" Name: Solarized vim colorscheme " Author: Ethan Schoonover " URL: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized " (see this url for latest release & screenshots) " License: OSI approved MIT license (see end of this file) " " Usage "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " QUICKSTART: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Put the following two lines in your vimrc: " " set background=dark " colorscheme solarized " " or, for the light background mode of Solarized: " " set background=light " colorscheme solarized " " pathogen users can install to: " " (your vim directory)/bundle/vim-solarized/colors/solarized.vim " " (note that vim-solarized could be just solarized, it's up to you, but " if you pull from git you'll get this directory name unless you change it) " " Other options are detailed below. " " IMPORTANT NOTE FOR TERMINAL USERS: " If you are running vim in a terminal, Solarized will run in 256 color mode if " the terminal supports it, but those 256 colors are (in all 256 color terminal " emulators) limited to a "degraded" color palette. While the colors will all " approximate the specific Solarized color values, if you prefer an accurate " color palette you can set the ANSI colors in your terminal and use the 16 " color terminal mode using the g:solarized_termcolors="16" option detailed " below. The ANSI color map is specified in the table below and terminal color " themes are available for download from the web page listed at the top of this " file, including xorg Xdefaults/Xresources color values and themes for OS " X Terminal.app and iTerm 2. " " " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " ABOUT " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " SOLARIZED is a precisely designed color scheme with unique characteristics: " " PRECISION: Solarized is comprised of eight base monotone colors complemented " by eight accent colors. The monotone colors are specified in L*a*b* " colorspace for perceptually uniform contrast, even when the palette is " inverted from dark to light background mode. Accent colors are selected based " on specific color-wheel relationships to the base monotone series " (complement, triad, tetrad, split-complement, etc). " " INVERSION: Solarized can easily switch from light to dark background mode and " yet maintains L* (lightness) relationships in the entire base monotone " palette set. Accent colors retain excellent readability on both light and " dark backgrounds. Thus the vim solarized colorscheme, for example, can be " easily modified and extended without any effort spent on maintaining the " light/dark modes separately; the mode switch is the simple inversion of four " color values. " " READABILITY: Solarized has been designed as a "selective contrast" " colorscheme (versus the more common high or low contrast schemes). Elements " which are secondary in importance, or which should minimize their visual " intrusiveness (e.g. line numbers and comments in vim) use the lower contrast " base color values, while high value content (e.g. code) uses higher contrast " base values as well as accent colors. " " SCALABILITY: Solarized has been designed to be used both in the full palette " mode (in text editors where many colors are useful for syntax highlighting) " as well as in a scaled down five color mode for graphic design purposes (web " pages). " " PERSONALITY: Solarized aims to be flexible in many contexts and as such it " maintains the common primary and secondary named colors (red, blue, yellow, " green, etc.). Despite the common nature of these hues, each color has been " carefully tuned in terms of saturation, luminosity (more accurately, L* " lightness) so that the entire palette has a rich, warm feel in the accent " range as evidenced by the ochre yellow and oxygenated blood red, " complementing the deep-sea blue-greens of the base monotone colors. " " On the name: "Solarized" refers to the dual light/dark mode of the palette, " somewhat analogous to the photographic effect of solarization. The Ian Brown " album "Solarized" is also on regular rotation in my playlist. " " " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " COLOR VALUES " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Download palettes and files from: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized " " SOLARIZED HEX 16/8 TERMCOL XTERM/HEX L*A*B RGB HSB " --------- ------- ---- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- " base03 #052a32 8/4 brblack 234 #1c1c1c 15 -11 -09 5 42 50 191 90 20 " base02 #12353d 0/4 black 235 #262626 20 -11 -09 18 53 61 191 71 24 " base01 #517077 10/7 brgreen 240 #585858 45 -10 -08 81 112 119 192 32 47 " base00 #617c82 11/7 bryellow 241 #626262 50 -09 -07 97 124 130 192 26 51 " base0 #809599 12/6 brblue 244 #808080 60 -07 -05 128 149 153 190 17 60 " base1 #8fa1a5 14/4 brcyan 245 #8a8a8a 65 -06 -04 143 161 165 189 13 65 " base2 #eee8d5 7/7 white 254 #e4e4e4 92 -00 10 238 232 213 44 11 93 " base3 #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite 230 #ffffd7 97 00 10 253 246 227 44 10 99 " yellow #b58900 3/3 yellow 136 #af8700 60 10 65 181 137 0 45 100 71 " orange #c45221 9/3 brred 166 #d75f00 50 45 50 196 82 33 18 83 77 " red #cd1e1a 1/1 red 124 #af0000 45 65 50 205 30 26 1 87 80 " magenta #d33682 5/5 magenta 125 #af005f 50 65 -05 211 54 130 331 74 83 " violet #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50 15 -45 108 113 196 237 45 77 " blue #268bd2 4/4 blue 33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45 38 139 210 205 82 82 " cyan #2aa198 6/6 cyan 37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05 42 161 152 175 74 63 " green #859900 2/2 green 64 #5f8700 60 -20 65 133 153 0 68 100 60 " " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " OPTIONS " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Set these in your vimrc file prior to calling the colorscheme. " " option name default optional " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_style = "dark" | "light" " g:solarized_contrast = "normal"| "high" or "low" " g:solarized_termtrans = 0 | 1 " g:solarized_termcolors= 16 | 256 " g:solarized_degrade = 0 | 1 " g:solarized_bold = 1 | 0 " g:solarized_underline = 1 | 0 " g:solarized_italic = 0 | 1 " ------------------------------------------------ " " OPTION DETAILS " " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_style = "dark" | "light" " ------------------------------------------------ " If "solarized_style" isn't set, Solarized will use the value set by " "background" in your vimrc. I recommend using "background" for simplicity. " Thus in your vimrc file, the following sequences would set Solarized to " either dark or light mode, respectively: " " set background=dark " colorscheme solarized " " set background=light " colorscheme solarized " " The above is equivalent to: " " let g:solarized_style = "dark" " colorscheme solarized " " let g:solarized_style = "light" " colorscheme solarized " " Note that, if set, g:solarized_style overrides the setting for "background". " " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_contrast = "normal"| "high" " ------------------------------------------------ " Solarized has been designed to keep contrast of less critical elements low " (e.g. comments are lower contrast). Solarized has also been tested on devices " with a wide variety of gamma values and should perform well on most displays. " If you find you want to increase contrast for the low contrast items " (comments, etc.) you can set this value to "high" (default is "normal"). " I encourage you to use it in normal mode first. There is, additionally, " a "low" contrast mode, shifting the background tone towards the main content " tones. " " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_termtrans = 0 | 1 " ------------------------------------------------ " On some terminals (urxvt in my tests) Vim colorthemes may override " transparency settings of the terminal. Setting this to "1" changes the " background value in terminal Vim mode to "NONE" allowing your terminal " background color/transparency to be used for Vim's background. This shouldn't " be necessary in OSX terminal applications such as Terminal and iTerm2. " " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_termcolors= 16 | 256 " ------------------------------------------------ " A very important setting if you are using Vim in terminals and want accurate " colors. There are two options: " 16 - Use the named 16 colors of the terminal (red, blue, etc.). In order for " the colors to be accurately reproduced for this colorscheme, you must set " your terminal's 16 colors to match Solarized. I list the terminal color " values in a table above, and also provide downloads of colorscheme for " command terminal applications from http://ejas.net/solarized " " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_degrade = 0 | 1 " ------------------------------------------------ " Used primarily during testing, this can be set to 1 to force Solarized to " degrade the hex color values to xterm/256 color approximate matching values. " Note that while in terminal mode in a 256 color terminal, these degraded " color values will be used automatically unless you have adjusted your " terminal's default 16 colors and set g:solarized_termcolors to 16 in your " vimrc before setting your colorscheme. " " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_bold = 1 | 0 " ------------------------------------------------ " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_underline = 1 | 0 " ------------------------------------------------ " ------------------------------------------------ " g:solarized_italic = 0 | 1 " ------------------------------------------------ " " Useful commands for testing colorschemes: " :source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim " :help highlight-groups " :help cterm-colors " :help group-name " " Useful links for developing colorschemes: " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2937 " http://vimcasts.org/episodes/creating-colorschemes-for-vim/ " http://www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/" " " " }}} " Default option values"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- if !exists("g:solarized_termtrans") let g:solarized_termtrans = 0 endif if !exists("g:solarized_degrade") let g:solarized_degrade = 0 endif if !exists("g:solarized_bold") let g:solarized_bold = 1 endif if !exists("g:solarized_underline") let g:solarized_underline = 1 endif if !exists("g:solarized_italic") let g:solarized_italic = 1 endif if !exists("g:solarized_termcolors") let g:solarized_termcolors = 256 let g:solarized_termcolors = 16 endif if !exists("g:solarized_style") let g:solarized_style = &background endif if !exists("g:solarized_contrast") let g:solarized_contrast = "normal" endif "}}} " Colorscheme basic settings"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- if g:solarized_style == "dark" set background=dark elseif g:solarized_style == "light" set background=light else let g:solarized_style = &background endif hi clear if exists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif let colors_name = "solarized" "let colors_name = &background "if background == "light" " let colors_name = &background "else " let colors_name = &background "endif "}}} " GUI & CSApprox hexadecimal palettes"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Set both gui and terminal color values in separate conditional statements " Due to possibility that CSApprox is running (though I suppose we could just " leave the hex values out entirely in that case and include only cterm colors) " We also check to see if user has set solarized (force use of the " neutral gray monotone palette component) if has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 0 let s:g_back = "#052a32" let s:g_base03 = "#052a32" let s:g_base02 = "#12353d" let s:g_base01 = "#517077" let s:g_base00 = "#617c82" let s:g_base0 = "#809599" let s:g_base1 = "#8fa1a5" let s:g_base2 = "#eee8d5" let s:g_base3 = "#fdf6e3" let s:g_yellow = "#b58900" let s:g_orange = "#c45221" let s:g_red = "#cd1e1a" let s:g_magenta = "#d33682" let s:g_violet = "#6c71c4" let s:g_blue = "#268bd2" let s:g_cyan = "#2aa198" let s:g_green = "#859900" else " these colors are for non-gui vim when CSApprox is installed. CSApprox " degrades the base colors poorly (bright blues instead of muted gray " blues) so we set all hex values here to ones which CSApprox will not " change and which we approve of. Perhaps I should just can the hex values " and use just the color table values, leaving these blank. Not much " difference either way and I'd rather be thorough about it. " They can also be used by setting g:solarized_degrade to 1 in vimrc let s:g_back = "#121212" let s:g_base03 = "#121212" let s:g_base02 = "#1c1c1c" let s:g_base01 = "#4e4e4e" let s:g_base00 = "#585858" let s:g_base0 = "#808080" let s:g_base1 = "#8a8a8a" let s:g_base2 = "#e4e4e4" let s:g_base3 = "#ffffd7" let s:g_yellow = "#af8700" let s:g_orange = "#d75f00" let s:g_red = "#af0000" let s:g_magenta = "#af005f" let s:g_violet = "#5f5faf" let s:g_blue = "#0087ff" let s:g_cyan = "#00afaf" let s:g_green = "#5f8700" endif "}}} " 256 Terminal (no CSApprox) and 16 color fallback palettes"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " We also set this if gui is running as we use the optional formatting " values that get set here (ou==optional underline, ob==opt bold). if (has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 256) && g:solarized_termcolors != 16 let s:c_back = "233" let s:c_base03 = "233" let s:c_base02 = "234" let s:c_base01 = "239" let s:c_base00 = "240" let s:c_base0 = "244" let s:c_base1 = "245" let s:c_base2 = "254" let s:c_base3 = "230" let s:c_yellow = "136" let s:c_orange = "166" let s:c_red = "124" let s:c_magenta = "125" let s:c_violet = "61" let s:c_blue = "33" let s:c_cyan = "37" let s:c_green = "64" let s:ou = "" let s:ob = "" elseif &t_Co > 8 || g:solarized_termcolors == 16 " NOTE: this requires terminal colors to be set to solarized standard " 16 colors (see top of this file for details) let s:c_back = "NONE" let s:c_base03 = "8" let s:c_base02 = "0" let s:c_base01 = "10" let s:c_base00 = "11" let s:c_base0 = "12" let s:c_base1 = "14" let s:c_base2 = "7" let s:c_base3 = "15" let s:c_green = "2" let s:c_yellow = "3" let s:c_orange = "9" let s:c_red = "1" let s:c_magenta = "5" let s:c_violet = "13" let s:c_blue = "4" let s:c_cyan = "6" let s:ou = "" let s:ob = "" else " must be in an 8 color or less terminal let s:c_back = "NONE" let s:c_base03 = "4" let s:c_base02 = "darkgrey" let s:c_base01 = "grey" let s:c_base00 = "darkgrey" let s:c_base0 = "6" let s:c_base1 = "4" let s:c_base2 = "7" let s:c_base3 = "7" let s:c_green = "2" let s:c_yellow = "3" let s:c_orange = "3" let s:c_red = "1" let s:c_magenta = "5" let s:c_violet = "5" let s:c_blue = "4" let s:c_cyan = "6" let s:ou = ",underline" let s:ob = ",bold" endif "}}} " Formatting options and null values for passthrough effect"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- let s:g_none = "NONE" let s:c_none = "NONE" let s:t_none = "NONE" let s:n = "NONE" let s:c = ",undercurl" let s:r = ",reverse" let s:s = ",standout" "}}} " Alternate light scheme "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- if g:solarized_style == "light" let s:c_temp03 = s:c_base03 let s:c_temp02 = s:c_base02 let s:c_temp01 = s:c_base01 let s:c_temp00 = s:c_base00 let s:c_base03 = s:c_base3 let s:c_base02 = s:c_base2 let s:c_base01 = s:c_base1 let s:c_base00 = s:c_base0 let s:c_base0 = s:c_temp00 let s:c_base1 = s:c_temp01 let s:c_base2 = s:c_temp02 let s:c_base3 = s:c_temp03 let s:c_back = s:c_base03 let s:g_temp03 = s:g_base03 let s:g_temp02 = s:g_base02 let s:g_temp01 = s:g_base01 let s:g_temp00 = s:g_base00 let s:g_base03 = s:g_base3 let s:g_base02 = s:g_base2 let s:g_base01 = s:g_base1 let s:g_base00 = s:g_base0 let s:g_base0 = s:g_temp00 let s:g_base1 = s:g_temp01 let s:g_base2 = s:g_temp02 let s:g_base3 = s:g_temp03 let s:g_back = s:g_base03 endif "}}} " Alternate inverted background scheme "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- if g:solarized_style == "inverted" let s:c_temp03 = s:c_base03 let s:c_temp02 = s:c_base02 let s:c_base03 = s:c_temp02 let s:c_base02 = s:c_temp03 let s:c_back = s:c_base03 let s:g_temp03 = s:g_base03 let s:g_temp02 = s:g_base02 let s:g_base03 = s:g_temp02 let s:g_base02 = s:g_temp03 let s:g_back = s:g_base03 endif "}}} " Optional contrast schemes "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- if g:solarized_contrast == "high" let s:g_base03 = s:g_base03 let s:g_base02 = s:g_base02 let s:g_base01 = s:g_base00 let s:g_base00 = s:g_base0 let s:g_base0 = s:g_base1 let s:g_base1 = s:g_base2 let s:g_base2 = s:g_base3 let s:g_base3 = s:g_base3 let s:g_back = s:g_back endif if g:solarized_contrast == "low" let s:g_back = s:g_base02 endif "}}} " Overrides dependent on user specified values"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- if g:solarized_termtrans == 1 let s:c_back = "NONE" endif if g:solarized_bold == 1 let s:b = ",bold" else let s:b = "" endif if g:solarized_underline == 1 let s:u = ",underline" else let s:u = "" endif if g:solarized_italic == 1 let s:i = ",italic" else let s:i = "" endif "}}} " Highlighting primitives"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe "let s:bg_none = ' ctermbg=".s:c_none ." guibg=".s:g_none ."'" exe "let s:bg_back = ' ctermbg=".s:c_back ." guibg=".s:g_back ."'" exe "let s:bg_base03 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base03 ." guibg=".s:g_base03 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base02 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base02 ." guibg=".s:g_base02 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base01 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base01 ." guibg=".s:g_base01 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base00 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base00 ." guibg=".s:g_base00 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base0 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base0 ." guibg=".s:g_base0 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base1 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base1 ." guibg=".s:g_base1 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base2 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base2 ." guibg=".s:g_base2 ."'" exe "let s:bg_base3 = ' ctermbg=".s:c_base3 ." guibg=".s:g_base3 ."'" exe "let s:bg_green = ' ctermbg=".s:c_green ." guibg=".s:g_green ."'" exe "let s:bg_yellow = ' ctermbg=".s:c_yellow ." guibg=".s:g_yellow ."'" exe "let s:bg_orange = ' ctermbg=".s:c_orange ." guibg=".s:g_orange ."'" exe "let s:bg_red = ' ctermbg=".s:c_red ." guibg=".s:g_red ."'" exe "let s:bg_magenta = ' ctermbg=".s:c_magenta." guibg=".s:g_magenta."'" exe "let s:bg_violet = ' ctermbg=".s:c_violet ." guibg=".s:g_violet ."'" exe "let s:bg_blue = ' ctermbg=".s:c_blue ." guibg=".s:g_blue ."'" exe "let s:bg_cyan = ' ctermbg=".s:c_cyan ." guibg=".s:g_cyan ."'" exe "let s:fg_none = ' ctermfg=".s:c_none ." guifg=".s:g_none ."'" exe "let s:fg_back = ' ctermfg=".s:c_back ." guifg=".s:g_back ."'" exe "let s:fg_base03 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base03 ." guifg=".s:g_base03 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base02 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base02 ." guifg=".s:g_base02 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base01 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base01 ." guifg=".s:g_base01 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base00 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base00 ." guifg=".s:g_base00 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base0 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base0 ." guifg=".s:g_base0 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base1 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base1 ." guifg=".s:g_base1 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base2 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base2 ." guifg=".s:g_base2 ."'" exe "let s:fg_base3 = ' ctermfg=".s:c_base3 ." guifg=".s:g_base3 ."'" exe "let s:fg_green = ' ctermfg=".s:c_green ." guifg=".s:g_green ."'" exe "let s:fg_yellow = ' ctermfg=".s:c_yellow ." guifg=".s:g_yellow ."'" exe "let s:fg_orange = ' ctermfg=".s:c_orange ." guifg=".s:g_orange ."'" exe "let s:fg_red = ' ctermfg=".s:c_red ." guifg=".s:g_red ."'" exe "let s:fg_magenta = ' ctermfg=".s:c_magenta." guifg=".s:g_magenta."'" exe "let s:fg_violet = ' ctermfg=".s:c_violet ." guifg=".s:g_violet ."'" exe "let s:fg_blue = ' ctermfg=".s:c_blue ." guifg=".s:g_blue ."'" exe "let s:fg_cyan = ' ctermfg=".s:c_cyan ." guifg=".s:g_cyan ."'" exe "let s:sp_none = ' guisp=".s:g_none ."'" exe "let s:sp_back = ' guisp=".s:g_back ."'" exe "let s:sp_base03 = ' guisp=".s:g_base03 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base02 = ' guisp=".s:g_base02 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base01 = ' guisp=".s:g_base01 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base00 = ' guisp=".s:g_base00 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base0 = ' guisp=".s:g_base0 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base1 = ' guisp=".s:g_base1 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base2 = ' guisp=".s:g_base2 ."'" exe "let s:sp_base3 = ' guisp=".s:g_base3 ."'" exe "let s:sp_green = ' guisp=".s:g_green ."'" exe "let s:sp_yellow = ' guisp=".s:g_yellow ."'" exe "let s:sp_orange = ' guisp=".s:g_orange ."'" exe "let s:sp_red = ' guisp=".s:g_red ."'" exe "let s:sp_magenta = ' guisp=".s:g_magenta."'" exe "let s:sp_violet = ' guisp=".s:g_violet ."'" exe "let s:sp_blue = ' guisp=".s:g_blue ."'" exe "let s:sp_cyan = ' guisp=".s:g_cyan ."'" exe "let s:fmt_none = ' cterm=NONE". " gui=NONE". " term=NONE". "'" exe "let s:fmt_bold = ' cterm=NONE".s:b." gui=NONE".s:b." term=NONE".s:b."'" exe "let s:fmt_bldi = ' cterm=NONE".s:b.s:i." gui=NONE".s:b.s:i." term=NONE".s:b.s:i."'" exe "let s:fmt_undr = ' cterm=NONE".s:u." gui=NONE".s:u." term=NONE".s:u."'" exe "let s:fmt_undb = ' cterm=NONE".s:u.s:b." gui=NONE".s:u.s:b. \" term=NONE".s:u.s:b."'" exe "let s:fmt_undi = ' cterm=NONE".s:u.s:i." gui=NONE".s:u.s:i. \" term=NONE".s:u.s:i."'" exe "let s:fmt_uopt = ' cterm=NONE".s:ou." gui=NONE".s:ou. \" term=NONE".s:ou."'" exe "let s:fmt_bopt = ' cterm=NONE".s:ob." gui=NONE".s:ob. \" term=NONE".s:ob."'" exe "let s:fmt_curl = ' cterm=NONE".s:c." gui=NONE".s:c." term=NONE".s:c."'" exe "let s:fmt_ital = ' cterm=NONE".s:i." gui=NONE".s:i." term=NONE".s:i."'" exe "let s:fmt_revr = ' cterm=NONE".s:r." gui=NONE".s:r." term=NONE".s:r."'" exe "let s:fmt_stnd = ' cterm=NONE".s:s." gui=NONE".s:s." term=NONE".s:s."'" "}}} " Basic highlighting"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " note that link syntax to avoid duplicate configuration doesn't work with the " exe compiled formats exe "hi Normal" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none exe "hi Comment" . s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Comment any comment exe "hi Constant" . s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi String" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Constant any constant " String a string constant: "this is a string" " Character a character constant: 'c', '\n' " Number a number constant: 234, 0xff " Boolean a boolean constant: TRUE, false " Float a floating point constant: 2.3e10 exe "hi Identifier" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Identifier any variable name " Function function name (also: methods for classes) " exe "hi Statement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Statement any statement " Conditional if, then, else, endif, switch, etc. " Repeat for, do, while, etc. " Label case, default, etc. " Operator "sizeof", "+", "*", etc. " Keyword any other keyword " Exception try, catch, throw exe "hi PreProc" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *PreProc generic Preprocessor " Include preprocessor #include " Define preprocessor #define " Macro same as Define " PreCondit preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc. exe "hi Type" . s:fg_orange .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Type int, long, char, etc. " StorageClass static, register, volatile, etc. " Structure struct, union, enum, etc. " Typedef A typedef " *Special any special symbol exe "hi Special" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " SpecialChar special character in a constant " Tag you can use CTRL-] on this " Delimiter character that needs attention " SpecialComment special things inside a comment " Debug debugging statements exe "hi Underlined" . s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Underlined text that stands out, HTML links exe "hi Ignore" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Ignore left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore| exe "hi Error" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold " *Error any erroneous construct exe "hi Todo" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " *Todo anything that needs extra attention; mostly the " keywords TODO FIXME and XXX " "Highlighting groups for various occasions "----------------------------------------- exe "hi SpecialKey" . s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi NonText" . s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi Directory" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi ErrorMsg" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi IncSearch" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi Search" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_stnd exe "hi MoreMsg" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi ModeMsg" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi LineNr" . s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi Question" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi StatusLine" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi StatusLineNC" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi VertSplit" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi Title" . s:fg_orange .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi Visual" . s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_stnd exe "hi VisualNOS" . s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_stnd exe "hi WarningMsg" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi WildMenu" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi Folded" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base03 exe "hi FoldColumn" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_bold exe "hi DiffAdd" . s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi DiffChange" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi DiffDelete" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi DiffText" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi SignColumn" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi Conceal" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi SpellBad" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_curl .s:sp_red exe "hi SpellCap" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_curl .s:sp_violet exe "hi SpellRare" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_curl .s:sp_cyan exe "hi SpellLocal" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_curl .s:sp_yellow exe "hi Pmenu" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi PmenuSel" . s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base01 .s:fmt_none exe "hi PmenuSbar" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base2 .s:fmt_none exe "hi PmenuThumb" . s:fg_base03 .s:bg_base0 .s:fmt_none exe "hi TabLine" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base0 exe "hi TabLineSel" . s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base01 .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base0 exe "hi TabLineFill" . s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base0 exe "hi CursorColumn" . s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi CursorLine" . s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_uopt exe "hi ColorColumn" . s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_none exe "hi Cursor" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi lCursor" . s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:fmt_stnd exe "hi MatchParen" . s:fg_red .s:bg_base01 .s:fmt_bold "}}} " vim syntax highlighting "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- "exe "hi vimLineComment" . s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi vimVar" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi helpExample" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi helpSpecial" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi helpOption" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi helpNote" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi helpVim" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi helpHyperTextJump".s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr "exe "hi helpHyperTextEntry".s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi vimIsCommand" . s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi vimSynMtchOpt". s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "exe "hi vimSynType" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "}}} " html highlighting "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe "hi htmlTag" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi htmlTagN" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi htmlTagName" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi htmlEndTag" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "}}} " perl highlighting "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe "hi perlHereDoc" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none "}}} " haskell syntax highlighting"{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " For use with syntax/haskell.vim : Haskell Syntax File " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3034 " See also Steffen Siering's github repository: " http://github.com/urso/dotrc/blob/master/vim/syntax/haskell.vim " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Treat True and False specially, see the plugin referenced above let hs_highlight_boolean=1 " highlight delims, see the plugin referenced above let hs_highlight_delimiters=1 exe "hi hsStructure" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hs_hlFunctionName" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none exe "hi hsStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hsImportLabel" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hs_OpFunctionName" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hs_DeclareFunction" . s:fg_orange .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hsVarSym" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hsType" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hsTypedef" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hsModuleName" . s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr exe "hi hsModuleStartLabel" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none hi link hsImportParams Delimiter hi link hsDelimTypeExport Delimiter hi link hsModuleStartLabel hsStructure hi link hsModuleWhereLabel hsModuleStartLabel " following is for the haskell-conceal plugin " the first two items don't have an impact, but better safe exe "hi hsNiceOperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi hsniceoperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none "}}} " pandoc markdown syntax highlighting "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PandocHiLink pandocNormalBlock exe "hi pandocTitleBlock" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocTitleBlockTitle" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocTitleComment" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocComment" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital exe "hi pandocVerbatimBlock" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none hi link pandocVerbatimBlockDeep pandocVerbatimBlock hi link pandocCodeBlock pandocVerbatimBlock hi link pandocCodeBlockDelim pandocVerbatimBlock exe "hi pandocBlockQuote" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocBlockQuoteLeader1" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocBlockQuoteLeader2" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocBlockQuoteLeader3" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocBlockQuoteLeader4" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocBlockQuoteLeader5" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocBlockQuoteLeader6" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocListMarker" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocListReference" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr " Definitions " --------------------------------------------------------------------- let s:fg_pdef = s:fg_violet exe "hi pandocDefinitionBlock" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocDefinitionTerm" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_stnd exe "hi pandocDefinitionIndctr" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital exe "hi pandocEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrikeoutDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi pandocVerbatimInlineDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocSuperscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocSubscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " Tables " --------------------------------------------------------------------- let s:fg_ptable = s:fg_blue exe "hi pandocTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocTableStructure" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none hi link pandocTableStructureTop pandocTableStructre hi link pandocTableStructureEnd pandocTableStructre exe "hi pandocTableZebraLight" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base03.s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocTableZebraDark" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base02.s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital exe "hi pandocEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrikeoutTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi pandocVerbatimInlineTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocSuperscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocSubscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " Headings " --------------------------------------------------------------------- let s:fg_phead = s:fg_magenta exe "hi pandocHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocHeadingMarker" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisHeading".s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrikeoutHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_revr exe "hi pandocVerbatimInlineHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocSuperscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocSubscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold " Links " --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe "hi pandocLinkDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocLinkLabel" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr exe "hi pandocLinkText" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb exe "hi pandocLinkURL" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr exe "hi pandocLinkTitle" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi exe "hi pandocLinkTitleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi .s:sp_base00 exe "hi pandocLinkDefinition" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base00 exe "hi pandocLinkDefinitionID" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocImageCaption" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb exe "hi pandocFootnoteLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr exe "hi pandocFootnoteDefLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocFootnoteInline" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb exe "hi pandocFootnote" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocCitationDelim" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocCitation" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocCitationID" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr exe "hi pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none " Main Styles " --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe "hi pandocStyleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital exe "hi pandocEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi exe "hi pandocStrikeout" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr exe "hi pandocVerbatimInline" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocSuperscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocSubscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocRule" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocRuleLine" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocEscapePair" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold exe "hi pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocNonBreakingSpace" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr hi link pandocEscapedCharacter pandocEscapePair hi link pandocLineBreak pandocEscapePair " Embedded Code " --------------------------------------------------------------------- exe "hi pandocMetadataDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocMetadataKey" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none exe "hi pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold hi link pandocMetadataTitle pandocMetadata "}}} " License "{{{ " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Copyright (c) 2011 Ethan Schoonover " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy " of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal " in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights " to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell " copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in " all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, " OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN " THE SOFTWARE. " "}}}