#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include "dive.h" #define FRACTION(n,x) ((unsigned)(n)/(x)),((unsigned)(n)%(x)) static void show_temperature(FILE *f, temperature_t temp, const char *pre, const char *post) { if (temp.mkelvin) { int mcelsius = temp.mkelvin - 273150; const char *sign =""; if (mcelsius < 0) { sign = "-"; mcelsius = - mcelsius; } fprintf(f, "%s%s%u.%03u C%s", pre, sign, FRACTION(mcelsius, 1000), post); } } static void show_depth(FILE *f, depth_t depth, const char *pre, const char *post) { if (depth.mm) fprintf(f, "%s%u.%03u m%s", pre, FRACTION(depth.mm, 1000), post); } static void show_duration(FILE *f, duration_t duration, const char *pre, const char *post) { if (duration.seconds) fprintf(f, "%s%u:%02u min%s", pre, FRACTION(duration.seconds, 60), post); } static void show_pressure(FILE *f, pressure_t pressure, const char *pre, const char *post) { if (pressure.mbar) fprintf(f, "%s%u.%03u bar%s", pre, FRACTION(pressure.mbar, 1000), post); } /* * We're outputting utf8 in xml. * We need to quote the characters <, >, &. * * Technically I don't think we'd necessarily need to quote the control * characters, but at least libxml2 doesn't like them. It doesn't even * allow them quoted. So we just skip them and replace them with '?'. * * Nothing else (and if we ever do this using attributes, we'd need to * quote the quotes we use too). */ static void quote(FILE *f, const char *text) { const char *p = text; for (;;) { const char *escape; switch (*p++) { default: continue; case 0: escape = NULL; break; case 1 ... 8: case 11: case 12: case 14 ... 31: escape = "?"; break; case '<': escape = "<"; break; case '>': escape = ">"; break; case '&': escape = "&"; break; } fwrite(text, (p - text - 1), 1, f); if (!escape) break; fputs(escape, f); text = p; } } static void show_utf8(FILE *f, const char *text, const char *pre, const char *post) { int len; if (!text) return; while (isspace(*text)) text++; len = strlen(text); if (!len) return; while (len && isspace(text[len-1])) len--; /* FIXME! Quoting! */ fputs(pre, f); quote(f, text); fputs(post, f); } static void save_overview(FILE *f, struct dive *dive) { show_depth(f, dive->maxdepth, " <maxdepth>", "</maxdepth>\n"); show_depth(f, dive->meandepth, " <meandepth>", "</meandepth>\n"); show_temperature(f, dive->airtemp, " <airtemp>", "</airtemp>\n"); show_temperature(f, dive->watertemp, " <watertemp>", "</watertemp>\n"); show_duration(f, dive->duration, " <duration>", "</duration>\n"); show_duration(f, dive->surfacetime, " <surfacetime>", "</surfacetime>\n"); show_pressure(f, dive->beginning_pressure, " <cylinderstartpressure>", "</cylinderstartpressure>\n"); show_pressure(f, dive->end_pressure, " <cylinderendpressure>", "</cylinderendpressure>\n"); show_utf8(f, dive->location, " <location>","</location>\n"); show_utf8(f, dive->notes, " <notes>","</notes>\n"); } static void save_cylinder_info(FILE *f, struct dive *dive) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder+i; int volume = cylinder->type.size.mliter; int pressure = cylinder->type.workingpressure.mbar; int o2 = cylinder->gasmix.o2.permille; int he = cylinder->gasmix.he.permille; /* No cylinder information at all? */ if (!o2 && !volume) return; fprintf(f, " <cylinder"); if (o2) { fprintf(f, " o2='%u.%u%%'", FRACTION(o2, 10)); if (he) fprintf(f, " he='%u.%u%%'", FRACTION(he, 10)); } if (volume) { fprintf(f, " size='%u.%03u l'", FRACTION(volume, 1000)); if (pressure) fprintf(f, " workpressure='%u.%03u bar'", FRACTION(pressure, 1000)); } fprintf(f, " />\n"); } } static void save_sample(FILE *f, struct sample *sample) { fprintf(f, " <sample time='%u:%02u min' depth='%u.%03u m'", FRACTION(sample->time.seconds,60), FRACTION(sample->depth.mm, 1000)); show_temperature(f, sample->temperature, " temp='", "'"); show_pressure(f, sample->cylinderpressure, " pressure='", "'"); if (sample->cylinderindex) fprintf(f, " cylinderindex='%d'", sample->cylinderindex); fprintf(f, " />\n"); } static void save_dive(FILE *f, struct dive *dive) { int i; struct tm *tm = gmtime(&dive->when); fprintf(f, "<dive date='%04u-%02u-%02u' time='%02u:%02u:%02u'>\n", tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); save_overview(f, dive); save_cylinder_info(f, dive); for (i = 0; i < dive->samples; i++) save_sample(f, dive->sample+i); fprintf(f, "</dive>\n"); } #define VERSION 1 void save_dives(const char *filename) { int i; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!f) return; /* Flush any edits of current dives back to the dives! */ flush_dive_info_changes(); fprintf(f, "<dives>\n<program name='diveclog' version='%d'></program>\n", VERSION); for (i = 0; i < dive_table.nr; i++) save_dive(f, get_dive(i)); fprintf(f, "</dives>\n"); fclose(f); }