path: root/core/planner.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/planner.c')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/core/planner.c b/core/planner.c
index ad7678188..ab4ba2dd2 100644
--- a/core/planner.c
+++ b/core/planner.c
@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@ static void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool
bool gaschange_before;
bool lastentered = true;
struct divedatapoint *nextdp = NULL;
+ struct divedatapoint *lastbottomdp = NULL;
plan_verbatim = prefs.verbatim_plan;
plan_display_runtime = prefs.display_runtime;
@@ -639,6 +640,17 @@ static void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool
if (dp->time - lasttime < 10 && !(gaschange_after && dp->next && dp->depth != dp->next->depth))
+ /* Store pointer to last entered datapoint for minimum gas calculation */
+ /* Do this only if depth is larger than last/2nd last deco stop at ~6m */
+ int secondlastdecostop = 0;
+ if (prefs.units.length == METERS ) {
+ secondlastdecostop = decostoplevels_metric[2];
+ } else {
+ secondlastdecostop = decostoplevels_imperial[2];
+ }
+ if (dp->entered && !nextdp->entered && dp->depth > secondlastdecostop)
+ lastbottomdp = dp;
len = strlen(buffer);
if (plan_verbatim) {
/* When displaying a verbatim plan, we output a waypoint for every gas change.
@@ -847,10 +859,13 @@ static void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool
snprintf(temp, sz_temp, "%s %.*f|%.*f%s/min):", translate("gettextFromC", "Gas consumption (based on SAC"),
sacdecimals, bottomsacvalue, sacdecimals, decosacvalue, sacunit);
len += snprintf(buffer + len, sz_buffer - len, "<div>%s<br>", temp);
+ /* Print gas consumption: This loop covers all cylinders */
for (int gasidx = 0; gasidx < MAX_CYLINDERS; gasidx++) {
- double volume, pressure, deco_volume, deco_pressure;
- const char *unit, *pressure_unit;
+ double volume, pressure, deco_volume, deco_pressure, mingas_volume, mingas_pressure, mingas_depth;
+ const char *unit, *pressure_unit, *depth_unit;
char warning[1000] = "";
+ char mingas[1000] = "";
cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[gasidx];
if (cylinder_none(cyl))
@@ -867,23 +882,59 @@ static void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool
* This only works if we have working pressure for the cylinder
* 10bar is a made up number - but it seemed silly to pretend you could breathe cylinder down to 0 */
if (cyl->end.mbar < 10000)
- snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), " &mdash; <span style='color: red;'>%s </span> %s",
+ snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: red;'>%s </span> %s",
translate("gettextFromC", "Warning:"),
translate("gettextFromC", "this is more gas than available in the specified cylinder!"));
if ((float) cyl->end.mbar * cyl->type.size.mliter / 1000.0 / gas_compressibility_factor(&cyl->gasmix, cyl->end.mbar / 1000.0)
< (float) cyl->deco_gas_used.mliter)
- snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), " &mdash; <span style='color: red;'>%s </span> %s",
+ snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: red;'>%s </span> %s",
translate("gettextFromC", "Warning:"),
translate("gettextFromC", "not enough reserve for gas sharing on ascent!"));
- snprintf(temp, sz_temp, translate("gettextFromC", "%.0f%s/%.0f%s of %s (%.0f%s/%.0f%s in planned ascent)"), volume, unit, pressure, pressure_unit, gasname(&cyl->gasmix), deco_volume, unit, deco_pressure, pressure_unit);
+ /* Do and print minimum gas calculation for last bottom gas, but only for OC mode */
+ /* and if no other warning was set before. */
+ else
+ if (lastbottomdp && gasidx == lastbottomdp->cylinderid
+ && dive->dc.divemode == OC) {
+ /* Calculate minimum gas volume. */
+ volume_t mingasv;
+ mingasv.mliter = prefs.problemsolvingtime * prefs.bottomsac * prefs.sacfactor / 100.0
+ * depth_to_bar(lastbottomdp->depth, dive)
+ + cyl->deco_gas_used.mliter * prefs.sacfactor / 100.0;
+ /* Calculate minimum gas pressure for cyclinder. */
+ pressure_t mingasp;
+ mingasp.mbar = isothermal_pressure(&cyl->gasmix, 1.0,
+ mingasv.mliter, cyl->type.size.mliter) * 1000;
+ /* Translate all results into correct units */
+ mingas_volume = get_volume_units(mingasv.mliter, NULL, &unit);
+ mingas_pressure = get_pressure_units(mingasp.mbar, &pressure_unit);
+ mingas_depth = get_depth_units(lastbottomdp->depth, NULL, &depth_unit);
+ /* Print it to results */
+ if (cyl->start.mbar > mingasp.mbar) snprintf(mingas, sizeof(mingas),
+ translate("gettextFromC", "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: green;'>Minimum gas</span> (based on %.1fxSAC/+%dmin@%.0f%s): %.0f%s/%.0f%s"),
+ prefs.sacfactor / 100.0, prefs.problemsolvingtime,
+ mingas_depth, depth_unit,
+ mingas_volume, unit,
+ mingas_pressure, pressure_unit);
+ else snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: red;'>%s </span> %s",
+ translate("gettextFromC", "Warning:"),
+ translate("gettextFromC", "required minimum gas for ascent already exceeding start pressure of cylinder!"));
+ }
+ /* Print the gas consumption for every cylinder here to temp buffer. */
+ snprintf(temp, sz_temp, translate("gettextFromC", "%.0f%s/%.0f%s of <span style='color: red;'><b>%s</b></span> (%.0f%s/%.0f%s in planned ascent)"), volume, unit, pressure, pressure_unit, gasname(&cyl->gasmix), deco_volume, unit, deco_pressure, pressure_unit);
} else {
- snprintf(temp, sz_temp, translate("gettextFromC", "%.0f%s (%.0f%s during planned ascent) of %s"), volume, unit, deco_volume, unit, gasname(&cyl->gasmix));
+ snprintf(temp, sz_temp, translate("gettextFromC", "%.0f%s (%.0f%s during planned ascent) of <span style='color: red;'><b>%s</b></span>"),
+ volume, unit, deco_volume, unit, gasname(&cyl->gasmix));
- len += snprintf(buffer + len, sz_buffer - len, "%s%s<br>", temp, warning);
+ /* Gas consumption: Now finally print all strings to output */
+ len += snprintf(buffer + len, sz_buffer - len, "%s%s%s<br>", temp, warning, mingas);
+ /* Print warnings for pO2 */
dp = diveplan->dp;
+ bool o2warning_exist = false;
if (dive->dc.divemode != CCR) {
while (dp) {
if (dp->time != 0) {
@@ -896,6 +947,8 @@ static void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool
int decimals;
double depth_value = get_depth_units(dp->depth, &decimals, &depth_unit);
len = strlen(buffer);
+ if (!o2warning_exist) len += snprintf(buffer + len, sz_buffer - len, "<br>");
+ o2warning_exist = true;
snprintf(temp, sz_temp,
translate("gettextFromC", "high pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %s"),
pressures.o2, FRACTION(dp->time, 60), gasname(gasmix), decimals, depth_value, depth_unit);
@@ -906,6 +959,8 @@ static void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool
int decimals;
double depth_value = get_depth_units(dp->depth, &decimals, &depth_unit);
len = strlen(buffer);
+ if (!o2warning_exist) len += snprintf(buffer + len, sz_buffer - len, "<br>");
+ o2warning_exist = true;
snprintf(temp, sz_temp,
translate("gettextFromC", "low pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %s"),
pressures.o2, FRACTION(dp->time, 60), gasname(gasmix), decimals, depth_value, depth_unit);