CylindersModelTypeSizeWorkPressStartPressEndPressHe%OSwitch atClicking here will remove this cylinder.Cylinder cannot be removedThis gas in use. Only cylinders that are not used in the dive can be removed.psibarlcuftDiveComputerManagementDialogEdit Dive Computer NicknamesRemove the selected Dive Computer?Are you sure that you want to
remove the selected dive computer?DiveComputerModelModelDevice IDNicknameClicking here will remove this divecomputer.DiveEventItemairEAN%1Bailing out to OCStarts with space! beginStarts with space! endDiveGasPressureItemairEAN%1DiveItem l/min cuft/minDiveListViewShow Search Boxexpand allcollapse allcollapse othersremove dive(s) from tripcreate new trip aboveadd dive(s) to trip immediately aboveadd dive(s) to trip immediately belowmerge trip with trip abovemerge trip with trip belowdelete dive(s)mark dive(s) invalidsave Asexport As UDDFshift timesload imagesupload dive(s) to divelogs.deSave Dives As...UDDF files (*.uddf *.UDDF)Open Image FilesImage Files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff)merge selected divesDiveLogImportDialogImport dive log fileImport CSV Dive Log FilesCSV optionsField SeparatorPre-configured importsField ConfigurationDepthStop depthPO2TimeTempCNSUnitsMetricImperialManual divesDive No.DateDurationTagsLocationGpsMax depthMean depthBuddyNotesWeightDivePlannerBottom SACSAC on DECO StopGFHighGFLowLast Stop at 6mStart TimeATM PressureDivePlannerGraphics10m30ftHandler Position ErrorOne or more of your stops will be lost with this operations,
Please, remove them first.DivePlannerPointsModelAIRFinal DepthRun timeDurationUsed GasCC Set PointDiscard the Plan?You are about to discard your plan.DivePlannerWidgetDive Planner PointsAvailable Gasesadd dive data pointDivePlotDataModelDepthTimePressureTemperatureColourUser EnteredCylinder IndexPressure SPressure ICeilingSACPN2PHEPO2DiveTripModelNo.datemftminkglbssuitcyllocationSACOTUmaxCNSDivelogsDeWebServicesInvalid response from serverExpected XML tag 'DiveDateReader', got instead '%1Expected XML tag 'DiveDates' not foundMalformed XML response. Line %1: %2no dives were selectedfailed to create zip file for upload: %scannot create temporary file: %sinternal error: %sinternal errorDoneUploading dive list...Downloading dive list...Downloading %1 dives...Download finished - %1Corrupted downloadThe archive could not be opened:
%1Upload failedUpload successfulLogin failedCannot parse responseError: %1Upload finishedDownloadFromDCWidgetOKErrorRetryFind Uemis dive computerChoose file for divecomputer download logfileLog files (*.log)WarningSaving the libdivecomputer dump will NOT download dives to the dive list.Choose file for divecomputer binary dump fileDump files (*.bin)DownloadFromDiveComputerDownload From Dive ComputerVendorDive ComputerDevice or Mount Point...Force download of all divesAlways prefer downloaded divesOKCancelSave libdivecomputer logfileSave libdivecomputer dumpfileGlobeGPSEdit Selected Dive LocationsMainTabDive NotesLocationCoordinatesDivemasterBuddyStart timeAir tempWater tempTagsRatingVisibilitySuitNotesEquipmentDive InfoDateIntervalGases UsedGas ConsumedSACMax. DepthAve. DepthOTUAir PressureAir TemperatureWater TemperatureDive TimeSalinityStatsDepthTemperatureDurationTotal TimeDivesCylindersAdd CylinderWeightsAdd Weight SystemTrip LocationTrip NotesSaveCancelAir temp [%1]Water temp [%1]This trip is being edited.Multiple dives are being edited.This dive is being edited./minunknownNSEWMainWindowFilter&File&Log&View&Help&Import&New logbookNewCtrl+N&Open logbookOpenCtrl+O&SaveSaveCtrl+SSave asCtrl+Shift+SCloseCtrl+WCtrl+IExport &UDDFEnable the pN2 GraphEnable the pHe graphShow/hide heart rateEnable EAD, END, and EADDShow NDL / TTSRescale depth axisCtrl+UExport HTML World MapCtrl+H&PrintCtrl+,&QuitImport from &dive computerImport &GPS data from Subsurface ServiceCtrl+G&Edit Device NamesCtrl++&RenumberCtrl+R&Yearly StatisticsCtrl+YDive ListProfileInfoAllUser &ManualGlobeP&lan DiveCtrl+LImport from for updatesCtrl+PEnable the pO2 Graph...Enable MODShow the DC Reported CeilingShow the Calculated CeilingShow Calculated Ceiling with 3m IncrementsCalculate All TissuesShow SAC RateEnable / Disable the RulerPreferencesCtrl+QCtrl+DAdd DiveAuto GroupCtrl+2Ctrl+3Ctrl+4Ctrl+1Prev DCLeftNext DCRightSelect EventsInput PlanAbout SubsurfaceF1Ctrl+5Import Log FilesImport divelog files from other applications&Full ScreenToggle Full ScreenF11Open FilePlease save or cancel the current dive edit before closing the file.Please save or cancel the current dive edit before trying to plan a dive.Please save or cancel the current dive edit before trying to add a dive.Do you want to save the changes you made in the file %1?Do you want to save the changes you made in the datafile?Save Changes?Changes will be lost if you don't save them.Save File asWarningPlease save or cancel the current dive edit before opening a new file.UDDF files (*.uddf *.UDDF)Export World MapHTML files (*.html)Yearly StatisticsSubsurface XML files (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML)Open Dive Log FileDive Log Files (*.xml *.uddf *.udcf *.csv *.jlb *.dld *.sde *.db);;XML Files (*.xml);;UDDF/UDCF Files(*.uddf *.udcf);;JDiveLog Files(*.jlb);;Suunto Files(*.sde *.db);;CSV Files(*.csv);;All Files(*)Please, first finish the current edition before trying to do another.PreferencesDialogDefaultsUnitsGraphLanguageLists and TablesFontFont sizeDivesDefault Dive file...Display InvalidDefault CylinderUse Default CylinderAnimationsSpeedSubsurface WebserviceDefault User IDSave User ID locally?SystemMetricImperialPersonalizeDepthmetrefeetbarpsilitrecu ftcelsiusfahrenheitkgthreshold when showing pOâ‚‚threshold when showing pNâ‚‚threshold when showing pHemax ppOâ‚‚ when showing MODdraw dive computer reported ceiling redSystem DefaultFilterPressureVolumeTemperatureWeightlbsTime unitsAscent/Descent speed denominatorMinutesSecondsShowshow unused cylinders in Equipment Tabshow average depthGFLow at max depthMiscPreferencesGFLowGFHighRestart requiredTo correctly load a new language you must restart Subsurface.Open Default Log FileSubsurface XML files (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML)PrintDialog&PreviewP&rintPrintPrintLayoutDive No.DateDepthDurationMasterBuddyLocationPrintOptionsPrint optionsPrint only selected divesPrint in colourPrint type6 dives per page2 dives per pageTable printOrderingProfile on topNotes on topSizing heights (% of layout)Profile height (43% - 85%)Other data height (8% - 17%)Notes height (0% - 52%)0ProfilePrintModelunknownDive No. %1 - %2Max depth: %1 %2Duration: %1 minGas Used:SAC:Max. CNS:Weights:Notes:Divemaster:Buddy:Suit:Viz:Rating:ProfileWidget2Add Gas ChangeAdd BookmarkRemove EventHide similar eventsEdit nameUnhide all eventsHide eventsHide all %1 events?Remove the selected event?%1 @ %2:%3Edit name of bookmarkCustom name:QObjectAIRRemove this PointCloseAverageMinimumMaximumMove the map and double-click to set the dive locationRenumberDialogRenumberNew starting numberShiftImageTimesDialogShift selected timesShift times of image(s) byearlierlaterTo compute the offset between the clocks of your dive computer and your camera use your camera to take a picture of your dive computer displaying the current time. Download that image to your computer and press this button.Determine camera time offsetSelect image of divecomputer showing timeWhich date and time are displayed on the image?Open Image FileImage Files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff)ShiftTimesDialogShift selected timesShift times of selected dives byShifted time:Current time:0:0h:mmearlierlaterSubsurfaceAboutAbout Subsurface&License&Website&Close<span style='font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold;'>Subsurface %1 </span><br><br>Multi-platform divelog software<br><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Linus Torvalds, Dirk Hohndel, Tomaz Canabrava, and others, 2011-2014</span>SubsurfaceWebServicesWebserviceConnecting...Download finishedDownload error: %1Connection Error: Invalid user identifier!Cannot parse response!Download Success!TableViewAdd CylinderTankInfoModelDescriptionmlbarToolTipItemInformationUpdateManagerCheck for updates.<h3>Subsurface was unable to check for updates.</h3><br/><b>The following error occurred:</b><br/><br/><br/><b>Please check your internet connection.</b>You are using the latest version of subsurface.A new version of subsurface is available.<br/>Click on:<br/><a href="%1">%1</a><br/> to download it.<b>A new version of subsurface is available.</b><br/><br/>%1There was an error while trying to check for updates.<br/><br/>%1UserManualUser ManualCannot find the Subsurface manualWSInfoModelDescriptionkgWebServicesWebservice ConnectionStatus:Enter your ID hereDownloadUser IDSave User ID locally?PasswordUploadOperation timed outTransfering data...WeightModelTypeWeightClicking here will remove this weight system.kglbsftmYearlyStatisticsModelYear
> Month / TripNo.Duration
LongestDepth (%1)
MaximumSAC (%1)
AverageTemp. (%1)
AveragegettextFromCpascalbarpsilcuftmftlbskg(%s) or (%s)airintegratedbeltanklebackplate weightclip-onFailed to read '%s'Maximum number of supported columns on CSV import is %dnonedeco stoprbtascentceilingworkloadtransmitterviolationbookmarksurfacesafety stopgas changesafety stop (recommended)safety stop (mandatory)deep stopceiling (safety stop)divetimeevent showing dive is below deco floor and adding deco timebelow floormaxdepthOLFPO2airtimergbmheadingtissue level warningno-stop timeinvalid event numberUnable to create parser for %s %sError registering dataError parsing the date/timeDive %d: %s %d %04dError parsing the divetimeError parsing the maxdepthError parsing the gas mix countError obtaining water salinityError obtaining surface pressureError parsing the gas mixError parsing the samplesEvent: waiting for user actionmodel=%u (0x%08x), firmware=%u (0x%08x), serial=%u (0x%08x)Error registering the event handler.Error registering the cancellation handler.Dive data import errorUnable to create libdivecomputer contextUnable to open %s %s (%s)Strange percentage reading %s
Failed to parse '%s'Database query get_events failed.
Database query get_tags failed.
Database connection failed '%s'.
Database query failed '%s'.
Database query get_cylinders failed.
Database query get_changes failed.
Database query get_profile_sample failed.
Can't open stylesheet %sEAN%dCan't find gas %d/%dToo many gas mixes%s
Subsurface dive plan
based on GFlow = %.0f and GFhigh = %.0f
Transition to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s
Stay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s
Switch gas to %s
Gas consumption:
%.0f%s of %s
ean@: %d:%02d
D: %.1f%s
P: %d%s
T: %.1f%s
V: %.1f%s
SAC: %2.1fl/min
CNS: %u%%
pO%s: %.2fbar
pN%s: %.2fbar
pHe: %.2fbar
MOD: %d%s
EAD: %d%s
EADD: %d%s
END: %d%s
EADD: %d%s
Safety Stop: %umin @ %.0f%s
Safety Stop: unkn time @ %.0f%s
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s
Deco: unkn time @ %.0f%s
In deco
NDL: %umin
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s (calc)
In deco (calc)
NDL: %umin (calc)
TTS: %umin (calc)
Calculated ceiling %.0f%s
Tissue %.0fmin: %.0f%s
heartbeat: %d
bearing: %d
%sT: %d:%02d min%s %sD:%.1f%s%s %sD:%.1f%s
%s%sV:%.2f%s%s %sV:%.2f%s%s %sP:%d %sCF%1, %2 %3, %4 %5:%6%1 %2, %3
%4:%5%1 %2 (%3 dives)%1 %2 (1 dive)boatshoredriftdeepcavernicewreckcavealtitudepoollakerivernightfreshstudentphotovideoinstructordecomore than %d days%dd %dh %dmin%dh %dminfor dive No.sfor selected divesfor dive No. %dfor selected divefor all dives(no dives)SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecUemis Zurich: File System is almost full
Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer
and click 'Retry'Uemis Zurich: File System is full
Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer
and try againShort write to req.txt file
Is the Uemis Zurich plugged in correctly?unknownReading %s %sdatadivelog entry iddivespot data idmore data dive idwetsuitsemidrydrysuitshortyvestlong johnjacketfull suit2 pcs full suitmembraneInit CommunicationUemis init failedStart downloadSafety Stop ViolationSpeed AlarmSpeed WarningPO2 Green WarningPO2 Ascend WarningPO2 Ascend AlarmTank Pressure InfoRGT WarningRGT AlertTank Change SuggestedDepth Limit ExceededMax Deco Time WarningDive Time InfoDive Time AlertMarkerNo Tank DataLow Battery WarningLow Battery Alert