diff options
authorGravatar Mischievous Meerkat <engineerarun@gmail.com>2019-06-20 18:36:07 +0530
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-06-20 18:36:07 +0530
commitbccc2a092146fed0435dd3339514c863196b122a (patch)
parenta4c38d85477ff889b2aa863e2a5b18c72dd266fb (diff)
parent2dc3da62a2fe8672393c20ceeb1792fb0560f333 (diff)
Merge pull request #286 from ath3/plugin-md5sum
Added md5sum plugin
4 files changed, 108 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/README.md b/plugins/README.md
index 1d243da..7ab679d 100644
--- a/plugins/README.md
+++ b/plugins/README.md
@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@
| imgur | bash | - | Upload an image to imgur (from [imgur-screenshot](https://github.com/jomo/imgur-screenshot)) |
| ipinfo | sh | curl, whois | Fetch external IP address and whois information |
| kdeconnect | sh | kdeconnect-cli | Send selected files to an Android device |
+| checksum | sh | md5sum, sha256sum | Create and verify checksums |
| mocplay | sh | [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) | Appends (and plays, see script) selection/dir/file in moc|
-| ndiff | bash | vimdiff | Diff for selection (limited to 2 for directories) |
+| ndiff | sh | vimdiff | Diff for selection (limited to 2 for directories) |
| nmount | sh | pmount, udisks2 | Toggle mount status of a device as normal user |
| nwal | sh | nitrogen | Set the selected image as wallpaper using nitrogen |
| pastebin | sh | [pastebinit](https://launchpad.net/pastebinit) | Paste contents of (text) file to paste.ubuntu.com |
| pdfview | sh | pdftotext/mupdf-tools | View PDF file in `$PAGER` |
| picker | sh | nnn | Pick files and pipe the newline-separated list to another utility |
| pywal | sh | pywal | Set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme |
-| splitjoin | bash | split, cat | Split file or join selection |
+| splitjoin | sh | split, cat | Split file or join selection |
| sxiv | sh | sxiv | Browse images in a dir in sxiv, set wallpaper, copy path ([config](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sxiv#Assigning_keyboard_shortcuts))|
| transfer | sh | curl | Upload file to transfer.sh |
| upgrade | sh | wget | Upgrade to latest nnn version manually on Debian 9 Stretch |
diff --git a/plugins/checksum b/plugins/checksum
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44f2274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/checksum
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# Description: Create and verify checksums
+# If selection is used: it will generate one file containing the checksums with file names
+# [and with paths if they are in another directory]
+# The filename will be checksum_timestamp.checksum_type
+# If file is used: if the file is a checksum, it does the verification
+# if the file is not a checksum, it will be created from it
+# The filename will be filename.checksum_type
+# Shell: POSIX compliant
+# Author: ath3
+ echo "possible checksums: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512"
+ echo -n "create md5 (m), sha256 (s), sha512 (S) (or type one of the above checksums) [default=m]: "
+ read chsum_resp
+ for chks in md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512
+ do
+ if [ "$chsum_resp" = "$chks" ]; then
+ chsum=$chsum_resp
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$chsum_resp" = "s" ]; then
+ chsum=sha256
+ elif [ "$chsum_resp" = "S" ]; then
+ chsum=sha512
+ fi
+if [ -s "$selection" ]; then
+ echo -n "work with selection (s) or current file (f) [default=f]: "
+ read resp
+if [ "$resp" = "s" ]; then
+ checksum_type
+ sed 's|'"$PWD/"'||g' < "$selection" | xargs -0 -i ${chsum}sum {} > "checksum_$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M').$chsum"
+ if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -f "$1" ]; then
+ for chks in md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512
+ do
+ if [ "$(echo "$1" | grep \.${chks}$)" ]; then
+ ischksum=1
+ ${chks}sum -c < "$1"
+ read
+ exit
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $ischksum -eq 0 ]; then
+ checksum_type
+ file=$(basename "$1").$chsum
+ ${chsum}sum "$1" > "$file"
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/plugins/ndiff b/plugins/ndiff
index e76b151..59193ff 100755
--- a/plugins/ndiff
+++ b/plugins/ndiff
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Description: Show diff of 2 directories or multiple files in vimdiff
-# Shell: Bash
+# Shell: POSIX compliant
# Author: Arun Prakash Jana
if [ -s $selection ]; then
- arr=$(cat $selection | tr '\0' '\n')
- { read -r f1; read -r f2; } <<< "$arr"
- if [ -z "$f2" ]; then
- exit
- fi
- if [ -d "$f1" ] && [ -d "$f2" ]; then
- vimdiff <(cd "$f1" && find | sort) <(cd "$f2" && find | sort)
+ arr=$(tr '\0' '\n' < "$selection")
+ if [ "$(echo "$arr" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+ f1="$(echo "$arr" | sed -n '1p')"
+ f2="$(echo "$arr" | sed -n '2p')"
+ if [ -d "$f1" ] && [ -d "$f2" ]; then
+ dir1=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/nnn-$(basename "$f1").XXXXXXXX)
+ dir2=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/nnn-$(basename "$f2").XXXXXXXX)
+ ls -A1 "$f1" > "$dir1"
+ ls -A1 "$f2" > "$dir2"
+ vimdiff "$dir1" "$dir2"
+ rm "$dir1" "$dir2"
+ else
+ cat $selection | xargs -0 vimdiff
+ fi
- cat $selection | xargs -0 -o vimdiff
- # For GNU xargs (note: ignoreme takes up $0)
- # cat $selection | xargs -0 bash -c '</dev/tty vimdiff "$@"' ignoreme
+ echo "needs at least 2 files or directories selected for comparison"
diff --git a/plugins/splitjoin b/plugins/splitjoin
index cbb573e..4325d3a 100755
--- a/plugins/splitjoin
+++ b/plugins/splitjoin
@@ -1,34 +1,46 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Description: Splits the file passed as argument or joins selection
# Note: Adds numeric suffix to split files
-# Adds '.join' suffix to the first file to be joined and saves as output file for join
+# Adds '.out suffix to the first file to be joined and saves as output file for join
-# Shell: Bash
+# Shell: POSIX compliant
# Author: Arun Prakash Jana
-echo -n "press 's' (split current file) or 'j' (join selection): "
-read resp
+if [ -s "$selection" ]; then
+ echo -n "press 's' (split current file) or 'j' (join selection): "
+ read resp
if [ "$resp" = "j" ]; then
if [ -s "$selection" ]; then
- arr=$(cat $selection | tr '\0' '\n')
- { read -r file; } <<< "$arr"
- file=$(basename "$file").out
+ arr=$(tr '\0' '\n' < "$selection")
+ if [ "$(echo "$arr" | wc -l)" -lt 2 ]; then
+ echo "joining needs at least 2 files"
+ exit
+ fi
+ for entry in $arr
+ do
+ if [ -d "$entry" ]; then
+ echo "cant join directories"
+ exit
+ fi
+ done
- cat "$selection" | sort -z | xargs -0 -i cat {} > "$file"
+ file="$(basename "$(echo "$arr" | sed -n '1p' | sed -e 's/[0-9][0-9]$//')")"
+ sort -z < "$selection" | xargs -0 -I{} cat {} > "${file}.out"
elif [ "$resp" = "s" ]; then
- if ! [ -z "$1" ] && [ -f "$1" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -f "$1" ]; then
# a single file is passed
echo -n "split size in MB: "
read size
- if ! [ -z "$size" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$size" ]; then
split -d -b "$size"M "$1" "$1"