path: root/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
diff options
authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>2013-05-07 16:09:51 -0700
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>2013-05-07 16:14:15 -0700
commitd590cb951988976f21bacc39d5ea1581c65d3b20 (patch)
tree55c759415b303b1c961b049c00fe50a7c2ded687 /qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
parentc928b9cb94b7e43983aaee46c82074466a6179a6 (diff)
Adds real support for ToolTips.
This patch changes the Event drawing so it can display tooltips. It is now the responsibility of the item to show / hide a tooltip. A bit of code-refactoring got on here too because I was using only QGraphicsItem calls and I wanted to use a hover in / hover out event to show / hide the tooltip. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabrava@kde.org> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp b/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
index eede292d7..81d343976 100644
--- a/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <QSettings>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QPropertyAnimation>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent>
#include "../color.h"
#include "../display.h"
@@ -323,32 +324,13 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_one_event(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plo
/* draw a little triangular marker and attach tooltip */
- QPolygonF poly;
- poly.push_back(QPointF(-8, 16));
- poly.push_back(QPointF(8, 16));
- poly.push_back(QPointF(0, 0));
- poly.push_back(QPointF(-8, 16));
int x = SCALEX(gc, ev->time.seconds);
int y = SCALEY(gc, depth);
- QPen pen = defaultPen;
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(profile_color[ALERT_BG].first()));
- QGraphicsPolygonItem *triangle = new QGraphicsPolygonItem();
- triangle->setPolygon(poly);
- triangle->setBrush(QBrush(profile_color[ALERT_BG].first()));
- triangle->setPen(pen);
- triangle->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations);
- triangle->setPos(x, y);
- QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,5,0,10, triangle);
- line->setPen(defaultPen);
- QGraphicsEllipseItem *ball = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-1, 12, 2,2, triangle);
- ball->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black));
- scene()->addItem(triangle);
+ EventItem *item = new EventItem();
+ item->setPos(x, y);
+ scene()->addItem(item);
/* we display the event on screen - so translate */
QString name = tr(ev->name);
@@ -373,9 +355,8 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_one_event(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plo
ev->flags == SAMPLE_FLAGS_END ? tr("Starts with space!", " end") : "";
- //attach_tooltip(x-6, y, 12, 12, buffer, ev);
- //triangle->setToolTip(name);
- toolTip->addToolTip(name);
+ item->setToolTipController(toolTip);
+ item->addToolTip(name);
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_depth_profile(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plot_info *pi)
@@ -639,16 +620,16 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
void ToolTipItem::addToolTip(const QString& toolTip, const QIcon& icon)
- qDebug() << "Tooltip Adicionado" << toolTip;
QGraphicsPixmapItem *iconItem = 0;
+ double yValue = title->boundingRect().height() + SPACING + toolTips.keys().size() * ICON_SMALL + SPACING;
if (!icon.isNull()) {
iconItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(icon.pixmap(ICON_SMALL,ICON_SMALL), this);
- iconItem->setPos( 4, toolTips.keys().size() * ICON_SMALL + 4);
+ iconItem->setPos( SPACING, yValue);
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(toolTip, this);
- textItem->setPos( 4 + ICON_SMALL + 4, toolTips.keys().size() * ICON_SMALL + 4);
+ textItem->setPos( SPACING + ICON_SMALL + SPACING, yValue);
textItem->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
@@ -662,6 +643,22 @@ void ToolTipItem::removeToolTip(const QString& toolTip)
ToolTip toBeRemoved = toolTips[toolTip];
delete toBeRemoved.first;
delete toBeRemoved.second;
+ toolTips.remove(toolTip);
+ int toolTipIndex = 0;
+ // We removed a toolTip, let's move the others to the correct location
+ Q_FOREACH(ToolTip t, toolTips){
+ double yValue = title->boundingRect().height() + SPACING + toolTipIndex * ICON_SMALL + SPACING;
+ // Icons can be null.
+ if (t.first)
+ t.first->setPos(SPACING, yValue);
+ t.second->setPos(SPACING + ICON_SMALL + SPACING, yValue);
+ toolTipIndex++;
+ }
@@ -700,6 +697,7 @@ void ToolTipItem::setRect(const QRectF& r)
background = b;
+ updateTitlePosition();
@@ -715,30 +713,125 @@ void ToolTipItem::collapse()
void ToolTipItem::expand()
- QRectF newRect = childrenBoundingRect();
- newRect = QRect(0, 0, newRect.width() + 8, newRect.height() + 8);
- if (newRect != boundingRect()) {
- QRectF newRect = childrenBoundingRect();
- QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect");
- animation->setDuration(100);
- animation->setStartValue(boundingRect());
- animation->setEndValue(newRect);
- animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ QRectF currentRect = rectangle;
+ QRectF nextRectangle;
+ double width = 0;
+ Q_FOREACH(ToolTip t, toolTips) {
+ if (t.second->boundingRect().width() > width)
+ width = t.second->boundingRect().width();
+ double height = toolTips.count() * 18 + title->boundingRect().height() + SPACING;
+ /* Left padding, Icon Size, space, right padding */
+ if (width < title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*2)
+ width = title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*2;
+ if( height < ICON_SMALL)
+ height = ICON_SMALL;
+ nextRectangle.setWidth(width);
+ nextRectangle.setHeight(height);
+ QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect");
+ animation->setDuration(100);
+ animation->setStartValue(rectangle);
+ animation->setEndValue(nextRectangle);
+ animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
ToolTipItem::ToolTipItem(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsPathItem(parent), background(0)
- setRect(QRectF(0,0,ICON_SMALL, ICON_SMALL));
- setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations);
- setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
+ title = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(tr("Information"), this);
+ separator = new QGraphicsLineItem(this);
+ setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+ setFlag(ItemIsMovable);
+ updateTitlePosition();
+ setZValue(99);
+void ToolTipItem::updateTitlePosition()
+ if (rectangle.width() < title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*4 ){
+ QRectF newRect = rectangle;
+ newRect.setWidth(title->boundingRect().width() + SPACING*4);
+ newRect.setHeight( newRect.height() ? newRect.height() : ICON_SMALL );
+ setRect(newRect);
+ }
+ title->setPos(boundingRect().width()/2 -title->boundingRect().width()/2, 0);
+ title->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+ title->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
+ title->setBrush(Qt::white);
+ if (toolTips.size() > 0){
+ double x1 = 0;
+ double y1 = title->pos().y() + SPACING/2 + title->boundingRect().height();
+ double x2 = boundingRect().width() - 4;
+ double y2 = y1;
+ separator->setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ separator->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+ separator->setPen(QPen(Qt::white));
+ }else{
+ separator->setLine(QLineF());
+ }
+EventItem::EventItem(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsPolygonItem(parent)
+ setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+ setFlag(ItemIsFocusable);
+ setAcceptHoverEvents(true);
+ QPolygonF poly;
+ poly.push_back(QPointF(-8, 16));
+ poly.push_back(QPointF(8, 16));
+ poly.push_back(QPointF(0, 0));
+ poly.push_back(QPointF(-8, 16));
+ QPen defaultPen ;
+ defaultPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin);
+ defaultPen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap);
+ defaultPen.setWidth(2);
+ QPen pen = defaultPen;
+ pen.setBrush(QBrush(profile_color[ALERT_BG].first()));
+ setPolygon(poly);
+ setBrush(QBrush(profile_color[ALERT_BG].first()));
+ setPen(pen);
+ QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem(0,5,0,10, this);
+ line->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2));
+ QGraphicsEllipseItem *ball = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-1, 12, 2,2, this);
+ ball->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black));
+void EventItem::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event)
+ controller->addToolTip(text, icon);
+void EventItem::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event)
+ controller->removeToolTip(text);
-void ToolTipStatusHandler::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+void EventItem::addToolTip(const QString& t, const QIcon& i)
- QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event);
+ text = t;
+ icon = i;
-ToolTipStatusHandler::ToolTipStatusHandler(QObject* parent): QObject(parent), QGraphicsEllipseItem()
+void EventItem::setToolTipController(ToolTipItem* c)
+ controller = c;