diff options
authorGravatar Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com>2015-11-29 21:13:57 +0100
committerGravatar Sebastian Kügler <sebas@kde.org>2015-11-29 21:59:48 +0100
commit32219f127634b7783b3967d94e35faeff36b51ef (patch)
parent3d3fce7152d2748818a668e4b3380f38541adca1 (diff)
Port the page navigation to ApplicationWindow's one
The ApplicationWindow component has an internal PageRow for the management of the application's pages, use that instead of an own StackView. Use shared components for common things in the app ListItem for the dive list Page for application pages, for correct background color and moving of the action button Signed-off-by: Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Sebastian Kügler <sebas@kde.org>
4 files changed, 194 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/qt-mobile/qml/DiveDetails.qml b/qt-mobile/qml/DiveDetails.qml
index 401921c9f..e69d0e672 100644
--- a/qt-mobile/qml/DiveDetails.qml
+++ b/qt-mobile/qml/DiveDetails.qml
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
-import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents
import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0
+import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents
-Item {
+MobileComponents.Page {
id: diveDetailsWindow
width: parent.width
objectName: "DiveDetails"
+ flickable: flick
property string location
property string dive_id
@@ -30,120 +31,130 @@ Item {
Flickable {
id: flick
anchors.fill: parent
- contentHeight: parent.height
+ contentHeight: content.height
clip: true
- ColumnLayout {
- width: parent.width
- spacing: 8
+ Item {
+ id: content
+ width: flick.width
+ height: contentRect.height + MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing * 2
+ ColumnLayout {
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ top: parent.top
+ margins: MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing
+ }
+ spacing: MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing
- GridLayout {
- id: editorDetails
- width: parent.width
- columns: 2
- Label {
- Layout.columnSpan: 2
- font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.titlePointSize
- text: "Dive " + number + " (" + date + ")"
- }
+ GridLayout {
+ id: editorDetails
+ width: parent.width
+ columns: 2
- Item {
- Layout.columnSpan: 2
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: qmlProfile.visible ? qmlProfile.height : profileHideButton.height
- QMLProfile {
- id: qmlProfile
- height: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit * 25
- anchors {
- top: parent.top
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- }
- //Rectangle { color: "green"; opacity: 0.4; anchors.fill: parent } // used for debugging the dive profile sizing, will be removed later
+ MobileComponents.Heading {
+ Layout.columnSpan: 2
+ text: "Dive " + number + " (" + date + ")"
- Button {
- id: profileHideButton
- anchors {
- right: parent.right
- top: parent.top
+ Item {
+ Layout.columnSpan: 2
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: qmlProfile.visible ? qmlProfile.height : profileHideButton.height
+ QMLProfile {
+ id: qmlProfile
+ height: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit * 25
+ anchors {
+ top: parent.top
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ }
+ //Rectangle { color: "green"; opacity: 0.4; anchors.fill: parent } // used for debugging the dive profile sizing, will be removed later
- text: "Hide Dive Profile"
- onClicked: {
- qmlProfile.visible = !qmlProfile.visible
- if (qmlProfile.visible) {
- text = "Hide Dive Profile"
- } else {
- text = "Show Dive Profile"
+ Button {
+ id: profileHideButton
+ anchors {
+ right: parent.right
+ top: parent.top
+ }
+ text: "Hide Dive Profile"
+ onClicked: {
+ qmlProfile.visible = !qmlProfile.visible
+ if (qmlProfile.visible) {
+ text = "Hide Dive Profile"
+ } else {
+ text = "Show Dive Profile"
+ }
- }
- Label {
- text: "Location:"
- }
- TextField {
- id: txtLocation; text: location;
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ Label {
+ text: "Location:"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txtLocation; text: location;
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Label {
- text: "Air Temp:"
- }
- TextField {
- id: txtAirTemp
- text: airtemp
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ Label {
+ text: "Air Temp:"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txtAirTemp
+ text: airtemp
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Label {
- text: "Water Temp:"
- }
- TextField {
- id: txtWaterTemp
- text: watertemp
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ Label {
+ text: "Water Temp:"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txtWaterTemp
+ text: watertemp
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Label {
- text: "Suit:"
+ Label {
+ text: "Suit:"
- }
- TextField {
- id: txtSuit
- text: suit
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txtSuit
+ text: suit
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Label {
- text: "Buddy:"
- }
- TextField {
- id: txtBuddy
- text: buddy
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ Label {
+ text: "Buddy:"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txtBuddy
+ text: buddy
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Label {
- text: "Dive Master:"
- }
- TextField {
- id: txtDiveMaster
- text: divemaster
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ Label {
+ text: "Dive Master:"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txtDiveMaster
+ text: divemaster
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Label {
- text: "Notes:"
- }
- TextEdit{
- id: txtNotes
- text: notes
- focus: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- selectByMouse: true
- wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
+ Label {
+ text: "Notes:"
+ }
+ TextEdit{
+ id: txtNotes
+ text: notes
+ focus: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ selectByMouse: true
+ wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
+ }
diff --git a/qt-mobile/qml/DiveList.qml b/qt-mobile/qml/DiveList.qml
index e0c8f4251..75f4f809e 100644
--- a/qt-mobile/qml/DiveList.qml
+++ b/qt-mobile/qml/DiveList.qml
@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@ import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents
import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0
-Rectangle {
+MobileComponents.Page {
id: page
objectName: "DiveList"
+ color: MobileComponents.Theme.viewBackgroundColor
+ flickable: diveListView
Component {
id: diveDelegate
- Item {
+ MobileComponents.ListItem {
id: dive
+ enabled: true
+ checked: diveListView.currentIndex == model.index
property real detailsOpacity : 0
- width: diveListView.width - MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing
- height: childrenRect.height
+ //When clicked, the mode changes to details view
- //Mouse region: When clicked, the mode changes to details view
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: {
- detailsWindow.width = parent.width
- detailsWindow.location = location
- detailsWindow.dive_id = id
- detailsWindow.buddy = buddy
- detailsWindow.suit = suit
- detailsWindow.airtemp = airtemp
- detailsWindow.watertemp = watertemp
- detailsWindow.divemaster = divemaster
- detailsWindow.notes = notes
- detailsWindow.number = diveNumber
- detailsWindow.date = date
- stackView.push(detailsWindow)
- }
+ onClicked: {
+ diveListView.currentIndex = model.index
+ detailsWindow.width = parent.width
+ detailsWindow.location = location
+ detailsWindow.dive_id = id
+ detailsWindow.buddy = buddy
+ detailsWindow.suit = suit
+ detailsWindow.airtemp = airtemp
+ detailsWindow.watertemp = watertemp
+ detailsWindow.divemaster = divemaster
+ detailsWindow.notes = notes
+ detailsWindow.number = diveNumber
+ detailsWindow.date = date
+ stackView.push(detailsWindow)
//Layout of the page: (mini profile, dive no, date at the top
@@ -115,17 +115,6 @@ Rectangle {
top: locationText.bottom
- //Text { text: location; width: parent.width }
- Rectangle {
- color: MobileComponents.Theme.textColor
- opacity: .2
- height: Math.max(1, MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 24) // we really want a thin line
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- top: numberText.bottom
- }
- }
@@ -136,7 +125,7 @@ Rectangle {
width: page.width - MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing * 2
height: childrenRect.height + MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing * 2
- Text {
+ MobileComponents.Heading {
id: sectionText
text: section
anchors {
@@ -145,8 +134,7 @@ Rectangle {
leftMargin: MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing
right: parent.right
- color: MobileComponents.Theme.textColor
- font.pointSize: 16
+ level: 2
Rectangle {
height: Math.max(2, MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 12) // we want a thicker line
@@ -161,18 +149,30 @@ Rectangle {
- ListView {
- id: diveListView
+ Connections {
+ target: stackView
+ onDepthChanged: {
+ if (stackView.depth == 1) {
+ diveListView.currentIndex = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
- model: diveModel
- delegate: diveDelegate
- boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
- //highlight: Rectangle { color: MobileComponents.Theme.highlightColor; width: MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing }
- focus: true
- clip: true
- section.property: "trip"
- section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
- section.delegate: tripHeading
+ ListView {
+ id: diveListView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ model: diveModel
+ currentIndex: -1
+ delegate: diveDelegate
+ boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
+ //highlight: Rectangle { color: MobileComponents.Theme.highlightColor; width: MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing }
+ focus: true
+ clip: true
+ section.property: "trip"
+ section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
+ section.delegate: tripHeading
+ }
StartPage {
anchors.fill: parent
diff --git a/qt-mobile/qml/main.qml b/qt-mobile/qml/main.qml
index ac2e3eefd..53d872743 100644
--- a/qt-mobile/qml/main.qml
+++ b/qt-mobile/qml/main.qml
@@ -202,57 +202,46 @@ MobileComponents.ApplicationWindow {
- ColumnLayout {
- anchors.fill: parent
+ toolBar: TopBar {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: Layout.minimumHeight
+ }
- TopBar {
+ property Item stackView: pageStack
+ initialPage: Item {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ ColumnLayout {
+ id: awLayout
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ spacing: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
+ Rectangle {
+ id: detailsPage
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ DiveList {
+ anchors.fill: detailsPage
+ id: diveDetails
+ color: MobileComponents.Theme.backgroundColor
+ }
+ }
- }
- StackView {
- id: stackView
- Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- focus: true
- Keys.onReleased: if (event.key == Qt.Key_Back && stackView.depth > 1) {
- stackView.pop()
- event.accepted = true;
- }
- initialItem: Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- ColumnLayout {
- id: awLayout
- anchors.fill: parent
- spacing: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
- Rectangle {
- id: detailsPage
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- DiveList {
- anchors.fill: detailsPage
- id: diveDetails
- color: MobileComponents.Theme.backgroundColor
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: messageArea
- height: childrenRect.height
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- color: MobileComponents.Theme.backgroundColor
- Text {
- id: message
- color: MobileComponents.Theme.textColor
- wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
- styleColor: MobileComponents.Theme.textColor
- font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
- }
- }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: messageArea
+ height: childrenRect.height
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ color: MobileComponents.Theme.backgroundColor
+ Text {
+ id: message
+ color: MobileComponents.Theme.textColor
+ wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
+ styleColor: MobileComponents.Theme.textColor
+ font.pointSize: MobileComponents.Units.smallPointSize
diff --git a/qt-mobile/qml/mobile-resources.qrc b/qt-mobile/qml/mobile-resources.qrc
index d6c0825d4..971c2e427 100644
--- a/qt-mobile/qml/mobile-resources.qrc
+++ b/qt-mobile/qml/mobile-resources.qrc
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
<file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/ActionGroup.qml">mobilecomponents/ActionGroup.qml</file>
<file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/ApplicationWindow.qml">mobilecomponents/ApplicationWindow.qml</file>
<file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/GlobalDrawer.qml">mobilecomponents/GlobalDrawer.qml</file>
+ <file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/Page.qml">mobilecomponents/Page.qml</file>
<file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/Icon.qml">mobilecomponents/Icon.qml</file>
<file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/Heading.qml">mobilecomponents/Heading.qml</file>
<file alias="org/kde/plasma/mobilecomponents/PageRow.qml">mobilecomponents/PageRow.qml</file>