path: root/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
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authorGravatar Maximilian Güntner <maximilian.guentner@gmail.com>2013-09-25 02:07:07 +0200
committerGravatar Maximilian Güntner <maximilian.guentner@gmail.com>2013-09-27 18:42:19 +0200
commit248f1b86d15b63fe5774667f8408e2abbd5f9504 (patch)
treef284af11c30b98566de74ffd0105a927ae31cead /qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
parent3312c9a3a4306a7448c45cd2c1eba3d0cc3503c3 (diff)
Added a ruler which can be dragged along the profile
This patch adds a ruler QGraphicsItem which can be dragged along the profile. The ruler displays minimum, maximum and average for depth and speed (ascent/descent rate). Also, all used gas will be displayed. This also adds a new attribute to struct plot_data to store the speed (not just as velocity_t). Signed-off-by: Maximilian Güntner <maximilian.guentner@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp b/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
index f9cf071e1..c0f1431b7 100644
--- a/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <qtextdocument.h>
+#include <limits>
#include "../color.h"
#include "../display.h"
@@ -43,10 +44,11 @@ extern struct ev_select *ev_namelist;
extern int evn_allocated;
extern int evn_used;
-ProfileGraphicsView::ProfileGraphicsView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent), toolTip(0) , dive(0), diveDC(0)
+ProfileGraphicsView::ProfileGraphicsView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent), toolTip(0) , dive(0), diveDC(0), rulerItem(0)
printMode = false;
isGrayscale = false;
+ rulerEnabled = false;
gc.printer = false;
setScene(new QGraphicsScene());
@@ -175,11 +177,18 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::clear()
zoomLevel = 0;
- if(toolTip){
+ if(toolTip) {
toolTip = 0;
+ if(rulerItem) {
+ remove_ruler();
+ rulerItem->destNode()->deleteLater();
+ rulerItem->sourceNode()->deleteLater();
+ rulerItem->deleteLater();
+ rulerItem=0;
+ }
@@ -214,7 +223,7 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot(struct dive *d, bool forceRedraw)
dive = d;
diveDC = d ? dc : NULL;
- if (!isVisible() || !dive) {
+ if (!isVisible() || !dive || !mainWindow()) {
@@ -274,6 +283,9 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot(struct dive *d, bool forceRedraw)
+ if (rulerEnabled && !printMode)
+ create_ruler();
/* Temperature profile */
@@ -336,6 +348,9 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot(struct dive *d, bool forceRedraw)
connect(timeEditor, SIGNAL(editingFinished(QString)), this, SLOT(edit_dive_time(QString)));
+ if (rulerEnabled && !printMode)
+ add_ruler();
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_depth_scale()
@@ -840,6 +855,57 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_one_event(struct event *ev)
+void ProfileGraphicsView::create_ruler()
+ int x,y;
+ struct plot_info *pi = &gc.pi;
+ struct plot_data *data = pi->entry;
+ RulerNodeItem *first = new RulerNodeItem(0, gc);
+ RulerNodeItem *second = new RulerNodeItem(0, gc);
+ x = SCALEXGC(data->sec);
+ y = data->depth;
+ first->setPos(x,y);
+ data = pi->entry+(pi->nr-1);
+ x = SCALEXGC(data->sec);
+ y = data->depth;
+ second->setPos(x,y);
+ //Make sure that both points already have their entries
+ first->recalculate();
+ second->recalculate();
+ rulerItem = new RulerItem(0, first, second);
+ first->setRuler(rulerItem);
+ second->setRuler(rulerItem);
+void ProfileGraphicsView::add_ruler()
+ if (! scene()->items().contains(rulerItem)) {
+ scene()->addItem(rulerItem->sourceNode());
+ scene()->addItem(rulerItem->destNode());
+ scene()->addItem(rulerItem);
+ rulerItem->recalculate();
+ }
+void ProfileGraphicsView::remove_ruler()
+ if (rulerItem) {
+ if (scene()->items().contains(rulerItem))
+ scene()->removeItem(rulerItem);
+ if (scene()->items().contains(rulerItem->sourceNode()))
+ scene()->removeItem(rulerItem->sourceNode());
+ if (scene()->items().contains(rulerItem->destNode()))
+ scene()->removeItem(rulerItem->destNode());
+ }
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_depth_profile()
int i, incr;
@@ -1131,7 +1197,7 @@ QGraphicsItemGroup *ProfileGraphicsView::plot_text(text_render_options_t *tro,co
void ProfileGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
- fitInView(sceneRect());
+ refresh();
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_temperature_profile()
@@ -1430,6 +1496,161 @@ EventItem::EventItem(QGraphicsItem* parent, bool grayscale): QGraphicsPolygonIte
+RulerNodeItem::RulerNodeItem(QGraphicsItem *parent, graphics_context context) : QGraphicsEllipseItem(parent), gc(context), entry(NULL) , ruler(NULL)
+ setRect(QRect(QPoint(-8,8),QPoint(8,-8)));
+ setBrush(QColor(0xff, 0, 0, 127));
+ setPen(QColor("#FF0000"));
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
+ setFlag(ItemSendsGeometryChanges);
+ setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+void RulerNodeItem::setRuler(RulerItem *r)
+ ruler = r;
+void RulerNodeItem::recalculate()
+ struct plot_info *pi = &gc.pi;
+ struct plot_data *data = pi->entry+(pi->nr-1);
+ uint16_t count = 0;
+ if (x() < 0) {
+ setPos(0, y());
+ }
+ else if (x() > SCALEXGC(data->sec)) {
+ setPos(SCALEXGC(data->sec), y());
+ }
+ else {
+ data = pi->entry;
+ count=0;
+ while (SCALEXGC(data->sec) < x() && count < pi->nr) {
+ data = pi->entry+count;
+ count++;
+ }
+ setPos(SCALEGC(data->sec, data->depth));
+ entry=data;
+ }
+QVariant RulerNodeItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
+ if(change == ItemPositionHasChanged) {
+ recalculate();
+ if(ruler != NULL)
+ ruler->recalculate();
+ if (scene()) {
+ scene()->update();
+ }
+ }
+ return QGraphicsEllipseItem::itemChange(change, value);
+RulerItem::RulerItem(QGraphicsItem *parent, RulerNodeItem *sourceNode, RulerNodeItem *destNode) : QGraphicsObject(parent), source(sourceNode), dest(destNode)
+ recalculate();
+void RulerItem::recalculate()
+ char buffer[500];
+ QPointF tmp;
+ QFont font;
+ QFontMetrics fm(font);
+ if (source == NULL || dest == NULL)
+ return;
+ prepareGeometryChange();
+ startPoint = mapFromItem(source, 0, 0);
+ endPoint = mapFromItem(dest, 0, 0);
+ if (startPoint.x() > endPoint.x()) {
+ tmp = endPoint;
+ endPoint = startPoint;
+ startPoint = tmp;
+ }
+ QLineF line(startPoint, endPoint);
+ compare_samples(source->entry, dest->entry, buffer, 500, 1);
+ text = QString(buffer);
+ QRect r = fm.boundingRect(QRect(QPoint(10,-1*INT_MAX), QPoint(line.length()-10, 0)), Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
+ if (r.height() < 10)
+ height = 10;
+ else
+ height = r.height();
+ QLineF line_n = line.normalVector();
+ line_n.setLength(height);
+ if (scene()) {
+ /* Determine whether we draw down or upwards */
+ if (scene()->sceneRect().contains(line_n.p2()) &&
+ scene()->sceneRect().contains(endPoint+QPointF(line_n.dx(),line_n.dy())))
+ paint_direction = -1;
+ else
+ paint_direction = 1;
+ }
+RulerNodeItem *RulerItem::sourceNode() const
+ return source;
+RulerNodeItem *RulerItem::destNode() const
+ return dest;
+void RulerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
+ QLineF line(startPoint, endPoint);
+ QLineF line_n = line.normalVector();
+ painter->setPen(QColor(Qt::black));
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ line_n.setLength(height);
+ if (paint_direction == 1)
+ line_n.setAngle(line_n.angle()+180);
+ painter->drawLine(line);
+ painter->drawLine(line_n);
+ painter->drawLine(line_n.p1() + QPointF(line.dx(), line.dy()), line_n.p2() + QPointF(line.dx(), line.dy()));
+ //Draw Text
+ painter->save();
+ painter->translate(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y());
+ painter->rotate(line.angle()*-1);
+ if (paint_direction == 1)
+ painter->translate(0, height);
+ painter->setPen(Qt::black);
+ painter->drawText(QRectF(QPointF(10,-1*height), QPointF(line.length()-10, 0)), Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
+ painter->restore();
+QRectF RulerItem::boundingRect() const
+ return shape().controlPointRect();
+QPainterPath RulerItem::shape() const
+ QPainterPath path;
+ QLineF line(startPoint, endPoint);
+ QLineF line_n = line.normalVector();
+ line_n.setLength(height);
+ if (paint_direction == 1)
+ line_n.setAngle(line_n.angle()+180);
+ path.moveTo(startPoint);
+ path.lineTo(line_n.p2());
+ path.lineTo(line_n.p2() + QPointF(line.dx(), line.dy()));
+ path.lineTo(endPoint);
+ path.lineTo(startPoint);
+ return path;
GraphicsTextEditor::GraphicsTextEditor(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsTextItem(parent)