path: root/qt-models
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Diffstat (limited to 'qt-models')
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 694 deletions
diff --git a/qt-models/filtermodels.cpp b/qt-models/filtermodels.cpp
index a6e80aa8f..31c6fe0af 100644
--- a/qt-models/filtermodels.cpp
+++ b/qt-models/filtermodels.cpp
@@ -15,547 +15,10 @@
#include <QDebug>
#include <algorithm>
- CLASS *CLASS::instance() \
- { \
- static CLASS *self = new CLASS(); \
- return self; \
- }
-FilterModelBase::FilterModelBase(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent),
- anyChecked(false),
- negate(false)
-// Get index of item with given name, but ignore last item, as this
-// is the "Show Empty Tags" item. Return -1 for not found.
-int FilterModelBase::indexOf(const QString &name) const
- for (int i = 0; i < rowCount() - 1; i++) {
- if (name == items[i].name)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-int FilterModelBase::findInsertionIndex(const QString &name)
- // Find insertion position. Note: we search only up to the last
- // item, because the last item is the "Show Empty Tags" item.
- // N.B: We might do a binary search using std::lower_bound()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < rowCount() - 1; i++) {
- if (name < items[i].name)
- return i;
- }
- return i;
-void FilterModelBase::addItem(const QString &name, bool checked, int count)
- int idx = findInsertionIndex(name);
- beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx);
- items.insert(items.begin() + idx, { name, checked, count });
- endInsertRows();
-void FilterModelBase::changeName(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName)
- if (oldName.isEmpty() || newName.isEmpty() || oldName == newName)
- return;
- int oldIndex = indexOf(oldName);
- if (oldIndex < 0)
- return;
- int newIndex = indexOf(newName);
- if (newIndex >= 0) {
- // If there was already an entry with the new name, we are merging entries.
- // Thus, if the old entry was selected, also select the new entry.
- if (items[oldIndex].checked && !items[newIndex].checked) {
- items[newIndex].checked = true;
- dataChanged(createIndex(newIndex, 0), createIndex(newIndex, 0));
- }
- // Now, delete the old item
- beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), oldIndex, oldIndex);
- items.erase(items.begin() + oldIndex);
- endRemoveRows();
- } else {
- // There was no entry of the same name. We might have to move the item.
- newIndex = findInsertionIndex(newName);
- if (oldIndex != newIndex && oldIndex + 1 != newIndex) {
- beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), oldIndex, oldIndex, QModelIndex(), newIndex);
- moveInVector(items, oldIndex, oldIndex + 1, newIndex);
- endMoveRows();
- }
- // The item was moved, but the name still has to be modified
- items[newIndex].name = newName;
- dataChanged(createIndex(newIndex, 0), createIndex(newIndex, 0));
- }
-// Update the the items array.
-// The last item is supposed to be the "Show Empty Tags" entry.
-// All other items will be sorted alphabetically. Attention: the passed-in list is modified!
-void FilterModelBase::updateList(QStringList &newList)
- // Sort list, but leave out last element by using std::prev()
- if (!newList.empty())
- std::sort(newList.begin(), std::prev(newList.end()));
- beginResetModel();
- // Keep copy of the old items array to reimport the checked state later.
- // Note that by using std::move(), this is an essentially free operation:
- // The data is moved from the old array to the new one and the old array
- // is reset to zero size.
- std::vector<Item> oldItems = std::move(items);
- // Resize the cleared array to the new size. This leaves the checked
- // flag in an undefined state (since we didn't define a default constructor).
- items.resize(newList.count());
- // First, reset all checked states to false and set the names
- anyChecked = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i) {
- items[i].name = newList[i];
- items[i].checked = false;
- }
- // Then, restore the checked state. Ignore the last item, since
- // this is the "Show Empty Tags" entry.
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)oldItems.size() - 1; i++) {
- if (oldItems[i].checked) {
- int ind = newList.indexOf(oldItems[i].name);
- if (ind >= 0 && ind < newList.count() - 1) {
- items[ind].checked = true;
- anyChecked = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset the state of the "Show Empty Tags" entry. But be careful:
- // on program startup, the old list is empty.
- if (!oldItems.empty() && !items.empty() && oldItems.back().checked) {
- items.back().checked = true;
- anyChecked = true;
- }
- // Finally, calculate and cache the counts. Ignore the last item, since
- // this is the "Show Empty Tags" entry.
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)newList.size() - 1; i++)
- items[i].count = countDives(qPrintable(newList[i]));
- // Calculate count of "Empty Tags".
- if (!items.empty())
- items.back().count = countDives("");
- endResetModel();
-// Decrease count of entry with given name. Remove if count reaches zero.
-// Exception: Don't remove the "Show Empty Tags" entry.
-void FilterModelBase::decreaseCount(const QString &name)
- if (name.isEmpty()) {
- // Decrease the "Show Empty Tags" entry. Keep it even if count reaches 0.
- if (items.empty() || items.back().count <= 0)
- return; // Shouldn't happen!
- --items.back().count;
- int idx = items.size() - 1;
- dataChanged(createIndex(idx, 0), createIndex(idx, 0));
- return;
- }
- int idx = indexOf(name);
- if (idx < 0 || items[idx].count <= 0)
- return; // Shouldn't happen
- if(--items[idx].count == 0) {
- beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx);
- items.erase(items.begin() + idx);
- endRemoveRows();
- } else {
- dataChanged(createIndex(idx, 0), createIndex(idx, 0));
- }
-// Increase count of entry with given name. If entry doesn't yet exist, add it.
-void FilterModelBase::increaseCount(const QString &name)
- if (name.isEmpty()) {
- // Increase the "Show Empty Tags" entry. Keep it even if count reaches 0.
- if (items.empty())
- return; // Shouldn't happen!
- ++items.back().count;
- int idx = items.size() - 1;
- dataChanged(createIndex(idx, 0), createIndex(idx, 0));
- return;
- }
- int idx = indexOf(name);
- if (idx < 0) {
- idx = findInsertionIndex(name);
- beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx);
- items.insert(items.begin() + idx, { name, anyChecked, 1 });
- endInsertRows();
- } else {
- ++items[idx].count;
- dataChanged(createIndex(idx, 0), createIndex(idx, 0));
- }
-Qt::ItemFlags FilterModelBase::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
- return QAbstractListModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
-bool FilterModelBase::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
- if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole) {
- items[index.row()].checked = value.toBool();
- anyChecked = false;
- for (const Item &item: items) {
- if (item.checked) {
- anyChecked = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- dataChanged(index, index, { role });
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-int FilterModelBase::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const
- return items.size();
-QVariant FilterModelBase::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
- if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole) {
- return items[index.row()].checked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
- } else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
- const Item &item = items[index.row()];
- return QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(item.name, QString::number(item.count));
- }
- return QVariant();
-void FilterModelBase::clearFilter()
- for (Item &item: items)
- item.checked = false;
- anyChecked = false;
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(rowCount() - 1, 0));
-void FilterModelBase::selectAll()
- for (Item &item: items)
- item.checked = true;
- anyChecked = true;
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(rowCount() - 1, 0));
-void FilterModelBase::invertSelection()
- for (Item &item: items)
- item.checked = !item.checked;
- anyChecked = std::any_of(items.begin(), items.end(), [](Item &item) { return !!item.checked; });
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(rowCount() - 1, 0));
-void FilterModelBase::setNegate(bool negateParam)
- negate = negateParam;
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(rowCount() - 1, 0));
-SuitsFilterModel::SuitsFilterModel(QObject *parent) : FilterModelBase(parent)
-int SuitsFilterModel::countDives(const char *s) const
- return count_dives_with_suit(s);
-bool SuitsFilterModel::doFilter(const dive *d) const
- // rowCount() == 0 should never happen, because we have the "no suits" row
- // let's handle it gracefully anyway.
- if (!anyChecked || rowCount() == 0)
- return true;
- // Checked means 'Show', Unchecked means 'Hide'.
- QString suit(d->suit);
- // only show empty suit dives if the user checked that.
- if (suit.isEmpty())
- return items[rowCount() - 1].checked != negate;
- // there is a suit selected
- // Ignore last item, since this is the "Show Empty Tags" entry
- for (int i = 0; i < rowCount() - 1; i++) {
- if (items[i].checked && suit == items[i].name)
- return !negate;
- }
- return negate;
-void SuitsFilterModel::diveAdded(const dive *d)
- increaseCount(QString(d->suit));
-void SuitsFilterModel::diveDeleted(const dive *d)
- decreaseCount(QString(d->suit));
-void SuitsFilterModel::repopulate()
- QStringList list;
- struct dive *dive;
- int i = 0;
- for_each_dive (i, dive) {
- QString suit(dive->suit);
- if (!suit.isEmpty() && !list.contains(suit)) {
- list.append(suit);
- }
- }
- list << tr("No suit set");
- updateList(list);
-TagFilterModel::TagFilterModel(QObject *parent) : FilterModelBase(parent)
-int TagFilterModel::countDives(const char *s) const
- return count_dives_with_tag(s);
-void TagFilterModel::repopulate()
- if (g_tag_list == NULL)
- return;
- QStringList list;
- struct tag_entry *current_tag_entry = g_tag_list;
- while (current_tag_entry != NULL) {
- if (count_dives_with_tag(current_tag_entry->tag->name) > 0)
- list.append(QString(current_tag_entry->tag->name));
- current_tag_entry = current_tag_entry->next;
- }
- list << tr("Empty tags");
- updateList(list);
-bool TagFilterModel::doFilter(const dive *d) const
- // If there's nothing checked, this should show everything
- // rowCount() == 0 should never happen, because we have the "no tags" row
- // let's handle it gracefully anyway.
- if (!anyChecked || rowCount() == 0)
- return true;
- // Checked means 'Show', Unchecked means 'Hide'.
- struct tag_entry *head = d->tag_list;
- if (!head) // last tag means "Show empty tags";
- return items[rowCount() - 1].checked != negate;
- // have at least one tag.
- while (head) {
- QString tagName(head->tag->name);
- int index = indexOf(tagName);
- if (index >= 0 && items[index].checked)
- return !negate;
- head = head->next;
- }
- return negate;
-void TagFilterModel::diveAdded(const dive *d)
- struct tag_entry *head = d->tag_list;
- if (!head) {
- increaseCount(QString());
- return;
- }
- while (head) {
- increaseCount(QString());
- increaseCount(QString(head->tag->name));
- head = head->next;
- }
-void TagFilterModel::diveDeleted(const dive *d)
- struct tag_entry *head = d->tag_list;
- if (!head) {
- decreaseCount(QString());
- return;
- }
- while (head) {
- decreaseCount(QString(head->tag->name));
- head = head->next;
- }
-BuddyFilterModel::BuddyFilterModel(QObject *parent) : FilterModelBase(parent)
-int BuddyFilterModel::countDives(const char *s) const
- return count_dives_with_person(s);
-static QStringList getDiveBuddies(const dive *d)
- QString persons = QString(d->buddy) + "," + QString(d->divemaster);
- QStringList personsList = persons.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- for (QString &s: personsList)
- s = s.trimmed();
- return personsList;
-bool BuddyFilterModel::doFilter(const dive *d) const
- // If there's nothing checked, this should show everything
- // rowCount() == 0 should never happen, because we have the "no tags" row
- // let's handle it gracefully anyway.
- if (!anyChecked || rowCount() == 0)
- return true;
- QStringList personsList = getDiveBuddies(d);
- // only show empty buddie dives if the user checked that.
- if (personsList.isEmpty())
- return items[rowCount() - 1].checked != negate;
- // have at least one buddy
- // Ignore last item, since this is the "Show Empty Tags" entry
- for (int i = 0; i < rowCount() - 1; i++) {
- if (items[i].checked && personsList.contains(items[i].name, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- return !negate;
- }
- return negate;
-void BuddyFilterModel::diveAdded(const dive *d)
- QStringList buddies = getDiveBuddies(d);
- if (buddies.empty()) {
- increaseCount(QString());
- return;
- }
- for(const QString &buddy: buddies)
- increaseCount(buddy);
-void BuddyFilterModel::diveDeleted(const dive *d)
+MultiFilterSortModel *MultiFilterSortModel::instance()
- QStringList buddies = getDiveBuddies(d);
- if (buddies.empty()) {
- decreaseCount(QString());
- return;
- }
- for(const QString &buddy: buddies)
- decreaseCount(buddy);
-void BuddyFilterModel::repopulate()
- QStringList list;
- struct dive *dive;
- int i = 0;
- for_each_dive (i, dive) {
- QString persons = QString(dive->buddy) + "," + QString(dive->divemaster);
- Q_FOREACH (const QString &person, persons.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) {
- // Remove any leading spaces
- if (!list.contains(person.trimmed())) {
- list.append(person.trimmed());
- }
- }
- }
- list << tr("No buddies");
- updateList(list);
-LocationFilterModel::LocationFilterModel(QObject *parent) : FilterModelBase(parent)
-int LocationFilterModel::countDives(const char *s) const
- return count_dives_with_location(s);
-bool LocationFilterModel::doFilter(const dive *d) const
- // rowCount() == 0 should never happen, because we have the "no location" row
- // let's handle it gracefully anyway.
- if (!anyChecked || rowCount() == 0)
- return true;
- // Checked means 'Show', Unchecked means 'Hide'.
- QString location(get_dive_location(d));
- // only show empty location dives if the user checked that.
- if (location.isEmpty())
- return items[rowCount() - 1].checked != negate;
- // There is a location selected
- // Ignore last item, since this is the "Show Empty Tags" entry
- for (int i = 0; i < rowCount() - 1; i++) {
- if (items[i].checked && location == items[i].name)
- return !negate;
- }
- return negate;
-void LocationFilterModel::diveAdded(const dive *d)
- increaseCount(get_dive_location(d));
-void LocationFilterModel::diveDeleted(const dive *d)
- decreaseCount(get_dive_location(d));
-void LocationFilterModel::repopulate()
- QStringList list;
- struct dive *dive;
- int i = 0;
- for_each_dive (i, dive) {
- QString location(get_dive_location(dive));
- if (!location.isEmpty() && !list.contains(location)) {
- list.append(location);
- }
- }
- list << tr("No location set");
- updateList(list);
-void LocationFilterModel::addName(const QString &newName)
- if (newName.isEmpty() || indexOf(newName) >= 0)
- return;
- int count = countDives(qPrintable(newName));
- // If any old item was checked, also check the new one so that
- // dives with the added dive site are shown.
- addItem(newName, anyChecked, count);
+ static MultiFilterSortModel self;
+ return &self;
MultiFilterSortModel::MultiFilterSortModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent),
@@ -574,28 +37,6 @@ void MultiFilterSortModel::setLayout(DiveTripModel::Layout layout)
tripModel->setLayout(layout); // Note: setLayout() resets the whole model
-void MultiFilterSortModel::divesAdded(const QVector<dive *> &dives)
- // TODO: We call diveAdded for every dive and model.
- // If multiple dives are added (e.g. import dive) this will lead to a large
- // number of model changes and might be a pessimization compared to a full
- // model reload. Instead, the models should take the vector, calculate the
- // new fields and add them at once.
- for (FilterModelBase *model: models) {
- for (const dive *d: dives)
- model->diveAdded(d);
- }
-void MultiFilterSortModel::divesDeleted(const QVector<dive *> &dives)
- // TODO: See comment for divesDeleted
- for (FilterModelBase *model: models) {
- for (const dive *d: dives)
- model->diveDeleted(d);
- }
bool MultiFilterSortModel::showDive(const struct dive *d) const
if (curr_dive_site) {
@@ -605,14 +46,6 @@ bool MultiFilterSortModel::showDive(const struct dive *d) const
return ds == curr_dive_site || same_string(ds->name, curr_dive_site->name);
- if (models.isEmpty())
- return true;
- for (const FilterModelBase *model: models) {
- if (!model->doFilter(d))
- return false;
- }
return true;
@@ -674,23 +107,8 @@ void MultiFilterSortModel::myInvalidate()
-void MultiFilterSortModel::addFilterModel(FilterModelBase *model)
- models.append(model);
- connect(model, &FilterModelBase::dataChanged, this, &MultiFilterSortModel::filterChanged);
-void MultiFilterSortModel::removeFilterModel(FilterModelBase *model)
- models.removeAll(model);
- disconnect(model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(myInvalidate()));
void MultiFilterSortModel::clearFilter()
- Q_FOREACH (FilterModelBase *iface, models) {
- iface->clearFilter();
- }
diff --git a/qt-models/filtermodels.h b/qt-models/filtermodels.h
index 6956146e1..61b82be33 100644
--- a/qt-models/filtermodels.h
+++ b/qt-models/filtermodels.h
@@ -34,119 +34,11 @@ struct FilterData {
bool invertFilter;
-class FilterModelBase : public QAbstractListModel {
- int findInsertionIndex(const QString &name);
- struct Item {
- QString name;
- bool checked;
- int count;
- };
- std::vector<Item> items;
- int indexOf(const QString &name) const;
- void addItem(const QString &name, bool checked, int count);
- int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
- void decreaseCount(const QString &d);
- void increaseCount(const QString &d);
- virtual bool doFilter(const dive *d) const = 0;
- virtual void diveAdded(const dive *d) = 0;
- virtual void diveDeleted(const dive *d) = 0;
- void clearFilter();
- void selectAll();
- void invertSelection();
- bool anyChecked;
- bool negate;
- void setNegate(bool negate);
- void changeName(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName);
- explicit FilterModelBase(QObject *parent = 0);
- void updateList(QStringList &new_list);
- virtual int countDives(const char *) const = 0;
- Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
- QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
- bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole);
-class TagFilterModel : public FilterModelBase {
- static TagFilterModel *instance();
- bool doFilter(const dive *d) const;
- void repopulate();
- explicit TagFilterModel(QObject *parent = 0);
- int countDives(const char *) const;
- void diveAdded(const dive *d);
- void diveDeleted(const dive *d);
-class BuddyFilterModel : public FilterModelBase {
- static BuddyFilterModel *instance();
- bool doFilter(const dive *d) const;
- void repopulate();
- explicit BuddyFilterModel(QObject *parent = 0);
- int countDives(const char *) const;
- void diveAdded(const dive *d);
- void diveDeleted(const dive *d);
-class LocationFilterModel : public FilterModelBase {
- static LocationFilterModel *instance();
- bool doFilter(const dive *d) const;
- void repopulate();
- void addName(const QString &newName);
- explicit LocationFilterModel(QObject *parent = 0);
- int countDives(const char *) const;
- void diveAdded(const dive *d);
- void diveDeleted(const dive *d);
-class SuitsFilterModel : public FilterModelBase {
- static SuitsFilterModel *instance();
- bool doFilter(const dive *d) const;
- void repopulate();
- explicit SuitsFilterModel(QObject *parent = 0);
- int countDives(const char *) const;
- void diveAdded(const dive *d);
- void diveDeleted(const dive *d);
class MultiFilterSortModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel {
static MultiFilterSortModel *instance();
bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const override;
- void addFilterModel(FilterModelBase *model);
- void removeFilterModel(FilterModelBase *model);
- void divesAdded(const QVector<dive *> &dives);
- void divesDeleted(const QVector<dive *> &dives);
bool showDive(const struct dive *d) const;
int divesDisplayed;
bool lessThan(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &) const override;
@@ -165,7 +57,6 @@ signals:
MultiFilterSortModel(QObject *parent = 0);
- QList<FilterModelBase *> models;
struct dive_site *curr_dive_site;
DiveTripModel *model;
FilterData filterData;