UTF-8BuddyFilterPerson: Searches for buddies and divemastersBuddyFilterModelNo buddiesConfigureDiveComputerCould not save the backup file %1. Error Message: %2Could not open backup file: %1Setting successfully written to deviceDevice firmware successfully updatedDevice settings successfully resetConfigureDiveComputerDialogConfigure dive computerDevice or mount point裝置或連接處......Retrieve available detailsSave changes to deviceBackupRestore backupUpdate firmwareCancel取消OSTC 3Basic settingsSerial No.Firmware versionCustom textLanguage語言EnglishGermanFrenchItalianDive modeOCCCGaugeApneaDate formatMMDDYYDDMMYYYYMMDDSaturation%%DesaturationLast deco mmBrightnessEcoMediumHighSampling rate2s10sUnits單位m/°Cft/°FDive mode colorStandardRedGreenBlueSalinity (0-5%)Sync dive computer time with PCCompass gainRead settings from backup file or from device before writing to the deviceRead settings from backup file or from device before writing to a backup fileOSTC, Mk.2/2N/2C230LSB/Gauss330LSB/Gauss390LSB/Gauss440LSB/Gauss660LSB/Gauss820LSB/Gauss1090LSB/Gauss1370LSB/GaussShow safety stopReset device to default settingsAlt GF can be selected underwaterSuunto Vyper familyAdvanced settingsFuture TTSPressure sensor offsetGFLowGFlowGFHighGFhighDecotype mbar minZH-L16ZH-L16+GFAlt GFLowAlt GFHighFlip screenGas settings%HeType類型Change depthGas 1Gas 2Gas 3Gas 4Gas 5Dil 1Dil 2Dil 3Dil 4Dil 5Set point [cbar]Change depth [m]SP 1SP 2SP 3SP 4SP 5Fixed setpointSensorSetpoint fallback cbarP1 (medium)Suunto safety levelP2 (high)Suunto safety levelTotal dive timekg/ℓApnoeaSafety level%O₂O₂ in calibration gaspO₂ maxpO₂ minAltitude rangeModel型號Number of divesMax depth最大深度P0 (none)Suunto safety levelSample rate20s30s60sComputer modelminmin24h12hTime formatImperial英制Metric公制sLightLightDepth alarmTime alarmSalinity鹽度MM/DD/YYDD/MM/YYYY/MM/DDZH-L16 CCL16-GF OCL16-GF CCPSCR-GFDive computer details read successfully.Backup files (*.xml)An error occurred while saving the backup file.
%1Backup succeededYour settings have been saved to: %1Backup dive computer settingsXML backup errorRestore dive computer settingsXML restore errorAn error occurred while restoring the backup file.
%1Restore succeededYour settings have been restored successfully.Select firmware fileAll files (*.*)CylindersModelType類型Size容量He%He%Work press.工作壓力Start press.開始壓力End press.結束壓力O₂%Switch at交換於UseClicking here will remove this cylinder.於此處按下將移除此氣瓶.Cylinder cannot be removed氣瓶無法移除This gas is in use. Only cylinders that are not used in the dive can be removed.此氣瓶仍在使用中,在潛水中,只有未使用的氣瓶可被移除。DiveComponentSelectionDialogComponent selectionWhich components would you like to copyLocation位置Suit防寒衣GPS coordinatesDivemaster導潛Buddy潛伴Rating評分Visibility能見度Notes記錄Tags標籤Weights配重Cylinders氣瓶DiveComputerManagementDialogRemove the selected dive computer?是否移除所選擇的潛水電腦?Are you sure that you want to
remove the selected dive computer?您確認要
移除選擇的潛水電腦?Edit dive computer nicknames編輯潛水電腦別名DiveComputerModelModel型號Device ID裝置 IDNickname別名Clicking here will remove this dive computer.點擊這裡移除此潛水電腦。DiveEventItemBailing out to OC跳脫至 OC beginStarts with space!開始 endStarts with space!結束DiveItem##Date日期Rating評分Depth(%1)mmftftDuration區間Temp(%1%2)Weight(%1)kgkglbslbsSuit防寒衣Cyl氣瓶GasSAC(%1)/min/minOTU氧容許量 OTUMax CNS最大 CNSLocation位置DiveListViewExpand all全部展開Collapse all全部摺疊Collapse others摺疊其它Remove dive(s) from trip從旅程中移除潛水記錄(多支)Create new trip above設定為新的旅程Add dive(s) to trip immediately above於上方增加潛水記錄(多支)至旅程中Add dive(s) to trip immediately below於下方增加潛水記錄(多支)至旅程中Merge trip with trip above與上方旅程合併Merge trip with trip below與下方旅程合併Delete dive(s)刪除潛水記錄(多支)Mark dive(s) invalid標示為無效的潛水記錄(多支)Merge selected dives合併所選擇的潛水記錄Renumber dive(s)為潛水記錄(多支)重新編號Shift times移動時間Load images載入影像Open image files開啟影像檔Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff)影像檔案 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff)DiveLogExportDialogExport format匯出格式Subsurface XMLSubsurface XMLUDDFUDDFdivelogs.dedivelogs.deCSVCSVWorldmap世界地圖Selection選擇Selected dives選擇的潛水All dives所有潛水HTMLHTMLExport dive log files匯出潛水日誌檔案General export一般匯出DiveShareImage depthsGeneral settings一般設定Subsurface numbersSubsurface numbersExport yearly statisticsExport list only只匯出清單Style options樣式選項Font字型Font size字型大小88101012121414161618182020Theme主題LightLightSandSandUDDF files (*.uddf *.UDDF)UDDF 檔案 (*.uddf *.UDDF)CSV files (*.csv *.CSV)CSV 檔案 (*.csv *.CSV)Generic format that is used for data exchange between a variety of diving related programs.於不同潛水程式中,做為資料交換使用的通用格式。Comma separated values that include the most relevant information of the dive profile.逗號分隔數值,並包含相對應潛水剖面的資訊。Send the dive data to divelogs.de website.傳送潛水資料至 divelogs.de 網站。Send the dive data to dive-share.appspot.com websiteHTML export of the dive locations, visualized on a world map.匯出潛點位置至 HTML,並繪製於地圖上。Subsurface native XML format.Subsurface 原生 XML 格式Write depths of images to file.Export UDDF file as匯出 UDDF 檔案為Export CSV file as匯出 CSV 檔案為Export world map匯出地圖HTML files (*.html)HTML 檔案 (*.html)Export Subsurface XML匯出 Subsurface XMLXML files (*.xml *.ssrf)XML 檔案 (*.xml *.ssrf)Save image depthsExport HTML files as匯出 HTML 檔案為Can't open file %s無法開啟檔案 %sDiveLogImportDialogImport dive log file載入潛水檔案CSV optionsCSV選項Pre-configured imports未設定前的匯入Depth深度Stopdepth停留深度Pressure壓力Time時間Temp溫度NDLNDLTTSTTSCnsCnsField separator欄位分隔Units單位Metric公制Imperial英制pO₂pO₂Manual dives手動潛水Choose day, month and year order for date format. The field separator can be any of the characters .-/.Date formatdd.mm.yyyymm/dd/yyyyyyyy-mm-ddDive #潛水號#Date in dd.mm.yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd or mm/dd/yyyy formatDate日期Dive duration in seconds or in min:sec formatDuration區間GPSTags標籤Location位置Max depth最大深度Field configuration欄位設定Mean depth平均深度Buddy潛伴Notes記錄Weight重量DivePlannerAltitude海拔Planned dive time計畫潛水時間ATM pressure大氣壓力Salinity鹽度mbarmbarmm kg/ℓDivePlannerPointsModelunknown未知Final depth最後深度Run time持續時間Duration區間Used gas使用氣量CC set point密閉式循環設定點Discard the plan?取消這次計畫?You are about to discard your plan.您將要放棄你的計劃.DivePlannerWidgetDive planner points潛水計畫指示Available gases可用氣瓶Add dive data point新增潛水資料點Save newDivePlotDataModelDepth深度Time時間Pressure壓力Temperature溫度Color顔色Pressure S壓力SpN₂pN₂pHepHepO₂pO₂Ambient pressurePressure I壓力IUser entered使用者輸入Cylinder index氣瓶編號Ceiling上限深度SAC耗氣率DiveShareExportDialogDialogUser ID使用者 ID ⌫Get user ID<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:20pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff8000;">⚠</span> Not using a UserID means that you will need to manually keep bookmarks to your dives, to find them again.</p></body></html>Private dives will not appear in "related dives" lists, and will only be accessible if their URL is known.Keep dives privateUpload dive dataDiveTripModel##Date日期Rating評分Depth深度Temp溫度Weight重量SAC耗氣率mmftftWeight(%1)Suit防寒衣Cyl氣瓶GasSAC(%1)/min/minMax CNS最大 CNSLocation位置kgkgDepth(%1)Duration區間Temp(%1%2)lbslbsOTU氧容許量 OTUDivelogsDeWebServicesno dives were selected未選取任何潛水failed to create zip file for upload: %s建立 zip 壓縮檔上傳失敗: %scannot create temporary file: %s無法建立暫存檔案: %sinternal error: %s內部錯誤: %sinternal error內部錯誤Done完成Uploading dive list...上傳潛水列表...Downloading dive list...下載潛水列表...Downloading %1 dives...下載 %1 潛水...Download finished - %1下載結束 - %1Corrupted download中斷下載The archive could not be opened:
%1Upload failed上傳失敗Upload successful上傳成功Login failed登入失敗Cannot parse response回覆無法解析Error: %1錯誤: %1Upload finished上傳結束DownloadFromDCWidgetOK確認Error錯誤Retry重試Find Uemis dive computer搜索Uemis潛水設備Choose file for divecomputer download logfile選擇記錄檔供潛水電腦下載日誌檔Log files (*.log)記錄檔 (*.log)Warning提醒Saving the libdivecomputer dump will NOT download dives to the dive list.儲存潛水電腦傾印資訊並不會下載潛水記錄Choose file for divecomputer binary dump file選擇檔案供潛水電腦記錄傾印資訊Dump files (*.bin)傾印檔 (*bin)DownloadFromDiveComputerVendor廠牌Download from dive computer從潛水電腦下載Device or mount point裝置或連接處Dive computer潛水電腦......Force download of all dives強制下載所有潛水記錄Always prefer downloaded dives總是保留已下載的潛水OK確認Cancel取消Save libdivecomputer logfile儲存 libdivecomputer 日誌檔案Save libdivecomputer dumpfile儲存 libdivecomputer 傾印檔案Download into new tripExtraDataModelKeyValueFilterWidgetForm表單Text labelFilter this listFilterWidget2Reset filtersShow/hide filtersClose and reset filtersFirmwareUpdateThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Firmware update failed!Could not a establish connection to the dive computer.GlobeGPSEdit selected dive locations編輯所選擇的潛水位置LocationFilterLocation: LocationFilterModelNo location setMainTabLocation位置Coordinates座標Divemaster導潛Buddy潛伴Tags標籤Rating評分Visibility能見度Suit防寒衣Dive notes潛水筆記Air temp.氣溫Water temp.水溫Notes記錄Equipment裝備Gases used消耗氣體Gas consumed氣體消耗CNSCNSMax. depth最大深度Air pressure氣壓Dive time潛水時間Total time全部時間Gas consumption氣體消耗Extra dataAdditional data from dive computerDate日期Time時間Dive info潛水資訊Interval水面休息時間SAC耗氣率Avg. depth平均深度OTU氧容許量 OTUSalinity鹽度Stats統計Depth深度Temperature溫度Duration區間Dives潛水Photos照片Cylinders氣瓶Weights配重Apply changesDiscard changesAdd cylinder新增氣瓶Add weight systemAir temp. [%1]氣溫 [%1]Water temp. [%1]水溫 [%1]This trip is being edited.此旅程已被編輯.Multiple dives are being edited.此些旅程已被編輯.This dive is being edited.此潛水已被編輯.Trip notes旅程筆記Trip location旅程位置/min/minDeepest dive最深的潛水Shallowest dive最淺的潛水Highest total SAC of a diveLowest total SAC of a diveAverage total SAC of all selected divesHighest temperatureLowest temperatureAverage temperature of all selected divesLongest diveShortest diveAverage length of all selected divesThese gases could be
mixed from Air and using:
and 與Discard the changes?取消變更?You are about to discard your changes.您將要放棄您的變更。MainWindow&File檔案Export dive logsToggle pHe graph切換 pHe 圖表Toggle calculating all tissues切換計算所有的組織Toggle DC reported ceiling切換 DC 回報的上限深度Toggle calculated ceiling切換計算的上限深度Toggle NDL, TTS切換 NDL, TTSToggle calculated ceiling with 3m increments切換以每次增加 3m 計算的上限深度Configure &dive computerRe-plan &diveToggle heart rate切換心跳率Toggle MOD切換 MODToggle EAD, END, EADD切換 EAD, END, EADDToggle SAC rate切換 SAC 率Toggle ruler切換規則<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Dive plan details</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">潛水計畫細節</span></p></body></html>Print列印<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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This will be applied immediately.若按下 OK ,則所有 Subsurface 設定將立即被重設回預設值。Subsurface XML files (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML)Subsurface XML 檔案 (*.ssrf *.xml *.XML)Open default log file開啟預設的日誌檔案Warning提醒PrintDialog&Preview預覽P&rint列印Print列印PrintLayoutDive#潛水編號 #Date日期Depth深度Duration區間Master專長Buddy潛伴Location位置Subsurface cannot find a usable printer on this system!PrintOptions&6 dives per page&1 dive per page&2 dives per page&Table printPrint options列印選項Print only selected dives只列印所選的潛水Print in color彩色列印Prof&ile on top&Notes on topPrint type列印類型Ordering順序ProfilePrintModelunknown未知Dive #%1 - %2潛水 #%1 - %2Max depth: %1 %2最大深度: %1 %2Duration: %1 min區間: %1 minGas used:消耗氣體: Tags:標籤:SAC:耗氣率: Weights:配重:Notes:記錄:Divemaster:導潛:Buddy:潛伴:Suit:防寒衣:Viz:能見度:Rating:評分:ProfileWidget2 (#%1 of %2) (#%1 of %2)Show NDL / TTS was disabled because of excessive processing timeMake first divecomputer設定第 1 潛水電腦Delete this divecomputer刪除此潛水電腦Add gas change增加氣瓶交換 (Tank %1)Add set-point changeAdd bookmark新增書籤Remove event移除事件Hide similar events隱藏相似事件Edit name潛水名稱Adjust pressure of tank %1 (currently interpolated as %2)Unhide all events取消隱藏所有事件Hide events隱藏事件Hide all %1 events?隱藏所有 %1 事件?Remove the selected event?移除所選擇的事件?%1 @ %2:%3%1 @ %2:%3Edit name of bookmark編輯書籤名稱Custom name:自訂名稱:Name is too long!QObjectAIR空氣OXYGENRemove this point移除此點Close關閉Average平均Minimum最低Maximum最高Move the map and double-click to set the dive location在地圖上移動, 並且雙擊來設定潛水位置kgkglbslbsftftmmpsipsibarbarllcuftcuftInvalid response from server主機回傳不正確的回應.Expected XML tag 'DiveDateReader', got instead '%1預期的 XML 標籤 'DiveDateReader', 取代了 '%1Expected XML tag 'DiveDates' not found無法找到預期的 XML 標籤 'DiveDates'Malformed XML response. Line %1: %2異常的 XML 回應. 第 %1 行: %2ReadSettingsThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Could not a establish connection to the dive computer.RenumberDialogRenumber重新編號New starting number新的開始編號New number新編號ResetSettingsThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Could not a establish connection to the dive computer.SearchBarForm表單SetpointDialogRenumber重新編號New set-point (0 for OC)barbarShiftImageTimesDialogShift times of image(s) by移動圖片的時間根據h:mmh:mmShift selected image times移動所選擇的照片時間Earlier較早Later較晚To compute the offset between the clocks of your dive computer and your camera use your camera to take a picture of your dive compuer displaying the current time. Download that image to your computer and press this button.為了計算潛水電腦與相機的時間差,請使用您的相機,拍一張正顯示現在時間的潛水電腦的照片。下載此照片至您的電腦,並按下此按鈕。Determine camera time offset選擇攝像頭時間差Select image of divecomputer showing time選擇潛水機器時間顯示圖片Which date and time are displayed on the image?哪個日期和時間將會被顯示在圖片上?Open image file開啟影像檔Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff)影像檔案 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.pnm *.tif *.tiff)ShiftTimesDialogShift selected dive times移動所選擇潛水的時間Shift times of selected dives by移動所選擇潛水的時間,根據 Shifted time:移動時間:Current time:目前時間:0:00:0h:mmh:mmEarlier較早Later較晚SubsurfaceAboutAbout Subsurface關於 Subsurface&License版權&Website網站&Close關閉<span style='font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold;'>Subsurface %1 </span><br><br>Multi-platform divelog software<br><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Linus Torvalds, Dirk Hohndel, Tomaz Canabrava, and others, 2011-2014</span><span style='font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold;'>Subsurface %1 </span><br><br>跨平台潛水日誌軟體<br><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Linus Torvalds, Dirk Hohndel, Tomaz Canabrava, and others, 2011-2014</span>SubsurfaceWebServicesWebservice網頁服務Connecting...連結...Download finished下載結束Download error: %1下載失敗: %1Connection error: 連結錯誤:Download successful下載成功Invalid user identifier!錯誤的使用者 Id !Enter User ID and click Download輸入使用者 ID 並點選下載Cannot parse response!回覆無法解析!SuitFilterSuits: SuitsFilterModelNo suit setTableViewAdd cylinder新增氣瓶GroupBoxTagFilterTags: TagFilterModelEmpty tagsTankInfoModelDescription描述mlmlbarbarToolTipItemInformation資訊TripItem (%1 shown)UpdateManagerCheck for updates.檢查有無更新。Subsurface was unable to check for updates.Subsurface 無法確認更新。The following error occurred:錯誤持續發生:Please check your internet connection.請確認您的網路連線。You are using the latest version of Subsurface.A new version of Subsurface is available.<br/>Click on:<br/><a href="%1">%1</a><br/> to download it.A new version of Subsurface is available.Latest version is %1, please check with your OS vendor for updates.Newest release version is There was an error while trying to check for updates.<br/><br/>%1嘗試確認更新發生錯誤。<br/><br/>%1UserManualUser Manual使用者說明Cannot find the Subsurface manual無法找到 Subsurface 使用說明UserSurveyWe would love to learn more about our users, their preferences and their usage habits. Please take a minute to fill out this form and submit it to the Subsurface team. Please select all options that apply to you.我們想要從使用者的角度來學習,認識他們的設定與他們的使用習慣。請花 1 分鐘的時間,協助我們填寫此表格,並傳送至 Subsurface 團隊。請回覆所有提供給您的選項。User Survey使用者調查Subsurface user surveySubsurface 使用者調查Recreational diver休閒潛水潛水員Technical diver技術潛水潛水員Interested in dive planning有興趣於潛水計畫I am downloading dives from supported dive computer我從支援的潛水電腦下載潛水記錄I am importing dives from other software / sources我自別的軟體 / 來源,匯入潛水記錄I am manually entering dives我手動輸入潛水記錄I use the Android companion app to track dive locations我使用 Android app 來追蹤潛水位置Please type suggestions (in English) in the following box請於下方欄位留下任何建議 (英文)The following information about your system will also be submitted以下有關您的系統的資訊將會被傳送。
Operating System: %1
作業系統: %1
CPU Architecture: %1
CPU 架構: %1
Language: %1
語言: %1Should we ask you later?是否稍後詢問?Don't ask me again請勿再問我Ask later稍後再詢問Submit user survey.傳送使用者調查。Ask again?再次詢問?Send傳送
OS CPU Architecture: %1
OS CPU 架構: %1Subsurface was unable to submit the user survey.Subsurface 無法傳送使用者調查The following error occurred:錯誤持續發生:Please check your internet connection.請確認您的網路連線。Survey successfully submitted.成功傳送調查。There was an error while trying to check for updates.<br/><br/>%1嘗試確認更新發生錯誤。<br/><br/>%1WSInfoModelDescription描述kgkgWebServicesWeb service connectionWeb 服務連結Status:狀態: Enter your ID here於此處輸入您的 ID Download下載User ID使用者 ID Save user ID locally?是否儲存使用者 ID 於本機?Password密碼Upload上傳Operation timed out操作時間結束Transferring data...WeightModelType類型Weight重量Clicking here will remove this weight system.按此處移除配重系統。WriteSettingsThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Could not a establish connection to the dive computer.YearlyStatisticsModelYear
> Month / Trip年
> 月 / 旅程##Duration
最長Depth (%1)
Average深度 (%1)
最大SAC (%1)
Average耗氣率 (%1)
平均Temp. (%1)
Average溫度 (%1)
平均gettextFromCpascalpascalbarbarpsipsicuftcuftmmftftm/minm/minm/sm/sft/minft/minft/sft/slbslbskgkg(%s) or (%s)(%s) 或 (%s)airairintegrated整合型belt配重帶ankle腳踝backplate weight背板配重clip-on吊掛式Failed to read '%s'無法讀取 '%s'Poseidon import failed: unable to read '%s'Mouth piece position OCMouth piece position CCMouth piece position unknownMouth piece position not connectedPower offO₂ calibration failedO₂ calibrationNo matching DC found for file '%s'Maximum number of supported columns on CSV import is %dCSV 匯入最大支援 %d 欄位.none無deco stop減壓停留batteryrbt剩餘滯底時間ascent上升ceiling上限深度workload工作量transmitter發射器violation違反bookmark書籤surface水面safety stop安全停留gaschange氣瓶更換safety stop (voluntary)安全停留 (非必要)safety stop (mandatory)安全停留 (強制性)deepstop深停留ceiling (safety stop)上限深度 (安全停留)divetime潛水時間below floorevent showing dive is below deco floor and adding deco timebelow floormaxdepth最大深度OLFOLFPO2PO2airtime空氣時間rgbmrgbmheading標題pO₂pO₂tissue level warning組織等級警告non stop time無停留時間invalid event number錯誤的事件編號Unable to create parser for %s %s無法建立解析 %s %sError registering the data錯誤的登錄資料Error parsing the datetime日期時間解析錯誤Dive %d: %s潛水 %d: %sError parsing the divetime潛水時間解析錯誤Error parsing the maxdepth最大深度解析錯誤Error parsing temperatureError parsing the gas mix count混合氣體數量解析錯誤Error obtaining water salinity得到錯誤的海水鹽度Error obtaining surface pressure得到錯誤的水面壓力Error obtaining divemodeError parsing the gas mix混合氣體解析錯誤Error parsing the samples樣本解析錯誤Event: waiting for user action事件: 等待使用者動作model=%u (0x%08x), firmware=%u (0x%08x), serial=%u (0x%08x)型號=%u (0x%08x), 韌體=%u (0x%08x), 序號=%u (0x%08x)Error registering the event handler.錯誤的註冊程序.Error registering the cancellation handler.錯誤的註冊取消程序.Dive data import error匯入潛水資料錯誤Unable to create libdivecomputer context無法建立 libdivecomputer 上下文Unable to open %s %s (%s) 無法開啟 %s %s (%s)Insufficient privileges to open the device %s %s (%s)Strange percentage reading %s
有問題的讀取比例 %s
Failed to parse '%s'無法解析訊息 '%s'Database query get_events failed.
資料庫讀取 get_events 失敗.
Database query get_tags failed.
數據庫請求get_tags失敗Database connection failed '%s'.
資料庫連結錯誤 '%s' .
Database query failed '%s'.
資料庫要求錯誤 '%s' .
Database query get_cylinders failed.
資料庫讀取 get_cylinders 失敗。
Database query get_changes failed.
資料庫讀取 get_changes 失敗。
Database query get_profile_sample failed.
資料庫讀取 get_profile_sample 失敗。
Can't open stylesheet %s無法開啟樣式 %sEAN%dEAN%dCan't find gas %s無法找到氣體 %sToo many gas mixes太多氣體混合Decompression calculation aborted due to excessive timebased on GFlow = %d and GFhigh = %d以 GFlow = %d 與 GFhigh = %d 為基礎Subsurface dive planSubsurface 潛水計畫depth深度runtime作業時間duration時間gas氣體Transition to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s (SP = %.1fbar)Transition to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s禁搭飛機 %.*f %s 在 %d:%02d min - 運行時間 %d:%02u 在 %sStay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s (SP = %.1fbar)Stay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s停留在 %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - 運作時間 %d:%02u 於 %s%3.0f%s%3.0f%s%3dmin%3dmin(SP = %.1fbar)Switch gas to %s (SP = %.1fbar)Switch gas to %s更換氣體至 %sCNSCNSOTU氧容許量 OTUGas consumption (CCR legs excluded):Gas consumption:氣體消耗:Warning:提醒:DISCLAIMER / WARNING: THIS IS A NEW IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BUHLMANN ALGORITHM AND A DIVE PLANNER IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON THAT WHICH HAS RECEIVED ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF TESTING. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT TO PLAN DIVES SIMPLY BASED ON THE RESULTS GIVEN HERE.this is more gas than available in the specified cylinder!指定的氣瓶氣體超過供給量!not enough reserve for gas sharing on ascent!無足夠的預留氣體可供上升使用!%.0f%s/%.0f%s of %s (%.0f%s/%.0f%s in planned ascent)%.0f%s/%.0f%s of %s (%.0f%s/%.0f%s 在計畫上升中)%.0f%s (%.0f%s during planned ascent) of %s%.0f%s (%.0f%s 在計畫上升期間) of %shigh pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %s高 pO₂ 數值 %.2f 發生於 %d:%02u 使用氣體 %s 在深度 %.*f %seanean@: %d:%02d
D: %.1f%s
@: %d:%02d
D: %.1f%s
P: %d%s
P: %d%s
T: %.1f%s
T: %.1f%sV: %.1f%s
V: %.1f%sSAC: %.*f%s/min
SAC: %.*f%s/min
CNS: %u%%
CNS: %u%%pO%s: %.2fbar
pO%s: %.2fbarpN%s: %.2fbar
pN%s: %.2fbarpHe: %.2fbar
pHe: %.2fbarMOD: %d%s
MOD: %d%sEAD: %d%s
EADD: %d%s
EAD: %d%s
EADD: %d%s
END: %d%s
EADD: %d%s
END: %d%s
EADD: %d%s
Safetystop: %umin @ %.0f%s
安全停留: %umin @ %.0f%s
Safetystop: unkn time @ %.0f%s
安全停留: 未知時間 @ %.0f%s
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s
Deco: unkn time @ %.0f%s
減壓: 未知時間 @ %.0f%s
In deco
NDL: %umin
NDL: %umin
TTS: %umin
TTS: %umin
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s (calc)
減壓: %umin @ %.0f%s (calc)
In deco (calc)
減壓 (計算)
NDL: %umin (calc)
NDL:%umin (預計)
TTS: %umin (calc)
TTS: %umin (calc)
Calculated ceiling %.0f%s
計算的上限深度 %.0f%s
Tissue %.0fmin: %.0f%s
組織 %.0fmin: %.0f%s
heartbeat: %d
心跳: %d
bearing: %d
方位: %d
%sT: %d:%02d min%sT: %d:%02d min%s %sD:%.1f%s%s %sD:%.1f%s%s %sD:%.1f%s
%s %sD:%.1f%s
%s%sV:%.2f%s%s%sV:%.2f%s%s %sV:%.2f%s%s %sV:%.2f%s%s %sP:%d %s%s %sP:%d %sCCFF%1 %2 (%3 dives)%1 %2 (%3 潛水)%1 %2 (1 dive)%1 %2 (1 潛水)boat船潛shore岸潛drift放流deep深潛cavern地洞ice冰潛wreck沈船cave洞穴altitude高海拔pool泳池lake湖泊river河流night夜潛fresh新進student學生photo照片video影片instructor教練deco減壓OC-gasdiluentoxygenℓℓmore than %d days超過 %d日%dd %dh %dmin%dd %dh %dmin%dh %dmin%dh %dminfor dives #針對潛水 #for selected dives針對選擇的潛水for dive #%d針對潛水 #%dfor selected dive針對選擇的潛水for all dives針對所有潛水(no dives)(無潛水)Sun周日Mon周一Tue周二Wed周三Thu周四Fri周五Sat周六Jan1月Feb2月Mar3月Apr4月May5月Jun6月Jul7月Aug8月Sep9月Oct10月Nov11月Dec12月Uemis Zurich: File System is almost full
Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer
and click 'Retry'Uemis Zurich: 檔案系統使用空間已接近額滿
並按下"重試"鈕Uemis Zurich: File System is full
Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer
and try againUemis Zurich: 檔案系統使用空間已額滿
並再次嘗試Short write to req.txt file
Is the Uemis Zurich plugged in correctly?無法寫入 req.txt 檔案
請確認 Uemis Zurich 是否正確連接?unknown未知data資料%s %sdivelog #divespot #details for #wetsuit濕式防寒衣semidry半乾衣drysuit乾式防寒衣shorty短袖防寒衣vest背心long john長約翰式jacket夾克式full suit全身式防寒衣2 pcs full suit2 件式防寒衣membrane膜組織Initialise communicationUemis init failedUemis 初始化失敗Start download開始下載Safety stop violationSpeed alarmSpeed warningpO₂ green warningpO₂ ascend warningpO₂ ascend alarmTank pressure infoRGT warningRGT alertTank change suggestedDepth limit exceededMax deco time warningDive time infoDive time alertMarker標記No tank dataLow battery warningLow battery alertCan't open file %s無法開啟檔案 %sNumberDate日期Time時間Location位置Air temp.氣溫Water temp.水溫Statistics統計Rating評分Visibility能見度Duration區間Dives潛水Expand all全部展開Collapse all全部摺疊TripsAdvanced searchDivemaster導潛Buddy潛伴Suit防寒衣Tags標籤Notes記錄Show more detailsYearly statistics年統計Year年Total time全部時間Average timeShortest timeLongest timeAverage depthMin. depthMax. depth最大深度Min. SACMax. SACAverage temp.Min. temp.Max. temp.Back to listDive equipmentWork pressureStart pressureEnd pressureDive statusAverage SACDive No.Dive profileDive informationType類型Size容量GasWeight重量EventsNameValueCoordinates座標Date:日期:Time:時間:Duration:時間:minminMax. depth:Air temp.:Water temp.:Location:位置:Notes:記錄:NNSSEEWWplannerSettingsWidgetForm表單Rates速率Ascent上升below 75% avg. depth低於 75% 的平均深度m/minm/minDescent下降surface to the bottom自水面至底部Planning計畫GF low低 GF%%GF high高 GFDrop to first depth下降至第 1 深度Last stop at 6mLast stop at 6mPlan backgas breaks計畫後氣瓶中斷點Gas options氣體選項Bottom SAC水底耗氣率Deco SAC減壓 SACBottom pO₂水底 pO₂Deco pO₂減壓 pO₂ℓ/minDive notes潛水筆記Display runtime顯示運作時間Display segment duration顯示分段區間Display transitions in deco在減壓中顯示禁飛時間Verbatim dive planbarbar75% to 50% avg. depth75% ~ 50% 的平均深度50% avg. depth to 6m50% avg. depth to 6m6m to surface水面下 6mIn dive plan, show runtime (absolute time) of stops在潛水計畫中,顯示停留的操作時間 (絕對時間) 。In dive plan, show duration (relative time) of stops在潛水計畫中,顯示停留的時間 (相對時間) 。In diveplan, list transitions or treat them as implicit在潛水計畫中,列出禁飛時間或標記為提示