path: root/qt-ui/maintab.cpp
diff options
authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
commit8ea7f404574c2ee571d2dde6bb6be3791e962150 (patch)
tree6a050178bfc71bf10558968f2a3bc0a12d8c525f /qt-ui/maintab.cpp
parentb273c1b0ca7bfe933e7c83742f1610f6bbe3f4d3 (diff)
parentdf7818a9b8495285b4d9812e5d6d50d6f9c08813 (diff)
Merge branch 'cmakeAndPreferences'
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/maintab.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1612 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/maintab.cpp b/qt-ui/maintab.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0afb7b4c0..000000000
--- a/qt-ui/maintab.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1612 +0,0 @@
- * maintab.cpp
- *
- * classes for the "notebook" area of the main window of Subsurface
- *
- */
-#include "maintab.h"
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "globe.h"
-#include "helpers.h"
-#include "statistics.h"
-#include "modeldelegates.h"
-#include "diveplannermodel.h"
-#include "divelistview.h"
-#include "display.h"
-#include "profile/profilewidget2.h"
-#include "diveplanner.h"
-#include "divesitehelpers.h"
-#include "cylindermodel.h"
-#include "weightmodel.h"
-#include "divepicturemodel.h"
-#include "divecomputerextradatamodel.h"
-#include "divelocationmodel.h"
-#include "divesite.h"
-#include "locationinformation.h"
-#include "divesite.h"
-#include <QCompleter>
-#include <QSettings>
-#include <QScrollBar>
-#include <QShortcut>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QDesktopServices>
-#include <QStringList>
-MainTab::MainTab(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent),
- weightModel(new WeightModel(this)),
- cylindersModel(CylindersModel::instance()),
- extraDataModel(new ExtraDataModel(this)),
- editMode(NONE),
- divePictureModel(DivePictureModel::instance()),
- copyPaste(false),
- currentTrip(0)
- ui.setupUi(this);
- ui.dateEdit->setDisplayFormat(getDateFormat());
- memset(&displayed_dive, 0, sizeof(displayed_dive));
- memset(&displayedTrip, 0, sizeof(displayedTrip));
- ui.cylinders->setModel(cylindersModel);
- ui.weights->setModel(weightModel);
- ui.photosView->setModel(divePictureModel);
- connect(ui.photosView, SIGNAL(photoDoubleClicked(QString)), this, SLOT(photoDoubleClicked(QString)));
- ui.extraData->setModel(extraDataModel);
- closeMessage();
- connect(ui.editDiveSiteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), MainWindow::instance(), SIGNAL(startDiveSiteEdit()));
-#ifndef NO_MARBLE
- connect(ui.location, &DiveLocationLineEdit::entered, GlobeGPS::instance(), &GlobeGPS::centerOnIndex);
- connect(ui.location, &DiveLocationLineEdit::currentChanged, GlobeGPS::instance(), &GlobeGPS::centerOnIndex);
- QAction *action = new QAction(tr("Apply changes"), this);
- connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(acceptChanges()));
- addMessageAction(action);
- action = new QAction(tr("Discard changes"), this);
- connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(rejectChanges()));
- addMessageAction(action);
- QShortcut *closeKey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape), this);
- connect(closeKey, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(escDetected()));
- if (qApp->style()->objectName() == "oxygen")
- setDocumentMode(true);
- else
- setDocumentMode(false);
- // we start out with the fields read-only; once things are
- // filled from a dive, they are made writeable
- setEnabled(false);
- Q_FOREACH (QObject *obj, ui.statisticsTab->children()) {
- QLabel *label = qobject_cast<QLabel *>(obj);
- if (label)
- label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
- }
- ui.cylinders->setTitle(tr("Cylinders"));
- ui.cylinders->setBtnToolTip(tr("Add cylinder"));
- connect(ui.cylinders, SIGNAL(addButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(addCylinder_clicked()));
- ui.weights->setTitle(tr("Weights"));
- ui.weights->setBtnToolTip(tr("Add weight system"));
- connect(ui.weights, SIGNAL(addButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(addWeight_clicked()));
- // This needs to be the same order as enum dive_comp_type in dive.h!
- ui.DiveType->insertItems(0, QStringList() << tr("OC") << tr("CCR") << tr("pSCR") << tr("Freedive"));
- connect(ui.DiveType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(divetype_Changed(int)));
- connect(ui.cylinders->view(), SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(editCylinderWidget(QModelIndex)));
- connect(ui.weights->view(), SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(editWeightWidget(QModelIndex)));
- ui.cylinders->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(CylindersModel::TYPE, new TankInfoDelegate(this));
- ui.cylinders->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(CylindersModel::USE, new TankUseDelegate(this));
- ui.weights->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(WeightModel::TYPE, new WSInfoDelegate(this));
- ui.cylinders->view()->setColumnHidden(CylindersModel::DEPTH, true);
- completers.buddy = new QCompleter(&buddyModel, ui.buddy);
- completers.divemaster = new QCompleter(&diveMasterModel, ui.divemaster);
- completers.suit = new QCompleter(&suitModel, ui.suit);
- completers.tags = new QCompleter(&tagModel, ui.tagWidget);
- completers.buddy->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- completers.divemaster->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- completers.suit->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- completers.tags->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- ui.buddy->setCompleter(completers.buddy);
- ui.divemaster->setCompleter(completers.divemaster);
- ui.suit->setCompleter(completers.suit);
- ui.tagWidget->setCompleter(completers.tags);
- ui.diveNotesMessage->hide();
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->hide();
- ui.diveInfoMessage->hide();
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->hide();
- setMinimumHeight(0);
- setMinimumWidth(0);
- // Current display of things on Gnome3 looks like shit, so
- // let`s fix that.
- if (isGnome3Session()) {
- QPalette p;
- p.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::white));
- ui.scrollArea->viewport()->setPalette(p);
- ui.scrollArea_2->viewport()->setPalette(p);
- ui.scrollArea_3->viewport()->setPalette(p);
- ui.scrollArea_4->viewport()->setPalette(p);
- // GroupBoxes in Gnome3 looks like I'v drawn them...
- static const QString gnomeCss(
- "QGroupBox {"
- " background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,"
- " stop: 0 #E0E0E0, stop: 1 #FFFFFF);"
- " border: 2px solid gray;"
- " border-radius: 5px;"
- " margin-top: 1ex;"
- "}"
- "QGroupBox::title {"
- " subcontrol-origin: margin;"
- " subcontrol-position: top center;"
- " padding: 0 3px;"
- " background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,"
- " stop: 0 #E0E0E0, stop: 1 #FFFFFF);"
- "}");
- Q_FOREACH (QGroupBox *box, findChildren<QGroupBox *>()) {
- box->setStyleSheet(gnomeCss);
- }
- }
- // QLineEdit and QLabels should have minimal margin on the left and right but not waste vertical space
- QMargins margins(3, 2, 1, 0);
- Q_FOREACH (QLabel *label, findChildren<QLabel *>()) {
- label->setContentsMargins(margins);
- }
- ui.cylinders->view()->horizontalHeader()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
- ui.weights->view()->horizontalHeader()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
- QSettings s;
- s.beginGroup("cylinders_dialog");
- for (int i = 0; i < CylindersModel::COLUMNS; i++) {
- if ((i == CylindersModel::REMOVE) || (i == CylindersModel::TYPE))
- continue;
- bool checked = s.value(QString("column%1_hidden").arg(i)).toBool();
- action = new QAction(cylindersModel->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(), ui.cylinders->view());
- action->setCheckable(true);
- action->setData(i);
- action->setChecked(!checked);
- connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleTriggeredColumn()));
- ui.cylinders->view()->setColumnHidden(i, checked);
- ui.cylinders->view()->horizontalHeader()->addAction(action);
- }
- QAction *deletePhoto = new QAction(this);
- deletePhoto->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete);
- deletePhoto->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut);
- ui.photosView->addAction(deletePhoto);
- ui.photosView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
- connect(deletePhoto, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(removeSelectedPhotos()));
- ui.waitingSpinner->setRoundness(70.0);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setMinimumTrailOpacity(15.0);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setTrailFadePercentage(70.0);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setNumberOfLines(8);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setLineLength(5);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setLineWidth(3);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setInnerRadius(5);
- ui.waitingSpinner->setRevolutionsPerSecond(1);
- connect(ReverseGeoLookupThread::instance(), SIGNAL(finished()),
- LocationInformationModel::instance(), SLOT(update()));
- connect(ReverseGeoLookupThread::instance(), &QThread::finished,
- this, &MainTab::setCurrentLocationIndex);
- connect(ui.diveNotesMessage, &KMessageWidget::showAnimationFinished,
- ui.location, &DiveLocationLineEdit::fixPopupPosition);
- acceptingEdit = false;
- ui.diveTripLocation->hide();
- QSettings s;
- s.beginGroup("cylinders_dialog");
- for (int i = 0; i < CylindersModel::COLUMNS; i++) {
- if ((i == CylindersModel::REMOVE) || (i == CylindersModel::TYPE))
- continue;
- s.setValue(QString("column%1_hidden").arg(i), ui.cylinders->view()->isColumnHidden(i));
- }
-void MainTab::setCurrentLocationIndex()
- if (current_dive) {
- struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(current_dive->dive_site_uuid);
- if (ds)
- ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(ds->uuid);
- else
- ui.location->clear();
- }
-void MainTab::enableGeoLookupEdition()
- ui.waitingSpinner->stop();
-void MainTab::disableGeoLookupEdition()
- ui.waitingSpinner->start();
-void MainTab::toggleTriggeredColumn()
- QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
- int col = action->data().toInt();
- QTableView *view = ui.cylinders->view();
- if (action->isChecked()) {
- view->showColumn(col);
- if (view->columnWidth(col) <= 15)
- view->setColumnWidth(col, 80);
- } else
- view->hideColumn(col);
-void MainTab::addDiveStarted()
- enableEdition(ADD);
-void MainTab::addMessageAction(QAction *action)
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->addAction(action);
- ui.diveNotesMessage->addAction(action);
- ui.diveInfoMessage->addAction(action);
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->addAction(action);
-void MainTab::hideMessage()
- ui.diveNotesMessage->animatedHide();
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->animatedHide();
- ui.diveInfoMessage->animatedHide();
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->animatedHide();
- updateTextLabels(false);
-void MainTab::closeMessage()
- hideMessage();
- ui.diveNotesMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveInfoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
-void MainTab::displayMessage(QString str)
- ui.diveNotesMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveInfoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
- ui.diveNotesMessage->setText(str);
- ui.diveNotesMessage->animatedShow();
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->setText(str);
- ui.diveEquipmentMessage->animatedShow();
- ui.diveInfoMessage->setText(str);
- ui.diveInfoMessage->animatedShow();
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->setText(str);
- ui.diveStatisticsMessage->animatedShow();
- updateTextLabels();
-void MainTab::updateTextLabels(bool showUnits)
- if (showUnits) {
- ui.airTempLabel->setText(tr("Air temp. [%1]").arg(get_temp_unit()));
- ui.waterTempLabel->setText(tr("Water temp. [%1]").arg(get_temp_unit()));
- } else {
- ui.airTempLabel->setText(tr("Air temp."));
- ui.waterTempLabel->setText(tr("Water temp."));
- }
-void MainTab::enableEdition(EditMode newEditMode)
- const bool isTripEdit = MainWindow::instance() &&
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().count() == 1;
- if (((newEditMode == DIVE || newEditMode == NONE) && current_dive == NULL) || editMode != NONE)
- return;
- modified = false;
- copyPaste = false;
- if ((newEditMode == DIVE || newEditMode == NONE) &&
- !isTripEdit &&
- current_dive->dc.model &&
- strcmp(current_dive->dc.model, "manually added dive") == 0) {
- // editCurrentDive will call enableEdition with newEditMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE
- // so exit this function here after editCurrentDive() returns
- // FIXME : can we get rid of this recursive crap?
- MainWindow::instance()->editCurrentDive();
- return;
- }
- ui.editDiveSiteButton->setEnabled(false);
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->setEnabled(false);
- MainWindow::instance()->setEnabledToolbar(false);
- if (isTripEdit) {
- // we are editing trip location and notes
- displayMessage(tr("This trip is being edited."));
- currentTrip = current_dive->divetrip;
- ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(false);
- editMode = TRIP;
- } else {
- ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true);
- if (amount_selected > 1) {
- displayMessage(tr("Multiple dives are being edited."));
- } else {
- displayMessage(tr("This dive is being edited."));
- }
- editMode = newEditMode != NONE ? newEditMode : DIVE;
- }
-void MainTab::clearEquipment()
- cylindersModel->clear();
- weightModel->clear();
-void MainTab::nextInputField(QKeyEvent *event)
- keyPressEvent(event);
-void MainTab::clearInfo()
- ui.sacText->clear();
- ui.otuText->clear();
- ui.maxcnsText->clear();
- ui.oxygenHeliumText->clear();
- ui.gasUsedText->clear();
- ui.dateText->clear();
- ui.diveTimeText->clear();
- ui.surfaceIntervalText->clear();
- ui.maximumDepthText->clear();
- ui.averageDepthText->clear();
- ui.waterTemperatureText->clear();
- ui.airTemperatureText->clear();
- ui.airPressureText->clear();
- ui.salinityText->clear();
- ui.tagWidget->clear();
-void MainTab::clearStats()
- ui.depthLimits->clear();
- ui.sacLimits->clear();
- ui.divesAllText->clear();
- ui.tempLimits->clear();
- ui.totalTimeAllText->clear();
- ui.timeLimits->clear();
-#define UPDATE_TEXT(d, field) \
- if (clear || !d.field) \
- ui.field->setText(QString()); \
- else \
- ui.field->setText(d.field)
-#define UPDATE_TEMP(d, field) \
- if (clear || d.field.mkelvin == 0) \
- ui.field->setText(""); \
- else \
- ui.field->setText(get_temperature_string(d.field, true))
-bool MainTab::isEditing()
- return editMode != NONE;
-void MainTab::showLocation()
- if (get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid))
- ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid);
- else
- ui.location->clear();
-// Seems wrong, since we can also call updateDiveInfo(), but since the updateDiveInfo
-// has a parameter on it's definition it didn't worked on the signal slot connection.
-void MainTab::refreshDiveInfo()
- updateDiveInfo();
-void MainTab::updateDiveInfo(bool clear)
- ui.location->refreshDiveSiteCache();
- EditMode rememberEM = editMode;
- // don't execute this while adding / planning a dive
- if (editMode == ADD || editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE || MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->isPlanner())
- return;
- if (!isEnabled() && !clear )
- setEnabled(true);
- if (isEnabled() && clear)
- setEnabled(false);
- editMode = IGNORE; // don't trigger on changes to the widgets
- // This method updates ALL tabs whenever a new dive or trip is
- // selected.
- // If exactly one trip has been selected, we show the location / notes
- // for the trip in the Info tab, otherwise we show the info of the
- // selected_dive
- temperature_t temp;
- struct dive *prevd;
- char buf[1024];
- process_selected_dives();
- process_all_dives(&displayed_dive, &prevd);
- divePictureModel->updateDivePictures();
- ui.notes->setText(QString());
- if (!clear) {
- QString tmp(displayed_dive.notes);
- if (tmp.indexOf("<table") != -1)
- ui.notes->setHtml(tmp);
- else
- ui.notes->setPlainText(tmp);
- }
- UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, notes);
- UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, suit);
- UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, divemaster);
- UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, buddy);
- UPDATE_TEMP(displayed_dive, airtemp);
- UPDATE_TEMP(displayed_dive, watertemp);
- ui.DiveType->setCurrentIndex(get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number)->divemode);
- if (!clear) {
- struct dive_site *ds = NULL;
- // if we are showing a dive and editing it, let's refer to the displayed_dive_site as that
- // already may contain changes, otherwise start with the dive site referred to by the displayed
- // dive
- if (rememberEM == DIVE) {
- ds = &displayed_dive_site;
- } else {
- ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid);
- if (ds)
- copy_dive_site(ds, &displayed_dive_site);
- }
- if (ds) {
- ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(ds->uuid);
- ui.locationTags->setText(constructLocationTags(ds->uuid));
- } else {
- ui.location->clear();
- clear_dive_site(&displayed_dive_site);
- }
- // Subsurface always uses "local time" as in "whatever was the local time at the location"
- // so all time stamps have no time zone information and are in UTC
- QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(displayed_dive.when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when));
- localTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);
- ui.dateEdit->setDate(;
- ui.timeEdit->setTime(localTime.time());
- if (MainWindow::instance() && MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().count() == 1) {
- setTabText(0, tr("Trip notes"));
- currentTrip = *MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().begin();
- // only use trip relevant fields
- ui.divemaster->setVisible(false);
- ui.DivemasterLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.buddy->setVisible(false);
- ui.BuddyLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.suit->setVisible(false);
- ui.SuitLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.rating->setVisible(false);
- ui.RatingLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.visibility->setVisible(false);
- ui.visibilityLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.tagWidget->setVisible(false);
- ui.TagLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.airTempLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.airtemp->setVisible(false);
- ui.DiveType->setVisible(false);
- ui.TypeLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.waterTempLabel->setVisible(false);
- ui.watertemp->setVisible(false);
- ui.diveTripLocation->show();
- ui.location->hide();
- ui.editDiveSiteButton->hide();
- // rename the remaining fields and fill data from selected trip
- ui.LocationLabel->setText(tr("Trip location"));
- ui.diveTripLocation->setText(currentTrip->location);
- ui.locationTags->clear();
- //TODO: Fix this.
- //ui.location->setText(currentTrip->location);
- ui.NotesLabel->setText(tr("Trip notes"));
- ui.notes->setText(currentTrip->notes);
- clearEquipment();
- ui.equipmentTab->setEnabled(false);
- } else {
- setTabText(0, tr("Notes"));
- currentTrip = NULL;
- // make all the fields visible writeable
- ui.diveTripLocation->hide();
- ui.location->show();
- ui.editDiveSiteButton->show();
- ui.divemaster->setVisible(true);
- ui.buddy->setVisible(true);
- ui.suit->setVisible(true);
- ui.SuitLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.rating->setVisible(true);
- ui.RatingLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.visibility->setVisible(true);
- ui.visibilityLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.BuddyLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.DivemasterLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.TagLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.tagWidget->setVisible(true);
- ui.airTempLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.airtemp->setVisible(true);
- ui.TypeLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.DiveType->setVisible(true);
- ui.waterTempLabel->setVisible(true);
- ui.watertemp->setVisible(true);
- /* and fill them from the dive */
- ui.rating->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.rating);
- ui.visibility->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.visibility);
- // reset labels in case we last displayed trip notes
- ui.LocationLabel->setText(tr("Location"));
- ui.NotesLabel->setText(tr("Notes"));
- ui.equipmentTab->setEnabled(true);
- cylindersModel->updateDive();
- weightModel->updateDive();
- extraDataModel->updateDive();
- taglist_get_tagstring(displayed_dive.tag_list, buf, 1024);
- ui.tagWidget->setText(QString(buf));
- }
- ui.maximumDepthText->setText(get_depth_string(displayed_dive.maxdepth, true));
- ui.averageDepthText->setText(get_depth_string(displayed_dive.meandepth, true));
- ui.maxcnsText->setText(QString("%1\%").arg(displayed_dive.maxcns));
- ui.otuText->setText(QString("%1").arg(displayed_dive.otu));
- ui.waterTemperatureText->setText(get_temperature_string(displayed_dive.watertemp, true));
- ui.airTemperatureText->setText(get_temperature_string(displayed_dive.airtemp, true));
- ui.DiveType->setCurrentIndex(get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number)->divemode);
- volume_t gases[MAX_CYLINDERS] = {};
- get_gas_used(&displayed_dive, gases);
- QString volumes;
- int mean[MAX_CYLINDERS], duration[MAX_CYLINDERS];
- per_cylinder_mean_depth(&displayed_dive, select_dc(&displayed_dive), mean, duration);
- volume_t sac;
- QString gaslist, SACs, separator;
- gaslist = ""; SACs = ""; volumes = ""; separator = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) {
- if (!is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, i))
- continue;
- gaslist.append(separator); volumes.append(separator); SACs.append(separator);
- separator = "\n";
- gaslist.append(gasname(&displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix));
- if (!gases[i].mliter)
- continue;
- volumes.append(get_volume_string(gases[i], true));
- if (duration[i]) {
- sac.mliter = gases[i].mliter / (depth_to_atm(mean[i], &displayed_dive) * duration[i] / 60);
- SACs.append(get_volume_string(sac, true).append(tr("/min")));
- }
- }
- ui.gasUsedText->setText(volumes);
- ui.oxygenHeliumText->setText(gaslist);
- ui.dateText->setText(get_short_dive_date_string(displayed_dive.when));
- if (displayed_dive.dc.divemode != FREEDIVE)
- ui.diveTimeText->setText(get_time_string_s(displayed_dive.duration.seconds + 30, 0, false));
- else
- ui.diveTimeText->setText(get_time_string_s(displayed_dive.duration.seconds, 0, true));
- if (prevd)
- ui.surfaceIntervalText->setText(get_time_string_s(displayed_dive.when - (prevd->when + prevd->duration.seconds), 4,
- (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE)));
- else
- ui.surfaceIntervalText->clear();
- if (mean[0])
- ui.sacText->setText(SACs);
- else
- ui.sacText->clear();
- if (displayed_dive.surface_pressure.mbar)
- /* this is ALWAYS displayed in mbar */
- ui.airPressureText->setText(QString("%1mbar").arg(displayed_dive.surface_pressure.mbar));
- else
- ui.airPressureText->clear();
- if (displayed_dive.salinity)
- ui.salinityText->setText(QString("%1g/l").arg(displayed_dive.salinity / 10.0));
- else
- ui.salinityText->clear();
- ui.depthLimits->setMaximum(get_depth_string(stats_selection.max_depth, true));
- ui.depthLimits->setMinimum(get_depth_string(stats_selection.min_depth, true));
- // the overall average depth is really confusing when listed between the
- // deepest and shallowest dive - let's just not set it
- // ui.depthLimits->setAverage(get_depth_string(stats_selection.avg_depth, true));
- ui.depthLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Deepest dive"));
- ui.depthLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Shallowest dive"));
- if (amount_selected > 1 && stats_selection.max_sac.mliter)
- ui.sacLimits->setMaximum(get_volume_string(stats_selection.max_sac, true).append(tr("/min")));
- else
- ui.sacLimits->setMaximum("");
- if (amount_selected > 1 && stats_selection.min_sac.mliter)
- ui.sacLimits->setMinimum(get_volume_string(stats_selection.min_sac, true).append(tr("/min")));
- else
- ui.sacLimits->setMinimum("");
- if (stats_selection.avg_sac.mliter)
- ui.sacLimits->setAverage(get_volume_string(stats_selection.avg_sac, true).append(tr("/min")));
- else
- ui.sacLimits->setAverage("");
- ui.sacLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Highest total SAC of a dive"));
- ui.sacLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Lowest total SAC of a dive"));
- ui.sacLimits->overrideAvgToolTipText(tr("Average total SAC of all selected dives"));
- ui.divesAllText->setText(QString::number(stats_selection.selection_size));
- temp.mkelvin = stats_selection.max_temp;
- ui.tempLimits->setMaximum(get_temperature_string(temp, true));
- temp.mkelvin = stats_selection.min_temp;
- ui.tempLimits->setMinimum(get_temperature_string(temp, true));
- if (stats_selection.combined_temp && stats_selection.combined_count) {
- const char *unit;
- get_temp_units(0, &unit);
- ui.tempLimits->setAverage(QString("%1%2").arg(stats_selection.combined_temp / stats_selection.combined_count, 0, 'f', 1).arg(unit));
- }
- ui.tempLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Highest temperature"));
- ui.tempLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Lowest temperature"));
- ui.tempLimits->overrideAvgToolTipText(tr("Average temperature of all selected dives"));
- ui.totalTimeAllText->setText(get_time_string_s(stats_selection.total_time.seconds, 0, (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE)));
- int seconds = stats_selection.total_time.seconds;
- if (stats_selection.selection_size)
- seconds /= stats_selection.selection_size;
- ui.timeLimits->setAverage(get_time_string_s(seconds, 0,(displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE)));
- if (amount_selected > 1) {
- ui.timeLimits->setMaximum(get_time_string_s(stats_selection.longest_time.seconds, 0, (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE)));
- ui.timeLimits->setMinimum(get_time_string_s(stats_selection.shortest_time.seconds, 0, (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE)));
- }
- ui.timeLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Longest dive"));
- ui.timeLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Shortest dive"));
- ui.timeLimits->overrideAvgToolTipText(tr("Average length of all selected dives"));
- // now let's get some gas use statistics
- QVector<QPair<QString, int> > gasUsed;
- QString gasUsedString;
- volume_t vol;
- selectedDivesGasUsed(gasUsed);
- for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
- if (gasUsed.isEmpty())
- break;
- QPair<QString, int> gasPair = gasUsed.last();
- gasUsed.pop_back();
- vol.mliter = gasPair.second;
- gasUsedString.append(gasPair.first).append(": ").append(get_volume_string(vol, true)).append("\n");
- }
- if (!gasUsed.isEmpty())
- gasUsedString.append("...");
- volume_t o2_tot = {}, he_tot = {};
- selected_dives_gas_parts(&o2_tot, &he_tot);
- /* No need to show the gas mixing information if diving
- * with pure air, and only display the he / O2 part when
- * it is used.
- */
- if (he_tot.mliter || o2_tot.mliter) {
- gasUsedString.append(tr("These gases could be\nmixed from Air and using:\n"));
- if (he_tot.mliter)
- gasUsedString.append(QString("He: %1").arg(get_volume_string(he_tot, true)));
- if (he_tot.mliter && o2_tot.mliter)
- gasUsedString.append(tr(" and "));
- if (o2_tot.mliter)
- gasUsedString.append(QString("O2: %2\n").arg(get_volume_string(o2_tot, true)));
- }
- ui.gasConsumption->setText(gasUsedString);
- if(ui.locationTags->text().isEmpty())
- ui.locationTags->hide();
- else
- ui.locationTags->show();
- /* unset the special value text for date and time, just in case someone dove at midnight */
- ui.dateEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString(""));
- ui.timeEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString(""));
- } else {
- /* clear the fields */
- clearInfo();
- clearStats();
- clearEquipment();
- ui.rating->setCurrentStars(0);
- ui.visibility->setCurrentStars(0);
- ui.location->clear();
- /* set date and time to minimums which triggers showing the special value text */
- ui.dateEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString("-"));
- ui.dateEdit->setMinimumDate(QDate(1, 1, 1));
- ui.dateEdit->setDate(QDate(1, 1, 1));
- ui.timeEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString("-"));
- ui.timeEdit->setMinimumTime(QTime(0, 0, 0, 0));
- ui.timeEdit->setTime(QTime(0, 0, 0, 0));
- }
- editMode = rememberEM;
- ui.cylinders->view()->hideColumn(CylindersModel::DEPTH);
- if (get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number)->divemode == CCR)
- ui.cylinders->view()->showColumn(CylindersModel::USE);
- else
- ui.cylinders->view()->hideColumn(CylindersModel::USE);
- if (verbose)
- qDebug() << "Set the current dive site:" << displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid;
- emit diveSiteChanged(get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid));
-void MainTab::addCylinder_clicked()
- if (editMode == NONE)
- enableEdition();
- cylindersModel->add();
-void MainTab::addWeight_clicked()
- if (editMode == NONE)
- enableEdition();
- weightModel->add();
-void MainTab::reload()
- suitModel.updateModel();
- buddyModel.updateModel();
- diveMasterModel.updateModel();
- tagModel.updateModel();
- LocationInformationModel::instance()->update();
-// tricky little macro to edit all the selected dives
-// loop over all dives, for each selected dive do WHAT, but do it
-// last for the current dive; this is required in case the invocation
-// wants to compare things to the original value in current_dive like it should
- do { \
- struct dive *mydive = NULL; \
- int _i; \
- for_each_dive (_i, mydive) { \
- if (!mydive->selected || mydive == cd) \
- continue; \
- \
- WHAT; \
- } \
- mydive = cd; \
- WHAT; \
- mark_divelist_changed(true); \
- } while (0)
-#define EDIT_TEXT(what) \
- if (same_string(mydive->what, cd->what) || copyPaste) { \
- free(mydive->what); \
- mydive->what = copy_string(displayed_dive.what); \
- }
-MainTab::EditMode MainTab::getEditMode() const
- return editMode;
-#define EDIT_VALUE(what) \
- if (mydive->what == cd->what || copyPaste) { \
- mydive->what = displayed_dive.what; \
- }
-void MainTab::refreshDisplayedDiveSite()
- if (displayed_dive_site.uuid) {
- copy_dive_site(get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive_site.uuid), &displayed_dive_site);
- ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(displayed_dive_site.uuid);
- }
-// when this is called we already have updated the current_dive and know that it exists
-// there is no point in calling this function if there is no current dive
-uint32_t MainTab::updateDiveSite(uint32_t pickedUuid, int divenr)
- struct dive *cd = get_dive(divenr);
- if (!cd)
- return 0;
- if (ui.location->text().isEmpty())
- return 0;
- if (pickedUuid == 0)
- return 0;
- const uint32_t origUuid = cd->dive_site_uuid;
- struct dive_site *origDs = get_dive_site_by_uuid(origUuid);
- struct dive_site *newDs = NULL;
- bool createdNewDive = false;
- if (pickedUuid == origUuid)
- return origUuid;
- if (pickedUuid == RECENTLY_ADDED_DIVESITE) {
- pickedUuid = create_dive_site(ui.location->text().isEmpty() ? qPrintable(tr("New dive site")) : qPrintable(ui.location->text()), displayed_dive.when);
- createdNewDive = true;
- }
- newDs = get_dive_site_by_uuid(pickedUuid);
- // Copy everything from the displayed_dive_site, so we have the latitude, longitude, notes, etc.
- // The user *might* be using wrongly the 'choose dive site' just to edit the name of it, sigh.
- if (origDs) {
- if(createdNewDive) {
- copy_dive_site(origDs, newDs);
- free(newDs->name);
- newDs->name = copy_string(qPrintable(ui.location->text().constData()));
- newDs->uuid = pickedUuid;
- qDebug() << "Creating and copying dive site";
- } else if (newDs->latitude.udeg == 0 && newDs->longitude.udeg == 0) {
- newDs->latitude.udeg = origDs->latitude.udeg;
- newDs->longitude.udeg = origDs->longitude.udeg;
- qDebug() << "Copying GPS information";
- }
- }
- if (origDs && pickedUuid != origDs->uuid && same_string(origDs->notes, "SubsurfaceWebservice")) {
- if (!is_dive_site_used(origDs->uuid, false)) {
- if (verbose)
- qDebug() << "delete the autogenerated dive site" << origDs->name;
- delete_dive_site(origDs->uuid);
- }
- }
- cd->dive_site_uuid = pickedUuid;
- qDebug() << "Setting the dive site id on the dive:" << pickedUuid;
- return pickedUuid;
-void MainTab::acceptChanges()
- int i, addedId = -1;
- struct dive *d;
- bool do_replot = false;
- if(ui.location->hasFocus()) {
- this->setFocus();
- }
- acceptingEdit = true;
- tabBar()->setTabIcon(0, QIcon()); // Notes
- tabBar()->setTabIcon(1, QIcon()); // Equipment
- ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true);
- hideMessage();
- ui.equipmentTab->setEnabled(true);
- if (editMode == ADD) {
- // We need to add the dive we just created to the dive list and select it.
- // Easy, right?
- struct dive *added_dive = clone_dive(&displayed_dive);
- record_dive(added_dive);
- addedId = added_dive->id;
- // make sure that the dive site is handled as well
- updateDiveSite(ui.location->currDiveSiteUuid(), get_idx_by_uniq_id(added_dive->id));
- // unselect everything as far as the UI is concerned and select the new
- // dive - we'll have to undo/redo this later after we resort the dive_table
- // but we need the dive selected for the middle part of this function - this
- // way we can reuse the code used for editing dives
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->unselectDives();
- selected_dive = get_divenr(added_dive);
- amount_selected = 1;
- } else if (MainWindow::instance() && MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().count() == 1) {
- /* now figure out if things have changed */
- if (displayedTrip.notes && !same_string(displayedTrip.notes, currentTrip->notes)) {
- currentTrip->notes = copy_string(displayedTrip.notes);
- mark_divelist_changed(true);
- }
- if (displayedTrip.location && !same_string(displayedTrip.location, currentTrip->location)) {
- currentTrip->location = copy_string(displayedTrip.location);
- mark_divelist_changed(true);
- }
- currentTrip = NULL;
- ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- if (editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE) {
- // preserve any changes to the profile
- free(current_dive->dc.sample);
- copy_samples(&displayed_dive.dc, &current_dive->dc);
- addedId =;
- }
- struct dive *cd = current_dive;
- struct divecomputer *displayed_dc = get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number);
- // now check if something has changed and if yes, edit the selected dives that
- // were identical with the master dive shown (and mark the divelist as changed)
- if (!same_string(displayed_dive.suit, cd->suit))
- if (!same_string(displayed_dive.notes, cd->notes))
- if (displayed_dive.rating != cd->rating)
- if (displayed_dive.visibility != cd->visibility)
- if (displayed_dive.airtemp.mkelvin != cd->airtemp.mkelvin)
- if (displayed_dc->divemode != current_dc->divemode) {
- if (get_dive_dc(mydive, dc_number)->divemode == current_dc->divemode || copyPaste) {
- get_dive_dc(mydive, dc_number)->divemode = displayed_dc->divemode;
- }
- );
- MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(update_setpoint_events(get_dive_dc(mydive, dc_number)));
- do_replot = true;
- }
- if (displayed_dive.watertemp.mkelvin != cd->watertemp.mkelvin)
- if (displayed_dive.when != cd->when) {
- time_t offset = cd->when - displayed_dive.when;
- MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(mydive->when -= offset;);
- }
- if (displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid != cd->dive_site_uuid)
- // three text fields are somewhat special and are represented as tags
- // in the UI - they need somewhat smarter handling
- saveTaggedStrings();
- saveTags();
- if (editMode != ADD && cylindersModel->changed) {
- mark_divelist_changed(true);
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) {
- if (mydive != cd) {
- if (same_string(mydive->cylinder[i].type.description, cd->cylinder[i].type.description) || copyPaste) {
- // if we started out with the same cylinder description (for multi-edit) or if we do copt & paste
- // make sure that we have the same cylinder type and copy the gasmix, but DON'T copy the start
- // and end pressures (those are per dive after all)
- if (!same_string(mydive->cylinder[i].type.description, displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.description)) {
- free((void*)mydive->cylinder[i].type.description);
- mydive->cylinder[i].type.description = copy_string(displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.description);
- }
- mydive->cylinder[i].type.size = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.size;
- mydive->cylinder[i].type.workingpressure = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.workingpressure;
- mydive->cylinder[i].gasmix = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix;
- mydive->cylinder[i].cylinder_use = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].cylinder_use;
- mydive->cylinder[i].depth = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].depth;
- }
- }
- }
- );
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) {
- // copy the cylinder but make sure we have our own copy of the strings
- free((void*)cd->cylinder[i].type.description);
- cd->cylinder[i] = displayed_dive.cylinder[i];
- cd->cylinder[i].type.description = copy_string(displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.description);
- }
- /* if cylinders changed we may have changed gas change events
- * - so far this is ONLY supported for a single selected dive */
- struct divecomputer *tdc = &current_dive->dc;
- struct divecomputer *sdc = &displayed_dive.dc;
- while(tdc && sdc) {
- free_events(tdc->events);
- copy_events(sdc, tdc);
- tdc = tdc->next;
- sdc = sdc->next;
- }
- do_replot = true;
- }
- if (weightModel->changed) {
- mark_divelist_changed(true);
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++) {
- if (mydive != cd && (copyPaste || same_string(mydive->weightsystem[i].description, cd->weightsystem[i].description))) {
- mydive->weightsystem[i] = displayed_dive.weightsystem[i];
- mydive->weightsystem[i].description = copy_string(displayed_dive.weightsystem[i].description);
- }
- }
- );
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++) {
- cd->weightsystem[i] = displayed_dive.weightsystem[i];
- cd->weightsystem[i].description = copy_string(displayed_dive.weightsystem[i].description);
- }
- }
- // update the dive site for the selected dives that had the same dive site as the current dive
- uint32_t oldUuid = cd->dive_site_uuid;
- uint32_t newUuid = 0;
- if (mydive->dive_site_uuid == current_dive->dive_site_uuid) {
- newUuid = updateDiveSite(newUuid == 0 ? ui.location->currDiveSiteUuid() : newUuid, get_idx_by_uniq_id(mydive->id));
- }
- );
- if (!is_dive_site_used(oldUuid, false)) {
- if (verbose) {
- struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(oldUuid);
- qDebug() << "delete now unused dive site" << ((ds && ds->name) ? ds->name : "without name");
- }
- delete_dive_site(oldUuid);
- GlobeGPS::instance()->reload();
- }
- // the code above can change the correct uuid for the displayed dive site - and the
- // code below triggers an update of the display without re-initializing displayed_dive
- // so let's make sure here that our data is consistent now that we have handled the
- // dive sites
- displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid = current_dive->dive_site_uuid;
- struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid);
- if (ds)
- copy_dive_site(ds, &displayed_dive_site);
- // each dive that was selected might have had the temperatures in its active divecomputer changed
- // so re-populate the temperatures - easiest way to do this is by calling fixup_dive
- for_each_dive (i, d) {
- if (d->selected)
- fixup_dive(d);
- }
- }
- if (editMode != TRIP && current_dive->divetrip) {
- current_dive->divetrip->when = current_dive->when;
- find_new_trip_start_time(current_dive->divetrip);
- }
- if (editMode == ADD || editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE) {
- // we just added or edited the dive, let fixup_dive() make
- // sure we get the max depth right
- current_dive-> = current_dc-> = 0;
- fixup_dive(current_dive);
- set_dive_nr_for_current_dive();
- MainWindow::instance()->showProfile();
- mark_divelist_changed(true);
- DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->setPlanMode(DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING);
- }
- int scrolledBy = MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->verticalScrollBar()->sliderPosition();
- resetPallete();
- if (editMode == ADD || editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE) {
- // since a newly added dive could be in the middle of the dive_table we need
- // to resort the dive list and make sure the newly added dive gets selected again
- sort_table(&dive_table);
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->reload(DiveTripModel::CURRENT, true);
- int newDiveNr = get_divenr(get_dive_by_uniq_id(addedId));
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->unselectDives();
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectDive(newDiveNr, true);
- editMode = NONE;
- MainWindow::instance()->refreshDisplay();
- MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->replot();
- emit addDiveFinished();
- } else {
- editMode = NONE;
- if (do_replot)
- MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->replot();
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->rememberSelection();
- sort_table(&dive_table);
- MainWindow::instance()->refreshDisplay();
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->restoreSelection();
- }
- DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->setPlanMode(DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING);
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(scrolledBy);
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->setFocus();
- cylindersModel->changed = false;
- weightModel->changed = false;
- MainWindow::instance()->setEnabledToolbar(true);
- acceptingEdit = false;
- ui.editDiveSiteButton->setEnabled(true);
-void MainTab::resetPallete()
- QPalette p;
- ui.buddy->setPalette(p);
- ui.notes->setPalette(p);
- ui.location->setPalette(p);
- ui.divemaster->setPalette(p);
- ui.suit->setPalette(p);
- ui.airtemp->setPalette(p);
- ui.DiveType->setPalette(p);
- ui.watertemp->setPalette(p);
- ui.dateEdit->setPalette(p);
- ui.timeEdit->setPalette(p);
- ui.tagWidget->setPalette(p);
- ui.diveTripLocation->setPalette(p);
-#define EDIT_TEXT2(what, text) \
- textByteArray = text.toUtf8(); \
- free(what); \
- what = strdup(;
-#define FREE_IF_DIFFERENT(what) \
- if (displayed_dive.what != cd->what) \
- free(displayed_dive.what)
-void MainTab::rejectChanges()
- EditMode lastMode = editMode;
- if (lastMode != NONE && current_dive &&
- (modified ||
- memcmp(&current_dive->cylinder[0], &displayed_dive.cylinder[0], sizeof(cylinder_t) * MAX_CYLINDERS) ||
- memcmp(&current_dive->cylinder[0], &displayed_dive.weightsystem[0], sizeof(weightsystem_t) * MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS))) {
- if (QMessageBox::warning(MainWindow::instance(), TITLE_OR_TEXT(tr("Discard the changes?"),
- tr("You are about to discard your changes.")),
- QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Discard) != QMessageBox::Discard) {
- return;
- }
- }
- ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true);
- editMode = NONE;
- tabBar()->setTabIcon(0, QIcon()); // Notes
- tabBar()->setTabIcon(1, QIcon()); // Equipment
- hideMessage();
- resetPallete();
- // no harm done to call cancelPlan even if we were not in ADD or PLAN mode...
- DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->cancelPlan();
- if(lastMode == ADD)
- MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->restoreSelection();
- // now make sure that the correct dive is displayed
- if (selected_dive >= 0)
- copy_dive(current_dive, &displayed_dive);
- else
- clear_dive(&displayed_dive);
- updateDiveInfo(selected_dive < 0);
- DivePictureModel::instance()->updateDivePictures();
- // the user could have edited the location and then canceled the edit
- // let's get the correct location back in view
-#ifndef NO_MARBLE
- GlobeGPS::instance()->centerOnDiveSite(get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid));
- // show the profile and dive info
- MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->replot();
- MainWindow::instance()->setEnabledToolbar(true);
- cylindersModel->changed = false;
- weightModel->changed = false;
- cylindersModel->updateDive();
- weightModel->updateDive();
- extraDataModel->updateDive();
- ui.editDiveSiteButton->setEnabled(true);
-#undef EDIT_TEXT2
-void MainTab::markChangedWidget(QWidget *w)
- QPalette p;
- qreal h, s, l, a;
- enableEdition();
- qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Text).getHslF(&h, &s, &l, &a);
- p.setBrush(QPalette::Base, (l <= 0.3) ? QColor(Qt::yellow).lighter() : (l <= 0.6) ? QColor(Qt::yellow).light() : /* else */ QColor(Qt::yellow).darker(300));
- w->setPalette(p);
- modified = true;
-void MainTab::on_buddy_textChanged()
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- if (same_string(displayed_dive.buddy, ui.buddy->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()))
- return;
- QStringList text_list = ui.buddy->toPlainText().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- for (int i = 0; i < text_list.size(); i++)
- text_list[i] = text_list[i].trimmed();
- QString text = text_list.join(", ");
- free(displayed_dive.buddy);
- displayed_dive.buddy = strdup(text.toUtf8().data());
- markChangedWidget(ui.buddy);
-void MainTab::on_divemaster_textChanged()
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- if (same_string(displayed_dive.divemaster, ui.divemaster->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()))
- return;
- QStringList text_list = ui.divemaster->toPlainText().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- for (int i = 0; i < text_list.size(); i++)
- text_list[i] = text_list[i].trimmed();
- QString text = text_list.join(", ");
- free(displayed_dive.divemaster);
- displayed_dive.divemaster = strdup(text.toUtf8().data());
- markChangedWidget(ui.divemaster);
-void MainTab::on_airtemp_textChanged(const QString &text)
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- displayed_dive.airtemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(text);
- markChangedWidget(ui.airtemp);
- validate_temp_field(ui.airtemp, text);
-void MainTab::divetype_Changed(int index)
- if (editMode == IGNORE)
- return;
- struct divecomputer *displayed_dc = get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number);
- displayed_dc->divemode = (enum dive_comp_type) index;
- update_setpoint_events(displayed_dc);
- markChangedWidget(ui.DiveType);
- MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->recalcCeiling();
-void MainTab::on_watertemp_textChanged(const QString &text)
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- displayed_dive.watertemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(text);
- markChangedWidget(ui.watertemp);
- validate_temp_field(ui.watertemp, text);
-void MainTab::validate_temp_field(QLineEdit *tempField, const QString &text)
- static bool missing_unit = false;
- static bool missing_precision = false;
- if (!text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]{0,1}[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+){0,1}(°[CF]){0,1}$")) &&
- !text.isEmpty() &&
- !text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]$"))) {
- if (text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]{0,1}[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+){0,1}(°)$")) && !missing_unit) {
- if (!missing_unit) {
- missing_unit = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]{0,1}[0-9]+([,.]){0,1}(°[CF]){0,1}$")) && !missing_precision) {
- if (!missing_precision) {
- missing_precision = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- QPalette p;
- p.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QColor(Qt::red).lighter());
- tempField->setPalette(p);
- } else {
- missing_unit = false;
- missing_precision = false;
- }
-void MainTab::on_dateEdit_dateChanged(const QDate &date)
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- markChangedWidget(ui.dateEdit);
- QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(displayed_dive.when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when));
- dateTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);
- dateTime.setDate(date);
- DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->getDiveplan().when = displayed_dive.when = dateTime.toTime_t();
- emit dateTimeChanged();
-void MainTab::on_timeEdit_timeChanged(const QTime &time)
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- markChangedWidget(ui.timeEdit);
- QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(displayed_dive.when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when));
- dateTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);
- dateTime.setTime(time);
- DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->getDiveplan().when = displayed_dive.when = dateTime.toTime_t();
- emit dateTimeChanged();
-// changing the tags on multiple dives is semantically strange - what's the right thing to do?
-// here's what I think... add the tags that were added to the displayed dive and remove the tags
-// that were removed from it
-void MainTab::saveTags()
- struct dive *cd = current_dive;
- struct tag_entry *added_list = NULL;
- struct tag_entry *removed_list = NULL;
- struct tag_entry *tl;
- taglist_free(displayed_dive.tag_list);
- displayed_dive.tag_list = NULL;
- Q_FOREACH (const QString& tag, ui.tagWidget->getBlockStringList())
- taglist_add_tag(&displayed_dive.tag_list, tag.toUtf8().data());
- taglist_cleanup(&displayed_dive.tag_list);
- // figure out which tags were added and which tags were removed
- added_list = taglist_added(cd->tag_list, displayed_dive.tag_list);
- removed_list = taglist_added(displayed_dive.tag_list, cd->tag_list);
- // dump_taglist("added tags:", added_list);
- // dump_taglist("removed tags:", removed_list);
- // we need to check if the tags were changed before just overwriting them
- if (added_list == NULL && removed_list == NULL)
- return;
- // create a new tag list and all the existing tags that were not
- // removed and then all the added tags
- struct tag_entry *new_tag_list;
- new_tag_list = NULL;
- tl = mydive->tag_list;
- while (tl) {
- if (!taglist_contains(removed_list, tl->tag->name))
- taglist_add_tag(&new_tag_list, tl->tag->name);
- tl = tl->next;
- }
- tl = added_list;
- while (tl) {
- taglist_add_tag(&new_tag_list, tl->tag->name);
- tl = tl->next;
- }
- taglist_free(mydive->tag_list);
- mydive->tag_list = new_tag_list;
- );
- taglist_free(added_list);
- taglist_free(removed_list);
-// buddy and divemaster are represented in the UI just like the tags, but the internal
-// representation is just a string (with commas as delimiters). So we need to do the same
-// thing we did for tags, just differently
-void MainTab::saveTaggedStrings()
- QStringList addedList, removedList;
- struct dive *cd = current_dive;
- diffTaggedStrings(cd->buddy, displayed_dive.buddy, addedList, removedList);
- QStringList oldList = QString(mydive->buddy).split(QRegExp("\\s*,\\s*"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- QString newString;
- QString comma;
- Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, oldList) {
- if (!removedList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- newString += comma + tag;
- comma = ", ";
- }
- }
- Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, addedList) {
- if (!oldList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- newString += comma + tag;
- comma = ", ";
- }
- }
- free(mydive->buddy);
- mydive->buddy = copy_string(qPrintable(newString));
- );
- addedList.clear();
- removedList.clear();
- diffTaggedStrings(cd->divemaster, displayed_dive.divemaster, addedList, removedList);
- QStringList oldList = QString(mydive->divemaster).split(QRegExp("\\s*,\\s*"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- QString newString;
- QString comma;
- Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, oldList) {
- if (!removedList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- newString += comma + tag;
- comma = ", ";
- }
- }
- Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, addedList) {
- if (!oldList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- newString += comma + tag;
- comma = ", ";
- }
- }
- free(mydive->divemaster);
- mydive->divemaster = copy_string(qPrintable(newString));
- );
-void MainTab::diffTaggedStrings(QString currentString, QString displayedString, QStringList &addedList, QStringList &removedList)
- QStringList displayedList, currentList;
- currentList = currentString.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- displayedList = displayedString.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- Q_FOREACH ( const QString tag, currentList) {
- if (!displayedList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- removedList << tag.trimmed();
- }
- Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, displayedList) {
- if (!currentList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- addedList << tag.trimmed();
- }
-void MainTab::on_tagWidget_textChanged()
- char buf[1024];
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- taglist_get_tagstring(displayed_dive.tag_list, buf, 1024);
- if (same_string(buf, ui.tagWidget->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()))
- return;
- markChangedWidget(ui.tagWidget);
-void MainTab::on_location_textChanged()
- if (editMode == IGNORE)
- return;
- // we don't want to act on the edit until editing is finished,
- // but we want to mark the field so it's obvious it is being edited
- QString currentLocation;
- struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid);
- if (ds)
- currentLocation = ds->name;
- if (ui.location->text() != currentLocation)
- markChangedWidget(ui.location);
-void MainTab::on_location_diveSiteSelected()
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- if (ui.location->text().isEmpty()) {
- displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid = 0;
- markChangedWidget(ui.location);
- emit diveSiteChanged(0);
- return;
- } else {
- if (ui.location->currDiveSiteUuid() != displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid) {
- markChangedWidget(ui.location);
- } else {
- QPalette p;
- ui.location->setPalette(p);
- }
- }
-void MainTab::on_diveTripLocation_textEdited(const QString& text)
- if (currentTrip) {
- free(displayedTrip.location);
- displayedTrip.location = strdup(qPrintable(text));
- markChangedWidget(ui.diveTripLocation);
- }
-void MainTab::on_suit_textChanged(const QString &text)
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- free(displayed_dive.suit);
- displayed_dive.suit = strdup(text.toUtf8().data());
- markChangedWidget(ui.suit);
-void MainTab::on_notes_textChanged()
- if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- if (currentTrip) {
- if (same_string(displayedTrip.notes, ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()))
- return;
- free(displayedTrip.notes);
- displayedTrip.notes = strdup(ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data());
- } else {
- if (same_string(displayed_dive.notes, ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()))
- return;
- free(displayed_dive.notes);
- if (ui.notes->toHtml().indexOf("<table") != -1)
- displayed_dive.notes = strdup(ui.notes->toHtml().toUtf8().data());
- else
- displayed_dive.notes = strdup(ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data());
- }
- markChangedWidget(ui.notes);
-void MainTab::on_rating_valueChanged(int value)
- if (acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- if (displayed_dive.rating != value) {
- displayed_dive.rating = value;
- modified = true;
- enableEdition();
- }
-void MainTab::on_visibility_valueChanged(int value)
- if (acceptingEdit == true)
- return;
- if (displayed_dive.visibility != value) {
- displayed_dive.visibility = value;
- modified = true;
- enableEdition();
- }
-#undef EDIT_TEXT
-#undef EDIT_VALUE
-void MainTab::editCylinderWidget(const QModelIndex &index)
- // we need a local copy or bad things happen when enableEdition() is called
- QModelIndex editIndex = index;
- if (cylindersModel->changed && editMode == NONE) {
- enableEdition();
- return;
- }
- if (editIndex.isValid() && editIndex.column() != CylindersModel::REMOVE) {
- if (editMode == NONE)
- enableEdition();
- ui.cylinders->edit(editIndex);
- }
-void MainTab::editWeightWidget(const QModelIndex &index)
- if (editMode == NONE)
- enableEdition();
- if (index.isValid() && index.column() != WeightModel::REMOVE)
- ui.weights->edit(index);
-void MainTab::escDetected()
- if (editMode != NONE)
- rejectChanges();
-void MainTab::photoDoubleClicked(const QString filePath)
- QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath));
-void MainTab::removeSelectedPhotos()
- if (!ui.photosView->selectionModel()->hasSelection())
- return;
- QModelIndex photoIndex = ui.photosView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first();
- QString fileUrl =;
- DivePictureModel::instance()->removePicture(fileUrl);
-#define SHOW_SELECTIVE(_component) \
- if (what._component) \
- ui._component->setText(displayed_dive._component);
-void MainTab::showAndTriggerEditSelective(struct dive_components what)
- // take the data in our copyPasteDive and apply it to selected dives
- enableEdition();
- copyPaste = true;
- SHOW_SELECTIVE(divemaster);
- if (what.notes) {
- QString tmp(displayed_dive.notes);
- if (tmp.contains("<table"))
- ui.notes->setHtml(tmp);
- else
- ui.notes->setPlainText(tmp);
- }
- if (what.rating)
- ui.rating->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.rating);
- if (what.visibility)
- ui.visibility->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.visibility);
- if (what.divesite)
- ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid);
- if (what.tags) {
- char buf[1024];
- taglist_get_tagstring(displayed_dive.tag_list, buf, 1024);
- ui.tagWidget->setText(QString(buf));
- }
- if (what.cylinders) {
- cylindersModel->updateDive();
- cylindersModel->changed = true;
- }
- if (what.weights) {
- weightModel->updateDive();
- weightModel->changed = true;
- }