diff options
authorGravatar Arun Prakash Jana <engineerarun@gmail.com>2019-01-31 22:56:00 +0530
committerGravatar Arun Prakash Jana <engineerarun@gmail.com>2019-01-31 22:56:00 +0530
commitb3f7575ef0719173d8324201c0b11d6e23bb2b83 (patch)
parent8b0fa2be446a29c244671512a3ab6539d4a1d7a0 (diff)
Update help
2 files changed, 54 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ed30cef..0040356 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -215,37 +215,37 @@ Press <kbd>?</kbd> in `nnn` to see the list anytime.
- ↑ k Up PgUp ^U Scroll up
- ↓ j Down PgDn ^D Scroll down
- ← h Parent dir ~ Go HOME
- ↵ → l Open file/dir & Start dir
- Home g ^A First entry - Last visited dir
- End G ^E Last entry . Toggle show hidden
- / Filter Ins ^T Toggle nav-as-you-type
- b Pin current dir ^B Go to pinned dir
- Tab ^I Next context d Toggle detail view
- ` ^/ Leader key N LeadN Go to/create context N
- Esc Exit prompt ^L Redraw/clear prompt
- ^G Quit and cd q Quit context
- Q ^Q Quit ? Help, config
+ ↑ k Up PgUp ^U Scroll up
+ ↓ j Down PgDn ^D Scroll down
+ ← h Parent dir ~ Go HOME
+ ↵ → l Open file/dir & Start dir
+ Home g ^A First entry - Last visited dir
+ End G ^E Last entry . Toggle show hidden
+ / Filter Ins ^T Toggle nav-as-you-type
+ b Pin current dir ^B Go to pinned dir
+ Tab ^I Next context d Toggle detail view
+ ` ^/ Leader key N LeadN Go to/create context N
+ Esc Exit prompt ^L Redraw/clear prompt
+ ^G Quit and cd q Quit context
+ Q ^Q Quit ? Help, config
- ^O Open with... n Create new/link
- D File details ^R Rename entry
- ⎵ ^K Copy entry path r Open dir in vidir
- ^Y Toggle selection y List selection
+ ^O Open with... n Create new/link
+ D File details ^R Rename entry
+ ⎵ ^K Copy entry path r Open dir in vidir
+ ^Y Toggle selection y List selection
Y Select all
- P Copy selection X Delete selection
- V Move selection ^X Delete entry
- f Archive files F List archive
- ^F Extract archive m M Brief/full media info
- e Edit in EDITOR p Open in PAGER
+ P Copy selection X Delete selection
+ V Move selection ^X Delete entry
+ f Archive files m M Brief/full media info
+ ^F Extract archive F List archive
+ e Edit in EDITOR p Open in PAGER
- ^J Disk usage S Apparent du
- t Time modified s Size
+ ^J Disk usage S Apparent du
+ t Time modified s Size
- ! ^] Spawn SHELL C Execute entry
- R ^V Run/pick script L Lock terminal
- ^P Command prompt ^N Take note
+ ! ^] Spawn SHELL C Execute entry
+ R ^V Run/pick script L Lock terminal
+ ^P Command prompt ^N Take note
Help & settings, file details, media info and archive listing are shown in the PAGER. Please use the PAGER-specific keys in these screens.
diff --git a/src/nnn.c b/src/nnn.c
index 53e5e5d..2fe18cf 100644
--- a/src/nnn.c
+++ b/src/nnn.c
@@ -2279,37 +2279,37 @@ static bool show_help(char *path)
static char helpstr[] = {
- "a↑ k Up PgUp ^U Scroll up\n"
- "a↓ j Down PgDn ^D Scroll down\n"
- "a← h Parent dir ~ Go HOME\n"
- "8↵ → l Open file/dir & Start dir\n"
- "4Home g ^A First entry - Last visited dir\n"
- "5End G ^E Last entry . Toggle show hidden\n"
- "c/ Filter Ins ^T Toggle nav-as-you-type\n"
- "cb Pin current dir ^B Go to pinned dir\n"
- "7Tab ^I Next context d Toggle detail view\n"
- "9` ^/ Leader key N LeadN Go to/create context N\n"
- "aEsc Exit prompt ^L Redraw/clear prompt\n"
- "b^G Quit and cd q Quit context\n"
- "9Q ^Q Quit ? Help, config\n"
+ "a↑ k Up PgUp ^U Scroll up\n"
+ "a↓ j Down PgDn ^D Scroll down\n"
+ "a← h Parent dir ~ Go HOME\n"
+ "8↵ → l Open file/dir & Start dir\n"
+ "4Home g ^A First entry - Last visited dir\n"
+ "5End G ^E Last entry . Toggle show hidden\n"
+ "c/ Filter Ins ^T Toggle nav-as-you-type\n"
+ "cb Pin current dir ^B Go to pinned dir\n"
+ "7Tab ^I Next context d Toggle detail view\n"
+ "9` ^/ Leader key N LeadN Go to/create context N\n"
+ "aEsc Exit prompt ^L Redraw/clear prompt\n"
+ "b^G Quit and cd q Quit context\n"
+ "9Q ^Q Quit ? Help, config\n"
- "b^O Open with... n Create new/link\n"
- "cD File details ^R Rename entry\n"
- "9⎵ ^K Copy entry path r Open dir in vidir\n"
- "b^Y Toggle selection y List selection\n"
+ "b^O Open with... n Create new/link\n"
+ "cD File details ^R Rename entry\n"
+ "9⎵ ^K Copy entry path r Open dir in vidir\n"
+ "b^Y Toggle selection y List selection\n"
"cY Select all\n"
- "cP Copy selection X Delete selection\n"
- "cV Move selection ^X Delete entry\n"
- "cf Archive files F List archive\n"
- "b^F Extract archive m M Brief/full media info\n"
- "ce Edit in EDITOR p Open in PAGER\n"
+ "cP Copy selection X Delete selection\n"
+ "cV Move selection ^X Delete entry\n"
+ "cf Archive files m M Brief/full media info\n"
+ "b^F Extract archive F List archive\n"
+ "ce Edit in EDITOR p Open in PAGER\n"
- "b^J Disk usage S Apparent du\n"
- "ct Time modified s Size\n"
+ "b^J Disk usage S Apparent du\n"
+ "ct Time modified s Size\n"
- "9! ^] Spawn SHELL C Execute entry\n"
- "9R ^V Run/pick script L Lock terminal\n"
- "b^P Command prompt ^N Take note\n"};
+ "9! ^] Spawn SHELL C Execute entry\n"
+ "9R ^V Run/pick script L Lock terminal\n"
+ "b^P Command prompt ^N Take note\n"};
if (fd == -1)
return FALSE;