/* statistics.c */ /* creates the UI for the Info & Stats page - * controlled through the following interfaces: * * void show_dive_stats(struct dive *dive) * void flush_dive_stats_changes(struct dive *dive) * * called from gtk-ui: * GtkWidget *stats_widget(void) */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #include "dive.h" #include "display.h" #include "display-gtk.h" #include "divelist.h" typedef struct { GtkWidget *date, *dive_time, *surf_intv, *max_depth, *avg_depth, *water_temp, *sac, *otu, *o2he, *gas_used, *total_time, *avg_time, *max_overall_depth, *avg_overall_depth, *min_sac, *avg_sac, *max_sac; } info_stat_widget_t; static info_stat_widget_t info_stat_w; typedef struct { duration_t total_time; /* avg_time is simply total_time / nr -- let's not keep this */ depth_t max_depth; depth_t avg_depth; volume_t max_sac; volume_t min_sac; volume_t avg_sac; } info_stat_t; static info_stat_t info_stat; static void process_all_dives(struct dive *dive, struct dive **prev_dive) { int idx; struct dive *dp; int old_tt, sac_time = 0; *prev_dive = NULL; memset(&info_stat, 0, sizeof(info_stat)); /* this relies on the fact that the dives in the dive_table * are in chronological order */ for (idx = 0; idx < dive_table.nr; idx++) { dp = dive_table.dives[idx]; if (dp->when == dive->when) { /* that's the one we are showing */ if (idx > 0) *prev_dive = dive_table.dives[idx-1]; } old_tt = info_stat.total_time.seconds; info_stat.total_time.seconds += dp->duration.seconds; if (dp->maxdepth.mm > info_stat.max_depth.mm) info_stat.max_depth.mm = dp->maxdepth.mm; info_stat.avg_depth.mm = (1.0 * old_tt * info_stat.avg_depth.mm + dp->duration.seconds * dp->meandepth.mm) / info_stat.total_time.seconds; if (dp->sac > 2800) { /* less than .1 cuft/min (2800ml/min) is bogus */ int old_sac_time = sac_time; sac_time += dp->duration.seconds; info_stat.avg_sac.mliter = (1.0 * old_sac_time * info_stat.avg_sac.mliter + dp->duration.seconds * dp->sac) / sac_time ; if (dp->sac > info_stat.max_sac.mliter) info_stat.max_sac.mliter = dp->sac; if (info_stat.min_sac.mliter == 0 || dp->sac < info_stat.min_sac.mliter) info_stat.min_sac.mliter = dp->sac; } } } static void set_label(GtkWidget *w, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[80]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(w), buf); } static char * get_time_string(int seconds, int maxdays) { static char buf[80]; if (maxdays && seconds > 3600 * 24 * maxdays) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "more than %d days", maxdays); else { int days = seconds / 3600 / 24; int hours = (seconds - days * 3600 * 24) / 3600; int minutes = (seconds - days * 3600 * 24 - hours * 3600) / 60; if (days > 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dd %dh %dmin", days, hours, minutes); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dh %dmin", hours, minutes); } return buf; } void show_dive_stats(struct dive *dive) { char buf[80]; double value; int decimals; const char *unit; int idx, offset, gas_used; struct dive *prev_dive; process_all_dives(dive, &prev_dive); strftime(buf, 80, "%a, %b %d, %Y, %k:%M", gmtime(&dive->when)); set_label(info_stat_w.date, buf); set_label(info_stat_w.dive_time, "%d min", (dive->duration.seconds + 30) / 60); if (prev_dive) set_label(info_stat_w.surf_intv, get_time_string(dive->when - (prev_dive->when + prev_dive->duration.seconds), 4)); else set_label(info_stat_w.surf_intv, "unknown"); value = get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.max_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit); value = get_depth_units(dive->meandepth.mm, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.avg_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit); if (dive->watertemp.mkelvin) { value = get_temp_units(dive->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.water_temp, "%.1f %s", value, unit); } else set_label(info_stat_w.water_temp, ""); value = get_volume_units(dive->sac, &decimals, &unit); if (value > 0) { set_label(info_stat_w.sac, "%.*f %s/min", decimals, value, unit); } else set_label(info_stat_w.sac, ""); set_label(info_stat_w.otu, "%d", dive->otu); offset = 0; gas_used = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; /* for the O2/He readings just create a list of them */ for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_CYLINDERS; idx++) { cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[idx]; /* we assume that every valid cylinder has either a working pressure * or a size; but for good measure let's also accept cylinders with * a starting or ending pressure*/ if (cyl->type.workingpressure.mbar || cyl->type.size.mliter || cyl->start.mbar || cyl->end.mbar) { /* 0% O2 strangely means air, so 21% - I don't like that at all */ int o2 = cyl->gasmix.o2.permille ? : 209; if (offset > 0) { snprintf(buf+offset, 80-offset, ", "); offset += 2; } snprintf(buf+offset, 80-offset, "%d/%d", (o2 + 5) / 10, (cyl->gasmix.he.permille + 5) / 10); offset = strlen(buf); } /* and if we have size, start and end pressure, we can * calculate the total gas used */ if (cyl->type.size.mliter && cyl->start.mbar && cyl->end.mbar) gas_used += cyl->type.size.mliter / 1000.0 * (cyl->start.mbar - cyl->end.mbar); } set_label(info_stat_w.o2he, buf); if (gas_used) { value = get_volume_units(gas_used, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.gas_used, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit); } else set_label(info_stat_w.gas_used, ""); /* and now do the statistics */ set_label(info_stat_w.total_time, get_time_string(info_stat.total_time.seconds, 0)); set_label(info_stat_w.avg_time, get_time_string(info_stat.total_time.seconds / dive_table.nr, 0)); value = get_depth_units(info_stat.max_depth.mm, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.max_overall_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit); value = get_depth_units(info_stat.avg_depth.mm, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.avg_overall_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit); value = get_volume_units(info_stat.max_sac.mliter, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.max_sac, "%.*f %s/min", decimals, value, unit); value = get_volume_units(info_stat.min_sac.mliter, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.min_sac, "%.*f %s/min", decimals, value, unit); value = get_volume_units(info_stat.avg_sac.mliter, &decimals, &unit); set_label(info_stat_w.avg_sac, "%.*f %s/min", decimals, value, unit); } void flush_dive_stats_changes(struct dive *dive) { /* We do nothing: we require the "Ok" button press */ } static GtkWidget *new_info_label_in_frame(GtkWidget *box, const char *label) { GtkWidget *label_widget; GtkWidget *frame; frame = gtk_frame_new(label); label_widget = gtk_label_new(NULL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 3); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), label_widget); return label_widget; } GtkWidget *stats_widget(void) { GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox, *infoframe, *statsframe, *framebox; vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3); infoframe = gtk_frame_new("Dive Info"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), infoframe, TRUE, FALSE, 3); framebox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(infoframe), framebox); /* first row */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3); info_stat_w.date = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Date"); info_stat_w.dive_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Dive Time"); info_stat_w.surf_intv = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Surf Intv"); /* second row */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3); info_stat_w.max_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Max Depth"); info_stat_w.avg_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Avg Depth"); info_stat_w.water_temp = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Water Temp"); /* third row */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3); info_stat_w.sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "SAC"); info_stat_w.otu = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "OTU"); info_stat_w.o2he = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "O" UTF8_SUBSCRIPT_2 " / He"); info_stat_w.gas_used = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Gas Used"); statsframe = gtk_frame_new("Statistics"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), statsframe, TRUE, FALSE, 3); framebox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(statsframe), framebox); /* first row */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3); info_stat_w.total_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Total Time"); info_stat_w.avg_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Avg Time"); info_stat_w.max_overall_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Max Depth"); info_stat_w.avg_overall_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Avg Depth"); /* second row */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3); info_stat_w.max_sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Max SAC"); info_stat_w.min_sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Min SAC"); info_stat_w.avg_sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "Avg SAC"); return vbox; }