#include <string> #include "templatelayout.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "display.h" QList<QString> grantlee_templates, grantlee_statistics_templates; int getTotalWork(print_options *printOptions) { if (printOptions->print_selected) { // return the correct number depending on all/selected dives // but don't return 0 as we might divide by this number return amount_selected ? amount_selected : 1; } int dives = 0, i; struct dive *dive; for_each_dive (i, dive) { dives++; } return dives; } void find_all_templates() { grantlee_templates.clear(); grantlee_statistics_templates.clear(); QDir dir(getSubsurfaceDataPath("printing_templates")); QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); foreach (QFileInfo finfo, list) { QString filename = finfo.fileName(); if (filename.at(filename.size() - 1) != '~') { grantlee_templates.append(finfo.fileName()); } } // find statistics templates dir.setPath(getSubsurfaceDataPath("printing_templates") + QDir::separator() + "statistics"); list = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); foreach (QFileInfo finfo, list) { QString filename = finfo.fileName(); if (filename.at(filename.size() - 1) != '~') { grantlee_statistics_templates.append(finfo.fileName()); } } } TemplateLayout::TemplateLayout(print_options *PrintOptions, template_options *templateOptions) : m_engine(NULL) { this->PrintOptions = PrintOptions; this->templateOptions = templateOptions; } TemplateLayout::~TemplateLayout() { delete m_engine; } QString TemplateLayout::generate() { int progress = 0; int totalWork = getTotalWork(PrintOptions); QString htmlContent; m_engine = new Grantlee::Engine(this); QSharedPointer<Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader> m_templateLoader = QSharedPointer<Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader>(new Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader()); m_templateLoader->setTemplateDirs(QStringList() << getSubsurfaceDataPath("printing_templates")); m_engine->addTemplateLoader(m_templateLoader); Grantlee::registerMetaType<Dive>(); Grantlee::registerMetaType<template_options>(); Grantlee::registerMetaType<print_options>(); QVariantHash mapping; QVariantList diveList; struct dive *dive; int i; for_each_dive (i, dive) { //TODO check for exporting selected dives only if (!dive->selected && PrintOptions->print_selected) continue; Dive d(dive); diveList.append(QVariant::fromValue(d)); progress++; emit progressUpdated(progress * 100.0 / totalWork); } mapping.insert("dives", diveList); mapping.insert("template_options", QVariant::fromValue(*templateOptions)); mapping.insert("print_options", QVariant::fromValue(*PrintOptions)); Grantlee::Context c(mapping); Grantlee::Template t = m_engine->loadByName(PrintOptions->p_template); if (!t || t->error()) { qDebug() << "Can't load template"; return htmlContent; } htmlContent = t->render(&c); if (t->error()) { qDebug() << "Can't render template"; return htmlContent; } return htmlContent; } QString TemplateLayout::generateStatistics() { QString htmlContent; m_engine = new Grantlee::Engine(this); QSharedPointer<Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader> m_templateLoader = QSharedPointer<Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader>(new Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader()); m_templateLoader->setTemplateDirs(QStringList() << getSubsurfaceDataPath("printing_templates/statistics")); m_engine->addTemplateLoader(m_templateLoader); Grantlee::registerMetaType<YearInfo>(); Grantlee::registerMetaType<template_options>(); Grantlee::registerMetaType<print_options>(); QVariantHash mapping; QVariantList years; int i = 0; while (stats_yearly != NULL && stats_yearly[i].period) { YearInfo year(stats_yearly[i]); years.append(QVariant::fromValue(year)); i++; } mapping.insert("years", years); mapping.insert("template_options", QVariant::fromValue(*templateOptions)); mapping.insert("print_options", QVariant::fromValue(*PrintOptions)); Grantlee::Context c(mapping); Grantlee::Template t = m_engine->loadByName(PrintOptions->p_template); if (!t || t->error()) { qDebug() << "Can't load template"; return htmlContent; } htmlContent = t->render(&c); if (t->error()) { qDebug() << "Can't render template"; return htmlContent; } emit progressUpdated(100); return htmlContent; } QString TemplateLayout::readTemplate(QString template_name) { QFile qfile(getSubsurfaceDataPath("printing_templates") + QDir::separator() + template_name); if (qfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) { QTextStream in(&qfile); return in.readAll(); } return ""; } void TemplateLayout::writeTemplate(QString template_name, QString grantlee_template) { QFile qfile(getSubsurfaceDataPath("printing_templates") + QDir::separator() + template_name); if (qfile.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text)) { qfile.write(grantlee_template.toUtf8().data()); qfile.resize(qfile.pos()); qfile.close(); } } Dive::Dive() : m_number(-1), dive(NULL) { } Dive::~Dive() { } int Dive::number() const { return m_number; } int Dive::id() const { return m_id; } QString Dive::date() const { return m_date; } QString Dive::time() const { return m_time; } QString Dive::location() const { return m_location; } QString Dive::duration() const { return m_duration; } QString Dive::depth() const { return m_depth; } QString Dive::divemaster() const { return m_divemaster; } QString Dive::buddy() const { return m_buddy; } QString Dive::airTemp() const { return m_airTemp; } QString Dive::waterTemp() const { return m_waterTemp; } QString Dive::notes() const { return m_notes; } QString Dive::tags() const { return m_tags; } QString Dive::gas() const { return m_gas; } QString Dive::sac() const { return m_sac; } int Dive::rating() const { return m_rating; } void Dive::put_divemaster() { if (!dive->divemaster) m_divemaster = "--"; else m_divemaster = dive->divemaster; } void Dive::put_date_time() { QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(dive->when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when)); localTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); m_date = localTime.date().toString(QString::fromUtf8("MMM dd, yyyy")); m_time = localTime.time().toString(QString::fromUtf8("hh:mm a")); } void Dive::put_location() { m_location = QString::fromUtf8(get_dive_location(dive)); if (m_location.isEmpty()) { m_location = "--"; } } void Dive::put_depth() { m_depth = get_depth_string(dive->dc.maxdepth.mm, true, true); } void Dive::put_duration() { m_duration = QString::number(((dive->duration.seconds) / 60)) + QString::fromUtf8(" min"); } void Dive::put_buddy() { if (!dive->buddy) m_buddy = "--"; else m_buddy = dive->buddy; } void Dive::put_temp() { m_airTemp = get_temperature_string(dive->airtemp, true); m_waterTemp = get_temperature_string(dive->watertemp, true); if (m_airTemp.isEmpty()) { m_airTemp = "--"; } if (m_waterTemp.isEmpty()) { m_waterTemp = "--"; } } void Dive::put_notes() { m_notes = QString::fromUtf8(dive->notes); if (m_notes.isEmpty()) { m_notes = "--"; } } void Dive::put_tags() { char buffer[256]; taglist_get_tagstring(dive->tag_list, buffer, 256); m_tags = QString(buffer); } void Dive::put_gas() { int added = 0; QString gas, gases; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (!is_cylinder_used(dive, i)) continue; gas = dive->cylinder[i].type.description; gas += QString(!gas.isEmpty() ? " " : "") + gasname(&dive->cylinder[i].gasmix); // if has a description and if such gas is not already present if (!gas.isEmpty() && gases.indexOf(gas) == -1) { if (added > 0) gases += QString(" / "); gases += gas; added++; } } m_gas = gases; } void Dive::put_sac() { if (dive->sac) { const char *unit; int decimal; double value = get_volume_units(dive->sac, &decimal, &unit); m_sac = QString::number(value, 'f', decimal).append(unit); } } YearInfo::YearInfo() { } YearInfo::~YearInfo() { }