path: root/core/save-html.c
diff options
authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>2016-04-04 22:02:03 -0700
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>2016-04-04 22:33:58 -0700
commit7be962bfc2879a72c32ff67518731347dcdff6de (patch)
treed05bf7ab234a448ee37a15b608e2b939f2285d07 /core/save-html.c
parent2d760a7bff71c46c5aeba37c40d236ea16eefea2 (diff)
Move subsurface-core to core and qt-mobile to mobile-widgets
Having subsurface-core as a directory name really messes with autocomplete and is obviously redundant. Simmilarly, qt-mobile caused an autocomplete conflict and also was inconsistent with the desktop-widget name for the directory containing the "other" UI. And while cleaning up the resulting change in the path name for include files, I decided to clean up those even more to make them consistent overall. This could have been handled in more commits, but since this requires a make clean before the build, it seemed more sensible to do it all in one. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'core/save-html.c')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/save-html.c b/core/save-html.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d0ea9cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/save-html.c
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+// Clang has a bug on zero-initialization of C structs.
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
+#include "save-html.h"
+#include "qthelperfromc.h"
+#include "gettext.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+void write_attribute(struct membuffer *b, const char *att_name, const char *value, const char *separator)
+ if (!value)
+ value = "--";
+ put_format(b, "\"%s\":\"", att_name);
+ put_HTML_quoted(b, value);
+ put_format(b, "\"%s", separator);
+void save_photos(struct membuffer *b, const char *photos_dir, struct dive *dive)
+ struct picture *pic = dive->picture_list;
+ if (!pic)
+ return;
+ char *separator = "\"photos\":[";
+ do {
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ char *fname = get_file_name(local_file_path(pic));
+ put_format(b, "{\"filename\":\"%s\"}", fname);
+ copy_image_and_overwrite(local_file_path(pic), photos_dir, fname);
+ free(fname);
+ pic = pic->next;
+ } while (pic);
+ put_string(b, "],");
+void write_divecomputers(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ put_string(b, "\"divecomputers\":[");
+ struct divecomputer *dc;
+ char *separator = "";
+ for_each_dc (dive, dc) {
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ put_format(b, "{");
+ write_attribute(b, "model", dc->model, ", ");
+ if (dc->deviceid)
+ put_format(b, "\"deviceid\":\"%08x\", ", dc->deviceid);
+ else
+ put_string(b, "\"deviceid\":\"--\", ");
+ if (dc->diveid)
+ put_format(b, "\"diveid\":\"%08x\" ", dc->diveid);
+ else
+ put_string(b, "\"diveid\":\"--\" ");
+ put_format(b, "}");
+ }
+ put_string(b, "],");
+void write_dive_status(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ put_format(b, "\"sac\":\"%d\",", dive->sac);
+ put_format(b, "\"otu\":\"%d\",", dive->otu);
+ put_format(b, "\"cns\":\"%d\",", dive->cns);
+void put_HTML_bookmarks(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ struct event *ev = dive->dc.events;
+ if (!ev)
+ return;
+ char *separator = "\"events\":[";
+ do {
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ put_format(b, "{\"name\":\"%s\",", ev->name);
+ put_format(b, "\"value\":\"%d\",", ev->value);
+ put_format(b, "\"type\":\"%d\",", ev->type);
+ put_format(b, "\"time\":\"%d\"}", ev->time.seconds);
+ ev = ev->next;
+ } while (ev);
+ put_string(b, "],");
+static void put_weightsystem_HTML(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ int i, nr;
+ nr = nr_weightsystems(dive);
+ put_string(b, "\"Weights\":[");
+ char *separator = "";
+ for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+ weightsystem_t *ws = dive->weightsystem + i;
+ int grams = ws->weight.grams;
+ const char *description = ws->description;
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ put_string(b, "{");
+ put_HTML_weight_units(b, grams, "\"weight\":\"", "\",");
+ write_attribute(b, "description", description, " ");
+ put_string(b, "}");
+ }
+ put_string(b, "],");
+static void put_cylinder_HTML(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ int i, nr;
+ char *separator = "\"Cylinders\":[";
+ nr = nr_cylinders(dive);
+ if (!nr)
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+ cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder + i;
+ put_format(b, "%s{", separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ write_attribute(b, "Type", cylinder->type.description, ", ");
+ if (cylinder->type.size.mliter) {
+ int volume = cylinder->type.size.mliter;
+ if (prefs.units.volume == CUFT && cylinder->type.workingpressure.mbar)
+ volume *= bar_to_atm(cylinder->type.workingpressure.mbar / 1000.0);
+ put_HTML_volume_units(b, volume, "\"Size\":\"", " \", ");
+ } else {
+ write_attribute(b, "Size", "--", ", ");
+ }
+ put_HTML_pressure_units(b, cylinder->type.workingpressure, "\"WPressure\":\"", " \", ");
+ if (cylinder->start.mbar) {
+ put_HTML_pressure_units(b, cylinder->start, "\"SPressure\":\"", " \", ");
+ } else {
+ write_attribute(b, "SPressure", "--", ", ");
+ }
+ if (cylinder->end.mbar) {
+ put_HTML_pressure_units(b, cylinder->end, "\"EPressure\":\"", " \", ");
+ } else {
+ write_attribute(b, "EPressure", "--", ", ");
+ }
+ if (cylinder->gasmix.o2.permille) {
+ put_format(b, "\"O2\":\"%u.%u%%\",", FRACTION(cylinder->gasmix.o2.permille, 10));
+ put_format(b, "\"He\":\"%u.%u%%\"", FRACTION(cylinder->gasmix.he.permille, 10));
+ } else {
+ write_attribute(b, "O2", "Air", "");
+ }
+ put_string(b, "}");
+ }
+ put_string(b, "],");
+void put_HTML_samples(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ int i;
+ put_format(b, "\"maxdepth\":%d,", dive->dc.maxdepth.mm);
+ put_format(b, "\"duration\":%d,", dive->dc.duration.seconds);
+ struct sample *s = dive->dc.sample;
+ if (!dive->dc.samples)
+ return;
+ char *separator = "\"samples\":[";
+ for (i = 0; i < dive->dc.samples; i++) {
+ put_format(b, "%s[%d,%d,%d,%d]", separator, s->time.seconds, s->depth.mm, s->cylinderpressure.mbar, s->temperature.mkelvin);
+ separator = ", ";
+ s++;
+ }
+ put_string(b, "],");
+void put_HTML_coordinates(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive)
+ struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_for_dive(dive);
+ if (!ds)
+ return;
+ degrees_t latitude = ds->latitude;
+ degrees_t longitude = ds->longitude;
+ //don't put coordinates if in (0,0)
+ if (!latitude.udeg && !longitude.udeg)
+ return;
+ put_string(b, "\"coordinates\":{");
+ put_degrees(b, latitude, "\"lat\":\"", "\",");
+ put_degrees(b, longitude, "\"lon\":\"", "\"");
+ put_string(b, "},");
+void put_HTML_date(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ struct tm tm;
+ utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
+ put_format(b, "%s%04u-%02u-%02u%s", pre, tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, post);
+void put_HTML_quoted(struct membuffer *b, const char *text)
+ int is_html = 1, is_attribute = 1;
+ put_quoted(b, text, is_attribute, is_html);
+void put_HTML_notes(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ put_string(b, pre);
+ if (dive->notes) {
+ put_HTML_quoted(b, dive->notes);
+ } else {
+ put_string(b, "--");
+ }
+ put_string(b, post);
+void put_HTML_pressure_units(struct membuffer *b, pressure_t pressure, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ const char *unit;
+ double value;
+ if (!pressure.mbar) {
+ put_format(b, "%s%s", pre, post);
+ return;
+ }
+ value = get_pressure_units(pressure.mbar, &unit);
+ put_format(b, "%s%.1f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+void put_HTML_volume_units(struct membuffer *b, unsigned int ml, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ const char *unit;
+ double value;
+ int frac;
+ value = get_volume_units(ml, &frac, &unit);
+ put_format(b, "%s%.1f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+void put_HTML_weight_units(struct membuffer *b, unsigned int grams, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ const char *unit;
+ double value;
+ int frac;
+ value = get_weight_units(grams, &frac, &unit);
+ put_format(b, "%s%.1f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+void put_HTML_time(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ struct tm tm;
+ utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
+ put_format(b, "%s%02u:%02u:%02u%s", pre, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec, post);
+void put_HTML_depth(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ const char *unit;
+ double value;
+ struct units *units_p = get_units();
+ if (!dive->maxdepth.mm) {
+ put_format(b, "%s--%s", pre, post);
+ return;
+ }
+ value = get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit);
+ switch (units_p->length) {
+ case METERS:
+ default:
+ put_format(b, "%s%.1f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+ break;
+ case FEET:
+ put_format(b, "%s%.0f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+ break;
+ }
+void put_HTML_airtemp(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ const char *unit;
+ double value;
+ if (!dive->airtemp.mkelvin) {
+ put_format(b, "%s--%s", pre, post);
+ return;
+ }
+ value = get_temp_units(dive->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit);
+ put_format(b, "%s%.1f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+void put_HTML_watertemp(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ const char *unit;
+ double value;
+ if (!dive->watertemp.mkelvin) {
+ put_format(b, "%s--%s", pre, post);
+ return;
+ }
+ value = get_temp_units(dive->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit);
+ put_format(b, "%s%.1f %s%s", pre, value, unit, post);
+void put_HTML_tags(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *pre, const char *post)
+ put_string(b, pre);
+ struct tag_entry *tag = dive->tag_list;
+ if (!tag)
+ put_string(b, "[\"--\"");
+ char *separator = "[";
+ while (tag) {
+ put_format(b, "%s\"", separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ put_HTML_quoted(b, tag->tag->name);
+ put_string(b, "\"");
+ tag = tag->next;
+ }
+ put_string(b, "]");
+ put_string(b, post);
+/* if exporting list_only mode, we neglect exporting the samples, bookmarks and cylinders */
+void write_one_dive(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, const char *photos_dir, int *dive_no, const bool list_only)
+ put_string(b, "{");
+ put_format(b, "\"number\":%d,", *dive_no);
+ put_format(b, "\"subsurface_number\":%d,", dive->number);
+ put_HTML_date(b, dive, "\"date\":\"", "\",");
+ put_HTML_time(b, dive, "\"time\":\"", "\",");
+ write_attribute(b, "location", get_dive_location(dive), ", ");
+ put_HTML_coordinates(b, dive);
+ put_format(b, "\"rating\":%d,", dive->rating);
+ put_format(b, "\"visibility\":%d,", dive->visibility);
+ put_format(b, "\"dive_duration\":\"%u:%02u min\",",
+ FRACTION(dive->duration.seconds, 60));
+ put_string(b, "\"temperature\":{");
+ put_HTML_airtemp(b, dive, "\"air\":\"", "\",");
+ put_HTML_watertemp(b, dive, "\"water\":\"", "\"");
+ put_string(b, " },");
+ write_attribute(b, "buddy", dive->buddy, ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "divemaster", dive->divemaster, ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "suit", dive->suit, ", ");
+ put_HTML_tags(b, dive, "\"tags\":", ",");
+ if (!list_only) {
+ put_cylinder_HTML(b, dive);
+ put_weightsystem_HTML(b, dive);
+ put_HTML_samples(b, dive);
+ put_HTML_bookmarks(b, dive);
+ write_dive_status(b, dive);
+ if (photos_dir && strcmp(photos_dir, ""))
+ save_photos(b, photos_dir, dive);
+ write_divecomputers(b, dive);
+ }
+ put_HTML_notes(b, dive, "\"notes\":\"", "\"");
+ put_string(b, "}\n");
+ (*dive_no)++;
+void write_no_trip(struct membuffer *b, int *dive_no, bool selected_only, const char *photos_dir, const bool list_only, char *sep)
+ int i;
+ struct dive *dive;
+ char *separator = "";
+ bool found_sel_dive = 0;
+ for_each_dive (i, dive) {
+ // write dive if it doesn't belong to any trip and the dive is selected
+ // or we are in exporting all dives mode.
+ if (!dive->divetrip && (dive->selected || !selected_only)) {
+ if (!found_sel_dive) {
+ put_format(b, "%c{", *sep);
+ (*sep) = ',';
+ put_format(b, "\"name\":\"Other\",");
+ put_format(b, "\"dives\":[");
+ found_sel_dive = 1;
+ }
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ write_one_dive(b, dive, photos_dir, dive_no, list_only);
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_sel_dive)
+ put_format(b, "]}\n\n");
+void write_trip(struct membuffer *b, dive_trip_t *trip, int *dive_no, bool selected_only, const char *photos_dir, const bool list_only, char *sep)
+ struct dive *dive;
+ char *separator = "";
+ bool found_sel_dive = 0;
+ for (dive = trip->dives; dive != NULL; dive = dive->next) {
+ if (!dive->selected && selected_only)
+ continue;
+ // save trip if found at least one selected dive.
+ if (!found_sel_dive) {
+ found_sel_dive = 1;
+ put_format(b, "%c {", *sep);
+ (*sep) = ',';
+ put_format(b, "\"name\":\"%s\",", trip->location);
+ put_format(b, "\"dives\":[");
+ }
+ put_string(b, separator);
+ separator = ", ";
+ write_one_dive(b, dive, photos_dir, dive_no, list_only);
+ }
+ // close the trip object if contain dives.
+ if (found_sel_dive)
+ put_format(b, "]}\n\n");
+void write_trips(struct membuffer *b, const char *photos_dir, bool selected_only, const bool list_only)
+ int i, dive_no = 0;
+ struct dive *dive;
+ dive_trip_t *trip;
+ char sep_ = ' ';
+ char *sep = &sep_;
+ for (trip = dive_trip_list; trip != NULL; trip = trip->next)
+ trip->index = 0;
+ for_each_dive (i, dive) {
+ trip = dive->divetrip;
+ /*Continue if the dive have no trips or we have seen this trip before*/
+ if (!trip || trip->index)
+ continue;
+ /* We haven't seen this trip before - save it and all dives */
+ trip->index = 1;
+ write_trip(b, trip, &dive_no, selected_only, photos_dir, list_only, sep);
+ }
+ /*Save all remaining trips into Others*/
+ write_no_trip(b, &dive_no, selected_only, photos_dir, list_only, sep);
+void export_list(struct membuffer *b, const char *photos_dir, bool selected_only, const bool list_only)
+ put_string(b, "trips=[");
+ write_trips(b, photos_dir, selected_only, list_only);
+ put_string(b, "]");
+void export_HTML(const char *file_name, const char *photos_dir, const bool selected_only, const bool list_only)
+ FILE *f;
+ struct membuffer buf = { 0 };
+ export_list(&buf, photos_dir, selected_only, list_only);
+ f = subsurface_fopen(file_name, "w+");
+ if (!f) {
+ report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Can't open file %s"), file_name);
+ } else {
+ flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+ free_buffer(&buf);
+void export_translation(const char *file_name)
+ FILE *f;
+ struct membuffer buf = { 0 };
+ struct membuffer *b = &buf;
+ //export translated words here
+ put_format(b, "translate={");
+ //Dive list view
+ write_attribute(b, "Number", translate("gettextFromC", "Number"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Date", translate("gettextFromC", "Date"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Time", translate("gettextFromC", "Time"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Location", translate("gettextFromC", "Location"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Air_Temp", translate("gettextFromC", "Air temp."), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Water_Temp", translate("gettextFromC", "Water temp."), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "dives", translate("gettextFromC", "Dives"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Expand_All", translate("gettextFromC", "Expand all"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Collapse_All", translate("gettextFromC", "Collapse all"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "trips", translate("gettextFromC", "Trips"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Statistics", translate("gettextFromC", "Statistics"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Advanced_Search", translate("gettextFromC", "Advanced search"), ", ");
+ //Dive expanded view
+ write_attribute(b, "Rating", translate("gettextFromC", "Rating"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Visibility", translate("gettextFromC", "Visibility"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Duration", translate("gettextFromC", "Duration"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "DiveMaster", translate("gettextFromC", "Divemaster"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Buddy", translate("gettextFromC", "Buddy"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Suit", translate("gettextFromC", "Suit"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Tags", translate("gettextFromC", "Tags"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Notes", translate("gettextFromC", "Notes"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Show_more_details", translate("gettextFromC", "Show more details"), ", ");
+ //Yearly statistics view
+ write_attribute(b, "Yearly_statistics", translate("gettextFromC", "Yearly statistics"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Year", translate("gettextFromC", "Year"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Total_Time", translate("gettextFromC", "Total time"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Average_Time", translate("gettextFromC", "Average time"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Shortest_Time", translate("gettextFromC", "Shortest time"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Longest_Time", translate("gettextFromC", "Longest time"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Average_Depth", translate("gettextFromC", "Average depth"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Min_Depth", translate("gettextFromC", "Min. depth"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Max_Depth", translate("gettextFromC", "Max. depth"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Average_SAC", translate("gettextFromC", "Average SAC"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Min_SAC", translate("gettextFromC", "Min. SAC"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Max_SAC", translate("gettextFromC", "Max. SAC"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Average_Temp", translate("gettextFromC", "Average temp."), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Min_Temp", translate("gettextFromC", "Min. temp."), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Max_Temp", translate("gettextFromC", "Max. temp."), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Back_to_List", translate("gettextFromC", "Back to list"), ", ");
+ //dive detailed view
+ write_attribute(b, "Dive_No", translate("gettextFromC", "Dive No."), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Dive_profile", translate("gettextFromC", "Dive profile"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Dive_information", translate("gettextFromC", "Dive information"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Dive_equipment", translate("gettextFromC", "Dive equipment"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Type", translate("gettextFromC", "Type"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Size", translate("gettextFromC", "Size"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Work_Pressure", translate("gettextFromC", "Work pressure"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Start_Pressure", translate("gettextFromC", "Start pressure"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "End_Pressure", translate("gettextFromC", "End pressure"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Gas", translate("gettextFromC", "Gas"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Weight", translate("gettextFromC", "Weight"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Type", translate("gettextFromC", "Type"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Events", translate("gettextFromC", "Events"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Name", translate("gettextFromC", "Name"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Value", translate("gettextFromC", "Value"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Coordinates", translate("gettextFromC", "Coordinates"), ", ");
+ write_attribute(b, "Dive_Status", translate("gettextFromC", "Dive status"), " ");
+ put_format(b, "}");
+ f = subsurface_fopen(file_name, "w+");
+ if (!f) {
+ report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Can't open file %s"), file_name);
+ } else {
+ flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+ free_buffer(&buf);