TEXT] = COLOR(GOVERNORBAY2, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, GOVERNORBAY2); profile_color[TEMP_PLOT] = COLOR(ROYALBLUE2_LOW_TRANS, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, ROYALBLUE2_LOW_TRANS); profile_color[SAC_DEFAULT] = COLOR(WHITE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, FORESTGREEN1); profile_color[BOUNDING_BOX] = COLOR(WHITE1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, TUNDORA1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[PRESSURE_TEXT] = COLOR(KILLARNEY1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, KILLARNEY1); profile_color[BACKGROUND] = COLOR(SPRINGWOOD1, BLACK1_LOW_TRANS, SPRINGWOOD1); profile_color[CEILING_SHALLOW] = COLOR(REDORANGE1_HIGH_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, REDORANGE1_HIGH_TRANS); profile_color[CEILING_DEEP] = COLOR(RED1_MED_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, RED1_MED_TRANS); profile_color[CALC_CEILING_SHALLOW] = COLOR(FUNGREEN1_HIGH_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, FUNGREEN1_HIGH_TRANS); profile_color[CALC_CEILING_DEEP] = COLOR(APPLE1_HIGH_TRANS, BLACK1_HIGH_TRANS, APPLE1_HIGH_TRANS); } #undef COLOR struct text_render_options{ double size; color_indice_t color; double hpos, vpos; }; extern struct ev_select *ev_namelist; extern int evn_allocated; extern int evn_used; ProfileGraphicsView::ProfileGraphicsView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) { setScene(new QGraphicsScene()); setBackgroundBrush(QColor("#F3F3E6")); scene()->setSceneRect(0,0,1000,1000); setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); defaultPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin); defaultPen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); defaultPen.setWidth(2); fill_profile_color(); } static void plot_set_scale(scale_mode_t scale) { switch (scale) { default: case SC_SCREEN: plot_scale = SCALE_SCREEN; break; case SC_PRINT: plot_scale = SCALE_PRINT; break; } } void ProfileGraphicsView::plot(struct dive *dive) { scene()->clear(); if(!dive) return; QSettings s; s.beginGroup("ProfileMap"); QPointF toolTipPos = s.value("tooltip_position", QPointF(0,0)).toPointF(); s.endGroup(); toolTip = new ToolTipItem(); toolTip->setPos(toolTipPos); scene()->addItem(toolTip); struct plot_info *pi; struct divecomputer *dc = &dive->dc; // This was passed around in the Cairo version / needed? graphics_context gc; const char *nickname; // Fix this for printing / screen later. // plot_set_scale( scale_mode_t); if (!dc->samples) { static struct sample fake[4]; static struct divecomputer fakedc; fakedc = dive->dc; fakedc.sample = fake; fakedc.samples = 4; /* The dive has no samples, so create a few fake ones. This assumes an ascent/descent rate of 9 m/min, which is just below the limit for FAST. */ int duration = dive->dc.duration.seconds; int maxdepth = dive->dc.maxdepth.mm; int asc_desc_time = dive->dc.maxdepth.mm*60/9000; if (asc_desc_time * 2 >= duration) asc_desc_time = duration / 2; fake[1].time.seconds = asc_desc_time; fake[1].depth.mm = maxdepth; fake[2].time.seconds = duration - asc_desc_time; fake[2].depth.mm = maxdepth; fake[3].time.seconds = duration * 1.00; fakedc.events = dc->events; dc = &fakedc; } /* * Set up limits that are independent of * the dive computer */ calculate_max_limits(dive, dc, &gc); /* * We don't use "cairo_translate()" because that doesn't * scale line width etc. But the actual scaling we need * do set up ourselves.. * * Snif. What a pity. */ QRectF drawing_area = scene()->sceneRect(); gc.maxx = (drawing_area.width() - 2 * drawing_area.x()); gc.maxy = (drawing_area.height() - 2 * drawing_area.y()); dc = select_dc(dc); /* This is per-dive-computer. Right now we just do the first one */ pi = create_plot_info(dive, dc, &gc); /* Depth profile */ plot_depth_profile(&gc, pi); plot_events(&gc, pi, dc); #if 0 /* Temperature profile */ plot_temperature_profile(gc, pi); /* Cylinder pressure plot */ plot_cylinder_pressure(gc, pi, dive, dc); /* Text on top of all graphs.. */ plot_temperature_text(gc, pi); plot_depth_text(gc, pi); plot_cylinder_pressure_text(gc, pi); plot_deco_text(gc, pi); /* Bounding box last */ gc->leftx = 0; gc->rightx = 1.0; gc->topy = 0; gc->bottomy = 1.0; set_source_rgba(gc, BOUNDING_BOX); cairo_set_line_width_scaled(gc->cr, 1); move_to(gc, 0, 0); line_to(gc, 0, 1); line_to(gc, 1, 1); line_to(gc, 1, 0); cairo_close_path(gc->cr); cairo_stroke(gc->cr); /* Put the dive computer name in the lower left corner */ nickname = get_dc_nickname(dc->model, dc->deviceid); if (!nickname || *nickname == '\0') nickname = dc->model; if (nickname) { static const text_render_options_t computer = {DC_TEXT_SIZE, TIME_TEXT, LEFT, MIDDLE}; plot_text(gc, &computer, 0, 1, "%s", nickname); } if (PP_GRAPHS_ENABLED) { plot_pp_gas_profile(gc, pi); plot_pp_text(gc, pi); } /* now shift the translation back by half the margin; * this way we can draw the vertical scales on both sides */ cairo_translate(gc->cr, -drawing_area->x / 2.0, 0); gc->maxx += drawing_area->x; gc->leftx = -(drawing_area->x / drawing_area->width) / 2.0; gc->rightx = 1.0 - gc->leftx; plot_depth_scale(gc, pi); if (gc->printer) { free(pi->entry); last_pi_entry = pi->entry = NULL; pi->nr = 0; } #endif } void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_events(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plot_info *pi, struct divecomputer *dc) { struct event *event = dc->events; // if (gc->printer){ // return; // } while (event) { plot_one_event(gc, pi, event); event = event->next; } } void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_one_event(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plot_info *pi, struct event *ev) { int i, depth = 0; /* is plotting this event disabled? */ if (ev->name) { for (i = 0; i < evn_used; i++) { if (! strcmp(ev->name, ev_namelist[i].ev_name)) { if (ev_namelist[i].plot_ev) break; else return; } } } if (ev->time.seconds < 30 && !strcmp(ev->name, "gaschange")) /* a gas change in the first 30 seconds is the way of some dive computers * to tell us the gas that is used; let's not plot a marker for that */ return; for (i = 0; i < pi->nr; i++) { struct plot_data *data = pi->entry + i; if (ev->time.seconds < data->sec) break; depth = data->depth; } /* draw a little triangular marker and attach tooltip */ int x = SCALEX(gc, ev->time.seconds); int y = SCALEY(gc, depth); EventItem *item = new EventItem(); item->setPos(x, y); scene()->addItem(item); /* we display the event on screen - so translate */ QString name = tr(ev->name); if (ev->value) { if (ev->name && name == "gaschange") { unsigned int he = ev->value >> 16; unsigned int o2 = ev->value & 0xffff; name += (he) ? QString("%1/%2").arg(o2, he) : (o2 == 21) ? name += tr(":air") : QString("%1 %% %2").arg(o2).arg("O" UTF8_SUBSCRIPT_2); } else if (ev->name && !strcmp(ev->name, "SP change")) { name += QString(":%1").arg( (double) ev->value / 1000 ); } else { name += QString(":%1").arg(ev->value); } } else if (ev->name && name == "SP change") { name += tr("Bailing out to OC"); } else { name += ev->flags == SAMPLE_FLAGS_BEGIN ? tr("Starts with space!"," begin") : ev->flags == SAMPLE_FLAGS_END ? tr("Starts with space!", " end") : ""; } item->setToolTipController(toolTip); item->addToolTip(name); } void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_depth_profile(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plot_info *pi) { int i, incr; int sec, depth; struct plot_data *entry; int maxtime, maxdepth, marker, maxline; int increments[8] = { 10, 20, 30, 60, 5*60, 10*60, 15*60, 30*60 }; /* Get plot scaling limits */ maxtime = get_maxtime(pi); maxdepth = get_maxdepth(pi); gc->maxtime = maxtime; /* Time markers: at most every 10 seconds, but no more than 12 markers. * We start out with 10 seconds and increment up to 30 minutes, * depending on the dive time. * This allows for 6h dives - enough (I hope) for even the craziest * divers - but just in case, for those 8h depth-record-breaking dives, * we double the interval if this still doesn't get us to 12 or fewer * time markers */ i = 0; while (maxtime / increments[i] > 12 && i < 7) i++; incr = increments[i]; while (maxtime / incr > 12) incr *= 2; gc->leftx = 0; gc->rightx = maxtime; gc->topy = 0; gc->bottomy = 1.0; last_gc = *gc; QColor color; color = profile_color[TIME_GRID].at(0); for (i = incr; i < maxtime; i += incr) { QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(SCALE(gc, i, 0), SCALE(gc, i, 1)); line->setPen(QPen(color)); scene()->addItem(line); } /* now the text on the time markers */ struct text_render_options tro = {DEPTH_TEXT_SIZE, TIME_TEXT, CENTER, TOP}; if (maxtime < 600) { /* Be a bit more verbose with shorter dives */ for (i = incr; i < maxtime; i += incr) plot_text(gc, &tro, i, 1, QString("%1:%2").arg(i/60).arg(i%60)); } else { /* Only render the time on every second marker for normal dives */ for (i = incr; i < maxtime; i += 2 * incr) plot_text(gc, &tro, i, 1, QString::number(i/60)); } /* Depth markers: every 30 ft or 10 m*/ gc->leftx = 0; gc->rightx = 1.0; gc->topy = 0; gc->bottomy = maxdepth; switch (prefs.units.length) { case units::METERS: marker = 10000; break; case units::FEET: marker = 9144; break; /* 30 ft */ } maxline = MAX(pi->maxdepth + marker, maxdepth * 2 / 3); color = profile_color[DEPTH_GRID].at(0); for (i = marker; i < maxline; i += marker) { QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(SCALE(gc, 0, i), SCALE(gc, 1, i)); line->setPen(QPen(color)); scene()->addItem(line); } gc->leftx = 0; gc->rightx = maxtime; color = profile_color[MEAN_DEPTH].at(0); /* Show mean depth */ if (! gc->printer) { QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(SCALE(gc, 0, pi->meandepth), SCALE(gc, pi->entry[pi->nr - 1].sec, pi->meandepth)); line->setPen(QPen(color)); scene()->addItem(line); } #if 0 /* * These are good for debugging text placement etc, * but not for actual display.. */ if (0) { plot_smoothed_profile(gc, pi); plot_minmax_profile(gc, pi); } #endif /* Do the depth profile for the neat fill */ gc->topy = 0; gc->bottomy = maxdepth; entry = pi->entry; QPolygonF p; QLinearGradient pat(0.0,0.0,0.0,scene()->height()); QGraphicsPolygonItem *neatFill = NULL; p.append( QPointF(SCALE(gc, 0, 0) )); for (i = 0; i < pi->nr; i++, entry++) p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->depth) )); /* Show any ceiling we may have encountered */ for (i = pi->nr - 1; i >= 0; i--, entry--) { if (entry->ndl) { /* non-zero NDL implies this is a safety stop, no ceiling */ p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, 0) )); } else if (entry->stopdepth < entry->depth) { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->stopdepth) )); } else { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->depth) )); } } pat.setColorAt(1, profile_color[DEPTH_BOTTOM].first()); pat.setColorAt(0, profile_color[DEPTH_TOP].first()); neatFill = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(); neatFill->setPolygon(p); neatFill->setBrush(QBrush(pat)); neatFill->setPen(QPen(QBrush(),0)); scene()->addItem(neatFill); /* if the user wants the deco ceiling more visible, do that here (this * basically draws over the background that we had allowed to shine * through so far) */ // TODO: port the prefs.profile_red_ceiling to QSettings //if (prefs.profile_red_ceiling) { p.clear(); pat.setColorAt(0, profile_color[CEILING_SHALLOW].first()); pat.setColorAt(1, profile_color[CEILING_DEEP].first()); entry = pi->entry; p.append( QPointF(SCALE(gc, 0, 0) )); for (i = 0; i < pi->nr; i++, entry++) { if (entry->ndl == 0 && entry->stopdepth) { if (entry->ndl == 0 && entry->stopdepth < entry->depth) { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->stopdepth) )); } else { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->depth) )); } } else { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, 0) )); } } neatFill = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(); neatFill->setBrush(QBrush(pat)); neatFill->setPolygon(p); neatFill->setPen(QPen(QBrush(),0)); scene()->addItem(neatFill); //} /* finally, plot the calculated ceiling over all this */ // TODO: Port the profile_calc_ceiling to QSettings // if (prefs.profile_calc_ceiling) { pat.setColorAt(0, profile_color[CALC_CEILING_SHALLOW].first()); pat.setColorAt(1, profile_color[CALC_CEILING_DEEP].first()); entry = pi->entry; p.clear(); p.append( QPointF(SCALE(gc, 0, 0) )); for (i = 0; i < pi->nr; i++, entry++) { if (entry->ceiling) p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->ceiling) )); else p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, 0) )); } p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, (entry-1)->sec, 0) )); neatFill = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(); neatFill->setPolygon(p); neatFill->setPen(QPen(QBrush(),0)); neatFill->setBrush(pat); scene()->addItem(neatFill); //} /* next show where we have been bad and crossed the dc's ceiling */ pat.setColorAt(0, profile_color[CEILING_SHALLOW].first()); pat.setColorAt(1, profile_color[CEILING_DEEP].first()); entry = pi->entry; p.clear(); p.append( QPointF(SCALE(gc, 0, 0) )); for (i = 0; i < pi->nr; i++, entry++) p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->depth) )); for (i = pi->nr - 1; i >= 0; i--, entry--) { if (entry->ndl == 0 && entry->stopdepth > entry->depth) { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->stopdepth) )); } else { p.append( QPointF( SCALE(gc, entry->sec, entry->depth) )); } } neatFill = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(); neatFill->setPolygon(p); neatFill->setPen(QPen(QBrush(),0)); neatFill->setBrush(QBrush(pat)); scene()->addItem(neatFill); /* Now do it again for the velocity colors */ entry = pi->entry; for (i = 1; i < pi->nr; i++) { entry++; sec = entry->sec; /* we want to draw the segments in different colors * representing the vertical velocity, so we need to * chop this into short segments */ depth = entry->depth; QGraphicsLineItem *colorLine = new QGraphicsLineItem( SCALE(gc, entry[-1].sec, entry[-1].depth), SCALE(gc, sec, depth)); colorLine->setPen(QPen(QBrush(profile_color[ (color_indice_t) (VELOCITY_COLORS_START_IDX + entry->velocity)].first()), 2 )); scene()->addItem(colorLine); } } void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_text(struct graphics_context *gc, text_render_options_t *tro, double x, double y, const QString& text) { QFontMetrics fm(font()); double dx = tro->hpos * (fm.width(text)); double dy = tro->vpos * (fm.height()); QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *item = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(text); QPointF point( SCALE(gc, x, y) ); // This is neded because of the SCALE macro. item->setPos(point.x() + dx, point.y() +dy ); item->setBrush( QBrush(profile_color[tro->color].first())); item->setPen( QPen(profile_color[BACKGROUND].first())); item->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); scene()->addItem(item); } void ProfileGraphicsView::addToolTip(const QString& text, const QIcon& icon) { toolTip->addToolTip(text, icon); } void ProfileGraphicsView::removeToolTip(const QString& text) { toolTip->removeToolTip(text); } void ProfileGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { // Fits the scene's rectangle on the view. // I can pass some parameters to this - // like Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio or Qt::KeepAspectRatio QRectF r = scene()->sceneRect(); fitInView ( r.x() - 50, r.y() -50, r.width() + 100, r.height() + 100); // do a little bit of spacing; } void ToolTipItem::addToolTip(const QString& toolTip, const QIcon& icon) { QGraphicsPixmapItem *iconItem = 0; double yValue = title->boundingRect().height() + SPACING + toolTips.keys().size() * ICON_SMALL + SPACING; if (!icon.isNull()) { iconItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(icon.pixmap(ICON_SMALL,ICON_SMALL), this); iconItem->setPos( SPACING, yValue); } QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(toolTip, this); textItem->setPos( SPACING + ICON_SMALL + SPACING, yValue); textItem->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); textItem->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); textItem->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); toolTips[toolTip] = qMakePair(iconItem, textItem); expand(); } void ToolTipItem::removeToolTip(const QString& toolTip) { ToolTip toBeRemoved = toolTips[toolTip]; delete toBeRemoved.first; delete toBeRemoved.second; toolTips.remove(toolTip); int toolTipIndex = 0; // We removed a toolTip, let's move the others to the correct location Q_FOREACH(ToolTip t, toolTips){ double yValue = title->boundingRect().height() + SPACING + toolTipIndex * ICON_SMALL + SPACING; // Icons can be null. if (t.first) t.first->setPos(SPACING, yValue); t.second->setPos(SPACING + ICON_SMALL + SPACING, yValue); toolTipIndex++; } expand(); } void ToolTipItem::clear() { Q_FOREACH(ToolTip t, toolTips) { delete t.first; delete t.second; } toolTips.clear(); expand(); } void ToolTipItem::setRect(const QRectF& r) { // qDeleteAll(childItems()); if (background) { childItems().removeAt(childItems().indexOf(background)); delete background; } rectangle = r; setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0.5)); QPainterPath border; border.addRoundedRect(-2, -2, rectangle.width() + 4, rectangle.height()+ 4, 3, 3); border.addRoundedRect( 0, 0, rectangle.width(), rectangle.height(), 3, 3); setPath(border); QGraphicsRectItem *b = new QGraphicsRectItem(-1, -1, rectangle.width()+1, rectangle.height()+1, this); b->setFlag(ItemStacksBehindParent); QColor c = QColor(Qt::black); c.setAlpha(155); b->setBrush(c); background = b; updateTitlePosition(); } void ToolTipItem::collapse() { QRectF newRect = childrenBoundingRect(); QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect"); animation->setDuration(100); animation->setStartValue(boundingRect()); animation->setEndValue(QRect(0, 0, ICON_SMALL, ICON_SMALL )); animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); } void ToolTipItem::expand() { QRectF currentRect = rectangle; QRectF nextRectangle; double width = 0; Q_FOREACH(ToolTip t, toolTips) { if (t.second->boundingRect().width() > width) width = t.second->boundingRect().width(); } double height = toolTips.count() * 18 + title->boundingRect().height() + SPACING; /* Left padding, Icon Size, space, right padding */ width += SPACING + ICON_SMALL + SPACING + SPACING; if (width < title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*2) width = title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*2; if( height < ICON_SMALL) height = ICON_SMALL; nextRectangle.setWidth(width); nextRectangle.setHeight(height); QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect"); animation->setDuration(100); animation->setStartValue(rectangle); animation->setEndValue(nextRectangle); animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); } ToolTipItem::ToolTipItem(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsPathItem(parent), background(0) { title = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(tr("Information"), this); separator = new QGraphicsLineItem(this); setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); setFlag(ItemIsMovable); updateTitlePosition(); setZValue(99); } void ToolTipItem::updateTitlePosition() { if (rectangle.width() < title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*4 ){ QRectF newRect = rectangle; newRect.setWidth(title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*4); newRect.setHeight( newRect.height() ? newRect.height() : ICON_SMALL ); setRect(newRect); } title->setPos(boundingRect().width()/2 -title->boundingRect().width()/2, 0); title->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); title->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); title->setBrush(Qt::white); if (toolTips.size() > 0){ double x1 = 0; double y1 = title->pos().y() + SPACING/2 + title->boundingRect().height(); double x2 = boundingRect().width() - 4; double y2 = y1; separator->setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); separator->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); separator->setPen(QPen(Qt::white)); }else{ separator->setLine(QLineF()); } } EventItem::EventItem(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsPolygonItem(parent) { setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations); setFlag(ItemIsFocusable); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); QPolygonF poly; poly.push_back(QPointF(-8, 16)); poly.push_back(QPointF(8, 16)); poly.push_back(QPointF(0, 0)); poly.push_back(QPointF(-8, 16)); QPen defaultPen ; defaultPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin); defaultPen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); defaultPen.setWidth(2); QPen pen = defaultPen; pen.setBrush(QBrush(profile_color[ALERT_BG].first())); setPolygon(poly); setBrush(QBrush(profile_color[ALERT_BG].first())); setPen(pen); QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,5,0,10, this); line->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2)); QGraphicsEllipseItem *ball = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-1, 12, 2,2, this); ball->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); } void EventItem::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event) { controller->addToolTip(text, icon); } void EventItem::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event) { controller->removeToolTip(text); } void EventItem::addToolTip(const QString& t, const QIcon& i) { text = t; icon = i; } void EventItem::setToolTipController(ToolTipItem* c) { controller = c; }