#include "dive.h" #include "testplan.h" #include "planner.h" #include "units.h" #include <QDebug> // testing the dive plan algorithm extern bool plan(struct diveplan *diveplan, char **cached_datap, bool is_planner, bool show_disclaimer); void setupPrefs() { prefs = default_prefs; prefs.ascrate50 = feet_to_mm(30) / 60; prefs.ascrate75 = prefs.ascrate50; prefs.ascratestops = prefs.ascrate50; prefs.ascratelast6m = feet_to_mm(10) / 60; prefs.last_stop = true; } void setupPlan(struct diveplan *dp) { dp->salinity = 10030; dp->surface_pressure = 1013; dp->gfhigh = 100; dp->gflow = 100; dp->bottomsac = 0; dp->decosac = 0; struct gasmix bottomgas = { {150}, {450} }; struct gasmix ean36 = { {360}, {0} }; struct gasmix oxygen = { {1000}, {0} }; pressure_t po2 = { 1600 }; displayed_dive.cylinder[0].gasmix = bottomgas; displayed_dive.cylinder[1].gasmix = ean36; displayed_dive.cylinder[2].gasmix = oxygen; reset_cylinders(&displayed_dive, true); free_dps(dp); int droptime = M_OR_FT(79, 260) * 60 / M_OR_FT(23, 75); plan_add_segment(dp, droptime, M_OR_FT(79, 260), bottomgas, 0, 1); plan_add_segment(dp, 30*60 - droptime, M_OR_FT(79, 260), bottomgas, 0, 1); plan_add_segment(dp, 0, gas_mod(&ean36, po2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3,10)).mm, ean36, 0, 1); plan_add_segment(dp, 0, gas_mod(&oxygen, po2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3,10)).mm, oxygen, 0, 1); } void TestPlan::testMetric() { char *cache = NULL; setupPrefs(); prefs.unit_system = METRIC; prefs.units.length = units::METERS; prefs.deco_mode = BUEHLMANN; struct diveplan testPlan = { 0 }; setupPlan(&testPlan); plan(&testPlan, &cache, 1, 0); #if DEBUG free(displayed_dive.notes); displayed_dive.notes = NULL; save_dive(stdout, &displayed_dive); #endif // check first gas change to EAN36 at 33m struct event *ev = displayed_dive.dc.events; QVERIFY(ev != NULL); QCOMPARE(ev->gas.index, 1); QCOMPARE(ev->value, 36); QCOMPARE(get_depth_at_time(&displayed_dive.dc, ev->time.seconds), 33000); // check second gas change to Oxygen at 6m ev = ev->next; QVERIFY(ev != NULL); QCOMPARE(ev->gas.index, 2); QCOMPARE(ev->value, 100); QCOMPARE(get_depth_at_time(&displayed_dive.dc, ev->time.seconds), 6000); // check expected run time of 105 minutes QCOMPARE(displayed_dive.dc.duration.seconds, 104u * 60u); } void TestPlan::testImperial() { char *cache = NULL; setupPrefs(); prefs.unit_system = IMPERIAL; prefs.units.length = units::FEET; prefs.deco_mode = BUEHLMANN; struct diveplan testPlan = { 0 }; setupPlan(&testPlan); plan(&testPlan, &cache, 1, 0); #if DEBUG free(displayed_dive.notes); displayed_dive.notes = NULL; save_dive(stdout, &displayed_dive); #endif // check first gas change to EAN36 at 33m struct event *ev = displayed_dive.dc.events; QVERIFY(ev != NULL); QCOMPARE(ev->gas.index, 1); QCOMPARE(ev->value, 36); QCOMPARE(get_depth_at_time(&displayed_dive.dc, ev->time.seconds), 33528); // check second gas change to Oxygen at 6m ev = ev->next; QVERIFY(ev != NULL); QCOMPARE(ev->gas.index, 2); QCOMPARE(ev->value, 100); QCOMPARE(get_depth_at_time(&displayed_dive.dc, ev->time.seconds), 6096); // check expected run time of 105 minutes QCOMPARE(displayed_dive.dc.duration.seconds, 105u * 60u); } QTEST_MAIN(TestPlan)