path: root/qt-ui/diveplanner.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/diveplanner.cpp')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/diveplanner.cpp b/qt-ui/diveplanner.cpp
index 5c8973224..cc4565e1a 100644
--- a/qt-ui/diveplanner.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/diveplanner.cpp
@@ -41,135 +41,6 @@ QString dpGasToStr(const divedatapoint &p)
return gasToStr(p.o2, p.he);
-static DivePlannerDisplay *plannerDisplay = DivePlannerDisplay::instance();
-DivePlannerDisplay::DivePlannerDisplay(QObject *parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent)
-DivePlannerDisplay *DivePlannerDisplay::instance()
- static QScopedPointer<DivePlannerDisplay> self(new DivePlannerDisplay());
- return self.data();
-int DivePlannerDisplay::size()
- return computedPoints.size();
-int DivePlannerDisplay::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- return COLUMNS;
-QVariant DivePlannerDisplay::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
- if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
- computedPoint p = computedPoints.at(index.row());
- switch (index.column()) {
- return rint(get_depth_units(p.computedDepth, NULL, NULL));
- return p.computedTime / 60;
- }
- } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
- switch (index.column()) {
- case REMOVE:
- return QIcon(":trash");
- }
- } else if (role == Qt::FontRole) {
- return defaultModelFont();
- }
- return QVariant();
-bool DivePlannerDisplay::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
- if (role == Qt::EditRole) {
- computedPoint &p = computedPoints[index.row()];
- switch (index.column()) {
- p.computedDepth = units_to_depth(value.toInt());
- break;
- p.computedTime = value.toInt() * 60;
- break;
- }
- }
- return QAbstractItemModel::setData(index, value, role);
-QVariant DivePlannerDisplay::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
- if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
- switch (section) {
- return tr("Comp. Depth");
- return tr("Comp. Duration");
- }
- } else if (role == Qt::FontRole) {
- return defaultModelFont();
- }
- return QVariant();
-Qt::ItemFlags DivePlannerDisplay::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
- return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
-int DivePlannerDisplay::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
- return computedPoints.size();
-struct computedPoint DivePlannerDisplay::at(int row)
- return computedPoints.at(row);
-void DivePlannerDisplay::clear()
- if (rowCount() > 0) {
- beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, rowCount() - 1);
- computedPoints.clear();
- endRemoveRows();
- }
-void DivePlannerDisplay::removeStops()
- if (rowCount() > 0) {
- beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, rowCount() - 1);
- endRemoveRows();
- }
-void DivePlannerDisplay::addStops()
- int rows = computedPoints.size();
- if (rows > 0) {
- beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, rows - 1);
- endInsertRows();
- }
-void DivePlannerDisplay::insertPoint(const struct computedPoint &p)
- computedPoints.append(p);
-void DivePlannerDisplay::remove(const QModelIndex &index)
- if (index.column() != REMOVE)
- return;
- beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index.row(), index.row());
- endRemoveRows();
static DivePlannerPointsModel *plannerModel = DivePlannerPointsModel::instance();
DivePlannerGraphics::DivePlannerGraphics(QWidget *parent) : QGraphicsView(parent),
@@ -311,7 +182,8 @@ void DivePlannerGraphics::pointInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, in
gases << gasChooseBtn;
- drawProfile();
+ if(plannerModel->recalcQ())
+ drawProfile();
void DivePlannerGraphics::keyDownAction()
@@ -585,6 +457,8 @@ QStringList &DivePlannerPointsModel::getGasList()
void DivePlannerGraphics::drawProfile()
+ if(!plannerModel->recalcQ())
+ return;
@@ -598,7 +472,7 @@ void DivePlannerGraphics::drawProfile()
while (dp->next) {
- if (dp->depth > max_depth)
+ if (dp->time && dp->depth > max_depth)
max_depth = dp->depth;
dp = dp->next;
@@ -639,7 +513,16 @@ void DivePlannerGraphics::drawProfile()
QPolygonF poly;
poly.append(QPointF(lastx, lasty));
- plannerDisplay->clear();
+ bool oldRecalc = plannerModel->setRecalc(false);
+ QVector<int> computedPoints;
+ for (int i = 0; i < plannerModel->rowCount(); i++)
+ if (!plannerModel->at(i).entered)
+ computedPoints.push_back(i);
+ plannerModel->removeSelectedPoints(computedPoints);
+ int lastdepth = 0;
+ int lasto2 = 0;
+ int lasthe = 0;
for (dp = diveplan.dp; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
if (dp->time == 0) // magic entry for available tank
@@ -648,21 +531,22 @@ void DivePlannerGraphics::drawProfile()
if (!dp->entered) {
QGraphicsLineItem *item = new QGraphicsLineItem(lastx, lasty, xpos, ypos);
item->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 0));
lines << item;
if (dp->depth) {
- qDebug() << "Time: " << dp->time / 60 << " depth: " << dp->depth / 1000;
- computedPoint p(dp->time, dp->depth);
- plannerDisplay->insertPoint(p);
+ if (dp->depth == lastdepth || dp->o2 != dp->next->o2 || dp->he != dp->next->he)
+ plannerModel->addStop(dp->depth, dp->time, dp->o2, dp->he, 0, false);
+ lastdepth = dp->depth;
+ lasto2 = dp->o2;
+ lasthe = dp->he;
lastx = xpos;
lasty = ypos;
poly.append(QPointF(lastx, lasty));
- qDebug() << " ";
- plannerDisplay->addStops();
+ plannerModel->setRecalc(oldRecalc);
QRectF b = poly.boundingRect();
@@ -1069,9 +953,8 @@ DivePlannerWidget::DivePlannerWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidg
ui.tableWidget->setTitle(tr("Dive Planner Points"));
+ DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->setRecalc(true);
ui.tableWidget->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(DivePlannerPointsModel::GAS, new AirTypesDelegate(this));
- ui.tableWidgetComp->setTitle(tr("Computed Waypoints"));
- ui.tableWidgetComp->setModel(DivePlannerDisplay::instance());
ui.cylinderTableWidget->setTitle(tr("Available Gases"));
QTableView *view = ui.cylinderTableWidget->view();
@@ -1090,9 +973,14 @@ DivePlannerWidget::DivePlannerWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidg
GasSelectionModel::instance(), SLOT(repopulate()));
connect(CylindersModel::instance(), SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)),
GasSelectionModel::instance(), SLOT(repopulate()));
+ connect(CylindersModel::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, int, int)),
+ plannerModel, SLOT(drawProfile()));
+ connect(CylindersModel::instance(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)),
+ plannerModel, SLOT(drawProfile()));
+ connect(CylindersModel::instance(), SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)),
+ plannerModel, SLOT(drawProfile()));
ui.tableWidget->setBtnToolTip(tr("add dive data point"));
- ui.tableWidgetComp->setBtnToolTip(tr("This does nothing, and should be removed"));
connect(ui.startTime, SIGNAL(timeChanged(QTime)), plannerModel, SLOT(setStartTime(QTime)));
connect(ui.ATMPressure, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(atmPressureChanged(QString)));
connect(ui.bottomSAC, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(bottomSacChanged(QString)));
@@ -1156,6 +1044,18 @@ bool DivePlannerPointsModel::isPlanner()
return mode == PLAN;
+bool DivePlannerPointsModel::setRecalc(bool rec)
+ bool old = recalc;
+ recalc = rec;
+ return old;
+bool DivePlannerPointsModel::recalcQ()
+ return recalc;
int DivePlannerPointsModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return COLUMNS;
@@ -1170,9 +1070,15 @@ QVariant DivePlannerPointsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
return (double)p.po2 / 1000;
case DEPTH:
return rint(get_depth_units(p.depth, NULL, NULL));
- case DURATION:
+ case RUNTIME:
return p.time / 60;
+ case DURATION:
+ if (index.row())
+ return (p.time - divepoints.at(index.row() -1).time) / 60;
+ else
+ return p.time / 60;
case GAS:
return dpGasToStr(p);
} else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
@@ -1181,7 +1087,13 @@ QVariant DivePlannerPointsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
return QIcon(":trash");
} else if (role == Qt::FontRole) {
- return defaultModelFont();
+ if (divepoints.at(index.row()).entered) {
+ return defaultModelFont();
+ } else {
+ QFont font = defaultModelFont();
+ font.setBold(true);
+ return font;
+ }
return QVariant();
@@ -1196,9 +1108,15 @@ bool DivePlannerPointsModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &v
case DEPTH:
p.depth = units_to_depth(value.toInt());
- case DURATION:
+ case RUNTIME:
p.time = value.toInt() * 60;
+ case DURATION:
+ if (index.row())
+ p.time = value.toInt() * 60 + divepoints[index.row() - 1].time;
+ else
+ p.time = value.toInt() * 60;
+ break;
int po2 = 0;
QByteArray gasv = value.toByteArray();
@@ -1224,6 +1142,8 @@ QVariant DivePlannerPointsModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orienta
switch (section) {
case DEPTH:
return tr("Final Depth");
+ case RUNTIME:
+ return tr("Run time");
return tr("Duration");
case GAS:
@@ -1239,7 +1159,10 @@ QVariant DivePlannerPointsModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orienta
Qt::ItemFlags DivePlannerPointsModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
- return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable;
+ if(index.column() != DURATION)
+ return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable;
+ else
+ return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
int DivePlannerPointsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
@@ -1317,6 +1240,10 @@ bool DivePlannerPointsModel::addGas(int o2, int he)
cyl->gasmix.o2.permille = o2;
cyl->gasmix.he.permille = he;
+ if(!o2)
+ cyl->depth.mm = 1600 * 1000 / O2_IN_AIR * 10 - 10000;
+ else
+ cyl->depth.mm = 1600 * 1000 / o2 * 10 - 10000;
return true;
@@ -1327,12 +1254,20 @@ bool DivePlannerPointsModel::addGas(int o2, int he)
return false;
+int DivePlannerPointsModel::lastEnteredPoint()
+ for (int i = divepoints.count()-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (divepoints.at(i).entered)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
int DivePlannerPointsModel::addStop(int milimeters, int seconds, int o2, int he, int ccpoint, bool entered)
int row = divepoints.count();
if (seconds == 0 && milimeters == 0 && row != 0) {
/* this is only possible if the user clicked on the 'plus' sign on the DivePoints Table */
- struct divedatapoint &t = divepoints.last();
+ const divedatapoint t = divepoints.at(lastEnteredPoint());
milimeters = t.depth;
seconds = t.time + 600; // 10 minutes.
o2 = t.o2;
@@ -1386,6 +1321,15 @@ int DivePlannerPointsModel::addStop(int milimeters, int seconds, int o2, int he,
+ bool oldRecalc = setRecalc(false);
+ if (oldRecalc){
+ QVector<int> computedPoints;
+ for (int i = 0; i < plannerModel->rowCount(); i++)
+ if (!plannerModel->at(i).entered)
+ computedPoints.push_back(i);
+ plannerModel->removeSelectedPoints(computedPoints);
+ }
+ setRecalc(oldRecalc);
// add the new stop
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row);
divedatapoint point;
@@ -1478,6 +1422,8 @@ bool DivePlannerPointsModel::tankInUse(int o2, int he)
divedatapoint &p = divepoints[j];
if (p.time == 0) // special entries that hold the available gases
+ if (!p.entered) // removing deco gases is ok
+ continue;
if ((p.o2 == o2 && p.he == he) ||
(is_air(p.o2, p.he) && is_air(o2, he)))
return true;
@@ -1552,8 +1498,8 @@ void DivePlannerPointsModel::createTemporaryPlan()
divedatapoint p = at(i);
int deltaT = lastIndex != -1 ? p.time - at(lastIndex).time : p.time;
lastIndex = i;
- p.entered = true;
- plan_add_segment(&diveplan, deltaT, p.depth, p.o2, p.he, p.po2, true);
+ if (p.entered)
+ plan_add_segment(&diveplan, deltaT, p.depth, p.o2, p.he, p.po2, true);
char *cache = NULL;
tempDive = NULL;
@@ -1626,10 +1572,14 @@ void DivePlannerPointsModel::createPlan()
// FIXME: The epic assumption that all the cylinders after the first is deco
int sac = i ? diveplan.decosac : diveplan.bottomsac;
cyl->start.mbar = cyl->type.workingpressure.mbar;
- int consumption = ((depth_to_mbar(mean[i], tempDive) * duration[i] / 60) * sac) / (cyl->type.size.mliter / 1000);
- cyl->end.mbar = cyl->start.mbar - consumption;
+ if(cyl->type.size.mliter) {
+ int consumption = ((depth_to_mbar(mean[i], tempDive) * duration[i] / 60) * sac) / (cyl->type.size.mliter / 1000);
+ cyl->end.mbar = cyl->start.mbar - consumption;
+ } else {
+ /* Cylider without a proper size are easily emptied */
+ cyl->end.mbar = 0;
+ }
// Remove and clean the diveplan, so we don't delete