#include "informationbox.h" #include "statscolors.h" #include "statsview.h" #include "zvalues.h" #include <QFontMetrics> static const int informationBorder = 2; static const double informationBorderRadius = 4.0; // Radius of rounded corners static const int distanceFromPointer = 10; // Distance to place box from mouse pointer or scatter item InformationBox::InformationBox(StatsView &v) : ChartRectItem(v, ChartZValue::InformationBox, QPen(informationBorderColor, informationBorder), QBrush(informationColor), informationBorderRadius) { } void InformationBox::setText(const std::vector<QString> &text, QPointF pos) { QFontMetrics fm(font); double fontHeight = fm.height(); std::vector<double> widths; widths.reserve(text.size()); width = 0.0; for (const QString &s: text) { widths.push_back(static_cast<double>(fm.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, s).width())); width = std::max(width, widths.back()); } width += 4.0 * informationBorder; height = widths.size() * fontHeight + 4.0 * informationBorder; ChartRectItem::resize(QSizeF(width, height)); painter->setPen(QPen(darkLabelColor)); // QPainter uses QPen to set text color! double y = 2.0 * informationBorder; for (size_t i = 0; i < widths.size(); ++i) { QRectF rect(2.0 * informationBorder, y, widths[i], fontHeight); painter->drawText(rect, text[i]); y += fontHeight; } } void InformationBox::setPos(QPointF pos) { QSizeF size = sceneSize(); double x = pos.x() + distanceFromPointer; if (x + width >= size.width()) { if (pos.x() - width >= 0.0) x = pos.x() - width; else x = pos.x() - width / 2.0; } double y = pos.y() + distanceFromPointer; if (y + height >= size.height()) { if (pos.y() - height >= 0.0) y = pos.y() - height; else y = pos.y() - height / 2.0; } ChartRectItem::setPos(QPointF(x, y)); } // Try to stay within three-thirds of the chart height int InformationBox::recommendedMaxLines() const { QFontMetrics fm(font); int maxHeight = static_cast<int>(sceneSize().height()); return maxHeight * 2 / fm.height() / 3; }