// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #ifndef STATS_VIEW_H #define STATS_VIEW_H #include "statsstate.h" #include <memory> #include <QFont> #include <QQuickWidget> struct dive; struct StatsBinner; struct StatsBin; struct StatsState; struct StatsVariable; namespace QtCharts { class QAbstractSeries; class QChart; } class QGraphicsLineItem; class QGraphicsSimpleTextItem; class StatsSeries; class CategoryAxis; class CountAxis; class HistogramAxis; class StatsAxis; class Legend; enum class ChartSubType : int; enum class StatsOperation : int; class StatsView : public QQuickWidget { Q_OBJECT public: StatsView(QWidget *parent = NULL); ~StatsView(); void plot(const StatsState &state); private slots: void plotAreaChanged(const QRectF &plotArea); void replotIfVisible(); private: void reset(); // clears all series and axes void setAxes(StatsAxis *x, StatsAxis *y); void plotBarChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, const StatsBinner *valueBinner, bool labels, bool legend); void plotValueChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, StatsOperation valueAxisOperation, bool labels); void plotDiscreteCountChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, bool labels); void plotPieChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, bool labels, bool legend); void plotDiscreteBoxChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable); void plotDiscreteScatter(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, bool quartiles); void plotHistogramCountChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, bool labels, bool showMedian, bool showMean); void plotHistogramValueChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, StatsOperation valueAxisOperation, bool labels); void plotHistogramStackedChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, const StatsBinner *valueBinner, bool labels, bool legend); void plotHistogramBoxChart(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable); void plotScatter(const std::vector<dive *> &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsVariable *valueVariable); void setTitle(const QString &); void updateTitlePos(); // After resizing, set title to correct position void plotChart(); template <typename T, class... Args> T *createSeries(Args&&... args); template <typename T, class... Args> T *createAxis(const QString &title, Args&&... args); template<typename T> CategoryAxis *createCategoryAxis(const QString &title, const StatsBinner &binner, const std::vector<T> &bins, bool isHorizontal); template<typename T> HistogramAxis *createHistogramAxis(const QString &title, const StatsBinner &binner, const std::vector<T> &bins, bool isHorizontal); CountAxis *createCountAxis(int maxVal, bool isHorizontal); // Helper functions to add feature to the chart void addLineMarker(double pos, double low, double high, const QPen &pen, bool isHorizontal); // A short line used to mark quartiles struct QuartileMarker { std::unique_ptr<QGraphicsLineItem> item; StatsAxis *xAxis, *yAxis; double pos, value; QuartileMarker(double pos, double value, QtCharts::QChart *chart, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis); void updatePosition(); }; // A general line marker struct LineMarker { std::unique_ptr<QGraphicsLineItem> item; StatsAxis *xAxis, *yAxis; QPointF from, to; // In local coordinates void updatePosition(); LineMarker(QPointF from, QPointF to, QPen pen, QtCharts::QChart *chart, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis); }; void addLinearRegression(double a, double b, double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis); void addHistogramMarker(double pos, double low, double high, const QPen &pen, bool isHorizontal, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis); StatsState state; QtCharts::QChart *chart; QFont titleFont; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StatsAxis>> axes; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StatsSeries>> series; std::unique_ptr<Legend> legend; std::vector<QuartileMarker> quartileMarkers; std::vector<LineMarker> lineMarkers; std::unique_ptr<QGraphicsSimpleTextItem> title; StatsSeries *highlightedSeries; StatsAxis *xAxis, *yAxis; // This is unfortunate: we can't derive from QChart, because the chart is allocated by QML. // Therefore, we have to listen to hover events using an events-filter. // Probably we should try to get rid of the QML ChartView. struct EventFilter : public QObject { StatsView *view; EventFilter(StatsView *view) : view(view) {} private: bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *event); } eventFilter; friend EventFilter; void hover(QPointF pos); }; #endif