path: root/qt-ui/printlayout.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/printlayout.cpp')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/printlayout.cpp b/qt-ui/printlayout.cpp
index e06bedaa2..b84f2ecea 100644
--- a/qt-ui/printlayout.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/printlayout.cpp
@@ -131,18 +131,16 @@ void PrintLayout::printProfileDives(int divesPerRow, int divesPerColumn)
painter.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
// setup the profile widget
- ProfileGraphicsView *profile = MainWindow::instance()->graphics();
- const int profileFrameStyle = profile->frameStyle();
- profile->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame);
- profile->clear();
- profile->setPrintMode(true, !printOptions->color_selected);
- QSize originalSize = profile->size();
+ ProfileWidget2 profile;
+ profile.setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame);
+// profile->setPrintMode(true, !printOptions->color_selected);
// swap rows/col for landscape
if (printer->orientation() == QPrinter::Landscape) {
int swap = divesPerColumn;
divesPerColumn = divesPerRow;
divesPerRow = swap;
// padding in pixels between two dives. no padding if only one dive per page.
const int padDef = 20;
const int padW = (divesPerColumn < 2) ? 0 : padDef;
@@ -154,11 +152,11 @@ void PrintLayout::printProfileDives(int divesPerRow, int divesPerColumn)
const int padPT = 5;
// create a model and table
ProfilePrintModel model;
- QTableView *table = createProfileTable(&model, scaledW);
+ QPointer<QTableView> table(createProfileTable(&model, scaledW));
// profilePrintTableMaxH updates after the table is created
const int tableH = profilePrintTableMaxH;
// resize the profile widget
- profile->resize(scaledW, scaledH - tableH - padPT);
+ profile.resize(scaledW, scaledH - tableH - padPT);
// offset table or profile on top
int yOffsetProfile = 0, yOffsetTable = 0;
if (printOptions->notes_up)
@@ -182,8 +180,8 @@ void PrintLayout::printProfileDives(int divesPerRow, int divesPerColumn)
// draw a profile
painter.translate((scaledW + padW) * col, (scaledH + padH) * row + yOffsetProfile);
- profile->plot(dive, true);
- profile->render(&painter, QRect(0, 0, scaledW, scaledH - tableH - padPT));
+ profile.plotDives( QList<struct dive*>() << dive);
+ profile.render(&painter, QRect(0, 0, scaledW, scaledH - tableH - padPT));
// draw a table
@@ -195,15 +193,6 @@ void PrintLayout::printProfileDives(int divesPerRow, int divesPerColumn)
emit signalProgress((printed * 100) / total);
- // cleanup
- painter.end();
- delete table;
- profile->setFrameStyle(profileFrameStyle);
- profile->setPrintMode(false);
- profile->resize(originalSize);
- profile->clear();
- profile->plot(current_dive, true);
/* we create a table that has a fixed height, but can stretch to fit certain width */