blob: 4bfd039ff0617101c4ec76abae8072cb159ffc83 (
plain) (
set -x
# try to get rid of the insane debug crap
unalias -a
unset -f rvm_debug
unset -f cd
unset -f pushd
unset -f popd
# Travis only pulls shallow repos. But that messes with git describe.
# Sorry Travis, fetching the whole thing and the tags as well...
git fetch --unshallow
git pull --tags
git describe
# prep things so we can build for Mac
# we have a custom built Qt some gives us just what we need, including QtWebKit
# we should just build and install this into /usr/local/ as well and have
# it all be part of the cache...
mkdir -p Qt/5.12.3
echo "Get custom Qt build and unpack it"
curl --output Qt-5.12.3-mac.tar.xz \
tar -xJ -C Qt/5.12.3 -f Qt-5.12.3-mac.tar.xz