path: root/Documentation
diff options
authorGravatar Gehad elrobey <gehadelrobey@gmail.com>2015-08-20 19:20:40 +0200
committerGravatar Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit123@gmail.com>2015-08-22 18:33:07 +0300
commit20c22596f0c8689ec5d63518df2d7ca162b8d8c2 (patch)
tree42667a5af28cd63f1571d544ad83f0c433331b4e /Documentation
parentafc697e7977590795b8d5c26a873d12d8f601104 (diff)
Printing: update the user-manual
Add printing description to the user-manual, also add appendix F which describes how to write a custom template for Subsurface. Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit123@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Gehad elrobey <gehadelrobey@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/user-manual.txt b/Documentation/user-manual.txt
index 815bb9b2a..943d2268d 100644
--- a/Documentation/user-manual.txt
+++ b/Documentation/user-manual.txt
@@ -2711,8 +2711,9 @@ process could be used for the Cloud-based storage of dive logs.
== Printing a dive log
-_Subsurface_ provides a simple interface to print a whole dive log or only a
-few selected dives, including dive profiles and other contextual information.
+_Subsurface_ provides a simple interface to print a whole dive log or only a few selected dives.
+ Pre-installed templates or a custom written template can be used to choose where the data will
+ be fitted into the page.
Before printing, two decisions are required:
@@ -2727,15 +2728,10 @@ below).
image::images/PrintDiveLog.jpg["FIGURE: Print dialogue",align="center"]
-Under _Print type_ users need to select one of three options:
+Under _Print type_ users need to select one of two options:
-- Print the complete Dive List: to do this, _Table Print_ should be selected.
-- Print the selected dives (dive profiles and all other information) at 6
- dives per printed page: to do this, users should select _6 dives per page_.
-- Print the selected dives (dive profiles and all other information) at 2
- dives per printed page: to do this, users should select _2 dives per page_.
-- Print the selected dives (dive profiles and all other information) at 1
- dive per printed page: to do this, users should select _1 dive per page_.
+- _Dive list_ print: print dives from the list with profiles and other information.
+- _Statistics_ print: print yearly statistics of the dives.
Under _Print options_ users need to select:
@@ -2744,12 +2740,20 @@ Under _Print options_ users need to select:
selected dives_.
- Printing in colour, achieved by checking the box with _Print in colour_.
-The _Ordering_ affects the layout of the page (or part of it) for each dive.
-The dive profile could be printed at the top of each dive, with the textual
-information underneath, or it could be printed with the textual information at
-the top with the dive profile underneath. Users should select the appropriate option in the
-print dialogue. See the image below which has a layout with
-text below the dive profile.
+Under _Template_ users can select:
+- A template to be used as the page layout.
+- _Delete_ a template from the template list
+- _Import_ a new template to the template list
+- _Export_ a template from the template list
+- _Edit_ a template (choose colors, fonts, font-type)
+When editing a template the following options are available:
+- _Style_: edit font type, size, choose color palette; this will not affect the template HTML code
+- _Template_: edit the template HTML code; by saving, the "Custom" template in the template list will be replaced
+- _Colors_: edit the current color palette; the new color palette will overwrite the "Custom" color palette
Users can _Preview_ the printed page by selecting the _Preview_ button on the
dialogue. After preview, changes to the options in the print dialogue can be
@@ -2767,6 +2771,11 @@ the output for one particular page.
image::images/Printpreview.jpg["FIGURE: Print preview page",align="center"]
+=== Write a custom printing template (advanced)
+Writing a custom template is an effective way to produce highly customized printouts. Subsurface uses HTML templates with Grantlee as the printing backend.
+See <<_appendix_f_write_a_custom_printing_template ,APPENDIX F>> for information on how to write your own template.
== Configuring a dive computer
@@ -4137,3 +4146,134 @@ If you have downloaded your dives to different dive logging software
before they were overwritten, there is a high change that Subsurface can
import these. However, if the logs are only on your dive computer, they
cannot be salvaged after being over written by new dives.
+== APPENDIX F: Write a custom printing template
+_Subsurface_ provides a customizable printing support which is based on templates that are transformed by the _Grantlee_
+backend to correct _HTML_ syntax, The _HTML_ output is then rendered by _Subsurface_.
+To write a custom template the following elements must exist so that the template will be correctly handled and rendered.
+=== Main dive loop
+_Subsurface_ exports a dive list called (*dives*) to the _Grantlee_ backend. It is possible to iterate over the list as follows:
+ {% for dive in dives %}
+ <h1> {{ dive.number }} </h1>
+ {% endfor %}
+ <h1> 1 </h1>
+ <h1> 2 </h1>
+ <h1> 3 </h1>
+Additional information about _Grantlee_ can be found http://www.grantlee.org/apidox/for_themers.html[here]
+=== Grantlee exported variables
+Only a subset of the dive data is exported:
+|number| (*int*) dive number
+|id| (*int*) unique dive ID, should be used to fetch the dive profile
+|date| (*string*) data of the dive
+|time| (*string*) time of the dive
+|location| (*string*) location of the dive
+|duration| (*string*) duration of the dive
+|depth| (*string*) depth of the dive
+|divemaster| (*string*) divemaster data
+|buddy| (*string*) buddy data
+|airTemp| (*string*) air temperature of dive
+|waterTemp| (*string*) water temperature of dive
+|notes| (*string*) dive notes
+|rating| (*int*) dive rating ranges from 0 to 5
+|sac| (*string*) sac value
+|tags| (*string*) all dive tags concatenate together
+|gas| (*string*) used gas cylinder
+_Subsurface_ also exports *template_options* data. This data must be used as _CSS_ values to provide a dynamically
+editable template. The exported data is shown in the following table:
+|font| (*string*) font family
+|borderwidth| (*int*) border-width value dynamically calculated as 0.1% of the page width with minimum value of 1px
+|font_size| (*double*) size of fonts in vw, ranges between 1.0 and 2.0
+|line_spacing| (*double*) distance between text lines, ranges between 1.0 and 3.0
+|color1| (*string*) background color
+|color2| (*string*) primary table cell color
+|color3| (*string*) secondary table cell color
+|color4| (*string*) primary text color
+|color5| (*string*) secondary text color
+|color6| (*string*) border colors
+ border-width: {{ template_options.borderwidth }}px;
+ border-width: 3px;
+Another variable that _Subsurface_ exports is *print_options*. This variable contains a single member:
+|grayscale | Use _CSS_ filters to convert the page into grayscale (should be added to body style to enable printing grayscale prints)
+ body {
+ {{ print_options.grayscale }};
+ }
+ body {
+ -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
+ }
+=== Defined CSS selectors
+As the dive profile is placed after rendering, _Subsurface_ uses a special _CSS_ selectors to do some searches
+in the HTML output. The _CSS_ selectors in the following table should be added.
+|dive_{{ dive.id }} | id | is used to fetch the relevant dive profile
+|diveProfile | class | each div that will contain a dive profile should have this class selector in addition to the dive_{{ dive.id }} id selector
+|dontbreak | class | prevents the div with this class to be divided into two pages, this can be used
+in flow layout templates only (when data-numberofdives = 0)
+IMPORTANT: Rendering dive profiles is not supported for flow layout templates (when data-numberofdives = 0).
+=== Special attributes
+There are two ways of rendering- either rendering a specific number of dives in each page or make _Subsurface_ try to
+fit as much dives as possible into one page (_flow_ rendering).
+The *data-numberofdives* data attribute is added to the body tag to set the rendering mode
+- render 6 dives per page:
+ <body data-numberofdives = 6>
+- render as much dives as possible:
+ <body data-numberofdives = 0>
+IMPORTANT: All CSS units should be in relative lengths only, to support printing on any page size.