BtDeviceSelectionDialog Remote Bluetooth device selection Discovered devices Save Kaydet Quit Scan Clear Local Bluetooth device details Name: Address: Bluetooth powered on Turn on/off Select device: Name: Trying to turn on the local Bluetooth device... Trying to turn off the local Bluetooth device... Scanning for remote devices... Scanning finished successfully. UNPAIRED PAIRED AUTHORIZED_PAIRED %1 (%2) [State: %3] The device %1 can be used for connection. You can press the Save button. The device %1 must be paired in order to be used. Please use the context menu for pairing options. The local device was changed. Pair Device %1 was paired and is authorized. Could not initialize Winsock version 2.2 Remote devices list was cleared. The local Bluetooth device was %1. %1 will be replaced with "turned on" or "turned off" turned on turned off Remove pairing Trying to pair device %1 Trying to unpair device %1 Device %1 was unpaired. Device %1 was paired. The device %1 can now be used for connection. You can press the Save button. Local device error: %1. Pairing error. If the remote device requires a custom PIN code, please try to pair the devices using your operating system. Unknown error The Bluetooth adaptor is powered off, power it on before doing discovery. Writing to or reading from the device resulted in an error. An unknown error has occurred. Device discovery error: %1. Not available The local Bluetooth adapter cannot be accessed. The device discovery agent was not created because the %1 address does not match the physical adapter address of any local Bluetooth device. BuddyFilter Person: Searches for buddies and divemasters BuddyFilterModel No buddies ColumnNameProvider Dive # Dalış # Date Tarih Time Zaman Duration Süre Location Konum GPS GPS Weight Ağırlık Cyl. size Start pressure End pressure Divemaster Divemaster(Dalış lideri) Buddy Notes Notlar Tags Etiketler Air temp. Hava sıcaklığı. Water temp. Su sıcaklığı. Max. depth Azami derinlik Avg. depth Ort. derinlik Suit O₂ O₂ He He Sample time Sample depth Sample temperature Sample pO₂ Sample CNS Sample NDL Sample TTS Sample stopdepth Sample pressure Sample sensor1 pO₂ Sample sensor2 pO₂ Sample sensor3 pO₂ Sample setpoint ConfigureDiveComputer Could not save the backup file %1. Error Message: %2 Could not open backup file: %1 Dive computer details read successfully Setting successfully written to device Device firmware successfully updated Device settings successfully reset Unable to create libdivecomputer context Could not a establish connection to the dive computer. ConfigureDiveComputerDialog Configure dive computer Device or mount point Cihaz veya bağlama noktası ... ... Retrieve available details Save changes to device Backup Restore backup Update firmware Cancel İptal OSTC 3 Basic settings Serial No. Firmware version Custom text Language Lisan English İngilizce German French Italian Dive mode OC CC Gauge Apnea Date format Tarih biçimi MMDDYY AAGGYY DDMMYY GGAAYY YYMMDD YYAAGG Saturation % % Desaturation Last deco m m Brightness Eco Medium High Sampling rate 2s 2s 10s Units Birimler m/°C m/°C ft/°F ft/°F Dive mode color Standard Standard Red Kırmızı Green Blue Mavi Salinity (0-5%) Sync dive computer time with PC Compass gain Read settings from backup file or from device before writing to the device Read settings from backup file or from device before writing to a backup file OSTC, Mk.2/2N/2C 230LSB/Gauss 230LSB/Gauss 330LSB/Gauss 330LSB/Gauss 390LSB/Gauss 390LSB/Gauss 440LSB/Gauss 440LSB/Gauss 660LSB/Gauss 660LSB/Gauss 820LSB/Gauss 820LSB/Gauss 1090LSB/Gauss 1090LSB/Gauss 1370LSB/Gauss 1370LSB/Gauss Show safety stop Reset device to default settings Alt GF can be selected underwater Suunto Vyper family Advanced settings Gelişmiş ayarlar Future TTS Pressure sensor offset GFLow EFDüşük GFHigh EFYüksek Decotype mbar mbar min ZH-L16 ZH-L16 Connect via Bluetooth Save libdivecomputer logfile Left button sensitivity Always show ppO2 ZH-L16+GF ZH-L16+GF Alt GFLow Alt GFHigh Flip screen Right button sensitivity Graphical speed indicator Bottom gas consumption Deco gas consumption Gas settings %He Type Tür Change depth Gas 1 Gaz 1 Gas 2 Gaz 2 Gas 3 Gaz 3 Gas 4 Gaz 4 Gas 5 Gaz 5 Dil 1 Dil 2 Dil 3 Dil 4 Dil 5 Set point [cbar] Change depth [m] SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP 4 SP 5 Fixed setpoint Sensor Setpoint fallback cbar P1 (medium) Suunto safety level P2 (high) Suunto safety level Total dive time kg/ℓ kg/ℓ Apnoea Safety level Connect Disconnect OSTC 3,Sport,Cr,2 MOD warning Dynamic ascent rate ℓ/min %O₂ %O₂ Setpoint O₂ in calibration gas pO₂ max pO₂ azami pO₂ min pO₂ asgari Altitude range Model Model Number of dives Max depth Azami derinlik P0 (none) Suunto safety level Sample rate 20s 30s 60s Computer model Bilgisayar modeli min dak 24h 12h Time format Zaman biçimi Imperial Emperyal Metric Metrik s Light Depth alarm Time alarm Salinity Tuzluluk MM/DD/YY AA/GG/YY DD/MM/YY GG/AA/YY YY/MM/DD YY/AA/GG ZH-L16 CC L16-GF OC L16-GF CC PSCR-GF Backup files (*.xml) An error occurred while saving the backup file. %1 Backup succeeded Your settings have been saved to: %1 Backup dive computer settings XML backup error Restore dive computer settings XML restore error An error occurred while restoring the backup file. %1 Restore succeeded Your settings have been restored successfully. Select firmware file All files (*.*) Tüm dosyalar (*.*) Choose file for divecomputer download logfile Log files (*.log) Kayıt dosyaları (*.log) CylindersModel Type Tür Size Boyut He% He% Work press. Çalışma basıncı Start press. Başlangıç basıncı End press. Bitiş basıncı O₂% O₂% Switch at Use Clicking here will remove this cylinder. Buraya tıklayarak bu tüp kaldırılır. Cylinder cannot be removed Tüp kaldırılamaz This gas is in use. Only cylinders that are not used in the dive can be removed. DiveComponentSelectionDialog Component selection Which components would you like to copy Suit Divemaster Divemaster(Dalış lideri) Buddy Rating Değerlendirme Visibility Görünütlük Dive site Notes Notlar Tags Etiketler Weights Ağırlıklar Cylinders Tüpler DiveComputerManagementDialog Remove the selected dive computer? Seçili dalış bilgisayarı kaldırılsın mı ? Are you sure that you want to remove the selected dive computer? Seçilenleri dalış bilgisayarından kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? Edit dive computer nicknames Dalış bilgisayarı rumuzları düzenle DiveComputerModel Model Model Device ID Cihaz Kimliği Nickname Rumuz Clicking here will remove this dive computer. Buraya tıklayarak dalış bilgisayarını kaldır. DiveEventItem Manual switch to OC begin Starts with space! end Starts with space! son DiveImportedModel Date/time Tarih/zaman Duration Süre Depth Derinlik h: s: min dak DiveListView Expand all Hepsini aç Collapse all Collapse others Remove dive(s) from trip Geziden dalış kaldır Create new trip above Add dive(s) to trip immediately above Add dive(s) to trip immediately below Merge trip with trip above Merge trip with trip below Delete dive(s) Dalış sil Mark dive(s) invalid Merge selected dives Seçili dalışları birleştir Renumber dive(s) Dalışları yeniden numaralandır Shift dive times Split selected dives Load image(s) from file(s) Load image(s) from web Open image files Görüntü dosyalarını aç Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff) Görüntü dosyaları (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff) DiveLocationModel Create a new dive site, copying relevant information from the current dive. Create a new dive site with this name DiveLogExportDialog Export format Dışa aktarma biçimi UDDF UDDF Worldmap Dünya haritası I&mage depths Selection Seçim Selected dives Seçili dalışlar All dives Tüm dalışlar HTML HTML Export dive log files Dalış kayıt dosyalarını dışarı aktar General export Genel dışarı aktar Subsurface &XML di& DiveShare CSV dive profile CSV dive details CSV units Metric Metrik Imperial Emperyal General settings Genel ayarlar Subsurface numbers Subsurface numaraları Export yearly statistics All di&ves Export list only Sadece listeyi dışarı aktar Export photos Style options Stil seçenekleri Font Yazı tipi Font size Yazı tipi boyutu 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 Theme Tema Light Sand kum UDDF files (*.uddf *.UDDF) UDDF dosyaları (*.uddf *.UDDF) CSV files (*.csv *.CSV) CSV dosyaları (*.csv *.CSV) Generic format that is used for data exchange between a variety of diving related programs. Comma separated values describing the dive profile. Comma separated values of the dive information. This includes most of the dive details but no profile information. Send the dive data to website. web sitesine dalış verilerini gönder. Send the dive data to website HTML export of the dive locations, visualized on a world map. Subsurface native XML format. Subsurface doğal XML biçimi Write depths of images to file. Export UDDF file as UDDF dosyası olarak dışarı aktar Export CSV file as CSV dosyası olarak dışarı aktar Export world map Dünya haritasını dışarı aktar HTML files (*.html) HTML dosyaları (*.html) Export Subsurface XML Subsurface XML dışa aktar XML files (*.xml *.ssrf) XML dosyaları (*.xml *.ssrf) Save image depths Export HTML files as HTML dosyası olarak dışarı aktar Please wait, exporting... Can't open file %s %s dosyası açılamıyor DiveLogImportDialog Import dive log file Dalış kayıt dosyalarını içe aktar Time Zaman Metric Metrik Imperial Emperyal gg.aa.yyyy mm/dd/yyyy aa/gg/yyyy yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-aa-gg Drag the tags above to each corresponding column below Dive # Dalış # Date Tarih Duration Süre GPS GPS Max. depth Azami derinlik Avg. depth Ort. derinlik Suit Tags Etiketler O₂ O₂ He He Seconds Saniye Minutes Dakika Minutes:seconds Location Konum Tab Some column headers were pre-populated; please drag and drop the headers so they match the column they are in. Sample time Sample depth Sample temperature Sample sensor1 pO₂ Sample sensor2 pO₂ Sample sensor3 pO₂ Sample stopdepth Sample setpoint Sample pO₂ Sample CNS Sample NDL Sample TTS Sample pressure Divemaster Divemaster(Dalış lideri) Buddy Rating Değerlendirme Visibility Görünütlük Notes Notlar Weight Ağırlık Cyl. size Start pressure End pressure Air temp. Hava sıcaklığı. Water temp. Su sıcaklığı. DivePlanner Altitude İrtifa Planned dive time Planlanan dalış zamanı ATM pressure Atmosfer basıncı Salinity Tuzluluk mbar mbar m m kg/ℓ kg/ℓ DivePlannerPointsModel unknown bilinmeyen Final depth Final derinlik Run time Çalışma süresi Duration Süre Used gas Gaz kullanımı CC setpoint DivePlannerWidget Dive planner points Available gases Mevcut gazlar Add dive data point Dalış veri noktası ekle Save new DivePlotDataModel Depth Derinlik Time Zaman Pressure Basınç Temperature Sıcaklık Color Renk Pressure S pN₂ pN₂ pHe pHe pO₂ pO₂ Setpoint Sensor 1 Sensör 1 Sensor 2 Sensör 2 Sensor 3 Sensör 3 Heart rate Mean depth @ s Ambient pressure Gradient factor Pressure I User entered Kullanıcı girdisi Cylinder index Tüp indeksi Ceiling Tavan SAC DiveShareExportDialog Dialog User ID Kullanıcı kimliği Get user ID <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:20pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff8000;">⚠</span> Not using a UserID means that you will need to manually keep bookmarks to your dives, to find them again.</p></body></html> Private dives will not appear in "related dives" lists, and will only be accessible if their URL is known. Keep dives private Upload dive data <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Oxygen-Sans'; font-size:7pt; font-weight:600; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html> DiveTripModel # # Date Tarih Rating Değerlendirme Depth Derinlik Temp Weight Ağırlık SAC m m ft fit Weight(%1) Suit Cyl Gas Gaz SAC(%1) /min Max CNS Azami MSS Location Konum kg kg Depth(%1) Duration Süre Temp(%1%2) lbs libre OTU OZB DivelogsDeWebServices no dives were selected Hiçbir dalış seçilmedi stylesheet to export to is not found failed to create zip file for upload: %s yükleme için zip dosyası oluşturma başarısız oldu: %s internal error iç hata Conversion of dive %1 to format failed error writing zip file: %s zip error %d system error %d - %s Done Bitti Uploading dive list... Dalış listesi yükleniyor ... Downloading dive list... Dalış listesi indiriliyor ... Downloading %1 dives... %1 dalış indiriliyor... Download finished - %1 İndirme bitti- %1 Problem with download The archive could not be opened: Corrupted download İndirme bozuk The archive could not be opened: %1 Arşiv açılamadı: %1 Upload failed Yükleme başarısız oldu Upload successful Yükleme başarılı Login failed Giriş başarısız Cannot parse response Error: %1 Hata: %1 Upload finished Yükleme bitti DownloadFromDCWidget Error Hata Retry Yeniden dene Find Uemis dive computer Download İndir Choose Bluetooth download mode Choose file for divecomputer download logfile Log files (*.log) Kayıt dosyaları (*.log) Warning Uyarı Saving the libdivecomputer dump will NOT download dives to the dive list. Choose file for divecomputer binary dump file Dump files (*.bin) DownloadFromDiveComputer Vendor Satıcı Download from dive computer Dalış bilgisayarından indir Device or mount point Cihaz veya bağlama noktası Choose Bluetooth download mode Dive computer Dalış bilgisayarı ... ... Force download of all dives Tüm dalışları indirmeyi zorla Always prefer downloaded dives Select a remote Bluetooth device. Download İndir OK TAMAM Cancel İptal Downloaded dives Select all Tümünü seç Unselect all Tümü seçimsiz Save libdivecomputer logfile Save libdivecomputer dumpfile Download into new trip ExtraDataModel Key Value FacebookManager Photo upload sucessfull Your dive profile was updated to Facebook. Photo upload failed Your dive profile was not updated to Facebook, please send the following to the developer. FilterWidget Form Text label Filter this list FilterWidget2 Reset filters Show/hide filters Close and reset filters FirmwareUpdateThread This feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer. Firmware update failed! GlobeGPS Edit selected dive locations Seçili dalış konumlarını düzenle KMessageWidget &Close &Kapat Close message LocationFilter Location: Konum: LocationFilterDelegate (same GPS fix) (~%1 away , %1 dive(s) here) (no existing GPS data, add GPS fix from this dive) (no GPS data) Pick site: LocationFilterModel No location set LocationInformation GroupBox Name Description Tanımlama Notes Notlar Coordinates Koordinatlar Reverse geo lookup ... ... Dive sites on same coordinates Tags Etiketler Dive Site LocationInformationModel Create dive site with this name LocationInformationWidget Apply changes Discard changes Dive site management Merge into current site Merging dive sites You are about to merge dive sites, you can't undo that action Are you sure you want to continue? You are editing a dive site MainTab Location Konum Divemaster Divemaster(Dalış lideri) Buddy Tags Etiketler Rating Değerlendirme Visibility Görünütlük Suit Dive mode Air temp. Hava sıcaklığı. Water temp. Su sıcaklığı. Notes Notlar General notes about the current selection Edit dive site ... ... Equipment Ekipman Used equipment in the current selection Info Bilgi Dive information Gases used Kullanılan gazlar Gas consumed Tüketilen gaz CNS MSS Max. depth Azami derinlik Air pressure Hava basıncı Dive time Dalış süresi Simple statistics about the selection Total time Toplam süre Gas consumption Gaz tüketimi All photos from the current selection Extra data Adittional data from the dive computer Date Tarih Time Zaman Interval SAC Avg. depth Ort. derinlik OTU OZB Salinity Tuzluluk Stats İstatistikler Depth Derinlik Temperature Sıcaklık Duration Süre Dives Dalışlar Photos Fotoğraflar Cylinders Tüpler Weights Ağırlıklar Apply changes Discard changes Add cylinder Tüp ekle Add weight system OC CCR pSCR Freedive Air temp. [%1] Hava sıcaklığı. [%1] Water temp. [%1] Su sıcaklığı. [%1] This trip is being edited. Bu gezi düzenleniyor. Multiple dives are being edited. Çoklu dalış düzenleniyor. This dive is being edited. Bu dalış düzenleniyor. Trip notes Gezi notları Trip location Gezi konumu /min Deepest dive Derin dalış Shallowest dive Sığ dalış Highest total SAC of a dive Lowest total SAC of a dive Average total SAC of all selected dives Highest temperature Lowest temperature Average temperature of all selected dives Longest dive Shortest dive Average length of all selected dives These gases could be mixed from Air and using: and ve New dive site Discard the changes? Değişiklikleri silinsin mi ? You are about to discard your changes. MainWindow &File &Dosya Export dive logs Toggle pHe graph pHe grafik değiştir Toggle calculating all tissues Tüm doku hesaplamalarını değiştir Toggle DC reported ceiling Toggle calculated ceiling Hesaplanan tavanı değiştir Toggle NDL, TTS NDL, YZ geçişi Toggle calculated ceiling with 3m increments Configure &dive computer Toggle heart rate Kalp atış hızı geçişi Toggle MOD MOD değiştir Toggle EAD, END, EADD EHD, END, EHYD değiştir Toggle SAC rate Toggle ruler Cetvel geçişi &Log &Kayıt &View &Görünüm &Help &Yardım &Import &İçe Aktar &Edit Share on &New logbook &Yeni seyir defteri New Yeni Ctrl+N Ctrl+N &Open logbook &Seyir defteri aç Open Ctrl+O Ctrl+O &Save &Kaydet Save Kaydet Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Sa&ve as &Farklı kaydet Save as Farklı kaydet Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S &Close &Kapat Close Kapat Ctrl+W Ctrl+W P&references &Tercihler Import &GPS data from Subsurface web service &Subsurface web hizmetinden GPS verilerini içe aktar Edit device &names &Edit dive &Copy dive components Ctrl+C Ctrl+C &Paste dive components Ctrl+V Ctrl+V &Profile &Profil &Info &Bilgi &All &Tümü &Next DC &About Subsurface &Subsurface Hakkında &Globe &Dünya Ctrl+I Ctrl+I Import &from &'den içe aktar &Full screen &Tam ekran Toggle full screen Tam ekran geçişi &Check for updates &Güncellemeler için denetle &Export &Dışa aktar Ctrl+E Ctrl+E Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Edit &dive in planner Toggle pO₂ graph Toggle pN₂ graph Scale graph Toggle pictures Toggle tank bar &Filter divelist Toggle tissue graph User &survey &Undo Ctrl+Z &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z &Find moved images Open c&loud storage Save to clo&ud storage &Manage dive sites Dive Site &Edit Facebook Facebook Ctrl+F Ctrl+F &Print &Yazdır Ctrl+, Ctrl+, &Quit &Çıkış Import from &dive computer &Dalış bilgisayarından içe aktar Ctrl+G Ctrl+G Ctrl++ Ctrl++ &Renumber &Yeniden numarala Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Y Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+D Ctrl+D &Add dive &Dalış ekle Auto &group &Otomatik grup &Yearly statistics &Yıllık istatistikler &Dive list &Dalış listesi Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3 Ctrl+4 Ctrl+4 Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1 P&revious DC Left Sol Right Sağ User &manual &Kullanıcı rehberi F1 F1 Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5 P&lan dive &Dalış planı &Import log files &Kayıt dosyalarını içe aktar Import divelog files from other applications Diğer uygulamalardan dalış kayıt dosyalarını içe aktar F11 F11 Open file Dosya aç Cancel İptal Traverse image directories Scan Scanning images...(this can take a while) Please save or cancel the current dive edit before closing the file. Dosyayı kapatmadan önce geçerli dalışı düzenle, kaydet veya iptal et. Please save or cancel the current dive edit before trying to add a dive. Bir dalış eklemeyi denemeden önce geçerli dalışı düzenle, kaydet veya iptal et. Print runtime table Trying to edit a dive that's not a manually added dive. Do you want to save the changes that you made in the file %1? %1 dosyasında yapılan değişiklikleri kaydetmek istiyor musunuz? Do you want to save the changes that you made in the data file? Veri dosyasında yapılan değişiklikleri kaydetmek istiyor musunuz? Save changes? Değişiklikler kaydedilsin mi ? Save file as [cloud storage for] %1 Opening datafile from older version You opened a data file from an older version of Subsurface. We recommend you read the manual to learn about the changes in the new version, especially about dive site management which has changed significantly. Subsurface has already tried to pre-populate the data but it might be worth while taking a look at the new dive site management system and to make sure that everything looks correct. Open dive log file Dalış kayıt dosyasını aç Dive log files (*.ssrf *.can *.csv *.db *.sql *.dld *.jlb *.lvd *.sde *.udcf *.uddf *.xml *.txt *.dlf *.apd*.SSRF *.CAN *.CSV *.DB *.SQL *.DLD *.JLB *.LVD *.SDE *.UDCF *.UDDF *.xml *.TXT *.DLF *.APD);;Cochran files (*.can *.CAN);;CSV files (*.csv *.CSV);; files (*.dld *.DLD);;JDiveLog files (*.jlb *.JLB);;Liquivision files (*.lvd *.LVD);;MkVI files (*.txt *.TXT);;Suunto files (*.sde *.db *.SDE *.DB);;Divesoft files (*.dlf *.DLF);;UDDF/UDCF files (*.uddf *.udcf *.UDDF *.UDCF);;XML files (*.xml *.XML);;APD log viewer (*.apd *.APD);;Datatrak/WLog Files (*.log *.LOG);;OSTCtools Files (*.dive *.DIVE);;All files (*) Contacting cloud service... Changes will be lost if you don't save them. Warning Uyarı Please save or cancel the current dive edit before opening a new file. Lütfen yeni bir dosya açmadan önce geçerli dalışı düzenle, kaydet veya iptal et. Trying to replan a dive that's not a planned dive. Yearly statistics Yıllık istatistikler Subsurface XML files (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML) Subsurface XML dosyaları (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML) Please, first finish the current edition before trying to do another. Open cloud storage Save to cloud storage MultiFilter Filter shows %1 (of %2) dives OstcFirmwareCheck You should update the firmware on your dive computer: you have version %1 but the latest stable version is %2 Please start Bluetooth on your OSTC Sport and do the same preparations as for a logbook download before continuing with the update Not now Update firmware Firmware upgrade notice Save the downloaded firmware as HEX files (*.hex) HEX dosyaları (*.hex) PlannerSettingsWidget Open circuit CCR pSCR ft/min fit/dak Last stop at 20ft 20 fit son durak 50% avg. depth to 20ft 20ft to surface Yüzeye 20 fit m/min m/dak Last stop at 6m 6m son durak 50% avg. depth to 6m 6m to surface yüzeye 6m cuft/min ℓ/min PreferencesDialog Defaults Varsayılanlar Units Birimler Graph Grafik Language Lisan Network Facebook Facebook Georeference Font Yazı tipi Font size Yazı tipi boyutu Dives Dalışlar No default file &Local default file Clo&ud storage default file Local dive log file Use default Varsayılanı kullan ... ... Animations Animasyonlar Speed Hız Clear all settings Tüm ayarları temizle Reset all settings to their default value Varsayılan değerler için tüm ayarları sıfırlayın Unit system System Sistem Connect to facebook text placeholder Disconnect Dive site geo lookup Enable geocoding for dive site management Parse site without GPS data Same format for existing dives Dive Site Layout / Imperial Emperyal Depth Derinlik meter metre feet fit bar bar psi psi cu ft celsius santigrat fahrenheit fahrenhayt kg kg CCR: show setpoints when viewing pO₂ CCR: show individual O₂ sensor values when viewing pO₂ Default CCR set-point for dive planning pSCR O₂ metabolism rate pSCR ratio ℓ/min 1: UI language System default Varsayılan sistem Proxy Proxy type Host Port Requires authentication Kimlik doğrulaması gerektirir Username Kullanıcı adı Password Parola Disconnect from Facebook Filter Filtre Pressure Basınç Lists and tables Liste ve tablolar Default dive log file Varsayılan dalış kayıt dosyası Display invalid Default cylinder Varsayılan tüp Use default cylinder Varsayılan tüpü kullan Subsurface cloud storage Email address E-Posta adresi Verification PIN New password Sync to cloud in the background? Save Password locally? Subsurface web service Subsurface web hizmeti Default user ID Varsayılan kullanıcı kimliği Save user ID locally? Yerel kullanıcı kimliği kaydedilsin mi ? Volume Hacim Temperature Sıcaklık Weight Ağırlık lbs libre Time units Zaman birimleri Minutes Dakika Seconds Saniye Show Göster GFLow at max depth Azami derinlikte EFDüşük Misc Çeşitli Preferences Tercihler &Metric Personali&ze Individual settings &liter Ascent/descent speed denominator GPS coordinates GPS koordinatları Location Display traditional (dms) decimal Threshold when showing pO₂ Threshold when showing pN₂ Threshold when showing pHe Max pO₂ when showing MOD Draw dive computer reported ceiling red Show unused cylinders in Equipment tab Ekipman sekmesinde kullanılmayan tüpleri göster Show average depth Ortalama derinliği göster GFLow EFDüşük GFHigh EFYüksek No proxy System proxy HTTP proxy SOCKS proxy To disconnect Subsurface from your Facebook account, use the button below To connect to Facebook, please log in. This enables Subsurface to publish dives to your timeline Subsurface cloud storage (credentials verified) Restart required Yeniden başlatma gerekli To correctly load a new language you must restart Subsurface. Subsurface yeni bir dil yüklemek için yeniden başlatmanız gerekir. Cloud storage email and password can only consist of letters, numbers, and '.', '-', '_', and '+'. If you click OK, all settings of Subsurface will be reset to their default values. This will be applied immediately. Subsurface XML files (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML) Subsurface XML dosyaları (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML) Open default log file Varsayılan kayıt dosyasını aç Warning Uyarı PrintDialog &Preview &Önizleme P&rint &Yazdır Print Yazdır PrintOptions &Table print One dive per page Two dives per page &Dive list print &Statistics print Print options Yazdırma seçenekleri Print only selected dives Sadece seçili dalışları yazdır Print in color Template Edit Düzenle Delete Sil Export Import Print type Baskı türü Import template file HTML files (*.html) HTML dosyaları (*.html) Export template files as This action cannot be undone! Delete template: %1? ProfilePrintModel unknown bilinmeyen Dive #%1 - %2 Dalış #%1 - %2 Max depth: %1 %2 Azami derinlik: %1 %2 Duration: %1 min Süre: %1 dak Gas used: Gaz kullanımı: Tags: Etiketler: SAC: Weights: Ağırlıklar: Notes: Notlar: Divemaster: Divemaster(Dalış lideri): Buddy: Suit: Viz: Rating: Değerlendirme: ProfileWidget2 (#%1 of %2) Unknown dive computer Show NDL / TTS was disabled because of excessive processing time Make first divecomputer Delete this divecomputer Dalış bilgisayarı sil Add gas change Gaz değişimi ekle (Tank %1) Add set-point change Add bookmark Yerimi ekle Edit the profile Remove event OLay kaldır Hide similar events Benzer olayları gizle Edit name İsmi düzenle Adjust pressure of tank %1 (currently interpolated as %2) Unhide all events Hide events Olayları gizle Hide all %1 events? Remove the selected event? Seçili olayları kaldırılsın mı ? %1 @ %2:%3 Edit name of bookmark Yeriminde ismi düzenle Custom name: Özel isim: Name is too long! İsim çok uzun! QObject AIR HAVA OXYGEN Remove this point Bu noktayı kaldır Average Ortalama Minimum Asgari Maximum Azami Move the map and double-click to set the dive location h: s: min dak (%1 dives) (1 dive) kg kg lbs libre ft fit m m psi psi bar bar l cuft fitküp Invalid response from server Sunucudan geçersiz yanıt Expected XML tag 'DiveDateReader', got instead '%1 Expected XML tag 'DiveDates' not found Malformed XML response. Line %1: %2 ReadSettingsThread This feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer. RenumberDialog Renumber Yeniden numarala New starting number Yeni başlama numarası New number Yeni numara ResetSettingsThread Reset settings failed! SearchBar Form SetpointDialog Renumber Yeniden numarala New set-point (0 for OC) bar bar ShiftImageTimesDialog Shift times of image(s) by h:mm s:dd Shift selected image times Earlier Later Warning! Not all images have timestamps in the range between 30 minutes before the start and 30 minutes after the end of any selected dive. Load images even if the time does not match the dive time To compute the offset between the clocks of your dive computer and your camera use your camera to take a picture of your dive compuer displaying the current time. Download that image to your computer and press this button. Determine camera time offset Select image of divecomputer showing time Which date and time are displayed on the image? Open image file Görüntü dosyası aç Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff) Görüntü dosyaları (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff) ShiftTimesDialog Shift selected dive times Shift times of selected dives by Shifted time: Current time: Mevcut zaman: 0:0 0:0 h:mm s:dd Earlier Later SimpleDiveSiteEditDialog Dialog Name Coordinates Koordinatlar Description Tanımlama Notes Notlar Dive site quick edit. Hit ESC or click outside to close SocialNetworkDialog Dive date: %1 Duration: %1 Süre: %1 h: abbreviation for hours plus separator s: min abbreviation for minutes dak Dive location: %1 Dalış konumu: %1 Buddy: %1 Divemaster: %1 %1 %1 SocialnetworksDialog Dialog The text to the right will be posted as the description with your profile picture to Facebook. The album name is required (the profile picture will be posted to that album). Album The profile picture will be posted in this album (required) Include Date and time Duration Süre Location Konum Divemaster Divemaster(Dalış lideri) Buddy Notes Notlar Facebook post preview SubsurfaceAbout About Subsurface Subsurface Hakkında &License &Lisans &Website &Website &Close &Kapat <span style='font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold;'>Subsurface %1 </span><br><br>Multi-platform divelog software<br><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Linus Torvalds, Dirk Hohndel, Tomaz Canabrava, and others, 2011-2015</span> SubsurfaceWebServices Webservice Webservisi Connecting... Bağlanıyor... Download finished İndirme bitti Download error: %1 İndirme hatası: %1 Connection error: Bağlantı hatası: Download successful İndirme başarılı Invalid user identifier! Geçersiz kullanıcı tanımlayıcı! Enter User ID and click Download Kullanıcı kimliğini gir ve indir tıkla Cannot parse response! Yanıt ayrıştırılamaz! SuitFilter Suits: SuitsFilterModel No suit set TableView GroupBox TagFilter Tags: Etiketler: TagFilterModel Empty tags TankInfoModel Description Tanımlama ml ml bar bar TemplateEdit Preview Style Font Yazı tipi Arial Impact Georgia Courier Verdana Font size Yazı tipi boyutu Edit template Color palette Default Almond Shades of blue Custom Line spacing Template Colors Background color1 Edit Düzenle Table cells 1 color2 Table cells 2 color3 Text 1 color4 Text 2 color5 Borders color6 Do you want to save your changes? TestParse Sample time Sample depth Sample temperature Sample pO₂ Sample sensor1 pO₂ Sample sensor2 pO₂ Sample sensor3 pO₂ Sample CNS Sample NDL Sample TTS Sample stopdepth Sample pressure ToolTipItem Information Bilgilendirme TopBar Subsurface mobile TripItem (%1 shown) # # Date Tarih Rating Değerlendirme Depth(%1) m m ft fit Duration Süre Temp(%1%2) Weight(%1) kg kg lbs libre Suit Cyl Gas Gaz SAC(%1) /min OTU OZB Max CNS Azami MSS Location Konum URLDialog Dialog Enter URL for images UpdateManager Check for updates. Güncellemeler için denetle Subsurface was unable to check for updates. Subsurface güncellemeleri kontrol edemedi. The following error occurred: Please check your internet connection. Lütfen internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin. You are using the latest version of Subsurface. A new version of Subsurface is available.<br/>Click on:<br/><a href="%1">%1</a><br/> to download it. A new version of Subsurface is available. Latest version is %1, please check %2 our download page %3 for information in how to update. Newest release version is The server returned the following information: Subsurface is checking every two weeks if a new version is available. If you don't want Subsurface to continue checking, please click Decline. Decline Accept Uygula Automatic check for updates Güncellemeler için otomatik denetle UserManual User manual Cannot find the Subsurface manual Subsurface kılavuzu bulunamadı UserSurvey <html><head/><body><p>We would love to learn more about our users, their preferences and their usage habits. Please spare a minute to fill out this form and submit it to the Subsurface team.</p></body></html> Other software/sources Manually entering dives User survey Subsurface user survey Subsurface kullanıcı anketi Technical diver Teknik dalgıç Recreational diver Dive planner Supported dive computer Android/iPhone companion app Any suggestions? (in English) The following information about your system will also be submitted. What kind of diver are you? Where are you importing data from? Operating system: %1 İşletim sistemi: %1 CPU architecture: %1 CPU mimarisi: %1 OS CPU architecture: %1 İS CPU mimarisi: %1 Language: %1 Lisan: %1 Should we ask you later? Don't ask me again Bana tekrar sorma Ask later Daha sonra sor Submit user survey. Ask again? Tekrar soruyorum ? Send Gönder Subsurface was unable to submit the user survey. The following error occurred: Please check your internet connection. Lütfen internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin. Survey successfully submitted. Anket başarıyla gönderildi. There was an error while trying to check for updates.<br/><br/>%1 Güncellemeleri kontrol etmeye çalışırken bir hata oluştu.<br/><br/>%1 WSInfoModel Description Tanımlama kg kg WebServices Web service connection Web servis bağlantısı Status: Durum: Enter your ID here Buraya kimliğinizi girin Download İndir User ID Kullanıcı kimliği Save user ID locally? Yerel kullanıcı kimliği kaydedilsin mi ? Password Parola Upload Yükle Operation timed out İşlem zaman aşımı Transferring data... WeightModel Type Tür Weight Ağırlık Clicking here will remove this weight system. Ağırlık sistemi buraya tıklayarak kaldırılır. WinBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent No error WriteSettingsThread Failed! Başarısız! This feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer. YearlyStatisticsModel Year > Month / Trip Yıl > Ay / Seyahat # # Duration Total Süre Toplam Average Ortalama Shortest Kısa Longest Uzun Depth (%1) Average Derinlik (%1) Ortalama Minimum Asgari Maximum Azami SAC (%1) Average Temp. (%1) Average Sıcaklık (%1) Ortalama getTextFromC None Ocean Country State County Town City getextFromC Error parsing the header gettextFromC pascal paskal bar bar psi psi cuft fitküp m m ft fit m/min m/dak m/s m/san ft/min fit/dak ft/s fit/san lbs libre kg kg (%s) or (%s) (%s) veya (%s) air hava integrated entegre belt kemer ankle ayak bileği backplate weight arka plaka ağırlığı clip-on klipsli No dives in the input file '%s' Failed to read '%s' '%s' okunamadı Cannot open CSV file %s; please use Import log file dialog 'Import log file' should be the same text as corresponding label in Import menu Empty file '%s' Poseidon import failed: unable to read '%s' Mouth piece position OC Mouth piece position CC Mouth piece position unknown Mouth piece position not connected Power off O₂ calibration failed O₂ calibration No matching DC found for file '%s' none hiçbiri deco stop battery rbt kdz ascent çıkış ceiling tavan workload iş yükü transmitter violation bookmark yerimi surface yüzey safety stop güvenlik durağı gaschange gazdeğişimi safety stop (voluntary) güvenlik durağı (gönüllü) safety stop (mandatory) güvenlik durağı (zorunlu) deepstop ceiling (safety stop) Tavan (güvenlik durağı) divetime dalış zamanı below floor event showing dive is below deco floor and adding deco time maxdepth azamiderinlik OLF OLB airtime rgbm igbm heading pO₂ pO₂ tissue level warning doku seviye uyarısı non stop time invalid event number geçersiz olay numarası Unable to create parser for %s %s Error registering the data Veri kaydedilirken hata Error parsing the datetime Tarih saat ayrıştırma hatası Dive %d: %s Error parsing the divetime Dalış zamanı ayrıştırma hatası Error parsing the maxdepth Azami derinlik ayrıştırma hatası Error parsing temperature Error parsing the gas mix count Gaz karışım sayısını ayrıştırma hatası Error obtaining water salinity Su tuzluluğu edinme hatası Error obtaining surface pressure Yüzey basıncı edinme hatası Error obtaining divemode Error parsing the gas mix Gaz karışımı ayrıştırma hatası Error parsing the samples Örnekleri ayrıştırma hatası Event: waiting for user action Olay: kullanıcı eylemi bekleniyor model=%u (0x%08x), firmware=%u (0x%08x), serial=%u (0x%08x) model=%u (0x%08x), firmware=%u (0x%08x), seri=%u (0x%08x) Error registering the event handler. Olay işleyicisi kayıt hatası. Error registering the cancellation handler. Dive data import error Dalış verisi içe aktarma hatası Unable to create libdivecomputer context Unable to open %s %s (%s) Insufficient privileges to open the device %s %s (%s) Strange percentage reading %s multiple GPS locations for this dive site; also %s Failed to parse '%s' Can't open stylesheet %s EAN%d Can't find gas %s %s gaz bulunamıyor Too many gas mixes Çok fazla gaz karışımı Decompression calculation aborted due to excessive time Subsurface dive plan Subsurface dalış planı depth derinlik runtime çalışma süresi duration süre DISCLAIMER / WARNING: THIS IS A NEW IMPLEMENTATION OF THE %s ALGORITHM AND A DIVE PLANNER IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON THAT WHICH HAS RECEIVED ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF TESTING. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT TO PLAN DIVES SIMPLY BASED ON THE RESULTS GIVEN HERE. gas gaz Transition to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s (SP = %.1fbar) Transition to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s Stay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s (SP = %.1fbar) Stay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s %3.0f%s %3.0f%s %3dmin %3ddak (SP = %.1fbar) Switch gas to %s (SP = %.1fbar) Switch gas to %s CNS MSS OTU OZB Gas consumption (CCR legs excluded): Gas consumption: Gaz tüketimi: Warning: Uyarı: based on Bühlmann ZHL-16B with GFlow = %d and GFhigh = %d based on VPM-B at nominal conservatism based on VPM-B at +%d conservatism recreational mode based on Bühlmann ZHL-16B with GFlow = %d and GFhigh = %d this is more gas than available in the specified cylinder! not enough reserve for gas sharing on ascent! %.0f%s/%.0f%s of %s (%.0f%s/%.0f%s in planned ascent) %.0f%s (%.0f%s during planned ascent) of %s high pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %s low pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %s ean @: %d:%02d D: %.1f%s P: %d%s T: %.1f%s V: %.1f%s SAC: %.*f%s/min CNS: %u%% MSS: %u%% pO%s: %.2fbar pO%s: %.2fbar pN%s: %.2fbar pN%s: %.2fbar pHe: %.2fbar pHe: %.2fbar MOD: %d%s MOD: %d%s EAD: %d%s EADD: %d%s EHD: %d%s EHYD: %d%s END: %d%s EADD: %d%s EAD: %d%s EHYD: %d%s Safetystop: %umin @ %.0f%s Safetystop: unkn time @ %.0f%s Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s Deco: %udak @ %.0f%s Deco: unkn time @ %.0f%s Deco: bilinmeyen zaman @ %.0f%s In deco NDL: %umin TTS: %umin YZ: %udak Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s (calc) In deco (calc) NDL: %umin (calc) NDL: >2h (calc) TTS: %umin (calc) YZ: %udak (hesap) TTS: >2h (calc) RBT: %umin Calculated ceiling %.0f%s Tissue %.0fmin: %.1f%s heartbeat: %d bearing: %d mean depth to here %.1f%s %sT: %d:%02d min %s %sD:%.1f%s %s %sD:%.1f%s %s%sV:%.2f%s %s %sV:%.2f%s %s %sP:%d %s %1km %1m %1mi %1yd C F boat tekne shore sahil drift deep cavern ice buz search wreck enkaz cave altitude irtifa pool gölet lake göl river nehir night Error: the file does not appear to be a DATATRAK divelog clear misty fog rain storm snow No suit Shorty Combi Wet suit Semidry suit Dry suit no stop single ascent multiple ascent fresh salt water sight seeing club dive instruction other Other activities Datatrak/Wlog notes Manually entered dive Unknown Error: couldn't open the file %s Error: no dive student stajer photo fotoğraf video video instructor Eğitmen deco deco OC-gas diluent oxygen more than %d days %d günden fazla %dd %dh %dmin %dg %ds %ddak %dmin %dsecs %dh %dmin %ds %ddak for dives # dalışlar için # for selected dives seçilen dalışlar için for dive #%d dalış için #%d for selected dive seçili dalışlar için for all dives tüm dalışlar için (no dives) (dalış yok) Sun Pazar Mon Pazartesi Tue Salı Wed Çarşamba Thu Perşembe Fri Cuma Sat Cumartesi Jan Ocak Feb Şubat Mar Mart Apr Nisan May Mayıs Jun Haziran Jul Temmuz Aug Ağustos Sep Eylül Oct Ekim Nov Kasım Dec Aralık unknown bilinmeyen data veri %s %s %s %s Uemis Zurich: the file system is almost full. Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer and click 'Retry' Uemis Zurich: the file system is full. Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer and click Retry Short write to req.txt file. Is the Uemis Zurich plugged in correctly? No dives to download. divelog # divespot # details for # wetsuit dalış kıyafeti semidry yarı kuru drysuit shorty vest long john jacket ceket full suit 2 pcs full suit membrane Initialise communication Uemis init failed Start download İndirmeyi başlat Safety stop violation Speed alarm Speed warning pO₂ green warning pO₂ ascend warning pO₂ ascend alarm Tank pressure info RGT warning RGT alert Tank change suggested Depth limit exceeded Max deco time warning Dive time info Dive time alert Marker No tank data Low battery warning Low battery alert Can't open file %s %s dosyası açılamıyor Number Date Tarih Time Zaman Location Konum Air temp. Hava sıcaklığı. Water temp. Su sıcaklığı. Statistics Rating Değerlendirme Visibility Görünütlük Duration Süre Dives Dalışlar Expand all Hepsini aç Collapse all Trips Advanced search Gelişmiş arama Divemaster Divemaster(Dalış lideri) Buddy Suit Tags Etiketler Notes Notlar Show more details Yearly statistics Yıllık istatistikler Year Total time Toplam süre Average time Shortest time Longest time Average depth Min. depth Max. depth Azami derinlik Min. SAC Max. SAC Average temp. Min. temp. Max. temp. Back to list Dive equipment Work pressure Start pressure End pressure Dive status Average SAC Dive No. Dive profile Dive information Type Tür Size Boyut Gas Gaz Weight Ağırlık Events Name Value Coordinates Koordinatlar Date: Tarih: Time: Zaman: Duration: Süre: min dak Max. depth: Air temp.: Water temp.: Location: Konum: Notes: Notlar: N K S G E D W B Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: merge failed (%s) Local cache directory %s corrupted - can't sync with Subsurface cloud storage Could not update local cache to newer remote data Subsurface cloud storage corrupted Could not update Subsurface cloud storage, try again later Remote storage and local data diverged. Cannot combine local and remote changes Remote storage and local data diverged Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: writing the data failed (%s) Problems with local cache of Subsurface cloud data Moved cache data to %s. Please try the operation again. Error connecting to Subsurface cloud storage git clone of %s failed (%s) additional name for site: %s Unknown DC in dive %d Error - %s - parsing dive %d main Subsurface mobile plannerDetails Form <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Dive plan details</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Dalış planı detayları</span></p></body></html> Print Yazdır <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Courier'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'.Curier New';"><br /></p></body></html> plannerSettingsWidget Form Rates Ascent Çıkış below 75% avg. depth m/min m/dak Descent surface to the bottom Planning VPM-B deco Reserve gas Postpone gas change if a stop is not required Only switch at required stops GF low EF düşük % % GF high EF yüksek Drop to first depth Last stop at 6m 6m son durak Plan backgas breaks Gas options Gaz seçenekleri Bottom SAC Deco SAC Bottom pO₂ Deco pO₂ ℓ/min Display runtime Display segment duration Display transitions in deco Verbatim dive plan bar bar 75% to 50% avg. depth 50% avg. depth to 6m 6m to surface yüzeye 6m Bühlmann deco min dak Maximize bottom time allowed by gas and no decompression limits Recreational mode Min. switch duration Safety stop Conservatism level Notes Notlar In dive plan, show runtime (absolute time) of stops In dive plan, show duration (relative time) of stops In diveplan, list transitions or treat them as implicit