#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "dive.h" #include "device.h" #include "membuffer.h" /* * We're outputting utf8 in xml. * We need to quote the characters <, >, &. * * Technically I don't think we'd necessarily need to quote the control * characters, but at least libxml2 doesn't like them. It doesn't even * allow them quoted. So we just skip them and replace them with '?'. * * If we do this for attributes, we need to quote the quotes we use too. */ static void quote(struct membuffer *b, const char *text, int is_attribute) { const char *p = text; for (;;) { const char *escape; switch (*p++) { default: continue; case 0: escape = NULL; break; case 1 ... 8: case 11: case 12: case 14 ... 31: escape = "?"; break; case '<': escape = "<"; break; case '>': escape = ">"; break; case '&': escape = "&"; break; case '\'': if (!is_attribute) continue; escape = "'"; break; case '\"': if (!is_attribute) continue; escape = """; break; } put_bytes(b, text, (p - text - 1)); if (!escape) break; put_string(b, escape); text = p; } } static void show_utf8(struct membuffer *b, const char *text, const char *pre, const char *post, int is_attribute) { int len; if (!text) return; while (isspace(*text)) text++; len = strlen(text); if (!len) return; while (len && isspace(text[len-1])) len--; /* FIXME! Quoting! */ put_string(b, pre); quote(b, text, is_attribute); put_string(b, post); } static void save_depths(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { /* What's the point of this dive entry again? */ if (!dc->maxdepth.mm && !dc->meandepth.mm) return; put_string(b, " <depth"); put_depth(b, dc->maxdepth, " max='", " m'"); put_depth(b, dc->meandepth, " mean='", " m'"); put_string(b, " />\n"); } static void save_dive_temperature(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { if (!dive->airtemp.mkelvin && !dive->watertemp.mkelvin) return; if (dive->airtemp.mkelvin == dc_airtemp(&dive->dc) && dive->watertemp.mkelvin == dc_watertemp(&dive->dc)) return; put_string(b, " <divetemperature"); if (dive->airtemp.mkelvin != dc_airtemp(&dive->dc)) put_temperature(b, dive->airtemp, " air='", " C'"); if (dive->watertemp.mkelvin != dc_watertemp(&dive->dc)) put_temperature(b, dive->watertemp, " water='", " C'"); put_string(b, "/>\n"); } static void save_temperatures(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { if (!dc->airtemp.mkelvin && !dc->watertemp.mkelvin) return; put_string(b, " <temperature"); put_temperature(b, dc->airtemp, " air='", " C'"); put_temperature(b, dc->watertemp, " water='", " C'"); put_string(b, " />\n"); } static void save_airpressure(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { if (!dc->surface_pressure.mbar) return; put_string(b, " <surface"); put_pressure(b, dc->surface_pressure, " pressure='", " bar'"); put_string(b, " />\n"); } static void save_salinity(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { /* only save if we have a value that isn't the default of sea water */ if (!dc->salinity || dc->salinity == SEAWATER_SALINITY) return; put_string(b, " <water"); put_salinity(b, dc->salinity, " salinity='", " g/l'"); put_string(b, " />\n"); } /* * Format degrees to within 6 decimal places. That's about 0.1m * on a great circle (ie longitude at equator). And micro-degrees * is also enough to fit in a fixed-point 32-bit integer. */ static int format_degrees(char *buffer, degrees_t value) { int udeg = value.udeg; const char *sign = ""; if (udeg < 0) { sign = "-"; udeg = -udeg; } return sprintf(buffer, "%s%u.%06u", sign, udeg / 1000000, udeg % 1000000); } static int format_location(char *buffer, degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude) { int len = sprintf(buffer, "gps='"); len += format_degrees(buffer+len, latitude); buffer[len++] = ' '; len += format_degrees(buffer+len, longitude); buffer[len++] = '\''; return len; } static void show_location(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { char buffer[80]; const char *prefix = " <location>"; degrees_t latitude = dive->latitude; degrees_t longitude = dive->longitude; /* * Ok, theoretically I guess you could dive at * exactly 0,0. But we don't support that. So * if you do, just fudge it a bit, and say that * you dove a few meters away. */ if (latitude.udeg || longitude.udeg) { int len = sprintf(buffer, " <location "); len += format_location(buffer+len, latitude, longitude); if (!dive->location) { memcpy(buffer+len, "/>\n", 4); put_string(b, buffer); return; } buffer[len++] = '>'; buffer[len] = 0; prefix = buffer; } show_utf8(b, dive->location, prefix,"</location>\n", 0); } static void save_overview(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { show_location(b, dive); show_utf8(b, dive->divemaster, " <divemaster>","</divemaster>\n", 0); show_utf8(b, dive->buddy, " <buddy>","</buddy>\n", 0); show_utf8(b, dive->notes, " <notes>","</notes>\n", 0); show_utf8(b, dive->suit, " <suit>","</suit>\n", 0); } static int nr_cylinders(struct dive *dive) { int nr; for (nr = MAX_CYLINDERS; nr; --nr) { cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder+nr-1; if (!cylinder_nodata(cylinder)) break; } return nr; } static void save_cylinder_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { int i, nr; nr = nr_cylinders(dive); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder+i; int volume = cylinder->type.size.mliter; const char *description = cylinder->type.description; int o2 = cylinder->gasmix.o2.permille; int he = cylinder->gasmix.he.permille; put_format(b, " <cylinder"); if (volume) put_milli(b, " size='", volume, " l'"); put_pressure(b, cylinder->type.workingpressure, " workpressure='", " bar'"); show_utf8(b, description, " description='", "'", 1); if (o2) { put_format(b, " o2='%u.%u%%'", FRACTION(o2, 10)); if (he) put_format(b, " he='%u.%u%%'", FRACTION(he, 10)); } put_pressure(b, cylinder->start, " start='", " bar'"); put_pressure(b, cylinder->end, " end='", " bar'"); put_format(b, " />\n"); } } static int nr_weightsystems(struct dive *dive) { int nr; for (nr = MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; nr; --nr) { weightsystem_t *ws = dive->weightsystem+nr-1; if (!weightsystem_none(ws)) break; } return nr; } static void save_weightsystem_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { int i, nr; nr = nr_weightsystems(dive); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { weightsystem_t *ws = dive->weightsystem+i; int grams = ws->weight.grams; const char *description = ws->description; put_format(b, " <weightsystem"); put_milli(b, " weight='", grams, " kg'"); show_utf8(b, description, " description='", "'", 1); put_format(b, " />\n"); } } static void show_index(struct membuffer *b, int value, const char *pre, const char *post) { if (value) put_format(b, " %s%d%s", pre, value, post); } static void save_sample(struct membuffer *b, struct sample *sample, struct sample *old) { put_format(b, " <sample time='%u:%02u min'", FRACTION(sample->time.seconds,60)); put_milli(b, " depth='", sample->depth.mm, " m'"); put_temperature(b, sample->temperature, " temp='", " C'"); put_pressure(b, sample->cylinderpressure, " pressure='", " bar'"); /* * We only show sensor information for samples with pressure, and only if it * changed from the previous sensor we showed. */ if (sample->cylinderpressure.mbar && sample->sensor != old->sensor) { put_format(b, " sensor='%d'", sample->sensor); old->sensor = sample->sensor; } /* the deco/ndl values are stored whenever they change */ if (sample->ndl.seconds != old->ndl.seconds) { put_format(b, " ndl='%u:%02u min'", FRACTION(sample->ndl.seconds, 60)); old->ndl = sample->ndl; } if (sample->in_deco != old->in_deco) { put_format(b, " in_deco='%d'", sample->in_deco ? 1 : 0); old->in_deco = sample->in_deco; } if (sample->stoptime.seconds != old->stoptime.seconds) { put_format(b, " stoptime='%u:%02u min'", FRACTION(sample->stoptime.seconds, 60)); old->stoptime = sample->stoptime; } if (sample->stopdepth.mm != old->stopdepth.mm) { put_milli(b, " stopdepth='", sample->stopdepth.mm, " m'"); old->stopdepth = sample->stopdepth; } if (sample->cns != old->cns) { put_format(b, " cns='%u%%'", sample->cns); old->cns = sample->cns; } if (sample->po2 != old->po2) { put_milli(b, " po2='", sample->po2, " bar'"); old->po2 = sample->po2; } show_index(b, sample->heartbeat, "heartbeat='", "'"); show_index(b, sample->bearing, "bearing='", "'"); put_format(b, " />\n"); } static void save_one_event(struct membuffer *b, struct event *ev) { put_format(b, " <event time='%d:%02d min'", FRACTION(ev->time.seconds,60)); show_index(b, ev->type, "type='", "'"); show_index(b, ev->flags, "flags='", "'"); show_index(b, ev->value, "value='", "'"); show_utf8(b, ev->name, " name='", "'", 1); put_format(b, " />\n"); } static void save_events(struct membuffer *b, struct event *ev) { while (ev) { save_one_event(b, ev); ev = ev->next; } } static void save_tags(struct membuffer *b, struct tag_entry *tag_list) { int more = 0; struct tag_entry *tmp = tag_list->next; /* Only write tag attribute if the list contains at least one item */ if (tmp != NULL) { put_format(b, " tags='"); while (tmp != NULL) { if (more) put_format(b, ", "); /* If the tag has been translated, write the source to the xml file */ if (tmp->tag->source != NULL) quote(b, tmp->tag->source, 0); else quote(b, tmp->tag->name, 0); tmp = tmp->next; more = 1; } put_format(b, "'"); } } static void show_date(struct membuffer *b, timestamp_t when) { struct tm tm; utc_mkdate(when, &tm); put_format(b, " date='%04u-%02u-%02u'", tm.tm_year+1900, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday); put_format(b, " time='%02u:%02u:%02u'", tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); } static void save_samples(struct membuffer *b, int nr, struct sample *s) { struct sample dummy = { }; while (--nr >= 0) { save_sample(b, s, &dummy); s++; } } static void save_dc(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc) { put_format(b, " <divecomputer"); show_utf8(b, dc->model, " model='", "'", 1); if (dc->deviceid) put_format(b, " deviceid='%08x'", dc->deviceid); if (dc->diveid) put_format(b, " diveid='%08x'", dc->diveid); if (dc->when && dc->when != dive->when) show_date(b, dc->when); if (dc->duration.seconds && dc->duration.seconds != dive->dc.duration.seconds) put_duration(b, dc->duration, " duration='", " min'"); put_format(b, ">\n"); save_depths(b, dc); save_temperatures(b, dc); save_airpressure(b, dc); save_salinity(b, dc); put_duration(b, dc->surfacetime, " <surfacetime>", " min</surfacetime>\n"); save_events(b, dc->events); save_samples(b, dc->samples, dc->sample); put_format(b, " </divecomputer>\n"); } void save_one_dive(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { struct divecomputer *dc; put_string(b, "<dive"); if (dive->number) put_format(b, " number='%d'", dive->number); if (dive->tripflag == NO_TRIP) put_format(b, " tripflag='NOTRIP'"); if (dive->rating) put_format(b, " rating='%d'", dive->rating); if (dive->visibility) put_format(b, " visibility='%d'", dive->visibility); if (dive->tag_list != NULL) save_tags(b, dive->tag_list); show_date(b, dive->when); put_format(b, " duration='%u:%02u min'>\n", FRACTION(dive->dc.duration.seconds, 60)); save_overview(b, dive); save_cylinder_info(b, dive); save_weightsystem_info(b, dive); save_dive_temperature(b, dive); /* Save the dive computer data */ dc = &dive->dc; do { save_dc(b, dive, dc); dc = dc->next; } while (dc); put_format(b, "</dive>\n"); } void save_dive(FILE *f, struct dive *dive) { struct membuffer buf = {0}; save_one_dive(&buf, dive); flush_buffer(&buf, f); } static void save_trip(struct membuffer *b, dive_trip_t *trip) { int i; struct dive *dive; put_format(b, "<trip"); show_date(b, trip->when); show_utf8(b, trip->location, " location=\'","\'", 1); put_format(b, ">\n"); show_utf8(b, trip->notes, "<notes>","</notes>\n", 0); /* * Incredibly cheesy: we want to save the dives sorted, and they * are sorted in the dive array.. So instead of using the dive * list in the trip, we just traverse the global dive array and * check the divetrip pointer.. */ for_each_dive(i, dive) { if (dive->divetrip == trip) save_one_dive(b, dive); } put_format(b, "</trip>\n"); } static void save_one_device(void *_f, const char * model, uint32_t deviceid, const char *nickname, const char *serial_nr, const char *firmware) { struct membuffer *b = _f; /* Nicknames that are empty or the same as the device model are not interesting */ if (nickname) { if (!*nickname || !strcmp(model, nickname)) nickname = NULL; } /* Serial numbers that are empty are not interesting */ if (serial_nr && !*serial_nr) serial_nr = NULL; /* Firmware strings that are empty are not interesting */ if (firmware && !*firmware) firmware = NULL; /* Do we have anything interesting about this dive computer to save? */ if (!serial_nr && !nickname && !firmware) return; put_format(b, "<divecomputerid"); show_utf8(b, model, " model='", "'", 1); put_format(b, " deviceid='%08x'", deviceid); show_utf8(b, serial_nr, " serial='", "'", 1); show_utf8(b, firmware, " firmware='", "'", 1); show_utf8(b, nickname, " nickname='", "'", 1); put_format(b, "/>\n"); } #define VERSION 2 void save_dives(const char *filename) { save_dives_logic(filename, false); } void save_dives_buffer(struct membuffer *b, const bool select_only) { int i; struct dive *dive; dive_trip_t *trip; put_format(b, "<divelog program='subsurface' version='%d'>\n<settings>\n", VERSION); /* save the dive computer nicknames, if any */ call_for_each_dc(b, save_one_device); if (autogroup) put_format(b, "<autogroup state='1' />\n"); put_format(b, "</settings>\n<dives>\n"); for (trip = dive_trip_list; trip != NULL; trip = trip->next) trip->index = 0; /* save the dives */ for_each_dive(i, dive) { if (select_only) { if(!dive->selected) continue; save_one_dive(b, dive); } else { trip = dive->divetrip; /* Bare dive without a trip? */ if (!trip) { save_one_dive(b, dive); continue; } /* Have we already seen this trip (and thus saved this dive?) */ if (trip->index) continue; /* We haven't seen this trip before - save it and all dives */ trip->index = 1; save_trip(b, trip); } } put_format(b, "</dives>\n</divelog>\n"); } static void save_backup(const char *name, const char *ext, const char *new_ext) { int len = strlen(name); int a = strlen(ext), b = strlen(new_ext); char *newname; /* len up to and including the final '.' */ len -= a; if (len <= 1) return; if (name[len-1] != '.') return; /* msvc doesn't have strncasecmp, has _strnicmp instead - crazy */ if (strncasecmp(name+len, ext, a)) return; newname = malloc(len + b + 1); if (!newname) return; memcpy(newname, name, len); memcpy(newname+len, new_ext, b+1); /* * Ignore errors. Maybe we can't create the backup file, * maybe no old file existed. Regardless, we'll write the * new file. */ subsurface_rename(name, newname); free(newname); } void save_dives_logic(const char *filename, const bool select_only) { struct membuffer buf = {0}; FILE *f; char extension[][5] = {"xml", "ssrf", ""}; int i = 0; int flen = strlen(filename); save_dives_buffer(&buf, select_only); /* Maybe we might want to make this configurable? */ while (extension[i][0] != '\0') { int elen = strlen(extension[i]); if (strcasecmp(filename + flen - elen, extension[i]) == 0) { save_backup(filename, extension[i], "bak"); break; } i++; } f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w"); if (f) { flush_buffer(&buf, f); fclose(f); } free_buffer(&buf); } void export_dives_uddf(const char *filename, const bool selected) { FILE *f; struct membuffer buf = {0}; xmlDoc *doc; xsltStylesheetPtr xslt = NULL; xmlDoc *transformed; if (!filename) return; /* Save XML to file and convert it into a memory buffer */ save_dives_buffer(&buf, selected); /* * Parse the memory buffer into XML document and * transform it to UDDF format, finally dumping * the XML into a character buffer. */ doc = xmlReadMemory(buf.buffer, buf.len, "divelog", NULL, 0); free_buffer(&buf); if (!doc) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read XML memory\n"); return; } /* Convert to UDDF format */ xslt = get_stylesheet("uddf-export.xslt"); if (!xslt) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open UDDF conversion stylesheet\n"); return; } transformed = xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt, doc, NULL); xsltFreeStylesheet(xslt); xmlFreeDoc(doc); /* Write the transformed XML to file */ f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w"); xmlDocFormatDump(f, transformed, 1); xmlFreeDoc(transformed); fclose(f); }